BODY: Abstract Body: The results of the Kepler mission indicate that Earthlike planets are common... more BODY: Abstract Body: The results of the Kepler mission indicate that Earthlike planets are common not only around solartype stars but also among planets orbiting Red Dwarf (RD) stars, the most numerous stellar type in the Milky Way galaxy. Early considerations indicated that conditions on RD planets would be inimical to life, as their Habitable Zones would be so close as to make planets tidally locked to their star. This was thought to cause an erratic climate and expose life forms to flares of ionizing electro-magnetic radiation and charged particles. It has also been argued that the lesser photon energy of the radiation of the relatively cool RDs would not suffice for oxygenic photosynthesis. However, recent calculations show that these negative factors are less severe than originally estimated, hence conditions for photosynthesis could exist on RD planets. Furthermore, the huge number and the long Main-Sequence lifetime of RDs could make photosynthesis and biotic life on RD plane...
Enission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence o... more Enission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of these galaxies, and that the line-emitting gas is moving in the gravitational potential of that black hole. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, which is then combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. In the case of the best-studied galaxy, NGC 5548, various emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected V ∝ r −1/2 correlation between distance and line width, and are thus consistent with a single value for the mass. Two other Seyfert galaxies, NGC 7469 and 3C 390.3, show a similar relationship. We compute the ratio of luminosity to mass for these three objects and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 and find that that the gravitational force on the line-emitting gas is much stronger than radiation pressure. These results strongly support the paradigm of gravitationally bound broad emission-line region clouds.
The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the... more The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the broad emission-lines as a probe of the virial mass. Using reverberation mapping to determine the size of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and the width of the variable component of the line profile Hβ line it is possible to find quite accurate virial mass estimates for AGNs with adequate data. Compiling a sample of AGNs with reliable central masses and bulge magnitudes we find an average black-hole-to-bulge mass ratio of 0.0003, a factor of 20 less than the value found for normal galaxies and for bright quasars. This lower ratio is more consistent with the back hole mass density predicted from quasar light, and is similar to the central black hole/bulge mass ratio in our Galaxy. We argue that the black hole/bulge mass ratio actually has a significantly larger range than indicated by mssive black holes detected in normal galaxies (using stellar dynamics) and in bright quasars, which may be bi...
The masses and emission-line region sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be measured by ``r... more The masses and emission-line region sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be measured by ``reverberation-mapping'' (measuring the lag of the emission-line luminosity after changes in the continuum). We use tis technique to calibrate similar size and mass estimates made by photoionization models of the AGN line-emitting regions. We compile a sample of 19 AGNs with reliable reverberation and spectroscopy data, twice the number available previously. The data provide strong evidence that the BLR size and the emission-line width measure directly the central mass. Two methods are used to estimate the distance of the broad emission-line region (BLR) from the ionizing source: the photoionization method (available for many AGNs but has large intrinsic uncertainties), and the reverberation method (gives very reliable distances, but available for only a few objects). The distance estimate is combined with the velocity dispersion, derived from the broad Hb line profile, to estimate...
Massive black holes (BHs) are detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies are linearly correl... more Massive black holes (BHs) are detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies are linearly correlated with the luminosity of the host bulge (spheroid), the black hole mass being about 0.1% of the stellar mass. In active galaxies, the BH mass is best measured by the reverberation mapping (light echo) technique. We and others have shown that in AGNs the BH mass follows the same relation with the luminosity of the host galaxy as in ordinary (inactive) galaxies, with the exception of narrow line AGNs which apparently have significantly lower values of the BH/bulge mass (or BH/bulge luminosity) ratio. The BH/bulge ratio is also found to be strongly correlated with the velocity dispersion of the broad line-emitting gas in the active nucleus. However, in the BH-stellar velocity relation the difference between broad- and narrow-line AGNs (in particular NLS1s) seems to be less obvious. We review the subject adding recent updates and suggestions.
Emission-line variability data on NGC 5548 argue strongly for the existence of a mass of order 7 ... more Emission-line variability data on NGC 5548 argue strongly for the existence of a mass of order 7 x 10^7 solar masses within the inner few light days of the nucleus in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, and these determinations are combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. The data for several different emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected V proportional to r^-1/2 correlation and are consistent with a single value for the mass.
