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Fashion consumption, ever contradictory in nature, requires product to achieve, among a variety of facets, both quality and value for money, individuality as well as brand identity. draws attention to the relationship between... more
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      Fashion designCreativity
We present the complexities in terms of designing automotive exterior seating materials (seat coverings and interior linings) at Sage Automotive Interiors (UK), which is a division of a global international automotive textile supplier... more
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This thought-provoking and lively event focused on current methods used to research creatively. A major theme running through the discussion was that there is a need for a multi-disciplined and collaborative approach to researching... more
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Introduction-stakeholder identification 3 End of life management 3.1 Legislative drivers-National and EU legislations 3.2 End-of-life management of textiles and corporatewear: financial motives. 3.3 End-of-life management of textiles and... more
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Globally, the textiles industry is worth over $1 trillion, ranked the second biggest global economic activity for intensity of trade, and employs approximately 26 million people. Moreover, it contributes to 7% of world exports, supporting... more
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Objective 1: Review current design capabilities for both garment and household textiles Interviews with the SME's and the factories were examined. It appeared that the handcraft sector was very aware of the need to upgrade their design... more
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The aim of this paper is to present preliminary findings of a study that is focused on divestment, its elements and the relationship with sociocultural context. Divestment is a concept that comprises those activities that include... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable DesignCross cultural studiesDivestment
Fast changing fashion trends have led to high consumption rates of clothing, shortening of lifespans for many fashion products and increasing amounts of textile waste. Addressing the problems caused by the unsustainable landscape of the... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental Sciences
This paper presents findings of research focused on the divestment of material possessions. It argues that divestment can be better understood as a process instead of a moment in the lifespan of a product. The term divestment refers to... more
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      Design for LongevitySustainable ConsumptionProduct Lifespans
There has been a significant increase in volume of new clothing sales over the last ten years; indeed it is the fastest growing waste in household waste stream, raising the potential for a similar increase in volume of textile waste... more
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    • Engineering
Purpose: This paper addresses the growing problem of textile waste in the rapidly developing cities of subSaharan Africa and examines, from a supply chain perspective, the potential for waste textile materials to be transformed into the... more
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Textiles, the fastest growing sector in household waste, have created an exponential rise in the export of second hand clothes (SHC) to overseas markets such as Kenya and Tanzania. Despite the few advantages for the destination markets... more
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    • Engineering
Globally, the textiles industry is worth over $1 trillion, ranked the second biggest global economic activity for intensity of trade, and employs approximately 26 million people. Moreover, it contributes to 7% of world exports, supporting... more
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    • TS
Fashion consumption, ever contradictory in nature, requires product to achieve, among a variety of facets, both quality and value for money, individuality as well as brand identity. Hines (2002) draws attention to the relationship between... more
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Textile and clothing recycling and reuse is an under researched field, but there is a growing body of literature driven by government concerns and policies about waste management. Studies (ERM, 2007) have noted that the environmental... more
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This paper presents findings of research focused on the divestment of material possessions. It argues that divestment can be better understood as a process instead of a moment in the lifespan of a product. The term divestment refers to... more
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      Design for LongevitySustainable ConsumptionLifespanDivestment