and...? step down
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sweet jesus' Journal
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sweet jesus

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New Kid. [10 Apr 2004|02:15pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Name: Shannon Elise Kennedy
Nicknames:Boozer [ long story ] , Shannie, Shan & Sha-ney-ney.
Age:15, but 16 in 26 days. xP
Location: Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey [ south Jersey ]
Sexual orientation: I like boys.
Democrat, Republican or Independant: Democrat

....Shes got a name for her self....Collapse )

7 bitches - comment, bitch.

new [08 Apr 2004|05:39pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Read more...Collapse )

2 bitches - comment, bitch.

Love Me... [09 Apr 2004|01:24am]

[ mood | bitchy ]

Nicknames:Meesa, Mees, Missi, Mel, Meep, Meever, Meevs etc.
Age: 19
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sexual orientation: i enjoy the cock
Democrat, Republican or Independant: Democrat

MEESA!Collapse )

♥ Meesa ♥

1 bitch - comment, bitch.

Application [09 Apr 2004|12:27am]

[ mood | amused ]

Name: Lauren
Nicknames: Ray, RayRay, Weebl
Age: 15 going on 16
Location: South Florida
Sexual orientation: straight but experimental
Democrat, Republican or Independant: democrat

I've been watching, I've been waiting, in the shadows...Collapse )

comment, bitch.

newbie [08 Apr 2004|06:19pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

Name: Grace
Nicknames: Gracie, or Gracen.
Age: 16
Location: California
Sexual orientation: Bi curious
Democrat, Republican or Independant: None of the above.

More about my boring self.Collapse )

3 bitches - comment, bitch.

My application- because I rock. [08 Apr 2004|06:35pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Name: Jem/Elle/Layra/Laura/Elledonna, etc.
Nicknames: See above.
Age: Sixteen
Location: Washington State, USA
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
Democrat, Republican or Independant: Independant.
could you be love?Collapse )

comment, bitch.

Stamped members! [08 Apr 2004|05:24pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]

Cleanliness is godlinessCollapse )

comment, bitch.

The Application [08 Apr 2004|05:17pm]
[ mood | amused ]

For an un-cluttered look!Collapse )

comment, bitch.

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