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A conceptual register of the debate on artistic and wage labor, which is conducted with almost the same adjectives used in an inflationary manner. Which judgements of value about art and work have become inflationary? The book... more
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      Curatorial Studies and PracticeArtistic ResearchCuratorial Practice (Art)Curatorial writing
This book explores the territories where manual, graphic, photographic, and digital techniques interfere and interlace in sciences and humanities. It operates on the assumption that when photography was introduced, it did not oust other... more
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      EpistemologyArt HistoryPhotogrammetryPhotography
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      PhotogrammetryHistory and Theory of PhotographyPreservation of Monuments
exhibition review - c/o Berlin "Das letzte Bild - Fotografie und Tod"
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    • History and Theory of Photography
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      PhotogrammetryHistory of ScienceWeather ForecastingHistory and Theory of Photography
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      ArchitectureHistory of TechnologyHistory of ArtViusal Culture
unter dem Stichwort "Visual History". Es besteht die Möglichkeit zum gemeinsamen Mittagessen (bitte bei Anmeldung Reservierungswunsch angeben).
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exhibition review
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    • Theory and History of Photography
exhibition panel
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      PhotogrammetryFine Art PhotographyHistory and Theory of Photography
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      PhotogrammetryVisual CultureVisual HistoryHistory of Humanities
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      PhotogrammetryHistory of ScienceHistory of HumanitiesHistory and Theory of Photography
Studientage der Fototheken der Bibliotheca Hertziana-Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom und des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Rom 22.-24.3.2017 Organisation: Tatjana Bartsch (BH), Ralf Bockmann (DAI), Paul Pasieka (DAI),... more
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      PhotogrammetryHistory of ArtHistory and theory of architecturePost-War Reconstruction
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      PhotogrammetryFine Art PhotographyHistory and Theory of Photography
Das 34. Bielefelder Fotosymposium widmet sich unter dem Titel "Strukturen in der Fotografie. Strukturen des Tektonischen - Strukturen des Lebendigen" Bild und Begriff der Struktur in der Fotografie. Wurde der Strukturbegriff, der seine... more
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      PhotogrammetryHistory and theory of architectureMonument PreservationHistory and Theory of Photography
De vez en cuando, al uso excesivo de términos se le llama inflacionario. En este glosario se discuten juicios de valor sobre el arte y el trabajo, cuya valencia lingüística se puede comparar, en cierta manera, con el valor del dinero. A... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtConceptual ArtMaterial Culture
De vez en cuando, al uso excesivo de términos se le llama inflacionario. En este glosario se discuten juicios de valor sobre el arte y el trabajo, cuya valencia lingüística se puede comparar, en cierta manera, con el valor del dinero. A... more
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      Contemporary ArtPerfomance StudiesArte Conceptual Y Posconceptual.
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    • History and Theory of Photography
From the perspective of the deviating strategies of outbidding or undercutting standards (virtuoso, dilettante), the symposium will focus on nerd-like behavior. Are nerds the undead reincarnations of artistic experts from an era in which... more
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      Queer StudiesFeminist science and technology studiesQueer Media Studies
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      Applied EthicsMedical Ethics