Journal articles by Maxim Kotsemir

Scientometrics, 2023
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This article seeks to provide a comprehensive overview ... more Free-to-read Link:
This article seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of publication activity dynamics in the USSR and in the Russian Federation in the context of evolution of national economic and political systems and science policies. A broad set of bibliometric indicators derived from the Web of Science Core Collection database and InCites electronic analytical tool were used to assess the scientific output of the Soviet and Russian research establishments. Various aspects of path dependence of contemporary Russia's patterns of publication activity on the earlier institutional models of the R&D sector established in the Soviet Union were considered. This path dependence may be clearly observed in the thematic structure of scientific publications (even more so in internationally collaborated papers), in the composition of partner countries for joint publications, and in citation indicators. The evolution of national science policies is tracked in the context of historical development of policy instruments and government actions intended to stimulate and support the publication activity of Russian (and Soviet) academics and maximize their potential effects upon the country's key research performance indicators.

Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации (Journal of the New Economic Association), 2021
В статье представлены результаты исследовательского проекта, посвященного изучению международной ... more В статье представлены результаты исследовательского проекта, посвященного изучению международной мобильности молодых российских ученых и той роли, которую обучение или работа за рубежом играют в их дальнейшей научной карьере (на примере публикационной активности). В проекте предпринята попытка рассмотреть мобильность не с традиционной точки зрения «утечки кадров», а с позиции «циркуляции мозгов», в рамках которой опыт мобильности рассматривается как механизма трансфера знаний, ценный источник инноваций и необходимый элемент подготовки и развития кадрового потенциала в сфере науки. На данных репрезентативных социологических опросов показаны масштабы вовлеченности молодых исследователей в международную мобильность. Данные подтверждают наличие положительной взаимосвязи между мобильностью и научной продуктивностью российских ученых. Кроме того, мобильные сотрудники не только в среднем публикуют больше работ, но их публикации выходят в журналах более высокого уровня, и судя по цитированиям, в среднем более востребованы в научном сообществе. На материалах глубинных интервью мы выявили, какие именно механизмы способствует выходу молодого ученого на международный публикационный уровень после опыта академической мобильности.
The article presents the results of a research project on the international mobility of the young Russian scientists. This study is focused on the impact of education or work experience abroad on their future scientific careers, namely their publication activity. The project attempts to consider academic mobility not from the traditional point of view of “brain drain”, but from the perspective of “brain circulation” which sees mobility as a mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and a valuable source of innovation as well as a necessary element of training and development of human resources in science. The participation of the young Russian researchers in international mobility was shown with the help of data from several nationally representative sociological surveys. The original feature of this project consists is combining two different methodological approaches: both objective and subjective assessments were brought together in order to evaluate the impact of international mobility on the future publication activity of young researchers. The case study of one large Russian university was examined: a unique database combining both biographical data (open information from CV and publication activity indicators (data from Scopus)) of employees of this university was collected. In addition, the in-depth interviews were conducted to complement the analysis. According to the study, the involvement of young Russian scientists in international academic mobility over the past years has been low in comparison with other countries participating in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). A positive relationship between the international mobility and scientific productivity of Russian scientists was revealed. As was shown, young researchers involved in international mobility not only publish more scientific article on average, but their papers are in fact published in higher ranking journals and are cited more often. Based on the materials of in-depth interviews, the specific mechanisms pushing a young researchers to upgrade their publication activity after or during their academic mobility were identified.

