Top PyPI Packages


What is this?

A monthly dump of the 15,000 most-downloaded packages from PyPI.



Thanks to PyPI, Google BigQuery, pypinfo, Python Wheels and DigitalOcean.

Used by

This data is used by:


  • 2018-01: Fetch data weekly for 500 packages over 365 days (fa9774c)
  • 2018-01: Fetch data for 1,000 packages over 365 days (7148b38)
  • 2018-01: Fetch data for 5,000 packages over 365 days (47523f4)
  • 2018-02: Fetch data for 5,000 packages over 30 and 365 days (#2)
  • 2019-10: Fetch data fortnightly (#5)
  • 2019-12: Fetch data for 4,000 packages over 30 and 365 days (#7)
  • 2020-03: Fetch data monthly (#9)
  • 2021-07: Fetch data for 5,000 packages over only 30 days (#20)
  • 2021-09: Fetch data for 8,000 packages (#30)
  • 2024-05: Provide data in CSV in addition to JSON (#31)
  • 2024-11: Fetch data for all PyPI packages (#41) over 29 days (#42) and for all installers, not only pip (#39)
  • 2025-01: Fetch data for 15,000 PyPI packages (#44) over 29 days (#42) and for all installers, not only pip (#39)
  • 2025-02: Fetch data for 28 days (#45)

The charts

Last updated . (Updated monthly.)

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