Papers by Septhia Irnanda

Journal of Language Relationship, 2024
The debate on the dating of the Acehnese-Chamic subgrouping has been inactive for nearly twenty y... more The debate on the dating of the Acehnese-Chamic subgrouping has been inactive for nearly twenty years. However, new data on the Acehnese sub-lects and the interior mainland Chamic languages, and the historical studies of the Champa kingdom provide more clues about the Acehnese ancestors’ time of migration into Sumatra. Using an etymological analysis approach, this study shows that despite being the first to leave the Chamic groups, Acehnese shares more innovation with the mainland Chamic languages than previously thought. This suggests that Acehnese might have left the group within a close time frame to the highland Chamic languages, which subgrouped in the 10th century CE. Based on the 8th century CE Javanese raids to the southern area of the Southeast Asia mainland, recorded in a Chamic inscription, the disappearance of the Linyi name from the Chinese records around the same date, the appearance of the Lamuri kingdom with its Austroasiatic toponymy, and the historical findings on Srivijaya power across Southeast Asia, all suggests that the Acehnese’s Indochina-Sumatra migration is likely to have occurred around the middle of the 8th century CE. The final location of this first Chamic migration to Sumatra indicates that it was an ntentional relocation rather than an emergency refuge. Furthermore, post-Proto-Chamic-breakup (PC) innovations and borrowings on the mainland are also found in higher numbers than previously reported. This finding proves the post-PC-breakup Chamic dispersal into Aceh-Sumatra, as Thurgood once claimed, to occur in the 15th century AD. Yet, the variants across dialects for these post-PC-breakup words reported in the present study open a probability of an earlier date of this second wave of Chamic-speaking migrants’ arrival in Sumatra.
This study investigates how well first-grade students at MTsN 3 Banda Aceh can pronounce English ... more This study investigates how well first-grade students at MTsN 3 Banda Aceh can pronounce English words correctly while using a phonetic approach. The study uses tests, questionnaires, and experimental instruction sessions to investigate the efficacy of the phonetic technique using a pre-experimental research design. All first-grade children at MTsN 3 Banda Aceh make up the target population, and 30 students were chosen as a sample size for the research. The data is analyzed using statistical techniques such as t-tests, percentage computations and SPSS 21. Based on the difference between pretest and posttest scores, the results show that students' pronunciation skills significantly improved after using the phonetic approach. Furthermore, both the quantitative and qualitative results show that students had positive attitudes regarding the phonetic technique.

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that are causing difficulties for female st... more The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that are causing difficulties for female students in grades 1-3 of Ibnu Khaldun MIA Islamic Middle School in Banda Aceh, in learning to speak English. The study involved 48 students, and a Likert-Scale questionnaire consisting of 16 statement items was used as the research tool. The questionnaire assessed personal, peer, teacher, and facility factors. The results showed that the facility factor is the biggest hurdle to learning English speaking skills, followed by peer-related, self-related, and teacher-related factors. The students expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of facilities to watch videos and other digital learning materials. Additionally, they reported that their peers do not respond in English when they try to speak in English to them and laugh at them for using English. Furthermore, the factors of fear and the lack of vocabulary were also identified as significant self-related factors that hinder successful English-speaking learning. Lastly, the teacher's permission for the students to speak in the Indonesian language and their limited use of English in their interaction with the students are also reported as important roles in restricting the students' English-speaking development.
Studies in English language and education, Sep 15, 2023

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that are causing difficulties for female st... more The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that are causing difficulties for female students in grades 1-3 of Ibnu Khaldun MIA Islamic Middle School in Banda Aceh, in learning to speak English. The study involved 48 students, and a Likert-Scale questionnaire consisting of 16 statement items was used as the research tool. The questionnaire assessed personal, peer, teacher, and facility factors. The results showed that the facility factor is the biggest hurdle to learning English speaking skills, followed by peer-related, self-related, and teacher-related factors. The students expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of facilities to watch videos and other digital learning materials. Additionally, they reported that their peers do not respond in English when they try to speak in English to them and laugh at them for using English. Furthermore, the factors of fear and the lack of vocabulary were also identified as significant self-related factors that hinder successful English-speaking learning. Lastly, the teacher's permission for the students to speak in the Indonesian language and their limited use of English in their interaction with the students are also reported as important roles in restricting the students' English-speaking development.
The 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023, 2024
This study aims to identify both linguistic and non-linguistic reading comprehension problems dur... more This study aims to identify both linguistic and non-linguistic reading comprehension problems during online learning. This qualitative study used a descriptive design focusing on 18 of the fifth and seventh semester students from the English Education Department in the Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Serambi Mekah University. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using qualitative analysis to explore the students' reading comprehension difficulties during online learning. The results indicated that the students experienced the most reading problems in the areas of facilities (69.46%). This means the participants considered it as the most frequent problems that interfered with their reading comprehension during online learning