Scientometrics, 2021
BRICS as an association of five major emerging national economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China a... more BRICS as an association of five major emerging national economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has been expanding its international cooperation, in particular with developing countries. This process sometimes is referred as building of a BRICS Plus association. Science and technology, being a key driver of economic growth, is one of the most important area of socioeconomic development. It becomes increasingly complicated, requires expensive research infrastructure, skilled workforce, and high-tech laboratory equipment, therefore no one individual country in the world can afford a full-scale support to all areas of research and development. That is why collaboration in this area is considered a very promising activity. Following the BRICS Plus concept proposed by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in 2017, this paper presents one of the first attempts to identify key priorities to be addressed by BRICS in establishing and enhancing S&T cooperation with a number of major developing countries, primarily from Global South. Based on a set of criteria for country selection (population, economic potential, R&D sector capacities; research output; etc.), 21 countries are considered in this paper as a BRICS Plus group. A detailed analysis of publication activities of BRICS Plus countries and their international scientific collaboration based on a wide range of bibliometric indicators was applied for the identification of promising thematic areas for research collaboration between BRICS and BRICS Plus countries. A special analysis is presented for 14 science, technology, and innovation areas, which are regarded as common priorities for BRICS countries.

Scientometrics, 2019
The main aim of this study is to compare Russian regions according to their ability to create new... more The main aim of this study is to compare Russian regions according to their ability to create new technologies efficiently and to identify factors that determine these differences over a long period of time. We apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the relationship between the results of patenting and resources of a regional innovation system (RIS). Unlike previous studies, we apply the DEA method over a long period, comparing regions to one another and over time. In general, RIS efficiency in Russia increased during the period, especially in the least developed territories. There was significant regional differentiation. The most efficient RIS were formed in the largest agglomerations with leading universities and research centers: the cities Moscow and Saint Petersburg and the Novo-sibirsk, Voronezh, and Tomsk regions. Econometric calculations show that RIS efficiency was higher in technologically more developed regions with the oldest universities and larger patent stock. Time is a crucial factor for knowledge accumulation and creating links between innovative agents within RIS. Entrepreneurial activity was also a significant factor because it helps to convert ideas and research into inventions and new technologies and it enhances the interaction between innovative agents. It is advantageous to be located near major innovation centres because of more intensive interregional knowledge spillovers. Public support of more efficient regions can lead to a more productive regional innovation policy.

Foresight, 2020
Purpose. What is the effect of an increase of migration inflows on the R&D and innovative perform... more Purpose. What is the effect of an increase of migration inflows on the R&D and innovative performance of developing countries? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of migration inflows on the R&D and innovation activity (measured as expenditures on R&D and technological innovations) in Russian regions.
Design/methodology/approach. To this end, the authors use data on 85 Russian regions for the period 2010-2016 through a multi-region economic geography model. In particular, the authors test the hypothesis about the importance of migration inflows on R&D and technological innovation activity (H1) and the hypothesis about the importance of immigrants’ (incoming migrants) human capital (measured by the education level of incoming migrants) on R&D and innovation activity (H2).
Findings. Empirical findings support the evidence in favour of a positive causal link between innovation and migration inflows. Results of our investigation are important because they suggest useful insights for formulating science and innovation policies in Russia, which is a developing country where the recent policies favouring the technological innovation as the transition period have not yet achieved a satisfying outcome.
Originality/value. This paper increases the knowledge in the field with respect to the existing literature, shedding further light on the migration inflows effects, which is a political topic to manage very relevant in all countries.
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020
This paper explores the relationship between a firm's knowledge sourcing strategy and green innov... more This paper explores the relationship between a firm's knowledge sourcing strategy and green innovation. The data are taken from OECD REGPAT database, February 2016, relative to the European Patent Office (EPO) firms' patent applications published up to December 2015. The study contributes to the literature by focusing on the moderating role of integration between different activities related to environmental performance on the relationship between knowledge sources and green innovations. The results from 240 firms indicate a shift in the focus from internal knowledge to external knowledge when developing environmental innovations. Government policies promoting more knowledge complementarity and coordination between environmental fields will help to promote more knowledge transfer, allowing more sustainable development.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019
International cooperation in science, technology and innovation (STI) plays an increasingly signi... more International cooperation in science, technology and innovation (STI) plays an increasingly significant role as it allows one to gain access to new knowledge, increase national competitiveness, jointly respond to Grand Challenges, and contribute to overall bilateral and multilateral political cooperation. International alliances aim to establish a win-win system of common STI priorities in order to coordinate their research efforts in a wider political context. Within such a system, individual countries have to use different policy instruments for achieving their own benefits via STI collaboration with foreign partners. The paper addresses the following research question: "How can quantitative analysis help better identify priorities for STI collaboration that provide additional benefits for a country participating in such work?". A set of common STI priorities for BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has been identified based on the analysis of strategic, Foresight, and STI policy documents and expert consultations. It includes a number of STI areas with a wide range of practical applications. Additional quantitative analysis shows how an individual member country can build its cooperation strategy by selecting particular thematic areas and relevant instruments for STI collaboration.

