Name: Lauren
Nicknames: Ray, RayRay, Weebl
Age: 15 going on 16
Location: South Florida
Sexual orientation: straight but experimental
Democrat, Republican or Independant: democrat
Why are you applying to HO and why do you want to be part of this community?: 'Cause I helped START it! HOW D'YOU LIKE DEM APPLES!?!? *cough* sorry. hehe.
How can (and will) you effect the HO community? By bringing my evil antics and messed up music for all to enjoy. Oh, and showing you awesome French pin-ups. Sexalicious.
What do you think makes you a human orgasm? I'm quite attractive, ifidosaysomyself. And I'm quite nice, despite my bondage fetish. Really, you have to get to KNOW Lauren to be ONE with Lauren. *dumb grin*
Which member in this community would you most like to hang out with and why?: Elle, 'cause she beats the Quaker Oats guy any day of the week!
Where would you most like to spend your vacation, why?: Out on the road, traveling. I've been cooped up in one state all my life, so I don't know one place to pick.. heck, why not see all of it!?
What was your most memorable moment? My party to get over my ex with Nikki and Sara. Nikki was sneezing out red jello for two days.
What is one question you would like to ask the mod/maintainer of HO? How was the egg dying?
Pop-culture: A lot of it got fake. But hey, as long as there are unique people out there, its cool.
Politics: I do not like the President. I do not like patriotism. Thats all I really care to say.
The Sex Pistols: I need to be in a Pistol-y mood to listen to them.
The Smashing Pumpkins: YES! WHOOOOOOOOO!! \m/
Illiteracy: Some people really do have trouble learning and stuff. But I think it's really bad when people are just... lazy.
The Media: They need to quit focusing on skinny pretty people. Beauty is here. ::holds hand over heart::
Gay marriage: Awlright! Dude, I'm so happy that gay marriage is being allowed in more and more states.
Abortion: Pro-choice. A woman's body is her own business.
World hunger: hey, I'd help solve it.
Favorite Things *Please explain why!*
Three all-time favorite bands:
*Co&Ca (unique; great sound)
*System of a Down (great political activity; great sound)
*Senses Fail (great emotion; great sound)
Three all-time favorite movies:
*The Virgin Suicides (moving)
*Harold and Maude (messed up, but sweet)
*Princess Mononoke (awesome, awesome anime)
Three all-time favorite books:
*She's Come Undone (just... wow)
*The Virgin Suicides (DEPRESSING... but great)
*Memoirs of a Geisha (I have a love for Japanese culture... and this was just fantabulous anyway)
Three all-time favorite places:
*Disney World (been goin there since I was a kiddie!)
*My grandma's old house (it was so tiny, in the middle of nowhere, with a orange grove in the backyard!)
*Anywhere outside (I LOVE being outside)
Favorite lyrics: *Only one or two lines needed* "I will touch the sun or I will die trying"
Favorite board game: Arch Rival, bi@tch!
Favorite color and pattern: color: blue; pattern: stripes
Favorite animal: Penguins
Favorite fetish: *It's your choice! Please explain why it is, and why you chose it* Bondage ('cause I've got brains and I like sex! [only Derek would get the reference])
*Please post four non-edited pictures of your face here. In addition to those four pictures, one salute picture is required, where you're holding up a sign expressing your pride in HO (ex. I love HO, HO rocks, I am a HO, etc...). Also, it is required to post two non-copyrighted pictures that symbolize you, including an explanation of each symbol.*