Papers by Dr. Anh Tho Andres Kammler
Organisation of the Report:
1) Introduction and Summary
2) Reason for the acquisition
3) Estimate... more Organisation of the Report:
1) Introduction and Summary
2) Reason for the acquisition
3) Estimated valuation of the merger (in the press)
4) My estimations of the valuation based on an NPV analysis
5) What will Lenovo offer as return on investment in ten years?
6) My opinion on this deal
The case is about Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM’s personal computer business. The report is an analysis for internal use as an investment analyst based on the following considerations: Why do companies invest in a new acquisition? What is the methodology for valuation of the acquisition? What other added-value apart from financial gains do acquisitions bring to the buyer? What is the impact on the financial market, on shareholder’s value when an acquisition deal is made public?
Declaration of Authorship " I (We) hereby declare that I (we) have neither given nor received una... more Declaration of Authorship " I (We) hereby declare that I (we) have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this assignment, that all work is my (our) own unless otherwise stated, and that all sources used in the preparation of this assignment have been properly cited. " Name of participant/participants: Anh Tho Andres Assignment question: Analyse the management path of a technology innovation that has reached the market. Analytical framework: innovation process, investment requirements and approach, how the technology was put at work, result business model.
This case is about the Concorde. The assignment was to choose a firm facing serious strategic cha... more This case is about the Concorde. The assignment was to choose a firm facing serious strategic challenges today? to identify and discuss:
1. 3 main strategic issues the company is facing
2. 3 strategic recommendations to management to ensure the future success of the company
3. Macro-economic and competitive context impacting management margin for maneuver
4. Reasons why Company has not implemented your ideas? How easy it would be to implement each of my strategic recommendations.
In this assignment, my analysis will focus on how a private-owned tiny “retailer of online educat... more In this assignment, my analysis will focus on how a private-owned tiny “retailer of online education packages” - hereafter referred as the “University“ - managed to make a real brand from an anonymous educational center in Geneva, into a prestigious Swiss High Fly institution to the eyes of emerging countries’ clientele, through providing online business education packages, in spite of many violations such as not respecting the code of ethics of the education industry: plagiarisms, cheating, non-respect of intellectual property, assisted assignments, misrepresentation, etc., and yet enjoying a substantial growth for the past three years. In this case, I wanted to address an issue on how a “market orientation” policy can influence the four P’s in the marketing mix that is taught in marketing theory.
Singapore airlines showcases the excellence of a young company that knows how to use its competit... more Singapore airlines showcases the excellence of a young company that knows how to use its competitive advantage, resources and capacities to grow from a small and limited market to a global player. SIA also benefits from the excellent vision and strategy of Singapore leaders on how to build the country to be the hub for the whole region.
By combining an excellent business strategy with know-how in financial and operation management, SIA has successful implemented its strategy throughout the value chain and gain the reputation of an outstanding company. This case study is a very good example for all business leaders in the airline industry to consider.
This paper deals with a mismanagement case of one of the ten top companies in Vietnam, Vinashin. ... more This paper deals with a mismanagement case of one of the ten top companies in Vietnam, Vinashin. The paper addresses issues on ethical standards, improper accounting practices, impact on the stakeholders, and lessons learned from them.

Without the international agencies, the world would be chaotic and a lot of conflicts would be wo... more Without the international agencies, the world would be chaotic and a lot of conflicts would be worsened and get out of control.
Although the role of the UN was criticized by many organizations by its failure of certain late developments especially in the case of Gulf war, we must look at the whole picture to see that the UN is facing a huge problem because of lack of funds, non-respect of the commitment of certain member states, and the mechanism of veto rights that give certain nations more power than the others, the UN and its agencies are fundamental in regulating the world as it is and have created a huge difference in protecting human rights, nation rights, and maintaining peace for most countries. The series of negotiations for better trade exchanges, international conference on world issues, regional forum between member states, world federations of professional bodies are all signs for a better harmonization of rules conducting to the maintenance of peace though a sustainable policy which is profitable to all nations.
The "Formosa case" has created a disastrous consequences on Vietnamese coastal environment and th... more The "Formosa case" has created a disastrous consequences on Vietnamese coastal environment and the livehood of over 20 million people living on fishing and farming for the next 50 years. Local people have been demonstrating against Formosa and claim compensation, but this movement has not been support by the government who wants to keep the FDI environment attractive to keep the foreign investors. More such threats are unfolding in Vietnam if this case is unsolved. If you want to have an impact on the future of Vietnam, you need to put pressure at the level of international organizations to enforce environmental standards aiming at protecting life and sustainable development. This paper is about the impact of international organisations on today's multilateral politics can also be applied in the case of Formosa.