International Journal of Astrobiology, Dec 3, 2019
The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability... more The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability of computers would overtake that of the human brain, an occurrence termed "the Singularity". While comparing the size of the human brain and the advance in computer capacity, the Singularity has been estimated to occur within a few decades although the capacity of conventional computers may reach its limits in the near future. However, in the last few years, there have been rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are already programs that carry out pattern recognition and self-learning which, at least in limited fields such as chess and other games, are superior to the best human players. Furthermore, the quantum computing revolution, which is expected to vastly increase computer capacities, is already on our doorstep. It now seems inevitable that the Singularity will arrive within the foreseeable future. Biological life, on Earth and on extraterrestrial planets and their satellites, may continue as before, but humanity could be 'replaced' by computers. Older and more advanced intelligent life forms, possibly evolved elsewhere in the universe, may have passed their Singularity a long time ago. Post Singularity life would probably be based not on biochemical reactions but on electronics. Their communication may use effects such as quantum entanglement and be undetectable to us. This may explain the Fermi paradox or at least the "Big Silence" problem in SETI.
We review the latest findings on extra-solar planets and their potential of having environmental ... more We review the latest findings on extra-solar planets and their potential of having environmental conditions that could support Earth-like life. Focusing on planets orbiting red dwarf (RD) stars, the most abundant stellar type in the Milky Way, we show that including RDs as potential life supporting host stars could increase the probability of finding biotic planets by a factor of up to a thousand, and reduce the estimate of the distance to our nearest biotic neighbour by up to 10. We argue that binary and multiple star systems need to be taken into account when discussing habitability and the abundance of biotic exoplanets, in particular RDs in such systems. Early considerations indicated that conditions on RD planets would be inimical to life, as their habitable zones would be so close to the host star as to make planets tidally locked. This was thought to cause an erratic climate and expose life forms to flares of ionizing radiation. Recent calculations show that these negative fa...
The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the... more The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the broad emission-lines as a probe of the virial mass inside the BLR. Using reverberation mapping to determine the size of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and the width of the variable component of the line profile Hβ line it is possible to find quite accurate virial mass estimates for AGN with adequate data. Compiling a sample of AGN with reliable central masses and bulge magnitudes we find an average black hole to bulge mass ratio of 0.0003, a factor of 20 less than the value found for normal galaxies and for bright quasars. This lower ratio is more consistent with the black hole mass density predicted from quasar light, and agrees with the value found for our Galaxy. We argue that the black hole to bulge mass ratio actually has a significantly larger range than indicated by MBHs detected in normal galaxies (using stellar dynamics) and in bright quasars, which may be biased towards larger black holes , and derive a scenario of black hole growth that explains the observed distribution.
Recently, reliable mass estimates for the central black holes in AGN became feasible due to emiss... more Recently, reliable mass estimates for the central black holes in AGN became feasible due to emission-line reverberation techniques. Using this method as a calibrator, it is possible to determine black hole masses for a wide range of AGN, in particular NLS1s. Do NLS1s have smaller black holes than ordinary Seyfert 1 galaxies? Are their black holes smaller compared to the sizes of their host galaxies? Do they have larger L/M ratios? Do NLS1s have hotter accretion disks? I confront these questions with accretion disk theory and with the data, showing that the above may well be the case.
Emission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence o... more Emission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of these galaxies, and that the line-emitting gas is moving in the gravitational potential of that black hole. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, which is then combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. In the case of the best-studied galaxy, NGC 5548, various emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected velocity proportional to inverse square root of the distance correlation between distance and line width, and are thus consistent with a single value for the mass. Two other Seyfert galaxies, NGC 7469 and 3C 390.3, show a similar relationship. We compute the ratio of luminosity to mass for these three objects and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 ...
Massive Black Holes detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies show an approximately linear ... more Massive Black Holes detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies show an approximately linear relation with the luminosity of the host bulge, with the black hole mass being 0.001-0.002 of the bulge mass. Previous work suggested that black holes of active (Seyfert 1) galaxies follow a similar relation, but apparently with a significantly lower value of M BH /M bulge (Wandel 1999). New data show that this difference was mainly due to overestimating the black hole mass in quiescent galaxies and overestimating the bulge magnitude of Seyfert galaxies. Using new and updated data we show that AGNs (Seyfert galaxies and quasars) follow the same BH-bulge relation as ordinary (inactive) galaxies. We derive the BH/bulge relation for a sample of 55 AGNs and 35 quiescent galaxies, finding that broad line AGNs have an average black hole/bulge mass fraction of ∼ 0.0015 with a strong correlation (M BH ∝ L 0.9±0.16 bulge). This BH-bulge relation is consistent with the BH-bulge relation of quiescent galaxies and much tighter than previous results. Narrow line AGNs appear to have a lower ratio, M BH /M bulge ∼ 10 −4 − 10 −3. We find this to be a more general feature, the BH/bulge ratio in AGNs being inversely correlated with the emission-line width, implying a strong linear relation between the size of the broad emission line region and the luminosity of the bulge. Finally, combining AGNs with observed and estimated stellar velocity dispersion, we find a significant correlation (M BH ∝ σ 3.5−5), consistent with that of quiescent galaxies.