Resources Policy, 2019
The aim of this paper is that of contributing to existing literature on the relationship between ... more The aim of this paper is that of contributing to existing literature on the relationship between environmental innovation and productivity. Generally, environmental innovation (clean) has a lower return than non-environmental one (dirty) in the short run, because of higher compliance costs for regulations. However, the positive effects of policy-induced clean innovations on productivity will be observed in the medium-long run. Since we lack empirical studies on this topic in developing countries, we try to fill this gap for Russia country. Firstly, we investigate whether there is a complementary link or a crowding-out effect between dirty innovation and clean one. Secondly, we identify the extent to which this effect can be sensitive to type of environmental activity. In particular, the paper provides both a theoretical model and an empirical analysis, based upon an unbalanced dataset composed of 85 Russian regions for the period 2010-2015. In order to measure the clean innovation, we take into account both the share of organizations engaged in environmental innovations and share of organizations engaged in reducing CO2 'footprint' (total CO2 production), or engaged in reducing soil, water, noise, or air pollution, or engaged in recycling of waste, water and materials. The empirical results of a panel data model show that the impact of environmental innovations on Russian regions' productivity is positive. This finding could be important in terms of policy implications.

Scientometrics, 2019
The main aim of this study is to compare Russian regions according to their ability to create new... more The main aim of this study is to compare Russian regions according to their ability to create new technologies efficiently and to identify factors that determine these differences over a long period of time. We apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the relationship between the results of patenting and resources of a regional innovation system (RIS). Unlike previous studies, we apply the DEA method over a long period, comparing regions to one another and over time. In general, RIS efficiency in Russia increased during the period, especially in the least developed territories. There was significant regional differentiation. The most efficient RIS were formed in the largest agglomerations with leading universities and research centers: the cities Moscow and Saint Petersburg and the Novosibirsk, Voronezh, and Tomsk regions. Econometric calculations show that RIS efficiency was higher in technologically more developed regions with the oldest universities and larger patent stock. Time is a crucial factor for knowledge accumulation and creating links between innovative agents within RIS. Entrepreneurial activity was also a significant factor because it helps to convert ideas and research into inventions and new technologies and it enhances the interaction between innovative agents. It is advantageous to be located near major innovation centres because of more intensive interregional knowledge spillovers. Public support of more efficient regions can lead to a more productive regional innovation policy.

Quality and Quantity, 2019
This article proposes a global bibliometric overview of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) publicatio... more This article proposes a global bibliometric overview of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) publications in the Scopus database during 1985–2015 at the country level. The article is structured as follows. The first section provides an introduction and overview of papers on the publication and patent activity in field of UAVs. Section two describes the methodological framework of the study. Section three provides an overview of co-publication activity in UAV research. Section four is devoted to an analysis of patterns of international collaboration in field of UAV research in Scopus. Finally, section five concludes the paper by summarizing the key findings from the analysis and illustrating the implications from the analysis and offering proposals for possible further developments in the field. This study uses a wide set of bibliometric indicators and network metrics for measuring different aspects of publication activity and citation levels as well as cross-country research collaboration on UAVs. In order to illustrate country-to-country research collaboration maps NodeXL software was applied.

