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First time circumstantial evidence of formation of endoneurial collagen by Schwann cells in human fetal trochlear nerve has been presented and discussed.
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    • Trochlear Nerve
First time number of nerve fibres is determined in developing fetal human cranial nerves. Axonal numbers conform to the propositions (1) that they do not all grow out at once, (2) do not all survive and (3) that degeneration may occur... more
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    • Trochlear Nerve
This study aims at testing the effect of Colchicine as an antimitotic agent on the experimentally induced rat sciatic nerve crush regeneration. Animals received a Single injection at day 28 postcrush and survived for 24 weeks. Results... more
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    • Nerve Regeneration
This hidden status of health of the primary school children is very far away from detection, treatment and prevention if the medical care through hospital-based measures is not extended and supported by promotive primary health care... more
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      Primary Health CareLaboratory Medicine
Description of the first ever PBL medical curriculum in Iraq which started in 1989. It adopted following educational strategies and approaches: student-centred, problem-based, full integration, community orientation. Some early evaluative... more
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      Curriculum DesignProblem Based LearningIntegrated CurriculumTikrit Iraq
This study hypothesizes that objective learning in medical schools, when compared with subject-based, offers students unlimited number of real opportunities to discover early the importance of professional skills they need to acquire... more
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      Graduate OutcomesMedical Education (Learning Environment)Problem based Tikrit Iraq
A survey on the prevalence of thyroid enlargement has been carried out in Al-Shewish village for the period of Nov. 1993 to May 1994. The prevalence rate was 26.5%, where in male 30% (16) and female 70% (37) of thyroid gland enlargement... more
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      IraqPrevalenceStudents As Researchers
This study aimed at evaluating medical graduates’ performance (application of knowledge, data-gathering skills, clinical judgment, and professional attitudes) from their seniors’ point of view. A total number of 155 graduates (22 from... more
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      Medical EducationEvaluationPerformanceIraq
The outcomes for a graduate of the medical college will comprehensively cover the major three areas in having a graduate as a (i) practitioner; (ii) a scholar and scientist and (iii) as a professional. In this proposal, a detailed set of... more
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We report on a new clinical teaching and training module for undergraduate students of fourth year (first year of clinical intervention phase) in Tikrit University College of Medicine (TUCOM), Iraq in 1992. This module's integrated... more
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      Medical EducationIraqCurriculumCPC
Abstract The present study was undertaken to evaluate the competence of rotating residents in handling clinical problems, falling under the purview of the major clinical disciplines, which they come across during their routine work. Three... more
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      Medical EducationIraqClinical Competence
We report here on four community-based education (CBE) packages in Tikrit University College of Medicine (TUCOM) curriculum where elements of primary health care and community medicine are deeply integrated throughout the 6-year study... more
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      Primary Health CareCommunity Based EducationProblem based Tikrit Iraq
For completely different circumstances, it happened that I was twice assigned, as Founding Dean, to establish from scratch two medical colleges in two different countries. In 1988, I was appointed in Tikrit University, Iraq and in 1997 in... more
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      Curriculum DesignMedical EducationYemenCompetence
The purpose of this guide is to support Member States in strengthening existing, or establishing new, human resources for health development departments at the central and subnational levels. Thus, at the institutional level, any... more
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman Resources for Health
Just after independence of South Sudan in 2011, I was assigned as consultant by WHO-GHWA to support SSMoH to revise and develop their national policy for the development of human resources for health. The policy we produced in close... more
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      Human Resources for HealthSouth SudanHRH Policy
Twelve adult rats received a crush lesion of the left sciatic nerve in the upper thigh. Following survival times of 2 weeks to 6 months, the animals were perfused with glutaraldehyde. Longitudinal thin sections from regenerated nerve... more
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      NeuroscienceNerve RegenerationSciatic Nerve Injury
The relation between internodal length (L) and fibre diameter (D) was examined light microscopically in teased specimens from normal developing rat sciatic nerves, and from rat sciatic nerves which had regenerated following crush lesions... more
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      RegenerationDevelopmentLight microscopyRemodelling
In neonatal rat pups the femoral and tibial epiphyseal cartilages on the left side were coagulated with a microcautery device. The subsequent femoral and tibial growth in length was markedly restricted on the left side, but the foot and... more
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      DevelopmentRat Sciatic NerveAxon NumberInternodal Length
A total of thirty-two adult rat (Sprague Dawely) of both sexes weighing 250-350 g were used in this study. These were classified equally and randomly into two groups: Group (A) and group (B). All the animals were exposed to induction... more
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      AspirinNerve RegenerationAcetyl Salicylic AcidNerve crush injury
In 2006 and following the signing of the CPA, the first strategic plan was developed to achieve the major objectives to avail the required adequate numbers of human resources for health equipped with appropriate competences to be... more
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      Strategic PlanningHuman Resources for HealthSouth Sudan