Roman Abramov
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Papers by Roman Abramov
The period of the 1990s is relatively poorly studied and is in a situation of media and
ideological stereotypes. This article is devoted to return the discourse of the “nineties” in the
analytical channel. It is devoted to the analysis of biographical trajectories and the worldview
of “teenagers of perestroika”, those who were 14–16 years old during the period of historical
change in 1989–1991 with an emphasis on the transition to individualistic thinking and a focus
on personal and business success. All participants in the qualitative research were graduates
of the Penza school of young managers. This school was engaged in teaching knowledge and
ideologies of a market economy, marketing and business of Soviet schoolchildren of the early
1990s. The article discusses the history of the Penza school of young managers, analyzes its
curriculum and the concept of working with students in conjunction with the task of educating
“business people” for the new Russia and the ideology of “carnegieism”. Special attention is
paid to the reception by students of the school of young managers of Dale Carnegie’s ideas
and the ideology of “carnegieism”, who were in the center of the training programs not only
of this, but of other schools of young managers of the early 1990s. The article has a reflection
on the worldview evolution of students of the school of young managers under the influence
of Carnegie’s works. Special attention is paid to reflections on the place of the “teenagers
of perestroika” in modern Russia, taking into account the research of this group, in which
it is called the “lost generation” or the “failed generation”. The article is based on empirical
research materials — the study of thematic sources and interviews with students of the school
of young managers in the early 1990s.
problem of Donbass identity in the context of the collapse of the Soviet Union is discussed
in terms of its integration into the new reality of an independent Ukraine. The essay is about several Soviet films that show the Donbass as a space of labor heroism, a site in the memory of the Great Patriotic War, and contradictory first postwar years of the late Stalinist era. This analysis covers several important films about this space where
spy stories and the struggle to improve productivity are complemented by scenes of building a new life on the basis of “cultural” principles.
Everyday Post-Socialism: Working-Class Communities in the
Russian Margins. The book is based on the ethnographic study of
the life and work of the population of the provincial industrial Russian
town of Isluchino in the period from 2009–2012. Characteristics
of the phenomenon of Soviet and post-Soviet single-industry towns
are given. These settlements have many social problems now because
of the deindustrialization period during the 1990s. The author analyses
the social positions of Isluchino’s inhabitants and describes their
families, labors, and biographical traces. This study shows the importance
of the transition from the Soviet to the post-Soviet period for the
Russian working class. Workers lost their respected status and stable
employment during the 1990s and moved to the survival mode, and
the elderly and younger generations came to have misunderstandings
about the perceptions of their positions in the social and occupational structure. Morris speaks of the women’s
role in working class families, describing how their function is to care for and maintain family integrity. The
author pays special attention to labor relations at local enterprises and demonstrates the transformation of
local businesses into corporate cultures. Rigid managerial models of the business administration changed
former soft paternalism in the management of Soviet enterprises. The book also contains a methodological
reflection of Morris on his professional role as an ethnographer. This book is of particular interest to sociologists,
anthropologists, ethnographers, and experts in gender studies and labor relations.
ских метафор в современной социологии. Сразу оговоримся, что тео-
рия метафор, как она представлена в лингвистике и философии языка, будет нас интересовать лишь в той мере, в какой она соответствует
нашей задаче. В большей степени нас интересуют функции метафоры
для производства социологического знания и социальные аспекты
обращения метафоры современной теории социальных наук. В каче-
стве примера активного использования метафоры мы обратимся к
некоторым работам известного британского социолога З. Баумана.
Они нам представляются чрезвычайно плодотворными для анализа
социальных функций метафоры в производстве и распространении
теоретического знания в социологии
настольных игр, которые нередко используются для проведения социологических экспериментов. Статья выполнена в жанре социальной истории и автоэтнографии с элементами антропологии денег. BUSINESS BOARD GAMES IN THE LATE USSR AND THE DEVELOPMENT
The article contains retrospective analysis of the practice of amateur board game "Monopoly" in the
late Soviet Union, where entrepreneurial skills were under suspicion. The article demonstrates the social and
historical context of the practice of board games in the Soviet Union. Special attention is given to the role of
business board games in the inclusion of the money world into the world of games for children and teenagers in
the late USSR. Also it refers to the function of economic board games in the development of capitalist skills of
rational thinking and practice of accounting. The article includes the review of foreign publications on the topic
of business board games, which are often used for sociological experiments. The article is written in the social
history and ethnography genre with the elements of the anthropology of money.
