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The book investigates how transnational forms of corporate regulation affect international, i.e. intergovernmental regulation. It studies the interaction between these two in the global banking industry through case studies of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityTransnational RegulationEquator Principlesinternational Banking regulation
Increasing demand for extractive resources, volatile markets and protectionist endeavours are currently heightening a well-known challenge of the developing world: Countries that possess significant amounts of natural resource deposits on... more
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      Natural ResourcesExtractive industriesNatural Resource Governance
Corporate-community conflict is a constant theme in Peru’s extractive sector and seems to have escalated over the past few years during which violent confrontations between anti-mining/anti-oil protestors and the state’s security forces... more
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      Community Development & Conflict ResolutionExtractive industriesResource ConflictsConflictos Mineria
This paper - unfortunately available in German only - gives a brief overview of the conflict minerals debate and offers a short analysis of Dodd Frank-Act section 1502 and its consequences in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Its main... more
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      Conflict MineralsResource ConflictsDRC Mining Economy
Eine Zweckgemeinschaft, die seit Jahren zu gut funktioniert: Auch beim Projekt der Olympischen Spiele haben der russische Präsident Putin und der tschetschenische Präsident Kadyrow ein gemeinsames Ziel. Die Spiele sollen das neue, moderne... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsRussia
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational PoliticsInternational institutions
The global distribution of power is changing. The consequences of this change are instabilities and uncertainties in world politics. The current constellation concerning the situation in the Ukraine serves as testimony that great power... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobal GovernanceInternational Security
The Concert and its embedding in the existing world order
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational institutionsWorld Politics
This policy paper was conceived of by an international study group as part of the project "The Post- Transatlantic Age: A Twenty-First Century Concert of Powers". The project is part of the “Europe and Global Challenges” programme, a... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityInternational Order
In theoretical terms ‘peace’ remains a largely contested concept. Academics propose competing definitions and conceptualizations, which possess their own normative and analytical advantages or disadvantages. Yet despite heated academic... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesConflictConcepts
In theoretical terms ‘peace’ remains a largely contested concept. Academics propose competing definitions and conceptualizations, which possess their own normative and analytical advantages or disadvantages. Yet despite heated academic... more
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      Content AnalysisRussian Foreign PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyPeace
Dem eigenen Opfergefühl entsprechend verhielt sich die russische Seite eher abwartend-reaktiv, wohingegen die deutsche Seite nach Auswegen aus der Situation suchte... The final publication is available at... more
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      Human RightsRussian PoliticsEnglish SchoolRussia
This project aims to provide a menu of innovative ways in which the international community can engage with all sides in the four so-called “frozen conflicts” – protracted conflicts on the territory of the former USSR that include the... more
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      OSCEProtracted Conflicts