Titre en anglais: Restructuring State-Owned Organizations In Transition Economies – A Case Study ... more Titre en anglais: Restructuring State-Owned Organizations In Transition Economies – A Case Study Of Vietnam.
L’objectif de cette étude est de savoir dans quelle mesure une économie planifiée ou en transition, dont le Vietnam fait partie, peut adopter les théories et pratiques de gestion appliquées dans des économies de marché, telle la privatisation appliquée par les pays de l’OECD. Par cette étude, l’auteur serait en mesure de conclure que les théories de gestion de l'économie de marché sont applicables ou non à une économie en transition, ou est-ce une réforme organisationnelle de l'environnement macro-économique serait justifiée ? L’étude va se fixer la période depuis 1991 jusqu’en 2012 et va se concentrer sur la législation vietnamienne sur le processus de restructuration du secteur EP (cadre institutionnel, politique économique), ainsi que leur mise en œuvre. Langue: français. Ecole doctorale: UPEC (France). Directeur de thèse: Jean-David Avenel. Candidate: Anh Tho Andres (Suisse).

In 1991, Vietnam has started its renovation policy or "doi moi", for a better integration to the ... more In 1991, Vietnam has started its renovation policy or "doi moi", for a better integration to the World Economy. After Vietnam's accession to WTO in 2007, there is a notable change in terms of FDI flows into Vietnam (up to 144 mio USD). The main investment partners come from Asia-Pacific region and Europe. This thesis reflects the progress in terms of legal framework concerning the restructuring of state-owned enterprises (better known as Corporations 90-91), in view of re-grouping them under Economic Groups. Using OECD Principles on Corporate Governance as methodology, the Author evaluates how the processus of privatisation in Vietnam aligns with these guidelines. Case studies on selected SOEs allow an assessment of how this change management occurs in reality and what challenges Vietnam's economy is facing in the context of globalization. Period of study will cover from 1991 to 2012.
Le projet a pour objet de mettre en place une idée innovatrice. Nous avons choisi le thème sur "L... more Le projet a pour objet de mettre en place une idée innovatrice. Nous avons choisi le thème sur "L'intégration verticale du processus de production jusqu'à la distribution du lait de Dromadère, fabriqué en Tunisie, et destiné aux consommateurs français". Ce travail est un travail d'équipe par notre groupe "Les Bleus" dont je fais partie. Les autres participants sont: Hourmati, Tsiory, Pierre, Sonia, Sameh, Adrien, et Anne-Claire. Le défi est de faire une présentation en un SEUL slide et en faire un "pitch" au panel des examinateurs.

Being French educated since age 2 (yeah, it was a long time ago), I naturally said "YES" to the o... more Being French educated since age 2 (yeah, it was a long time ago), I naturally said "YES" to the opportunity of doing my PhD research with Paris-Est Créteil (now renamed UPEC-UPEM, after being merged with Paris Marne La Vallée) in France. So I signed up to the Research Lab OMI (Organisations, Marchés, Institutions) and joined my lab mates at the Largotec Lab (now renamed as LIPHA, after Hannah Arendt, the famous German philosopher).
You can imagine that just this short introduction on where I belong to as a 'Doctorante' (the French slang would be "thésard(e)" or, in good English, Doctoral Research Candidate) would take at least 3 minutes to "locate" myself to new encounters. Of course, we normally do not do it à la singapouréenne, where one would introduce him- or herself as "Hey, nice to meet you, I am so-and-so, here is my name card, with all my qualifications therein, here is my email, Skype, FB, LinkedIn, Google+, IM, organisation where I belong to, the number of years of experience in so-and-so field... followed by 'Shall we meet for lunch' and discuss more bla-bla-bla...". Well it is a caricature, but it is very close to the practice, and of course, it is unthinkable NOT to have your name cards with you... because you never know whom you meet on your way... (in my case, this sort of "elevator pitch" techniques proved to be really effective, ha ha).
But for the French culture, it is preferable to "sell yourself" without flooding your new encounter with so many details, as he would right away dismiss you or "classify" you under SPAM. To French people or at least those with French culture, the first "name card" effect is your level of spoken French (sans accent) and the right technical vocabulary in your message, and of course, and very importantly, the fluidity of your discourse. Wow! Coming from Switzerland, although my level of French is classified and accepted as "native" and my "non-accent" French usually earns me some admirative glances, if not open congratulations, from my colleagues and new encounters, whenever I join my classmates in France, I feel like a real "Bernoise" (in Swiss slang, it means "slow" for those who are not familiar with the Röstisgraben mentality of multi-lingual and multicultural Switzerland). In fact, for me, it is a delight for each trip I make to Paris, as I come back to my Swiss home, feeling like Michael Schumacher coming out of a Formula One Race.