The 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023, 2024
English is a relatively difficult subject for Indonesian-speaking learners. The anxiety of learni... more English is a relatively difficult subject for Indonesian-speaking learners. The anxiety of learning English is reported to be associated with the level of English learning achievement. To understand the Universitas Serambi Mekkah students' psychological states towards English learning in general, this study surveyed the first-year students' English language learning anxiety using a questionnaire developed by Iwaniec (2014). This anxiety measuring tool uses five-point Likert-scale questions and consists of 8 items. The population was all new students of the 2023 Academic Year at Universitas Serambi Mekkah with a total number of 1264. A total of 184 students from three faculties participated in the survey. Findings from the eight statements regarding English language learning anxiety show that the first-year students of Universitas Serambi Mekkah in general have a relatively high level of anxiety in learning English. The classroom performance type of anxiety is higher than the academic-achievement one. This implies that the USM English language learners need a secure English learning environment to reduce their learning anxiety.

English LAnguage Study and TEaching
Instagram is now a photo and video-sharing social media platform used around the world, and Engli... more Instagram is now a photo and video-sharing social media platform used around the world, and English is increasingly used in captions by non-English speaking Instagram users. This study was aimed to figure out why students at Serambi Mekkah University write English captions on Instagram. This study involved 30 students majoring in English at the University of Serambi Mekkah. The research design used was a descriptive study. To collect data, a close-ended yes-no question questionnaire was distributed online through Google Form. The questionnaire measured the responses in terms of English learning and self-image factors. The results show that the reason students of Serambi Mekkah University used English in their Instagram captions is mainly driven by their need of improving their English proficiency, specifically the spelling and vocabulary. The self-image factor plays a relatively important role too, as half of the participants confessed that they used English in their Instagram post ...

Researchers World : Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, 2016
The aim of this research is to produce a model of teaching English writing skill in an effective ... more The aim of this research is to produce a model of teaching English writing skill in an effective way for students of English Education Program in Indonesian Universities. The current research involves using the Research and Development for trying to seek a learning model for students of English Writing course. The teaching model arranged can be implemented conceptually and operationally. The models were developed based on theories of teaching writing. This research was conducted in the city of Banda Aceh. The model of teaching writing combines 3 aspects as a foundation. First, lecturer's input, Second, lecturer's correction, and third, written communication between students with foreign partners via email. The results showed a positive effect on the application of the model of learning writing. And in general it can be concluded that the teaching of writing by using the internet as a medium for writing exercises can be done to help students extending the exercise.

Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research, Nov 7, 2022
This study aimed at putting an experiment to young learners in acquiring through the use of gestu... more This study aimed at putting an experiment to young learners in acquiring through the use of gestures as the treatment process. This study was carried out under the procedure of the quasi-experimental approach with repeated measurement design. There were 35 primary school students involved in this study. The data were gathered through pretest-posttest. After the pretest was administered, the treatment process was carried out during the three following weeks by teaching the students verb vocabulary using gestures. The post-tests were then administered repeatedly in the 4th, 6th, and 7th week after the treatment to see the level of their memory retention. Later, the data obtained were analyzed using repeated test analysis. The results unveiled that the use of gestures can definitely enhance the students' vocabulary intake. It implies that EFL teachers-especially those teaching youths-should consider integrating their teaching method with gestures, but they are expected to be more creative in generating understandable gestures to convey abstract verb vocabulary.

Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan
Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary edu... more Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary education curriculum, so language proficiency can be achieved more quickly and effectively. As two or more languages knowledge are competing linguistically in the brain, the early introduction to English means putting the other languages known by the Indonesian English language learners in a competition. On the other hand, despite its controversy, bilingualism and multilingualism, when achieved fully and proportionally, is cognitively and socially beneficial. This article reviews the potential effects of including English early in the Indonesian curriculum and the recommendation for the Indonesian’s future multilingual education and research. The discussion resulted in some important conclusions. Firstly, considering the Indonesian-English far typological distance, learning English requires some time and cognitive effort. For Indonesian bilinguals/multilingual, this means early introduction...

Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research, 2022
This study aimed at putting an experiment to young learners in acquiring through the use of gestu... more This study aimed at putting an experiment to young learners in acquiring through the use of gestures as the treatment process. This study was carried out under the procedure of the quasi-experimental approach with repeated measurement design. There were 35 primary school students involved in this study. The data were gathered through pretest-posttest. After the pretest was administered, the treatment process was carried out during the three following weeks by teaching the students verb vocabulary using gestures. The post-tests were then administered repeatedly in the 4th, 6th, and 7th week after the treatment to see the level of their memory retention. Later, the data obtained were analyzed using repeated test analysis. The results unveiled that the use of gestures can definitely enhance the students' vocabulary intake. It implies that EFL teachers-especially those teaching youths-should consider integrating their teaching method with gestures, but they are expected to be more creative in generating understandable gestures to convey abstract verb vocabulary.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Inggris, 2022
Writing, as one of the language skills, is a compulsory skill to be mastered by EFL students and ... more Writing, as one of the language skills, is a compulsory skill to be mastered by EFL students and it has become a problematic skill for majority of students. Thus, EFL instructors are recommended to use various strategies in order to help improve their students' performance in writing. This article discusses some teaching strategies that the EFL instructors can use in teaching writing. Some experts stated that writing strategies determine the students' capability improvement in producing a longer and better essay. Among the strategies are Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), process writing, shared writing, writing animation, and cooperative writing.
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan, Jan 31, 2021
Indonesia curriculum has delayed English subject introduction until at least the student complete... more Indonesia curriculum has delayed English subject introduction until at least the student completes their primary level (aged 12). Starting English class with minimum vocabularies, the student is confronted to learn from authentic texts full of words they know not the meaning, nor the way to pronounce it right. The aim of the article is to discuss the motivational problem faced by the Indonesian Junior High School students as the beginners of English learners, particularly regarding their basic knowledge of English words that is important to help them feeling confident and positive during the first years of learning. The article proposes that some pre-vocabulary lessons should be given to students before or along the first year in Junior High School level.

Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan, 2022
Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary edu... more Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary education curriculum, so the language proficiency can be achieved more quickly and effectively. As two or more language knowledge compete linguistically in the brain, the early introduction to English means putting the other languages known by the Indonesian English language learners in a competition. On the other hand, despite its controversy, bilingualism and multilingualism, when achieved fully and proportionally, is cognitively and socially beneficial. This article reviews the potential effects of including English early in the Indonesian curriculum and the recommendation for Indonesian's future multilingual education and research. The discussion resulted in some important conclusions. Firstly, considering the Indonesian-English far typological distance, learning English requires some time and cognitive effort. For Indonesian bilinguals/multilinguals, this early introduction to English means higher confidence in producing the language verbally later on. During this early learning of English, the Indonesian language (and any other ethnic language that forms the speaker's identity) should also be used simultaneously to create the same purpose; a sense of belonging towards and confidence in using the language(s). In short, multilingualism that includes foreign language instruction; national and minority language use and maintenance, should be enhanced and normalised from childhood.

Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan, 2022
Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary edu... more Since the future of the world is English, many countries now include English in their primary education curriculum, so the language proficiency can be achieved more quickly and effectively. As two or more language knowledge compete linguistically in the brain, the early introduction to English means putting the other languages known by the Indonesian English language learners in a competition. On the other hand, despite its controversy, bilingualism and multilingualism, when achieved fully and proportionally, is cognitively and socially beneficial. This article reviews the potential effects of including English early in the Indonesian curriculum and the recommendation for Indonesian's future multilingual education and research. The discussion resulted in some important conclusions. Firstly, considering the Indonesian-English far typological distance, learning English requires some time and cognitive effort. For Indonesian bilinguals/multilinguals, this early introduction to English means higher confidence in producing the language verbally later on. During this early learning of English, the Indonesian language (and any other ethnic language that forms the speaker's identity) should also be used simultaneously to create the same purpose; a sense of belonging towards and confidence in using the language(s). In short, multilingualism that includes foreign language instruction; national and minority language use and maintenance, should be enhanced and normalised from childhood.