Quality and Quantity, 2019
The aim of this paper is to investigate theoretically and empirically the impact of research coll... more The aim of this paper is to investigate theoretically and empirically the impact of research collaborations on the scientific performance of Italian academic institutions. Data are derived from the international Scopus and Web of Science databases. We consider both quantity (the number of publications made in collaboration) and quality indicators from different databases (using indexes such as IF5Y (5-year impact factor of the journal, Web of Science), SJR (SCImago Journal Rank – key integral indicator of the quality of journals, Scopus), IPP (Impact per Publication, Scopus), AIS (Article Influence Scores, Web of Science), H-index (Google Scholar Hirsch-index metric) to evaluate the Italian case of scientific research. To this end, we develop a theoretical and empirical model to consider endogeneity of explanatory variables, the generalized method of moment (GMM) estimation. The results suggest that international collaborations have a higher impact on the research quality index in Italy.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2018
The objective of our paper is to explore the extent to which the research collaborations could be... more The objective of our paper is to explore the extent to which the research collaborations could be an impact on the scientific performance of academic institutions. The analysis is based on data for 241 universities in Russia for 2015-2016 obtained from different sources: Interfax (privately-held independent major news agency in Russia) National Ranking of Universities; Monitoring of efficiency of activity of educational organizations of higher education (launched by Information-computing Centre of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation); Russian Science Citation Index (largest Russian information and analytical portal in science, technology, medicine and education and electronic library of scientific publications with 28 mlns of documents). In order to measure university performance in Russia, we choose the publications citations. To this end, we develop a non-overlapping generations model to evidence the theoretical idea of research externalities between academic institutions. Moreover, we implement different empirical models to test for the effect of external scientific collaborations on the institutional research quality by Federal District and Scientific Field. The findings evidence a positive effect of co-authoring process.

Foresight, 2018
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to look at the factors driving labour creation in Russia, payin... more Purpose: The aim of this paper is to look at the factors driving labour creation in Russia, paying attention to the role of innovation policy. We consider innovation variables with indicators linked to social conditions (social filter component) and geographical spillovers for 85 regions during the period 2010-2016.
Design/methodology/approach: In particular, we use latitude and longitude coordinates to compute the distance between Russian regions according to Haversine formula. In this way, we measure the spillovers as the weighted sum of R&D capital stock on the basis of computed distance, according to the accessibility index procedure.
Findings: The finding is very important in terms of policy implications for supporting employment. Since the results stress that own innovation produce a labour creation effects, while knowledge spillovers are labour-saving, we could conclude that regional innovation policy may have undetermined the objective of an efficient level of absorptive capacity able to benefit positively from external innovation.
Originality/value: The main contribution of the analysis to the literature is to explore whether the geographical spillovers have labour-saving effects or labour-friendly ones in Russia.
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2018
The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of environmental innovation on employment in 85 Ru... more The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of environmental innovation on employment in 85 Russian regions (federal subjects) for the period 2010-2014. In particular, we use latitude and longitude coordinates to compute the distance between Russian regions according to Haversine formula. In this way, we measure the spillovers as the weighted sum of R&D capital stock on the basis of computed distance. The contribution to the literature is to explore whether environmental innovations are labour-friendly or labour saving in Russia. From the empirical results of Least Squares Dummy Variable Corrected (LSDVC) estimator, we observe different results by Federal Districts (groupings of the federal subjects) of the Russian Federation. The finding is very important in terms of policy implications for supporting employment.

Foresight, 2018
Purpose: The paper presents the results of the first Russian pilot study on technological level o... more Purpose: The paper presents the results of the first Russian pilot study on technological level of organisations upon the answers of 2,500 respondents out of nine sectors of economy to a broad specialized questionnaire. The main goal of the presented study is to assess the technological level of organizations on the basis of qualitative information that comprehensively reflects its most important characteristics, as well as identify factors that affect the technological level of production. Design/methodology/approach: It offers а look at which methodological approaches were developed and what the survey shows on characteristics of the application of technology (the scope and extent of the application, level of technology, the problems solved by applying specific types of technology) and the application of intellectual property rights. Findings: The article also highlights some interesting findings that suggest that the majority of national organizations tend to pursue technological self-sufficiency strategies, and quite a large part of them are not very active in either domestic or foreign S&T markets. Originality/value: An originality lies in the proposed methodological approaches of the study, in the selected indicators of progressivity and the scale of application of technology related to the level of production capacities of the surveyed medium and large enterprises and organizations. This identifies significant incentives for organisations to increase their technology level as well as competitive advantages for the respondents themselves and for their competitors.