One of the prerequisites to qualify for the defense of the Thesis at UPEC is to have fulfilled at least 30 hours (or 15 sessions of 2 hours each) of attendance to the "Séminaire de Méthodologie de Recherche" plus other activities and courses proposed by the Doctoral School.such as professional training, colloques, seminars, talks, ...of which the "Doctoriales" where "doctorants" can benefit a 5-day intensive experience with other colleagues. Usually only a maximum participation of 30 is allowed (and paid for by the School), so it is a real privilege to be invited to be part of this event.
The one to which I participated last June (in 2014) at the Château de Chamarande (near Paris), together with 29 other candidates, brought me a wonderful experience. The challenge is: HOW to survive the intensive training we got in decision making, team building, presentation and leadership skills during those 5 days. Imagine that you are given 45 min (or may be a bit longer) to work out with other team members (whom you meet for the first time) a brand new project and get the best presentation possible on screen to present it in class, in competition with other teams. This is really no joke, as you are asked to limit your presentation in one single slide, demonstrating the underlying team work and team spirit during each of the presentation with the required ouput. The exercise is repeated 3 times a day, during the 5 days, with changing environment and settings, and accelerating the speed to bring up participants to a higher level of competition on time and performance at each session. One of the toughest exercises, at least to me, was to present our own Doctoral thesis based on a poster which we had to prepared in advance before joining. The exercise allows 180 seconds (that is 3 minutes) for the first attempt, to then goes down to 2 minutes for the second attempt. Anyone exceeding more than the allocated time is eliminated. Oh, I can still feel the excitement now, after almost a year from that experience...Compared to the fluidity of speech which most of my French colleagues are used to, my "Swiss" speed suffered some complex of inferiority during those days. But I DID survive thanks to my years of training on techniques in effective communication (oh, thank you for your applause!). The result of this experience is, that we came out of it, wearing the blueprint of our team: for my team mates and myself, from that day on, we are now proud of being "Les Bleus". By the way, my team - Les Bleus - scored BEST overall (Applause again, Thank you !).
For me, my "doctoriales" experiment goes beyond that period of five days. At the Séminaire of Méthodogie de la Recherche, I also had the opportunity of re-shaping my thoughts and enhancing my overall knowledge, in a topic which I would have never thought of doing at this stage of my life: the Epistemology of the Philosophy of Science (view links here for more). In fact, i realized afterwards, that we somehow take philosophy for granted, and tend to forget how much philosophers and thinkers have shaped our modern society with their legacy.
Reading Economic theorists such as Marx, Hobbes, Locke and more of Rousseau, Keynes, Friedman, and then Rawls, and even Sen these last few months brought a rich complement to my early introductory courses on Dürkheim, Weber, Descartes, Pascal, Montaigne, Voltaire, Montesquieu and many more which were part of my youth education. As a result, I feel like I have a thousand books more to read, and feel "always hungry for more".
Having worked on the theories on Social Contract, theories on Social Justice, and other related works during the past 3-5 years, this long journey has led me naturally on reflecting further on Social Inequalities, Governance, and Ethics, and the challenges faced by the World of Today: the redefined role of the State facing globalization, the impact of Governance and Development Policies on the social and economic performance of the corporate community within and beyond the national borders, and, by extension, other issues on Environment, Human Development, Food Security, and Security and Arms Control for Peace, etc. All these questions keep popping up on my path, alternating with contradictory approaches to the problems as my research goes more in-depth. Surely, the Thesis is just a beginning of a long journey, and I am only climbing up the first steps of the pyramid of non-identity.
At the stage of wrapping up on my Thesis, the fruit of my preliminary years of research, through trials and errors, as I am now equipped with the newly "refreshed" tools learnt from these seminars, it seems that my approach to how I see Life and the Business World has changed. I just realize how much impact on the socio-economical transformation resulting from the adoption or misinterpretation of some dogma proposed by academics or theorists, could benefit humanity in their quest of a better world, or on the contrary, could cause so much turmoil and misery to mankind. The book I just finished reading "The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History" written so beautifully by Boris Johnson reminds me that our responsibility as a citizen of the World urges that each of us must pro-actively take charge of our destiny, which is related to that of the whole humanity. No leader or government can bring a ready-made solution to a problem if their actions are not backed up with the trust which their community has in them.
Regardless of what the impact an individual could bring to his community, one pre-condition keeps resonating in me: the key word is, EDUCATION, for a better understanding and improvement of Life.