In the common model supernova shock-acceleration of cosmic rays there are two open questions: 1. ... more In the common model supernova shock-acceleration of cosmic rays there are two open questions: 1. where does the high energy cosmic rays below the knee (10$^4-10^6$ Gev) come from, and 2. are cosmic ray accelerated only at their origin or contineuosly during their residence in the Galaxy. We show that $10^15$ eV light nuclei are probably accelerted by associations of supernovae. The ratio of the spectra of secondary to primary cosmic rays would be affected by repeated acceleration (also called reacceleration or secondary acceleration) in the ISM during their propagation in the galaxy. The observed secondary and primary CR spectra are used to constrain the amount of such reacceleration by supernova remnants (SNR). Two cases are considered: weak shocks ($1 3$) of relatively young remnants. It is shown that weak shocks produce more reacceleration than what is permitted in the framework of the standard leaky box (SLB) model, making it inconsistent with dispersed acceleration that should ...
The recent detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1... more The recent detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1, and many other nearby M-type stars has led to speculations whether liquid water and life actually exist on these planets. To a large extent, the answer depends on their yet unknown atmospheres, which may, however, be within observational reach in the near future by JWST, ELT, and other planned telescopes. We consider the habitability of planets of M-type stars in the context of their atmospheric properties, heat transport, and irradiation. Instead of the traditional definition of the habitable zone, we define the biohabitable zone, where liquid water and complex organic molecules can survive on at least part of the planetary surface. The atmospheric impact on the temperature is quantified in terms of the heating factor (a combination of greenhouse heating, stellar irradiation, albedo, etc.) and heat redistribution (horizontal energy transport). We investigate the biohabitable domain (where planets can support surface liquid water and organics) in terms of these two factors. Our results suggest that planets orbiting M-type stars may have life-supporting temperatures, at least on part of their surface, for a wide range of atmospheric properties. We apply this analyses to Proxima Cen b and the Trappist-1 system. Finally, we discuss the implications for the search of biosignatures and demonstrate how they may be used to estimate the abundance of photosynthesis and biotic planets.
BODY: Abstract Body: The results of the Kepler mission indicate that Earthlike planets are common... more BODY: Abstract Body: The results of the Kepler mission indicate that Earthlike planets are common not only around solartype stars but also among planets orbiting Red Dwarf (RD) stars, the most numerous stellar type in the Milky Way galaxy. Early considerations indicated that conditions on RD planets would be inimical to life, as their Habitable Zones would be so close as to make planets tidally locked to their star. This was thought to cause an erratic climate and expose life forms to flares of ionizing electro-magnetic radiation and charged particles. It has also been argued that the lesser photon energy of the radiation of the relatively cool RDs would not suffice for oxygenic photosynthesis. However, recent calculations show that these negative factors are less severe than originally estimated, hence conditions for photosynthesis could exist on RD planets. Furthermore, the huge number and the long Main-Sequence lifetime of RDs could make photosynthesis and biotic life on RD plane...
Enission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence o... more Enission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of these galaxies, and that the line-emitting gas is moving in the gravitational potential of that black hole. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, which is then combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. In the case of the best-studied galaxy, NGC 5548, various emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected V ∝ r −1/2 correlation between distance and line width, and are thus consistent with a single value for the mass. Two other Seyfert galaxies, NGC 7469 and 3C 390.3, show a similar relationship. We compute the ratio of luminosity to mass for these three objects and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 and find that that the gravitational force on the line-emitting gas is much stronger than radiation pressure. These results strongly support the paradigm of gravitationally bound broad emission-line region clouds.
The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the... more The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the broad emission-lines as a probe of the virial mass. Using reverberation mapping to determine the size of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and the width of the variable component of the line profile Hβ line it is possible to find quite accurate virial mass estimates for AGNs with adequate data. Compiling a sample of AGNs with reliable central masses and bulge magnitudes we find an average black-hole-to-bulge mass ratio of 0.0003, a factor of 20 less than the value found for normal galaxies and for bright quasars. This lower ratio is more consistent with the back hole mass density predicted from quasar light, and is similar to the central black hole/bulge mass ratio in our Galaxy. We argue that the black hole/bulge mass ratio actually has a significantly larger range than indicated by mssive black holes detected in normal galaxies (using stellar dynamics) and in bright quasars, which may be bi...