Scientometrics, 2018
This article provides the comprehensive analysis of research landscape in BRICS countries in diff... more This article provides the comprehensive analysis of research landscape in BRICS countries in different aspects: level of their publication activity and contribution to the global process of knowledge generation; thematic structure of publications of BRICS countries, their scientific specialization; quality of articles measured by citation indicators; similarity of thematic structures of publications; international research collaboration profiles; and finally closeness and relative influence of each country in intra-BRICS collaborating pairs. Special sections of the article are devoted to review of the literature, which discusses the main articles on various aspects of BRICS countries' publication activity and their international research collaboration and to description the database and set of various bibliometric indicators, used in our analysis. We use Scopus database and the timespan of our research covers 2001 – 2015 years that allows us to identify key points in development of research landscapes of BRICS countries. The empirical part of the article is structured as follows. First, we provide the overview of publication activity and thematic structure of BRICS countries. Second, we measure the closeness of thematic structure of publications vs. each other and vs. general research agenda in the world using different indices of structural difference. Third part is the analysis of research collaboration with clear visualization of its thematic structure, identification of potential areas of collaboration and detection the influential countries in intra-BRICS collaborating pairs. We use wide range of bibliometric indicators: citation indicators; indices of structural difference; indicators of scientific collaboration. We apply different approaches to visualise data in form of different illustrative graphs including colored tables to do our research easy-to-read-and understand. The results of the study may be of interest to decision makers in determining the conscientious research story of the BRICS countries and priorities setting for multilateral scientific and technological cooperation, as well as for researchers dealing with relevant problems.

International Organisations Research Journal, 2017
This article presents a methodology for the selection of priorities for science and technology (S... more This article presents a methodology for the selection of priorities for science and technology (S&T) cooperation among the BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa based on an analysis of international and national strategic documents of BRICS countries and a bibliometric analysis of joint publications by researchers from BRICS countries indexed in the Scopus database. The national S&T priorities for countries are systemized and a comparative assessment of capacities for S&T development in BRICS countries is developed. Indicators of publication activity of all BRICS countries have significantly increased since 2000. Analysis shows that Russia must pay particular attention to the development of cooperation with China, which is already one of the leaders on the global S&T stage. Cooperation with India, Brazil and, in some research areas, with South Africa could also have a positive impact on the performance of research and development in Russia. A list of 14 thematic priorities for S&T cooperation for BRICS countries is presented in the paper based on the analysis of a set of national, bilateral and multilateral strategic and forward-looking documents. Priorities of S&T development create a basis for more efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation between BRICS countries and allows individual scientists to broaden the range of research, use new tools for S&T cooperation and share best practices.