To know more and share with me your vision of how you see the world, visit my blog on my doctoral research at
Have a nice day,
Anh Tho Andres, Doctorante @UPEC

The “i2Metrix program” is an initiative by a number of researchers and business consultants to de... more The “i2Metrix program” is an initiative by a number of researchers and business consultants to design a framework for assessing the innovative capacity of corporate organizations. The framework measures different aspects of a business operation relating to actual and potential capabilities of firms to pursue innovation. i2Metrix stands for "Inclusive Innovation Metrix" and is developed by DHVP Research (Hanoi, Vietnam), in collaboration with the Center for Business Studies and Assistances (BSA) of HCMC. Academic Partners include The Center for Creativity and Innovation, Boise State University, Idaho, USA; Stamford International University, Bangkok, Thailand; and Collaborators from Hanoi-based Organizational Capacity Development (OCD); i2Metrix Methodology has the support of international Research Fellows in promoting the methodology through training programs on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Vietnam and beyond.
Conference Presentations by Dr. Anh Tho Andres Kammler
Support de cours sur la Communication interculturelle, 2020
Le document sert de support de cours sur le thème de la communication interculturelle en contexte... more Le document sert de support de cours sur le thème de la communication interculturelle en contexte de mondialisation.
Qu’est-ce que la communication interculturelle ?
Y a-t-il une communication interculturelle ou plusieurs types de communications interculturelles ?
Convergence ou divergence ?
Cas d'étude: La mode 'mondialisée': Evolution du ao dai à travers le temps et l'espace. Conférence EIDM à Paris (2020)

Globethics Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education - Inaugural Meeting 2017 Report, 2018
During June 2017, over the course of 3 days at venues based in Switzerland and France, Globethics... more During June 2017, over the course of 3 days at venues based in Switzerland and France, organised and hosted the inaugural meeting of the Consortium on Ethics in Higher Education. This coming together of students, teachers, professors, academics, vice-principals and rectors, inter alia, marked the establishment of a truly global collective that aims to create an ethical society through the transformative vehicle of education. They all strengthen the reputation of their institution by supporting efforts to integrate values-based decisions in governance, management and daily practices of staff at all levels; and promote ethical awareness and integrate ethical reflection in all aspects of education. This is report is a detailed overview of the presentations, outcomes and follow up of the conference that took place from 21st–23rd June 2017, that brought together over 60 delegates and individuals from various higher education institutions.
Paper presented at the UNN International Conference in Nsukka (Nigeria) in November 2016 on Ethic... more Paper presented at the UNN International Conference in Nsukka (Nigeria) in November 2016 on Ethics, Governance, and Higher Education. My paper will try to answer some practical questions, such as
1-Why is the online library important to our overall business concept,
2- How do we serve our community? What is the value proposition of
3-Why do we consider the role of the Online Library in Distance learning as strategic?
4-How can we work together to bring quality education for all?
The solution proposed by Globethics Academy: A consortium for partnership in Ethics Education. Online Library Powerpoint Presentation at the
2016 LIS Research Symposium 28-29... more Online Library Powerpoint Presentation at the
2016 LIS Research Symposium 28-29 July 2016 UNISA Muckleneuk Campus Pretoria, South Africa, by Anh Tho Andres-Kammler, Programme Executive Ethics Education. Title : The Strategic Role of the Online Library in Business Model. My presentation will be on the role of the Online Library in the overall strategic move of with the objectives to support, and promote Ethical Education for All, using the technologies, and with the collaboration of our Online Network of users, as well as the Library Community.
Papers by Dr. Anh Tho Andres Kammler
1) Introduction and Summary
2) Reason for the acquisition
3) Estimated valuation of the merger (in the press)
4) My estimations of the valuation based on an NPV analysis
5) What will Lenovo offer as return on investment in ten years?
6) My opinion on this deal
The case is about Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM’s personal computer business. The report is an analysis for internal use as an investment analyst based on the following considerations: Why do companies invest in a new acquisition? What is the methodology for valuation of the acquisition? What other added-value apart from financial gains do acquisitions bring to the buyer? What is the impact on the financial market, on shareholder’s value when an acquisition deal is made public?
1. 3 main strategic issues the company is facing
2. 3 strategic recommendations to management to ensure the future success of the company
3. Macro-economic and competitive context impacting management margin for maneuver
4. Reasons why Company has not implemented your ideas? How easy it would be to implement each of my strategic recommendations.
By combining an excellent business strategy with know-how in financial and operation management, SIA has successful implemented its strategy throughout the value chain and gain the reputation of an outstanding company. This case study is a very good example for all business leaders in the airline industry to consider.
Although the role of the UN was criticized by many organizations by its failure of certain late developments especially in the case of Gulf war, we must look at the whole picture to see that the UN is facing a huge problem because of lack of funds, non-respect of the commitment of certain member states, and the mechanism of veto rights that give certain nations more power than the others, the UN and its agencies are fundamental in regulating the world as it is and have created a huge difference in protecting human rights, nation rights, and maintaining peace for most countries. The series of negotiations for better trade exchanges, international conference on world issues, regional forum between member states, world federations of professional bodies are all signs for a better harmonization of rules conducting to the maintenance of peace though a sustainable policy which is profitable to all nations.
