Papers by Stanislav Zaichenko
Экономическая социология, 2002

International Journal of Innovation Management, Apr 1, 2015
This paper studies technology creation and transfer of 95 Russian research and technology organis... more This paper studies technology creation and transfer of 95 Russian research and technology organisations (RTOs) into producer organisations in agriculture and mining. Previous findings suggested that in agriculture, the barriers for technology adaption are particularly high due to technological conservatism and the atomic structure of the industry. Although RTOs in agriculture publish more and register more patents, they struggle to translate their success into transfer activities. While technology transfer in mining goes well hand in hand with applied research, RTOs in agriculture either build on new technologies or generate revenues through ready-to-use services. The explanation for this rather short-term oriented demand for services of Russia's RTOs lies in the financial situation of client organisations. The vast majority complain about their dire lack of financial means to pay for new technologies. Consequently, agricultural producers do not generate enough revenues to pursue future opportunities, with far reaching consequences. The situation could get better if the RTOs and the client would agree to longer-lasting relationships.
Springer eBooks, Dec 7, 2011
Le concept de Systemes nationaux d’innovation (SNI), mis au point initialement par Freeman (1987,... more Le concept de Systemes nationaux d’innovation (SNI), mis au point initialement par Freeman (1987, 1995), Lundvall (1992) et Nelson (1993), s’avere utile pour faire des analyses aux niveaux national, regional et sectoriel, et aussi pour elaborer des politiques qui favorisent la science et la technologie (S&T). Cette approche apporte une contribution importante et devoile le role majeur que joue le contexte institutionnel national dans la croissance economique basee sur l’innovation et l’enseignement.
Science & public policy, Feb 2, 2018
Springer eBooks, 2011
The concept of National Innovation Systems (NIS) initially developed by Freeman (1987, 1995), Lun... more The concept of National Innovation Systems (NIS) initially developed by Freeman (1987, 1995), Lundvall (1992), and Nelson (1993) has proved to be a useful tool for the analysis at national, regional, and sectoral levels as well as for the design of policies to promote science and technology (S&T). Its considerable contribution reveals the role of the national institutional context as
Foresight Russia, 2012
Ключевые слова научные организации; трансфер результатов исследований и разработок; инновационное... more Ключевые слова научные организации; трансфер результатов исследований и разработок; инновационное поведение; стратегии научных организаций; научно-техническая и инновационная политика Адрес: Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», 101000, Москва, Мясницкая ул., 20 Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний НИУ ВШЭ S&T and innovation policies, knowledge and technology transfer, innovation behavior, strategies of R&D organisations
Foresight Russia, 2008
Государственная поддержка передовых структур в системе науки и инноваций играет в последние десят... more Государственная поддержка передовых структур в системе науки и инноваций играет в последние десятилетия все более важную роль в научно-технической политике ведущих стран мира. Именно такие структуры обеспечивают национальную конкурентоспособность на ключевых глобальных рынках. В связи с этим увеличиваются потоки ресурсов, направляемых правительствами на развитие лучших институтов в приоритетных для государств сферах науки и технологий. Но вместе с тем встают проблемы контроля эффективности использования средств, наиболее продуктивного объединения усилий разных организаций, распространения их достижений в экономике и т.п. В ответ на эти вызовы постепенно сформировалась особая форма научно-исследовательской организации-центр превосходства.

International Journal of Innovation Management, Feb 1, 2016
This paper studies sectoral differences in technology transfer of 170 Russian Research and Techno... more This paper studies sectoral differences in technology transfer of 170 Russian Research and Technology Organisations engaged into technology transfer to agriculture, mining and quarrying, high-tech, medium-high-tech, medium-low-tech and low-tech industries. RTOs in these five groups do not overlap by customers’ economic activities and are representative for all Russian regions. Certain factors have in fact opposite effects in different sectors. A customer without a clear vision is perceived as a curse by one sector, but by another one perceived as a blessing. Another such factor is the high economic risk of the application of new technologies. Furthermore, we proved the presence of influence factors which show the same effects with different degrees of intensity depending on the sectors. Thereby, we also provide insights into Russia’s innovation system.

