Articles by Svetlana Luchitskaya
Электронный научно-образовательный журнал, 2023
В статье анализируется известный эпизод в истории дипломатических отношений Иерусалимского коро... more В статье анализируется известный эпизод в истории дипломатических отношений Иерусалимского королевства и фатимидского Египта — заключение в 1167 г. договора о военной помощи. Сама процедура заключения соглашения выявила яркие различия в западном и восточном этикете дипломатии и спровоцировала культурный шок, который был преодолен при помощи символических жестов. Переведенный в статье пассаж из хроники Гийома Тирского позволяет составить ясное представление о том, как функционировал язык дипломатии на латинском Востоке в середине XII в.

Religions, 2023
The Crusaders who followed Via militaris or Via Egnatia to the Holy Land traversed the vast and m... more The Crusaders who followed Via militaris or Via Egnatia to the Holy Land traversed the vast and more or less unknown region of the Balkans, where they found themselves in an unfamiliar natural environment. This article explores the physical and psychological effects experienced by the Crusaders in this environment as recorded in their chronicles and accounts of pilgrimages. The purpose of this study is to investigate how nature affected the Crusaders and what they thought about it. When chroniclers write about nature in the Balkans, they emphasize its desolation, inaccessibility and remoteness from any established society and civilization. The portrayals of the wild and treacherous environment align with the stories about the Balkan people and their brutish customs, “barbarous” language, and way of life. Overall, these descriptions are based on the contrasting concepts of ‘nature’ and ‘culture’, ‘barbarism’ and ‘civilization’, ‘chaos’ and ‘order’, and so forth.
In Umbra: Демонология как семиотическая система, 2021
В статье предлагается интерпретация изображения пророка ислама во фреске Кампо Санто в Пизе и пок... more В статье предлагается интерпретация изображения пророка ислама во фреске Кампо Санто в Пизе и показано, что смыслы, заложенные в этой фреске, по-разному раскрываются в разных контекстах - временном и вечном

Odysseus. Man in History, 2022
The article examines a tragic episode in the history of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, that is, ... more The article examines a tragic episode in the history of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, that is, the sudden death of king Fulk I of Jerusalem. The author tries to answer the question what consequences this event had for the society and state of the crusaders. To this end, she embeds this fact into a more general context of the political history of the Latin Orient. The death of Fulk turns out to have weakened his kingdom and provoked serious political crisis. It triggered a new stage of struggle for power, which eventually escalated into a real civil war, culminating in the accession of Fulk’s son Baudouin III to the throne. The study shows that the crusaders’ state was regarded by its ruling elite not as an institution providing a political framework for society but as a hereditary possession of the rulers which changed hands like any other kind of property. The death of a member of the royal family could disable this system.