L’objectif de cette étude est de savoir dans quelle mesure une économie planifiée ou en transition, dont le Vietnam fait partie, peut adopter les théories et pratiques de gestion appliquées dans des économies de marché, telle la privatisation appliquée par les pays de l’OECD. Par cette étude, l’auteur serait en mesure de conclure que les théories de gestion de l'économie de marché sont applicables ou non à une économie en transition, ou est-ce une réforme organisationnelle de l'environnement macro-économique serait justifiée ? L’étude va se fixer la période depuis 1991 jusqu’en 2012 et va se concentrer sur la législation vietnamienne sur le processus de restructuration du secteur EP (cadre institutionnel, politique économique), ainsi que leur mise en œuvre. Langue: français. Ecole doctorale: UPEC (France). Directeur de thèse: Jean-David Avenel. Candidate: Anh Tho Andres (Suisse).
You can imagine that just this short introduction on where I belong to as a 'Doctorante' (the French slang would be "thésard(e)" or, in good English, Doctoral Research Candidate) would take at least 3 minutes to "locate" myself to new encounters. Of course, we normally do not do it à la singapouréenne, where one would introduce him- or herself as "Hey, nice to meet you, I am so-and-so, here is my name card, with all my qualifications therein, here is my email, Skype, FB, LinkedIn, Google+, IM, organisation where I belong to, the number of years of experience in so-and-so field... followed by 'Shall we meet for lunch' and discuss more bla-bla-bla...". Well it is a caricature, but it is very close to the practice, and of course, it is unthinkable NOT to have your name cards with you... because you never know whom you meet on your way... (in my case, this sort of "elevator pitch" techniques proved to be really effective, ha ha).
But for the French culture, it is preferable to "sell yourself" without flooding your new encounter with so many details, as he would right away dismiss you or "classify" you under SPAM. To French people or at least those with French culture, the first "name card" effect is your level of spoken French (sans accent) and the right technical vocabulary in your message, and of course, and very importantly, the fluidity of your discourse. Wow! Coming from Switzerland, although my level of French is classified and accepted as "native" and my "non-accent" French usually earns me some admirative glances, if not open congratulations, from my colleagues and new encounters, whenever I join my classmates in France, I feel like a real "Bernoise" (in Swiss slang, it means "slow" for those who are not familiar with the Röstisgraben mentality of multi-lingual and multicultural Switzerland). In fact, for me, it is a delight for each trip I make to Paris, as I come back to my Swiss home, feeling like Michael Schumacher coming out of a Formula One Race.
One of the prerequisites to qualify for the defense of the Thesis at UPEC is to have fulfilled at least 30 hours (or 15 sessions of 2 hours each) of attendance to the "Séminaire de Méthodologie de Recherche" plus other activities and courses proposed by the Doctoral School.such as professional training, colloques, seminars, talks, ...of which the "Doctoriales" where "doctorants" can benefit a 5-day intensive experience with other colleagues. Usually only a maximum participation of 30 is allowed (and paid for by the School), so it is a real privilege to be invited to be part of this event.
The one to which I participated last June (in 2014) at the Château de Chamarande (near Paris), together with 29 other candidates, brought me a wonderful experience. The challenge is: HOW to survive the intensive training we got in decision making, team building, presentation and leadership skills during those 5 days. Imagine that you are given 45 min (or may be a bit longer) to work out with other team members (whom you meet for the first time) a brand new project and get the best presentation possible on screen to present it in class, in competition with other teams. This is really no joke, as you are asked to limit your presentation in one single slide, demonstrating the underlying team work and team spirit during each of the presentation with the required ouput. The exercise is repeated 3 times a day, during the 5 days, with changing environment and settings, and accelerating the speed to bring up participants to a higher level of competition on time and performance at each session. One of the toughest exercises, at least to me, was to present our own Doctoral thesis based on a poster which we had to prepared in advance before joining. The exercise allows 180 seconds (that is 3 minutes) for the first attempt, to then goes down to 2 minutes for the second attempt. Anyone exceeding more than the allocated time is eliminated. Oh, I can still feel the excitement now, after almost a year from that experience...Compared to the fluidity of speech which most of my French colleagues are used to, my "Swiss" speed suffered some complex of inferiority during those days. But I DID survive thanks to my years of training on techniques in effective communication (oh, thank you for your applause!). The result of this experience is, that we came out of it, wearing the blueprint of our team: for my team mates and myself, from that day on, we are now proud of being "Les Bleus". By the way, my team - Les Bleus - scored BEST overall (Applause again, Thank you !).