International journal of transitions and innovation systems, 2012
ABSTRACT During the last decade, the role and meaning of research and technology organisations (R... more ABSTRACT During the last decade, the role and meaning of research and technology organisations (RTOs) and their contribution to the innovation potential of countries has been questioned. In this paper, RTOs are understood as organisations with significant core government funding (25% or greater) which supply services to firms individually or collectively in support of scientific and technological innovation and which devote much of their capability (50% or more of their labour) to remaining integrated with the science base (Hales, 2001). Transitional economies like Russia face substantial challenges with national and regional innovation policies for supporting and enabling knowledge transfer. In this context, RTOs often maintain obsolete behavioural schemes of non-market public institutions isolated from the real economic sector. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and explain some unexpected knowledge transfer phenomena crucial for efficient regional innovation policies using Russian RTOs as example.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013
Форсайт, 2014
An essential element of modern economic models on the development and implementation of innovatio... more An essential element of modern economic models on the development and implementation of innovation is the various forms of interaction between stakeholders engaged in innovative activities with a view toward exchanging knowledge and technologies. The intensity and quality of this interaction becomes all the more important when assessing the level of development of innovation systems, while the embeddedness of certain organisations and enterprises in a network of such contacts shapes the long-term effectiveness and impact of their work. This article assesses the degree of involvement of Russian innovative enterprises and scientific organisations in processes to create, transfer, and acquire technologies (including the purchase and sale of ready-made machines and equipment, and various methods to transfer intangible scientific and technological results).
Social Science Research Network, 2020
This paper represents a review of strategic level S&T policies in several leading (mostly OEC... more This paper represents a review of strategic level S&T policies in several leading (mostly OECD-member) countries. How are science and technology leadership being targeted and realized in most developed economies? What are the composition and drivers of such policies? How do the S&T policies and corresponding challenges transform over the last decade? These and some other questions constitute a discussion based on desk research comprising strategic documents, adopted in Germany, Sweden, China, Korea, and Japan. The outcomes provide certain S&T strategic options for further discussion, in terms of both, policy coordination and meeting the future challenges.
Anthem Press eBooks, Mar 5, 2012
Форсайт, Mar 1, 2014
An essential element of modern economic models on the development and implementation of innovatio... more An essential element of modern economic models on the development and implementation of innovation is the various forms of interaction between stakeholders engaged in innovative activities with a view toward exchanging knowledge and technologies. The intensity and quality of this interaction becomes all the more important when assessing the level of development of innovation systems, while the embeddedness of certain organisations and enterprises in a network of such contacts shapes the long-term effectiveness and impact of their work. This article assesses the degree of involvement of Russian innovative enterprises and scientific organisations in processes to create, transfer, and acquire technologies (including the purchase and sale of ready-made machines and equipment, and various methods to transfer intangible scientific and technological results).

European Journal of Innovation Management, Aug 5, 2014
Purpose – Given the immense gains in productivity in agriculture and mining over the last decades... more Purpose – Given the immense gains in productivity in agriculture and mining over the last decades, the purpose of this paper is to study knowledge transfer from Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) into primary sector producers. The authors inquire which of these RTOs are successfully competing for public funding, and how these funds are used. Also, the authors study what makes an RTO more (financially) successful in technology transfer than their peers and which RTOs transferred technology that was new to the Russian market. Design/methodology/approach – This research is based on 62 RTOs which reported technology transfer to enterprises with main economic activities classified by NACE rev 1 as “A – agriculture, hunting and forestry” and “B – fishing” and “C – mining and quarrying,” including oil and gas extraction. Findings – The authors found remarkable differences between the Russian RTOs and their OECD peers, but also differences between agriculture and mining. Interestingly, competitive funding plays a different role in both industries. In agriculture, a more conservative funding paradigm prevails, and competitive funding is less important and more reliance on classical annually revolving funds is given. Competitive funding here is more used to strengthen basic R&D and to generate patentable knowledge, while in mining, these funds support technology transfer. Originality/value – This is, to the knowledge, the first detailed study on Russian RTOs servicing her primary sector. The authors believe that studying these RTOs is of great value as RTOs are broadly under-researched and various scholars have called for more fine-grained analyses to better understand their role in the innovation system.
International Journal of Innovation Management, Jan 22, 2015
Little is known about how transfer processes are shaped by the underlying industry and its techni... more Little is known about how transfer processes are shaped by the underlying industry and its technical regimes. In our analysis, we differentiate between Science and Technology-modes of learning which incorporate the latest developments in research, and a more practice-oriented mode based on industry-specific knowledge. We test whether Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), that provide technology transfer to firms, follow one or the other mode in correspondence to their customer's needs. Our analysis is based on 67 Russian RTOs transferring technology either to low-tech or high-tech manufacturing firms. For high-tech manufacturing, the use of patents and the intake of scientists are vital for successful technology transfer. Own basic research is positively correlated only with transfer to low-tech manufacturing.

Journal of Technology Transfer, Mar 6, 2017
This study addresses 'science-based' technology transfer by research and technology organizations... more This study addresses 'science-based' technology transfer by research and technology organizations (RTO) whose mission is to combine intramural R&D and technology extension for industrial application. The paper is based on a unique database of Russian RTOs relating their science-based activity to technology transfer performance, on the one hand, and the contribution of R&D personnel sourced from universities to R&D output, on the other. The outcomes suggest a positive relationship between RTO scientific publication and technology transfer activity. Moreover, science-based outputs are contributed mostly by researchers coming to RTOs from academia. Such results are important to countries like Russia with many RTOs that play an important intermediary role between science and technological innovation. The study offers more fine-grained results regarding the differential impact of various types of academic personnel inflows in public versus private RTOs. Keywords Technology transfer Á Innovation Á Science-based regime Á R&D human resources Á Research and technology organizations Á RTOs Á Russia JEL Classification I23 Á L26 Á O15 Á O32
Papers by Stanislav Zaichenko