The article touches upon the changes in roles within the academic profession in Russia arising from the education and science reform. The analysis is made through the example of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). Both quantitative and qualitative data is used to suggest a typology of faculties based on their work time allocation. The typology includes five types of faculties: teacher researchers, teachers, researchers, “universal soldiers”, and experts. Different types show different levels of satisfaction with their work time budget: those who do a lot of teaching and administrative work tend to be less satisfied. This can be explained by the changes in the system of faculty certification in Russia and by how academic staff responds to those changes. Interview results are used to highlight the typical work time allocation problems faced by faculties. Those include a low degree of freedom to manage one’s own work time, the lack of boundary in work-life balance, excessive teaching load, an increase in unscheduled tasks, and the problem of workload delegation requiring high research and management skills.
В статье предложена теоретическая и методологическая перспектива анализа профессионализма – критическая экология. В начале статьи этот подход кратко представлен в ряду других направлений социологии профессий, после чего продемонстрирована его применимость к изучению истории становления профессионализма в России с XVIII в. до конца советского периода. Внимание уделяется институциональным, культурным, экономическим и социальным факторам, формировавшим среду российского профессионализма. Авторы рассматривают профессионализм как явление, менявшее свои формы в ходе социальных, политических и культурных изменений в дореволюционный период и в советское время. Изучение российской и советской истории профессий сквозь призму
критической экологии позволяет проанализировать, как различные виды занятий реагировали на глубокие сдвиги в экономике, общественной и политической жизни. Основная задача статьи – представить пути развития российских профессий и
меняющихся представлений о профессионализме с учетом акторов критической экологии занятий и профессий, предложить возможные пути таких исследований, затронув макро-, экзо- и мезоуровни.
This article presents a critical ecology of professions as a new theoretical and methodological perspective on the understanding professionalism in sociology. The article first considers this approach with respect to the main areas of research in the sociology of professions. Then the analytical possibilities of this approach are demonstrated by applying it to studies of the history of the development of professions in Russia from the 18th century to the end of the Soviet period.
стальгии и коллективной памяти, социологии профессий и социальной истории советской вычислительной техники и кибернетики. Если рассуждать о способах производства и воспроизводства профессиональных культур и профессиональных идентичностей то можно прийтик мысли о том, что коллективная память и ностальгические реминесценции о прошлом профессионального сообщества могут рассматриваться в качестве необходимого и важного символического элемента конструирования культуры профессионального сообщества.
The period of the 1990s is relatively poorly studied and is in a situation of media and
ideological stereotypes. This article is devoted to return the discourse of the “nineties” in the
analytical channel. It is devoted to the analysis of biographical trajectories and the worldview
of “teenagers of perestroika”, those who were 14–16 years old during the period of historical
change in 1989–1991 with an emphasis on the transition to individualistic thinking and a focus
on personal and business success. All participants in the qualitative research were graduates
of the Penza school of young managers. This school was engaged in teaching knowledge and
ideologies of a market economy, marketing and business of Soviet schoolchildren of the early
1990s. The article discusses the history of the Penza school of young managers, analyzes its
curriculum and the concept of working with students in conjunction with the task of educating
“business people” for the new Russia and the ideology of “carnegieism”. Special attention is
paid to the reception by students of the school of young managers of Dale Carnegie’s ideas
and the ideology of “carnegieism”, who were in the center of the training programs not only
of this, but of other schools of young managers of the early 1990s. The article has a reflection
on the worldview evolution of students of the school of young managers under the influence
of Carnegie’s works. Special attention is paid to reflections on the place of the “teenagers
of perestroika” in modern Russia, taking into account the research of this group, in which
it is called the “lost generation” or the “failed generation”. The article is based on empirical
research materials — the study of thematic sources and interviews with students of the school
of young managers in the early 1990s.
problem of Donbass identity in the context of the collapse of the Soviet Union is discussed
in terms of its integration into the new reality of an independent Ukraine. The essay is about several Soviet films that show the Donbass as a space of labor heroism, a site in the memory of the Great Patriotic War, and contradictory first postwar years of the late Stalinist era. This analysis covers several important films about this space where
spy stories and the struggle to improve productivity are complemented by scenes of building a new life on the basis of “cultural” principles.
