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Engineering faculty at German universities often observe an absence of German for Specific Purposes (GSP) proficiency among international students, particularly regarding passives and impersonal expressions. This problem partially results... more
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We intend to explore the emergence of written forms of formerly unwritten languages in two historically and geographically different multilingual settings: Guinea-Bissau Creole and Pennsylvania German.
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      LiteracyMinority LanguagesSpellingOrthography
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      Pidgins & CreolesSpanish LinguisticsSpanish in contact with other languagesPidgin and Creole Languages
The present paper aims to describe copulas in Kriyol from a semantic-syntactic perspective and to compare them to copulas in the other Upper Guinea Creoles and certain substrate languages. We will show that in Kriyol the selection of the... more
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      Guinea-BissauPredicationCopulasTense and Aspect Systems
The nature of the present dissertation is threefold: i) descriptive, ii) comparative, and iii) theoretical. After a brief general discussion on the history and grammar of Guinea-Bissau Creole, and after an extensive review of various... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceVietnamese LanguageLinguistic TypologyEuropean Portuguese
This study focuses on the copular item i in Kriyol (Portuguese based creole of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa) and its path of grammaticalization. Copulas such as locative and stage-level (sta ‘to be, to stay’), modal (parsi ‘to seem’) and... more
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The present paper aims to introduce Guinea-Bissau Creole (Kriyol), which belongs to the group of Upper Guinea Creoles of Atlantic creoles. We will provide an overview of the paradigm of copulas in Kriyol and we will look at... more
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      PortugueseWolofCopulasLanguage Variation
The present paper aims to study the item i in Kriol, the Portuguese-related creole of Guinea-Bissau. More specifically, i is 3SG subject pronoun and also functions as copula in individual-level predication. As a pronoun, i may also occur... more
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The present paper aims to describe copulas in Kriyol from a semantic-syntactic perspective and to compare them to copulas in the other Upper Guinea Creoles and certain substrate languages. We will show that in Kriyol the selection of the... more
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      PredicationCopulasTense and Aspect SystemsMande Languages
The present paper aims to describe copulas in Kriyol from a semantic-syntactic perspective and to compare them to copulas in the other Upper Guinea Creoles and certain substrate languages. We will show that in Kriyol the selection of the... more
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      PredicationCopulasTense and Aspect SystemsMande Languages
Este artigo tem como objetivo o estudo da predicação nominal e locativa nos crioulos portugueses da Alta Guiné e nas línguas da África ocidental que têm sido referidas na literatura como línguas de substrato - Mandinka, Wolof e Temne -... more
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The paper aims to study nominal and locative predication in Upper Guinea Portuguese-related creoles and the West African languages, mentioned in the literature as substrate Mandinka, Wolof, and Temne and/or adstrate several Atlantic... more
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The present paper aims to study the item i in Kriol, the Portuguese-based creole of Guinea-Bissau. More specifically, i is 3SG subject pronoun and also functions as copula in individual-level predication. As a pronoun, i may also occur as... more
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      Computer ScienceHistorical SyntaxGrammaticalizationPronouns
This paper deals with adjectives in Guinea-Bissau Kriol (Ginensi) and aims to uncover possible substrate and adstrate influences. The description of the syntactic behaviour of Kriol adjectives is based on a corpus-based study (CoKri,... more
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      Portuguese LanguageAdjectivesAreal linguisticsMande Languages
This study, presented at the "Workshop on adverbial clauses in pidgin and creole languages" (4th October 2023, Göttingen), represents an introduction to subordination in Guinea-Bissau Kriol (Ginensi). It mainly focuses on adverbial... more
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      SyntaxSubordinationAdverbial clausesPortuguese-Based Creoles
This paper, published in the website "Museu Virtual da Guiné-Bissau" (currently under maintenance), represents an introduction to Guinea-Bissau Kriol (Ginensi) and to the linguistic ecosystem that surrounds this language. It deals with... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSociolinguisticsGuinea-BissauPidgins & Creoles
This is a study of copular clauses in Guinea-Bissau Kriol (Guinean/Ginensi) and of related syntactic and semantic aspects. It aims to answer to the following questions: (i) Does the taxonomy of copular clauses apply to the case of... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxCopulasMande Languages
This paper, presented at a meeting of the project LABEX-EFL (16th April 2021) aims to describe copular clauses in Guinea-Bissau Kriol (Ginensi) in both main and subordinate clauses. In particular, the criteria underlying the copula... more
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The research reported here investigates the interplay of the overt focus operators only and also with contrastive intonation. Our experiment consisted of two parts: a naturalness rating and a delayed truth value judgement task. The... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpeech ProsodyPragmaticsSemantics
The form of a determiner is dependent on different contextual factors: in some languages grammatical number and grammatical gender determine the choice of a determiner variant. In other languages, the phonological onset of the element... more
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      CognitionAttentionSpeech ProductionLanguage