Вестник РГГУ. Серия "Литературоведение. Языкознание. Культурология". N 4., 2022
Cтатья представляет собой попытку реконструкции исторического контекста известной в средневеково... more Cтатья представляет собой попытку реконструкции исторического контекста известной в средневековой литературе легенды, которая возникла на основе стихов о «дальней любви» (amor de lohn) провансальского поэта Джауфре Рюделя. Романтический сюжет о трубадуре, который влюбился в Прекрасную Даму, обрел необычайную популярность у романтиков XIX в. Он был переработан в целом ряде литературных произведений разного жанра-от стихов Франческо Петрарки, Генриха Гейне, Людвига Уландa, до пьесы Эдмона де Ростана «Дальняя принцесса» (La Princesse Lointaine), в русском переводе получившей название «Принцесса Грёза». Впервые «Дальняя Принцесса», в которую якобы был заочно влюблен поэт, была отождествлена с «графиней Триполитанской» в середине XIII в. в vida трубадура. Затем этот сюжет много раз воспроизводился в литературных памятниках, включая произведения романтиков XIX-XX вв. Избегая традиционной для литературоведов дискуссии, в которой обсуждается вопрос о том, считать ли «графиню Триполитанскую» вымышленной фигурой или историческим персонажем, автор статьи стремится выявить те события и факты в истории Триполитанского дома и его представителей, которые могли быть переосмыслены в народном воображении и исторической памяти в процессе создания легенды.
Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 2019
The aim of this article is to examine the various representations of the
emperor Heraclius in the... more The aim of this article is to examine the various representations of the
emperor Heraclius in the chronicle of Guibert de Nogent, and in the narratives of other
twelfth-century chronicles. On the one hand, the Byzantine emperor is represented as a
sinner and an apostate; on the other, he is considered as an ideal sovereign who
recovered the true cross for Christendom. These two aspects of his image are important
for the representation of Heraclius as an exemplary Crusader.
"Literary Theory. Linguistics. Cultural Studies” , 2020
The article is devoted to a little-known historical poem on the Third Crusade (‘Le Pas... more The article is devoted to a little-known historical poem on the Third Crusade (‘Le Pas Saladin’). This literary work, which was very popular during the Middle Ages, is considered to be based on true facts concerning the history of the Battle of Jaffa (1192). The aim of the article is to place the poem in a broader context, in order to see how, within the text of the ‘Pas Saladin’, history devolves into legend and how actual events are deliberately distorted and reinterpreted by an unknown narrator. The author of the article admits that the process of reconsidering the history of the famous battle could be re-lated to the European search for political and national identity.
Французский ежегодник, 2014
The article analyzes a short passage from the Guibert of Nogent’s “Dei Gesta per Francos” (God’s ... more The article analyzes a short passage from the Guibert of Nogent’s “Dei Gesta per Francos” (God’s Deeds through the Franks) which is placed before the account of the life of Muhammad, the prophet of islam. In this passage the French theologian drew a very broad picture of the Orient seen as a vast region where the teaching of Muhammad had emerged and where the Crusaders had to fight against the infidels. The author of the article tries to interpret the sense and the contents of this text. She raises the question of how this passage about the Orient is related to the biography of Muhammad, what is the task it performs in the narrative and how the Orient is portrayed by one of the most well-known First Crusade chroniclers.
Византийский временник , 2006
The article analzyes the 13th century Old Russian «Tale of the Capture of Tsar’grad by the Frang... more The article analzyes the 13th century Old Russian «Tale of the Capture of Tsar’grad by the Frangiane» written by was an eye-witness of the events of 1204 . For a long time it was believed that the text is based on Byzantine sources and presents Byzantine view of events. As shown in the paper, the author of the "Tale" drew his information from the German crusaders rather than from Greeks. On the one hand, he condemns conquest of Constantinople by the Western Christians, but on the other hand, he blames the Byzantine elite for pernicious internal discords. By doing so, the Russian writer wants to send a warning to the Rus’ princes on the eve of the Mongol invasion.
Православная энциклопедия .Т.48, 2017
Srednie veka. Studies on Medieval and Early Modern History, 2019
This is a translation of Peter the Venerable's "Summa totius haeresis Saracenorum" from Latin int... more This is a translation of Peter the Venerable's "Summa totius haeresis Saracenorum" from Latin into Russian. The translation is preceded by introductory article.
The article is a study of the treatise “The Life of Mohammed” belonging
to the feather of the fam... more The article is a study of the treatise “The Life of Mohammed” belonging
to the feather of the famous theologian of the 17th century Humphrey Pride
(1648–1724) who was an Anglican clergyman. His work was published on
the eve of the Age of Enlightenment which is believed to have destroyed
many medieval stereotypes. But to what extent have the Christian Europe’s
views on Islam and the founder of this religious teaching changed at this
time? The author of the article tries to answer this question by analyzing
the content of the text by Humphrey Pridot as well as the accompanying
Articles by Svetlana Luchitskaya
emperor Heraclius in the chronicle of Guibert de Nogent, and in the narratives of other
twelfth-century chronicles. On the one hand, the Byzantine emperor is represented as a
sinner and an apostate; on the other, he is considered as an ideal sovereign who
recovered the true cross for Christendom. These two aspects of his image are important
for the representation of Heraclius as an exemplary Crusader.
to the feather of the famous theologian of the 17th century Humphrey Pride
(1648–1724) who was an Anglican clergyman. His work was published on
the eve of the Age of Enlightenment which is believed to have destroyed
many medieval stereotypes. But to what extent have the Christian Europe’s
views on Islam and the founder of this religious teaching changed at this
time? The author of the article tries to answer this question by analyzing
the content of the text by Humphrey Pridot as well as the accompanying
emperor Heraclius in the chronicle of Guibert de Nogent, and in the narratives of other
twelfth-century chronicles. On the one hand, the Byzantine emperor is represented as a
sinner and an apostate; on the other, he is considered as an ideal sovereign who
recovered the true cross for Christendom. These two aspects of his image are important
for the representation of Heraclius as an exemplary Crusader.
to the feather of the famous theologian of the 17th century Humphrey Pride
(1648–1724) who was an Anglican clergyman. His work was published on
the eve of the Age of Enlightenment which is believed to have destroyed
many medieval stereotypes. But to what extent have the Christian Europe’s
views on Islam and the founder of this religious teaching changed at this
time? The author of the article tries to answer this question by analyzing
the content of the text by Humphrey Pridot as well as the accompanying
Вы узнаете о том, кто такие крестоносцы, по каким мотивам они принимали крестоносный обет, какие коллизии в жизни семьи и общества порождало это решение, как осуществлялись финансирование и логистика военно-религиозных экспедиций, как протекала походная жизнь крестоносцев и как они обустраивали жизнь в Святой земле. Часть этих сюжетов рассматривается на примерах необычных жизненных историй конкретных исторических персонажей.
В книге также ставится вопрос о том, в какой степени контакты с Востоком, знакомство с неизвестными народами и культурами изменили образ жизни и восприятие мира средневековых людей.
The age of the crusades is one of the most important epochs in the history of humanity. And yet, so far we do not have a full and complete answer to the question of what exactly the crusades were. How did the idea of the crusade come about? Who were the crusaders? How many crusades were there in total? How did they impact on the medieval civilization? What caused the crusades to end? The author of this comprehensive study ponders over these and many other issues by placing the events in their social, political and intellectual context and by focusing on how crusading evolved in theory and practice. This book suggests a new and stimulating view of the popular topic.
Le présent livre est consacré à l’analyse des traditions historique, littéraire et iconographique qui ont participé à la formation de l’image des musulmans à l’époque des croisades. On révèle les signes de l’alterité qui sont propres à ces traditions, aussi étudie-t-on l’évolution des représentations chrétiennes des musulmans au cours des XII-XII ss. On accorde l’attention spéciale aux procédés narratifs de représentations qui aident aux chroniqueurs de créer l’image de l’Autre.
this subject has considerably grown over the last two decades. Unlike in previous studies
based on German and Latin sources, the main focus here is on literary works in Old French
texts of the 13th–15th centuries. Due to this French perspective the author managed to take
a fresh look at the well-known topic and to raise and answer the main question of how the
Baltic crusade and especially the imaginary Baltic world helped to create a European vision of alterity and of a frontier of Christianity. In addition, Chollet’s work presents a thorough summary of the sources and current research. On the whole, this book will serve as a
good introduction to the Baltic crusades for students and for specialists in other crusades