For me, my "doctoriales" experiment goes beyond that period of five days. At the Séminaire of Méthodogie de la Recherche, I also had the opportunity of re-shaping my thoughts and enhancing my overall knowledge, in a topic which I would have never thought of doing at this stage of my life: the Epistemology of the Philosophy of Science (view links here for more). In fact, i realized afterwards, that we somehow take philosophy for granted, and tend to forget how much philosophers and thinkers have shaped our modern society with their legacy.
Reading Economic theorists such as Marx, Hobbes, Locke and more of Rousseau, Keynes, Friedman, and then Rawls, and even Sen these last few months brought a rich complement to my early introductory courses on Dürkheim, Weber, Descartes, Pascal, Montaigne, Voltaire, Montesquieu and many more which were part of my youth education. As a result, I feel like I have a thousand books more to read, and feel "always hungry for more".
Having worked on the theories on Social Contract, theories on Social Justice, and other related works during the past 3-5 years, this long journey has led me naturally on reflecting further on Social Inequalities, Governance, and Ethics, and the challenges faced by the World of Today: the redefined role of the State facing globalization, the impact of Governance and Development Policies on the social and economic performance of the corporate community within and beyond the national borders, and, by extension, other issues on Environment, Human Development, Food Security, and Security and Arms Control for Peace, etc. All these questions keep popping up on my path, alternating with contradictory approaches to the problems as my research goes more in-depth. Surely, the Thesis is just a beginning of a long journey, and I am only climbing up the first steps of the pyramid of non-identity.
At the stage of wrapping up on my Thesis, the fruit of my preliminary years of research, through trials and errors, as I am now equipped with the newly "refreshed" tools learnt from these seminars, it seems that my approach to how I see Life and the Business World has changed. I just realize how much impact on the socio-economical transformation resulting from the adoption or misinterpretation of some dogma proposed by academics or theorists, could benefit humanity in their quest of a better world, or on the contrary, could cause so much turmoil and misery to mankind. The book I just finished reading "The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History" written so beautifully by Boris Johnson reminds me that our responsibility as a citizen of the World urges that each of us must pro-actively take charge of our destiny, which is related to that of the whole humanity. No leader or government can bring a ready-made solution to a problem if their actions are not backed up with the trust which their community has in them.
Regardless of what the impact an individual could bring to his community, one pre-condition keeps resonating in me: the key word is, EDUCATION, for a better understanding and improvement of Life.
To know more and share with me your vision of how you see the world, visit my blog on my doctoral research at
Have a nice day,
Anh Tho Andres, Doctorante @UPEC
Conference Presentations by Dr. Anh Tho Andres Kammler
Qu’est-ce que la communication interculturelle ?
Y a-t-il une communication interculturelle ou plusieurs types de communications interculturelles ?
Convergence ou divergence ?
Cas d'étude: La mode 'mondialisée': Evolution du ao dai à travers le temps et l'espace. Conférence EIDM à Paris (2020)
1-Why is the online library important to our overall business concept,
2- How do we serve our community? What is the value proposition of
3-Why do we consider the role of the Online Library in Distance learning as strategic?
4-How can we work together to bring quality education for all?
The solution proposed by Globethics Academy: A consortium for partnership in Ethics Education.
2016 LIS Research Symposium 28-29 July 2016 UNISA Muckleneuk Campus Pretoria, South Africa, by Anh Tho Andres-Kammler, Programme Executive Ethics Education. Title : The Strategic Role of the Online Library in Business Model. My presentation will be on the role of the Online Library in the overall strategic move of with the objectives to support, and promote Ethical Education for All, using the technologies, and with the collaboration of our Online Network of users, as well as the Library Community.
1) Introduction and Summary
2) Reason for the acquisition
3) Estimated valuation of the merger (in the press)
4) My estimations of the valuation based on an NPV analysis
5) What will Lenovo offer as return on investment in ten years?
6) My opinion on this deal
The case is about Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM’s personal computer business. The report is an analysis for internal use as an investment analyst based on the following considerations: Why do companies invest in a new acquisition? What is the methodology for valuation of the acquisition? What other added-value apart from financial gains do acquisitions bring to the buyer? What is the impact on the financial market, on shareholder’s value when an acquisition deal is made public?
1. 3 main strategic issues the company is facing
2. 3 strategic recommendations to management to ensure the future success of the company
3. Macro-economic and competitive context impacting management margin for maneuver
4. Reasons why Company has not implemented your ideas? How easy it would be to implement each of my strategic recommendations.
By combining an excellent business strategy with know-how in financial and operation management, SIA has successful implemented its strategy throughout the value chain and gain the reputation of an outstanding company. This case study is a very good example for all business leaders in the airline industry to consider.
