Papers by Marijke Hezemans

Abstract. What role does knowledge have in competency based higher education? Many Dutch Universi... more Abstract. What role does knowledge have in competency based higher education? Many Dutch Universities of Professional Education are struggling with the implementation of competency-based curricula. In view of current practice, this article distinguishes between two sorts of knowledge: vocationrelated knowledge and context-free knowledge. In higher education curricula are developed with the aid of various design-models. The resulting curricula are tied to varying degrees with the field of practice, depending on which model is used. Below three models are typified and compared along four aspects: assignment-driven, vocationally related work processes, integral assessment & testing and knowledge development. Recommendations are then made for ways in which knowledge-rich, competency-based curricula can be developed and improved within the given design models. Keywords here are 'good vocational assignments' and 'accountability of results'.
Posterpresentatie voor Divisie Beroepsonderwijs, Bedrijfsopleidingen, Vakmanschap op Onderwijs Re... more Posterpresentatie voor Divisie Beroepsonderwijs, Bedrijfsopleidingen, Vakmanschap op Onderwijs Research Dagen 2016
Learning environments and responsibility: Three types of learning environments Marijke Hezemans a... more Learning environments and responsibility: Three types of learning environments Marijke Hezemans and Magda Ritzen Expert Centre for Educational Innovation and Training of the Hogeschool van Utrecht, University for Professional Development and Applied Science, The ...
De UvA-LINKER biedt mogelijkheden om een publicatie elders te vinden (inclusief een directe link ... more De UvA-LINKER biedt mogelijkheden om een publicatie elders te vinden (inclusief een directe link naar de publicatie online als deze beschikbaar is in een database op het internet). Zoekresultaten. Record: oai:ARNO:159451. terug naar titellijst. 1, ...
... Redactie Melle de Vries (hoofdauteur) Paul van der Aa Marijke Hezemans Geert Kinkhorst Sander... more ... Redactie Melle de Vries (hoofdauteur) Paul van der Aa Marijke Hezemans Geert Kinkhorst Sander Muizelaar Magda Ritzen Cetis, expertisecentrum voor onderwijsinnovatie en ICT van de Hogeschool van Utrecht © Stichting SURF ISBN 90-74256-43-0 Mei 2005 ...
Ifip Tc3 Publications, 2003

De uitgangsvraag van deze studie was: “Hoe kan een docent door toepassing van ICT in een cursus h... more De uitgangsvraag van deze studie was: “Hoe kan een docent door toepassing van ICT in een cursus het samenwerken van studenten ondersteunen?”. Dit leverde informatie vanuit onderzoek op, voorbeelden van ‘good practice’ en kritische succesfactoren en aandachtspunten bij het zelf toepassen van ICT. Ook werden de theoretische invalshoeken vergeleken met de praktijkervaringen van de voorbeelden. Kort geformuleerd luidt de conclusie over het effect van ICT bij samenwerkend leren dat bij de ‘good practice’ voorbeelden studententeams, maar ook individuele studenten, niet alleen meer mogelijkheden krijgen om online te werken maar door de ICT-toepassing ook gestimuleerd worden in hun leer- en werkproces. Dit gaat vaak indirect, voor een deel van het samenwerken lijkt de voorkeur alsnog uit te gaan naar face-to-face-contact. Docenten krijgen door ICT te gebruiken meer mogelijkheden om een effectieve cursus te ontwerpen én deze deels online te managen. Het goed ontwerpen van dit soort cursussen...
A portfolio in a competency-driven curriculum can serve many functions. This article describes th... more A portfolio in a competency-driven curriculum can serve many functions. This article describes the essence of competency-based learning and focusses on the role the portfolio can play in the formative and summative function of assessment. Important issues are validity and reliability. The implications of combining different functions for the design of an electronic portfolio will also be discussed. In the presentation the focus is on the design (including examples of student-portfolios) and the implementation procedure.
De UvA-LINKER biedt mogelijkheden om een publicatie elders te vinden (inclusief een directe link ... more De UvA-LINKER biedt mogelijkheden om een publicatie elders te vinden (inclusief een directe link naar de publicatie online als deze beschikbaar is in een database op het internet). Zoekresultaten. Record: oai:ARNO:159451. terug naar titellijst. 1, ...
A portfolio in a competency-driven curriculum can serve many functions. This article describes th... more A portfolio in a competency-driven curriculum can serve many functions. This article describes the essence of competency-based learning and focusses on the role the portfolio can play in the formative and summative function of assessment. Important issues are validity and reliability. The implications of combining different functions for the design of an electronic portfolio will also be discussed. In the presentation the focus is on the design (including examples of student-portfolios) and the implementation procedure.
IFIP TC3 Publications, 2003
IFIP TC3 Publications, 2002
Learning environments and responsibility: Three types of learning environments Marijke Hezemans a... more Learning environments and responsibility: Three types of learning environments Marijke Hezemans and Magda Ritzen Expert Centre for Educational Innovation and Training of the Hogeschool van Utrecht, University for Professional Development and Applied Science, The ...
Universities of Higher Professional Education (HBO) are working together intensively with institu... more Universities of Higher Professional Education (HBO) are working together intensively with institutions in the field to develop and provide educational programmes which prepare students as well as possible for the reality and dynamics of professional practice. This article describes the way in which various interested parties (students, tutors and the professional field) can participate in the creation of learning environments
IFIP The International Federation for Information Processing, 2004

IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing, 2008
What role does knowledge have in competency based higher education? Many Dutch Universities of Pr... more What role does knowledge have in competency based higher education? Many Dutch Universities of Professional Education are struggling with the implementation of competency-based curricula. In view of current practice, this article distinguishes between two sorts of knowledge: vocationrelated knowledge and context-free knowledge. In higher education curricula are developed with the aid of various design-models. The resulting curricula are tied to varying degrees with the field of practice, depending on which model is used. Below three models are typified and compared along four aspects: assignment-driven, vocationally related work processes, integral assessment & testing and knowledge development. Recommendations are then made for ways in which knowledge-rich, competency-based curricula can be developed and improved within the given design models. Keywords here are 'good vocational assignments' and 'accountability of results'.
Papers by Marijke Hezemans