International Organisations Research Journal, 2017
This article presents a methodology for the selection of priorities for science and technology (S... more This article presents a methodology for the selection of priorities for science and technology (S&T) cooperation among the BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa based on an analysis of international and national strategic documents of BRICS countries and a bibliometric analysis of joint publications by researchers from BRICS countries indexed in the Scopus database. The national S&T priorities for countries are systemized and a comparative assessment of capacities for S&T development in BRICS countries is developed.
Indicators of publication activity of all BRICS countries have significantly increased since 2000. Analysis shows that Russia must pay particular attention to the development of cooperation with China, which is already one of the leaders on the global S&T stage. Cooperation with India, Brazil and, in some research areas, with South Africa could also have a positive impact on the performance of research and development in Russia.
A list of 14 thematic priorities for S&T cooperation for BRICS countries is presented in the paper based on the analysis of a set of national, bilateral and multilateral strategic and forward-looking documents. Priorities of S&T development create a basis for more efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation between BRICS countries and allows individual scientists to broaden the range of research, use new tools for S&T cooperation and share best practices.
В статье представлены методические подходы к выбору приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС на основе анализа международных и национальных стратегических документов стран БРИКС и тематики наиболее значимых публикаций ученых из этих стран, отраженных в базе данных SCOPUS. Систематизированы национальные научно-технологические приоритеты стран БРИКС и произведена сравнительная оценка их ресурсов научно-технологического развития.
Проанализированы показатели публикационной активности стран БРИКС, существенно активизировавшейся с 2000 г. и расширяющейся в межнациональных масштабах при доминировании Китая. Показана особая значимость развития сотрудничества с Китаем, уверенно выдвигающимся на позиции одного из мировых научно-технических лидеров, выделены перспективные области исследований для кооперации с Индией, Бразилией и ЮАР.
Сформирован перечень из 14 тематических приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС (на основе анализа их национальных, двусторонних и многосторонних стратегических и прогнозных документов). Выделенные приоритеты научно-технологического развития создают основу для взаимовыгодного и эффективного сотрудничества стран БРИКС, в рамках которого ученые разных стран могут расширять диапазон исследований, развивать существующие и внедрять новые инструменты научно-технологического сотрудничества и обмениваться лучшим опытом.
Quality and Quantity, 2018
This study contributes to existing literature on the relationship between productivity and innova... more This study contributes to existing literature on the relationship between productivity and innovation through the knowledge spillover effects. To this end, we consider both a theoretical model and an empirical analysis in Russia. The investigation is based upon a dataset composed of 85 Russian regions for the period 2010-2014. In particular, the effect of R&D Spillovers are analysed through the use of spatial econometric techniques. In so doing, we have allowed the productivity of each region to be affected by the productivity of nearby regions. Results show that R&D significantly affects Russian regions productivity and that productivity spillover across regions matter.