The masses and emission-line region sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be measured by ``r... more The masses and emission-line region sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be measured by ``reverberation-mapping'' (measuring the lag of the emission-line luminosity after changes in the continuum). We use tis technique to calibrate similar size and mass estimates made by photoionization models of the AGN line-emitting regions. We compile a sample of 19 AGNs with reliable reverberation and spectroscopy data, twice the number available previously. The data provide strong evidence that the BLR size and the emission-line width measure directly the central mass. Two methods are used to estimate the distance of the broad emission-line region (BLR) from the ionizing source: the photoionization method (available for many AGNs but has large intrinsic uncertainties), and the reverberation method (gives very reliable distances, but available for only a few objects). The distance estimate is combined with the velocity dispersion, derived from the broad Hb line profile, to estimate...
Massive black holes (BHs) are detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies are linearly correl... more Massive black holes (BHs) are detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies are linearly correlated with the luminosity of the host bulge (spheroid), the black hole mass being about 0.1% of the stellar mass. In active galaxies, the BH mass is best measured by the reverberation mapping (light echo) technique. We and others have shown that in AGNs the BH mass follows the same relation with the luminosity of the host galaxy as in ordinary (inactive) galaxies, with the exception of narrow line AGNs which apparently have significantly lower values of the BH/bulge mass (or BH/bulge luminosity) ratio. The BH/bulge ratio is also found to be strongly correlated with the velocity dispersion of the broad line-emitting gas in the active nucleus. However, in the BH-stellar velocity relation the difference between broad- and narrow-line AGNs (in particular NLS1s) seems to be less obvious. We review the subject adding recent updates and suggestions.
Emission-line variability data on NGC 5548 argue strongly for the existence of a mass of order 7 ... more Emission-line variability data on NGC 5548 argue strongly for the existence of a mass of order 7 x 10^7 solar masses within the inner few light days of the nucleus in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, and these determinations are combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. The data for several different emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected V proportional to r^-1/2 correlation and are consistent with a single value for the mass.
International Journal of Astrobiology, Dec 3, 2019
The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability... more The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability of computers would overtake that of the human brain, an occurrence termed "the Singularity". While comparing the size of the human brain and the advance in computer capacity, the Singularity has been estimated to occur within a few decades although the capacity of conventional computers may reach its limits in the near future. However, in the last few years, there have been rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are already programs that carry out pattern recognition and self-learning which, at least in limited fields such as chess and other games, are superior to the best human players. Furthermore, the quantum computing revolution, which is expected to vastly increase computer capacities, is already on our doorstep. It now seems inevitable that the Singularity will arrive within the foreseeable future. Biological life, on Earth and on extraterrestrial planets and their satellites, may continue as before, but humanity could be 'replaced' by computers. Older and more advanced intelligent life forms, possibly evolved elsewhere in the universe, may have passed their Singularity a long time ago. Post Singularity life would probably be based not on biochemical reactions but on electronics. Their communication may use effects such as quantum entanglement and be undetectable to us. This may explain the Fermi paradox or at least the "Big Silence" problem in SETI.
We review the latest findings on extra-solar planets and their potential of having environmental ... more We review the latest findings on extra-solar planets and their potential of having environmental conditions that could support Earth-like life. Focusing on planets orbiting red dwarf (RD) stars, the most abundant stellar type in the Milky Way, we show that including RDs as potential life supporting host stars could increase the probability of finding biotic planets by a factor of up to a thousand, and reduce the estimate of the distance to our nearest biotic neighbour by up to 10. We argue that binary and multiple star systems need to be taken into account when discussing habitability and the abundance of biotic exoplanets, in particular RDs in such systems. Early considerations indicated that conditions on RD planets would be inimical to life, as their habitable zones would be so close to the host star as to make planets tidally locked. This was thought to cause an erratic climate and expose life forms to flares of ionizing radiation. Recent calculations show that these negative fa...
The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the... more The masses of the central black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be estimated using the broad emission-lines as a probe of the virial mass inside the BLR. Using reverberation mapping to determine the size of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and the width of the variable component of the line profile Hβ line it is possible to find quite accurate virial mass estimates for AGN with adequate data. Compiling a sample of AGN with reliable central masses and bulge magnitudes we find an average black hole to bulge mass ratio of 0.0003, a factor of 20 less than the value found for normal galaxies and for bright quasars. This lower ratio is more consistent with the black hole mass density predicted from quasar light, and agrees with the value found for our Galaxy. We argue that the black hole to bulge mass ratio actually has a significantly larger range than indicated by MBHs detected in normal galaxies (using stellar dynamics) and in bright quasars, which may be biased towards larger black holes , and derive a scenario of black hole growth that explains the observed distribution.