Although the role of the UN was criticized by many organizations by its failure of certain late developments especially in the case of Gulf war, we must look at the whole picture to see that the UN is facing a huge problem because of lack of funds, non-respect of the commitment of certain member states, and the mechanism of veto rights that give certain nations more power than the others, the UN and its agencies are fundamental in regulating the world as it is and have created a huge difference in protecting human rights, nation rights, and maintaining peace for most countries. The series of negotiations for better trade exchanges, international conference on world issues, regional forum between member states, world federations of professional bodies are all signs for a better harmonization of rules conducting to the maintenance of peace though a sustainable policy which is profitable to all nations.
L’objectif de cette étude est de savoir dans quelle mesure une économie planifiée ou en transition, dont le Vietnam fait partie, peut adopter les théories et pratiques de gestion appliquées dans des économies de marché, telle la privatisation appliquée par les pays de l’OECD. Par cette étude, l’auteur serait en mesure de conclure que les théories de gestion de l'économie de marché sont applicables ou non à une économie en transition, ou est-ce une réforme organisationnelle de l'environnement macro-économique serait justifiée ? L’étude va se fixer la période depuis 1991 jusqu’en 2012 et va se concentrer sur la législation vietnamienne sur le processus de restructuration du secteur EP (cadre institutionnel, politique économique), ainsi que leur mise en œuvre. Langue: français. Ecole doctorale: UPEC (France). Directeur de thèse: Jean-David Avenel. Candidate: Anh Tho Andres (Suisse).
You can imagine that just this short introduction on where I belong to as a 'Doctorante' (the French slang would be "thésard(e)" or, in good English, Doctoral Research Candidate) would take at least 3 minutes to "locate" myself to new encounters. Of course, we normally do not do it à la singapouréenne, where one would introduce him- or herself as "Hey, nice to meet you, I am so-and-so, here is my name card, with all my qualifications therein, here is my email, Skype, FB, LinkedIn, Google+, IM, organisation where I belong to, the number of years of experience in so-and-so field... followed by 'Shall we meet for lunch' and discuss more bla-bla-bla...". Well it is a caricature, but it is very close to the practice, and of course, it is unthinkable NOT to have your name cards with you... because you never know whom you meet on your way... (in my case, this sort of "elevator pitch" techniques proved to be really effective, ha ha).
But for the French culture, it is preferable to "sell yourself" without flooding your new encounter with so many details, as he would right away dismiss you or "classify" you under SPAM. To French people or at least those with French culture, the first "name card" effect is your level of spoken French (sans accent) and the right technical vocabulary in your message, and of course, and very importantly, the fluidity of your discourse. Wow! Coming from Switzerland, although my level of French is classified and accepted as "native" and my "non-accent" French usually earns me some admirative glances, if not open congratulations, from my colleagues and new encounters, whenever I join my classmates in France, I feel like a real "Bernoise" (in Swiss slang, it means "slow" for those who are not familiar with the Röstisgraben mentality of multi-lingual and multicultural Switzerland). In fact, for me, it is a delight for each trip I make to Paris, as I come back to my Swiss home, feeling like Michael Schumacher coming out of a Formula One Race.
One of the prerequisites to qualify for the defense of the Thesis at UPEC is to have fulfilled at least 30 hours (or 15 sessions of 2 hours each) of attendance to the "Séminaire de Méthodologie de Recherche" plus other activities and courses proposed by the Doctoral School.such as professional training, colloques, seminars, talks, ...of which the "Doctoriales" where "doctorants" can benefit a 5-day intensive experience with other colleagues. Usually only a maximum participation of 30 is allowed (and paid for by the School), so it is a real privilege to be invited to be part of this event.
The one to which I participated last June (in 2014) at the Château de Chamarande (near Paris), together with 29 other candidates, brought me a wonderful experience. The challenge is: HOW to survive the intensive training we got in decision making, team building, presentation and leadership skills during those 5 days. Imagine that you are given 45 min (or may be a bit longer) to work out with other team members (whom you meet for the first time) a brand new project and get the best presentation possible on screen to present it in class, in competition with other teams. This is really no joke, as you are asked to limit your presentation in one single slide, demonstrating the underlying team work and team spirit during each of the presentation with the required ouput. The exercise is repeated 3 times a day, during the 5 days, with changing environment and settings, and accelerating the speed to bring up participants to a higher level of competition on time and performance at each session. One of the toughest exercises, at least to me, was to present our own Doctoral thesis based on a poster which we had to prepared in advance before joining. The exercise allows 180 seconds (that is 3 minutes) for the first attempt, to then goes down to 2 minutes for the second attempt. Anyone exceeding more than the allocated time is eliminated. Oh, I can still feel the excitement now, after almost a year from that experience...Compared to the fluidity of speech which most of my French colleagues are used to, my "Swiss" speed suffered some complex of inferiority during those days. But I DID survive thanks to my years of training on techniques in effective communication (oh, thank you for your applause!). The result of this experience is, that we came out of it, wearing the blueprint of our team: for my team mates and myself, from that day on, we are now proud of being "Les Bleus". By the way, my team - Les Bleus - scored BEST overall (Applause again, Thank you !).