Scientometrics, 2017
This manuscript is accepted for publication in Scientometrics journal. Final version published in... more This manuscript is accepted for publication in Scientometrics journal. Final version published in Springer is available at: or
This paper is devoted to the challenges of measuring, analyzing and visualizing research capacity of university. We identify the related methodological issues, propose solutions and apply these solutions to a complex analysis of the research potential of three departments of a Russian university.
First, we briefly review the current literature on different aspects of an analysis of research capacity of university. The next step is a discussion on the key challenges faced when analyzing the publication activity of a university. Further, we discuss the opportunities offered by and limitations of using the Web of Science and Scopus databases to determine the research capabilities of universities. In the empirical section of the paper, we analyse the research capacity of university departments and individual employees using simple yet illustrative tools of bibliometric analysis. We also make recommendations for university administrative personnel, which can be derived from our analysis.
Journal articles by Maxim Kotsemir
This article seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of publication activity dynamics in the USSR and in the Russian Federation in the context of evolution of national economic and political systems and science policies. A broad set of bibliometric indicators derived from the Web of Science Core Collection database and InCites electronic analytical tool were used to assess the scientific output of the Soviet and Russian research establishments. Various aspects of path dependence of contemporary Russia's patterns of publication activity on the earlier institutional models of the R&D sector established in the Soviet Union were considered. This path dependence may be clearly observed in the thematic structure of scientific publications (even more so in internationally collaborated papers), in the composition of partner countries for joint publications, and in citation indicators. The evolution of national science policies is tracked in the context of historical development of policy instruments and government actions intended to stimulate and support the publication activity of Russian (and Soviet) academics and maximize their potential effects upon the country's key research performance indicators.
The article presents the results of a research project on the international mobility of the young Russian scientists. This study is focused on the impact of education or work experience abroad on their future scientific careers, namely their publication activity. The project attempts to consider academic mobility not from the traditional point of view of “brain drain”, but from the perspective of “brain circulation” which sees mobility as a mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and a valuable source of innovation as well as a necessary element of training and development of human resources in science. The participation of the young Russian researchers in international mobility was shown with the help of data from several nationally representative sociological surveys. The original feature of this project consists is combining two different methodological approaches: both objective and subjective assessments were brought together in order to evaluate the impact of international mobility on the future publication activity of young researchers. The case study of one large Russian university was examined: a unique database combining both biographical data (open information from CV and publication activity indicators (data from Scopus)) of employees of this university was collected. In addition, the in-depth interviews were conducted to complement the analysis. According to the study, the involvement of young Russian scientists in international academic mobility over the past years has been low in comparison with other countries participating in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). A positive relationship between the international mobility and scientific productivity of Russian scientists was revealed. As was shown, young researchers involved in international mobility not only publish more scientific article on average, but their papers are in fact published in higher ranking journals and are cited more often. Based on the materials of in-depth interviews, the specific mechanisms pushing a young researchers to upgrade their publication activity after or during their academic mobility were identified.
Design/methodology/approach. To this end, the authors use data on 85 Russian regions for the period 2010-2016 through a multi-region economic geography model. In particular, the authors test the hypothesis about the importance of migration inflows on R&D and technological innovation activity (H1) and the hypothesis about the importance of immigrants’ (incoming migrants) human capital (measured by the education level of incoming migrants) on R&D and innovation activity (H2).
Findings. Empirical findings support the evidence in favour of a positive causal link between innovation and migration inflows. Results of our investigation are important because they suggest useful insights for formulating science and innovation policies in Russia, which is a developing country where the recent policies favouring the technological innovation as the transition period have not yet achieved a satisfying outcome.
Originality/value. This paper increases the knowledge in the field with respect to the existing literature, shedding further light on the migration inflows effects, which is a political topic to manage very relevant in all countries.
Design/methodology/approach: In particular, we use latitude and longitude coordinates to compute the distance between Russian regions according to Haversine formula. In this way, we measure the spillovers as the weighted sum of R&D capital stock on the basis of computed distance, according to the accessibility index procedure.
Findings: The finding is very important in terms of policy implications for supporting employment. Since the results stress that own innovation produce a labour creation effects, while knowledge spillovers are labour-saving, we could conclude that regional innovation policy may have undetermined the objective of an efficient level of absorptive capacity able to benefit positively from external innovation.
Originality/value: The main contribution of the analysis to the literature is to explore whether the geographical spillovers have labour-saving effects or labour-friendly ones in Russia.
Indicators of publication activity of all BRICS countries have significantly increased since 2000. Analysis shows that Russia must pay particular attention to the development of cooperation with China, which is already one of the leaders on the global S&T stage. Cooperation with India, Brazil and, in some research areas, with South Africa could also have a positive impact on the performance of research and development in Russia.
A list of 14 thematic priorities for S&T cooperation for BRICS countries is presented in the paper based on the analysis of a set of national, bilateral and multilateral strategic and forward-looking documents. Priorities of S&T development create a basis for more efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation between BRICS countries and allows individual scientists to broaden the range of research, use new tools for S&T cooperation and share best practices.