Recently, reliable mass estimates for the central black holes in AGN became feasible due to emiss... more Recently, reliable mass estimates for the central black holes in AGN became feasible due to emission-line reverberation techniques. Using this method as a calibrator, it is possible to determine black hole masses for a wide range of AGN, in particular NLS1s. Do NLS1s have smaller black holes than ordinary Seyfert 1 galaxies? Are their black holes smaller compared to the sizes of their host galaxies? Do they have larger L/M ratios? Do NLS1s have hotter accretion disks? I confront these questions with accretion disk theory and with the data, showing that the above may well be the case.
Emission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence o... more Emission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of these galaxies, and that the line-emitting gas is moving in the gravitational potential of that black hole. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, which is then combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. In the case of the best-studied galaxy, NGC 5548, various emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected velocity proportional to inverse square root of the distance correlation between distance and line width, and are thus consistent with a single value for the mass. Two other Seyfert galaxies, NGC 7469 and 3C 390.3, show a similar relationship. We compute the ratio of luminosity to mass for these three objects and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 ...
Massive Black Holes detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies show an approximately linear ... more Massive Black Holes detected in the centers of many nearby galaxies show an approximately linear relation with the luminosity of the host bulge, with the black hole mass being 0.001-0.002 of the bulge mass. Previous work suggested that black holes of active (Seyfert 1) galaxies follow a similar relation, but apparently with a significantly lower value of M BH /M bulge (Wandel 1999). New data show that this difference was mainly due to overestimating the black hole mass in quiescent galaxies and overestimating the bulge magnitude of Seyfert galaxies. Using new and updated data we show that AGNs (Seyfert galaxies and quasars) follow the same BH-bulge relation as ordinary (inactive) galaxies. We derive the BH/bulge relation for a sample of 55 AGNs and 35 quiescent galaxies, finding that broad line AGNs have an average black hole/bulge mass fraction of ∼ 0.0015 with a strong correlation (M BH ∝ L 0.9±0.16 bulge). This BH-bulge relation is consistent with the BH-bulge relation of quiescent galaxies and much tighter than previous results. Narrow line AGNs appear to have a lower ratio, M BH /M bulge ∼ 10 −4 − 10 −3. We find this to be a more general feature, the BH/bulge ratio in AGNs being inversely correlated with the emission-line width, implying a strong linear relation between the size of the broad emission line region and the luminosity of the bulge. Finally, combining AGNs with observed and estimated stellar velocity dispersion, we find a significant correlation (M BH ∝ σ 3.5−5), consistent with that of quiescent galaxies.
In the common model supernova shock-acceleration of cosmic rays there are two open questions: 1. ... more In the common model supernova shock-acceleration of cosmic rays there are two open questions: 1. where does the high energy cosmic rays below the knee (10$^4-10^6$ Gev) come from, and 2. are cosmic ray accelerated only at their origin or contineuosly during their residence in the Galaxy. We show that $10^15$ eV light nuclei are probably accelerted by associations of supernovae. The ratio of the spectra of secondary to primary cosmic rays would be affected by repeated acceleration (also called reacceleration or secondary acceleration) in the ISM during their propagation in the galaxy. The observed secondary and primary CR spectra are used to constrain the amount of such reacceleration by supernova remnants (SNR). Two cases are considered: weak shocks ($1 3$) of relatively young remnants. It is shown that weak shocks produce more reacceleration than what is permitted in the framework of the standard leaky box (SLB) model, making it inconsistent with dispersed acceleration that should ...
The recent detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1... more The recent detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1, and many other nearby M-type stars has led to speculations whether liquid water and life actually exist on these planets. To a large extent, the answer depends on their yet unknown atmospheres, which may, however, be within observational reach in the near future by JWST, ELT, and other planned telescopes. We consider the habitability of planets of M-type stars in the context of their atmospheric properties, heat transport, and irradiation. Instead of the traditional definition of the habitable zone, we define the biohabitable zone, where liquid water and complex organic molecules can survive on at least part of the planetary surface. The atmospheric impact on the temperature is quantified in terms of the heating factor (a combination of greenhouse heating, stellar irradiation, albedo, etc.) and heat redistribution (horizontal energy transport). We investigate the biohabitable domain (where planets can support surface liquid water and organics) in terms of these two factors. Our results suggest that planets orbiting M-type stars may have life-supporting temperatures, at least on part of their surface, for a wide range of atmospheric properties. We apply this analyses to Proxima Cen b and the Trappist-1 system. Finally, we discuss the implications for the search of biosignatures and demonstrate how they may be used to estimate the abundance of photosynthesis and biotic planets.
Papers by Amri Wandel