For me, my "doctoriales" experiment goes beyond that period of five days. At the Séminaire of Méthodogie de la Recherche, I also had the opportunity of re-shaping my thoughts and enhancing my overall knowledge, in a topic which I would have never thought of doing at this stage of my life: the Epistemology of the Philosophy of Science (view links here for more). In fact, i realized afterwards, that we somehow take philosophy for granted, and tend to forget how much philosophers and thinkers have shaped our modern society with their legacy.
Reading Economic theorists such as Marx, Hobbes, Locke and more of Rousseau, Keynes, Friedman, and then Rawls, and even Sen these last few months brought a rich complement to my early introductory courses on Dürkheim, Weber, Descartes, Pascal, Montaigne, Voltaire, Montesquieu and many more which were part of my youth education. As a result, I feel like I have a thousand books more to read, and feel "always hungry for more".
Having worked on the theories on Social Contract, theories on Social Justice, and other related works during the past 3-5 years, this long journey has led me naturally on reflecting further on Social Inequalities, Governance, and Ethics, and the challenges faced by the World of Today: the redefined role of the State facing globalization, the impact of Governance and Development Policies on the social and economic performance of the corporate community within and beyond the national borders, and, by extension, other issues on Environment, Human Development, Food Security, and Security and Arms Control for Peace, etc. All these questions keep popping up on my path, alternating with contradictory approaches to the problems as my research goes more in-depth. Surely, the Thesis is just a beginning of a long journey, and I am only climbing up the first steps of the pyramid of non-identity.
At the stage of wrapping up on my Thesis, the fruit of my preliminary years of research, through trials and errors, as I am now equipped with the newly "refreshed" tools learnt from these seminars, it seems that my approach to how I see Life and the Business World has changed. I just realize how much impact on the socio-economical transformation resulting from the adoption or misinterpretation of some dogma proposed by academics or theorists, could benefit humanity in their quest of a better world, or on the contrary, could cause so much turmoil and misery to mankind. The book I just finished reading "The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History" written so beautifully by Boris Johnson reminds me that our responsibility as a citizen of the World urges that each of us must pro-actively take charge of our destiny, which is related to that of the whole humanity. No leader or government can bring a ready-made solution to a problem if their actions are not backed up with the trust which their community has in them.
Regardless of what the impact an individual could bring to his community, one pre-condition keeps resonating in me: the key word is, EDUCATION, for a better understanding and improvement of Life.
To know more and share with me your vision of how you see the world, visit my blog on my doctoral research at
Have a nice day,
Anh Tho Andres, Doctorante @UPEC
Qu’est-ce que la communication interculturelle ?
Y a-t-il une communication interculturelle ou plusieurs types de communications interculturelles ?
Convergence ou divergence ?
Cas d'étude: La mode 'mondialisée': Evolution du ao dai à travers le temps et l'espace. Conférence EIDM à Paris (2020)
1-Why is the online library important to our overall business concept,
2- How do we serve our community? What is the value proposition of
3-Why do we consider the role of the Online Library in Distance learning as strategic?
4-How can we work together to bring quality education for all?
The solution proposed by Globethics Academy: A consortium for partnership in Ethics Education.
2016 LIS Research Symposium 28-29 July 2016 UNISA Muckleneuk Campus Pretoria, South Africa, by Anh Tho Andres-Kammler, Programme Executive Ethics Education. Title : The Strategic Role of the Online Library in Business Model. My presentation will be on the role of the Online Library in the overall strategic move of with the objectives to support, and promote Ethical Education for All, using the technologies, and with the collaboration of our Online Network of users, as well as the Library Community.
This presentation shares with you the strategic value of the Online Library which is one of the main pillars of the overall mission of
How can we work together with other actors in supporting sustainable development for All? What is the Strategic Role of the Online Library in Business Model? Those are the questions that are part of the agenda for the period 2016-2020.
Saving the Lost Tribe tells the story of Operation Solomon, the “redemption” of nearly twenty thousand Ethiopian Jews from the hands of a bloody dictator, which involved months of protracted negotiations and eventually cost thirty-five million dollars (secured by a hundred American donors in less than three days). The operation was a tribute to this original concept of redemption, an inspiration and a reminder of the sacredness of human life that is at the core of Judaism and Western consciousness. We especially need to be reminded of this core value in light of events in the Middle East today.