Everyday Post-Socialism: Working-Class Communities in the
Russian Margins. The book is based on the ethnographic study of
the life and work of the population of the provincial industrial Russian
town of Isluchino in the period from 2009–2012. Characteristics
of the phenomenon of Soviet and post-Soviet single-industry towns
are given. These settlements have many social problems now because
of the deindustrialization period during the 1990s. The author analyses
the social positions of Isluchino’s inhabitants and describes their
families, labors, and biographical traces. This study shows the importance
of the transition from the Soviet to the post-Soviet period for the
Russian working class. Workers lost their respected status and stable
employment during the 1990s and moved to the survival mode, and
the elderly and younger generations came to have misunderstandings
about the perceptions of their positions in the social and occupational structure. Morris speaks of the women’s
role in working class families, describing how their function is to care for and maintain family integrity. The
author pays special attention to labor relations at local enterprises and demonstrates the transformation of
local businesses into corporate cultures. Rigid managerial models of the business administration changed
former soft paternalism in the management of Soviet enterprises. The book also contains a methodological
reflection of Morris on his professional role as an ethnographer. This book is of particular interest to sociologists,
anthropologists, ethnographers, and experts in gender studies and labor relations.
ских метафор в современной социологии. Сразу оговоримся, что тео-
рия метафор, как она представлена в лингвистике и философии языка, будет нас интересовать лишь в той мере, в какой она соответствует
нашей задаче. В большей степени нас интересуют функции метафоры
для производства социологического знания и социальные аспекты
обращения метафоры современной теории социальных наук. В каче-
стве примера активного использования метафоры мы обратимся к
некоторым работам известного британского социолога З. Баумана.
Они нам представляются чрезвычайно плодотворными для анализа
социальных функций метафоры в производстве и распространении
теоретического знания в социологии
настольных игр, которые нередко используются для проведения социологических экспериментов. Статья выполнена в жанре социальной истории и автоэтнографии с элементами антропологии денег. BUSINESS BOARD GAMES IN THE LATE USSR AND THE DEVELOPMENT
The article contains retrospective analysis of the practice of amateur board game "Monopoly" in the
late Soviet Union, where entrepreneurial skills were under suspicion. The article demonstrates the social and
historical context of the practice of board games in the Soviet Union. Special attention is given to the role of
business board games in the inclusion of the money world into the world of games for children and teenagers in
the late USSR. Also it refers to the function of economic board games in the development of capitalist skills of
rational thinking and practice of accounting. The article includes the review of foreign publications on the topic
of business board games, which are often used for sociological experiments. The article is written in the social
history and ethnography genre with the elements of the anthropology of money.
The article touches upon the changes in roles within the academic profession in Russia arising from the education and science reform. The analysis is made through the example of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). Both quantitative and qualitative data is used to suggest a typology of faculties based on their work time allocation. The typology includes five types of faculties: teacher researchers, teachers, researchers, “universal soldiers”, and experts. Different types show different levels of satisfaction with their work time budget: those who do a lot of teaching and administrative work tend to be less satisfied. This can be explained by the changes in the system of faculty certification in Russia and by how academic staff responds to those changes. Interview results are used to highlight the typical work time allocation problems faced by faculties. Those include a low degree of freedom to manage one’s own work time, the lack of boundary in work-life balance, excessive teaching load, an increase in unscheduled tasks, and the problem of workload delegation requiring high research and management skills.
В статье предложена теоретическая и методологическая перспектива анализа профессионализма – критическая экология. В начале статьи этот подход кратко представлен в ряду других направлений социологии профессий, после чего продемонстрирована его применимость к изучению истории становления профессионализма в России с XVIII в. до конца советского периода. Внимание уделяется институциональным, культурным, экономическим и социальным факторам, формировавшим среду российского профессионализма. Авторы рассматривают профессионализм как явление, менявшее свои формы в ходе социальных, политических и культурных изменений в дореволюционный период и в советское время. Изучение российской и советской истории профессий сквозь призму
критической экологии позволяет проанализировать, как различные виды занятий реагировали на глубокие сдвиги в экономике, общественной и политической жизни. Основная задача статьи – представить пути развития российских профессий и
меняющихся представлений о профессионализме с учетом акторов критической экологии занятий и профессий, предложить возможные пути таких исследований, затронув макро-, экзо- и мезоуровни.
This article presents a critical ecology of professions as a new theoretical and methodological perspective on the understanding professionalism in sociology. The article first considers this approach with respect to the main areas of research in the sociology of professions. Then the analytical possibilities of this approach are demonstrated by applying it to studies of the history of the development of professions in Russia from the 18th century to the end of the Soviet period.
стальгии и коллективной памяти, социологии профессий и социальной истории советской вычислительной техники и кибернетики. Если рассуждать о способах производства и воспроизводства профессиональных культур и профессиональных идентичностей то можно прийтик мысли о том, что коллективная память и ностальгические реминесценции о прошлом профессионального сообщества могут рассматриваться в качестве необходимого и важного символического элемента конструирования культуры профессионального сообщества.