This study investigates the phonological awareness and multi-literacy acquisitions of Indonesian-... more This study investigates the phonological awareness and multi-literacy acquisitions of Indonesian-speaking children with a varied level of Acehnese spoken language experience. The study specifically looks for the possibility of metalinguistic awareness benefit on the level of phonology by having Acehnese as a second spoken language after Indonesian, and the possibility of transfer of this phonological awareness into the third language English which is learnt formally at school as a foreign language. The other purposes of the study are to examine the roles of both Acehnese and English oral language vocabulary in the Acehnese and English word reading performances, respectively, once the L1 Indonesian word-reading skill is controlled. Forty-six 7-year-old children from a primary school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia were given three vocabulary tests, each in Indonesian, Acehnese and English, and were assessed for their daily (passive and active) spoken language use in Indonesian and Acehnese ...

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022
This study aimed, firstly, to observe the phonological change of the Standard Indonesian (SI), pa... more This study aimed, firstly, to observe the phonological change of the Standard Indonesian (SI), particularly the final-k syllabic pronunciation used in the journalistic videos aired between 1980 – 2019. Secondly, the study investigated the nature of the sound change by taking into account the theories of Lexical Diffusion. Lastly, the plausibly cause of the sound change was figured out, considering the sociolinguistic factors; orthographic re-regulation, post-colonial language policy, borrowing, and contacts. Methodologically, it is a diachronic study using a set of television news videos as the main source of data. A battery of findings from other related studies was employed to support the discussion on the nature and the reason for the sound change. The results show that the phonological shift of coda /ʔ/ ~ /k/ happened to most final -k syllabic words across the periods observed, but with varying degrees of rapidity, where the high-frequency words tend to be more sustained. The re...

This study examines the sound shift from plosive /ʔ/ to /k/ as a coda in final-k syllabic words, ... more This study examines the sound shift from plosive /ʔ/ to /k/ as a coda in final-k syllabic words, such as duduk, anak, bisik, and pojok in the Indonesian-Aceh dialect. The Indonesian dialect developed in Aceh province area has /ʔ/ variant for most words with final-k spelt syllables. However, due to the increasing popularity of and contact with the Standard dialect via television, internet and travels, there is now a new variant of final plosive production for orthographically final-k syllabic words. The present study aimed to verify if this sound shift is occurring in the dialect by asking 25 Acehnese who spoke the Indonesian-Aceh dialect for daily basis to read an Indonesian text consisted of 39 final-k words with varied vowel letters preceding it, and varied degrees of word-frequency effect. The results show that the final-ik and final-ek syllables tend to be more prone to change to the Standard dialect. The position of the syllable also determines the rapidity of the shift, as /ʔ/ positioned as the coda in the non-final syllable, like words makna anda paksa, changes faster to /k/ sound compared to those positioned in the final syllable. It can be summed up that the sound shift from coda /ʔ/ to /k/ in the Indonesian-Aceh dialect context confirms the lexical diffusion theory, with the speed of the change determined by factors that include word frequency, the position of the syllable (whether at the beginning or the end), and the onset-nucleus combination of the syllable.

EEIC Proceeding, 2019
This study aimed at investigating students speaking problems’ and the reasons of those problems i... more This study aimed at investigating students speaking problems’ and the reasons of those problems in presentation classroom. A mix of quantitative and qualitative study was employed in this study. A Likert scale questionnaire about the speaking problems from Ur (1996) framework was handing out to 21 English Department students of 2017 academic year. In revealing the reasons of that factor, an interview was conducted for 10 out of those 21 participants. The results from questionnaire showed that the use of mother tongue (23%) become the most main problem for the students followed nothing to say factor (22%), inhibition (21%), and low or uneven participation (19%). The result of interview revealed the factors that cause those problems are the students feel more comfortable if they mix the language, the lack of vocabulary that makes them hesitant to speak and have nothing to say, fear of making errors or mistakes and nervousness, and fear of being mocked by the other students. The resul...
Papers by Septhia Irnanda