В статье представлены методические подходы к выбору приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС на основе анализа международных и национальных стратегических документов стран БРИКС и тематики наиболее значимых публикаций ученых из этих стран, отраженных в базе данных SCOPUS. Систематизированы национальные научно-технологические приоритеты стран БРИКС и произведена сравнительная оценка их ресурсов научно-технологического развития.
Проанализированы показатели публикационной активности стран БРИКС, существенно активизировавшейся с 2000 г. и расширяющейся в межнациональных масштабах при доминировании Китая. Показана особая значимость развития сотрудничества с Китаем, уверенно выдвигающимся на позиции одного из мировых научно-технических лидеров, выделены перспективные области исследований для кооперации с Индией, Бразилией и ЮАР.
Сформирован перечень из 14 тематических приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС (на основе анализа их национальных, двусторонних и многосторонних стратегических и прогнозных документов). Выделенные приоритеты научно-технологического развития создают основу для взаимовыгодного и эффективного сотрудничества стран БРИКС, в рамках которого ученые разных стран могут расширять диапазон исследований, развивать существующие и внедрять новые инструменты научно-технологического сотрудничества и обмениваться лучшим опытом.
This paper is devoted to the challenges of measuring, analyzing and visualizing research capacity of university. We identify the related methodological issues, propose solutions and apply these solutions to a complex analysis of the research potential of three departments of a Russian university.
First, we briefly review the current literature on different aspects of an analysis of research capacity of university. The next step is a discussion on the key challenges faced when analyzing the publication activity of a university. Further, we discuss the opportunities offered by and limitations of using the Web of Science and Scopus databases to determine the research capabilities of universities. In the empirical section of the paper, we analyse the research capacity of university departments and individual employees using simple yet illustrative tools of bibliometric analysis. We also make recommendations for university administrative personnel, which can be derived from our analysis.
This article seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of publication activity dynamics in the USSR and in the Russian Federation in the context of evolution of national economic and political systems and science policies. A broad set of bibliometric indicators derived from the Web of Science Core Collection database and InCites electronic analytical tool were used to assess the scientific output of the Soviet and Russian research establishments. Various aspects of path dependence of contemporary Russia's patterns of publication activity on the earlier institutional models of the R&D sector established in the Soviet Union were considered. This path dependence may be clearly observed in the thematic structure of scientific publications (even more so in internationally collaborated papers), in the composition of partner countries for joint publications, and in citation indicators. The evolution of national science policies is tracked in the context of historical development of policy instruments and government actions intended to stimulate and support the publication activity of Russian (and Soviet) academics and maximize their potential effects upon the country's key research performance indicators.
The article presents the results of a research project on the international mobility of the young Russian scientists. This study is focused on the impact of education or work experience abroad on their future scientific careers, namely their publication activity. The project attempts to consider academic mobility not from the traditional point of view of “brain drain”, but from the perspective of “brain circulation” which sees mobility as a mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and a valuable source of innovation as well as a necessary element of training and development of human resources in science. The participation of the young Russian researchers in international mobility was shown with the help of data from several nationally representative sociological surveys. The original feature of this project consists is combining two different methodological approaches: both objective and subjective assessments were brought together in order to evaluate the impact of international mobility on the future publication activity of young researchers. The case study of one large Russian university was examined: a unique database combining both biographical data (open information from CV and publication activity indicators (data from Scopus)) of employees of this university was collected. In addition, the in-depth interviews were conducted to complement the analysis. According to the study, the involvement of young Russian scientists in international academic mobility over the past years has been low in comparison with other countries participating in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). A positive relationship between the international mobility and scientific productivity of Russian scientists was revealed. As was shown, young researchers involved in international mobility not only publish more scientific article on average, but their papers are in fact published in higher ranking journals and are cited more often. Based on the materials of in-depth interviews, the specific mechanisms pushing a young researchers to upgrade their publication activity after or during their academic mobility were identified.
Design/methodology/approach. To this end, the authors use data on 85 Russian regions for the period 2010-2016 through a multi-region economic geography model. In particular, the authors test the hypothesis about the importance of migration inflows on R&D and technological innovation activity (H1) and the hypothesis about the importance of immigrants’ (incoming migrants) human capital (measured by the education level of incoming migrants) on R&D and innovation activity (H2).
Findings. Empirical findings support the evidence in favour of a positive causal link between innovation and migration inflows. Results of our investigation are important because they suggest useful insights for formulating science and innovation policies in Russia, which is a developing country where the recent policies favouring the technological innovation as the transition period have not yet achieved a satisfying outcome.
Originality/value. This paper increases the knowledge in the field with respect to the existing literature, shedding further light on the migration inflows effects, which is a political topic to manage very relevant in all countries.
Design/methodology/approach: In particular, we use latitude and longitude coordinates to compute the distance between Russian regions according to Haversine formula. In this way, we measure the spillovers as the weighted sum of R&D capital stock on the basis of computed distance, according to the accessibility index procedure.
Findings: The finding is very important in terms of policy implications for supporting employment. Since the results stress that own innovation produce a labour creation effects, while knowledge spillovers are labour-saving, we could conclude that regional innovation policy may have undetermined the objective of an efficient level of absorptive capacity able to benefit positively from external innovation.
Originality/value: The main contribution of the analysis to the literature is to explore whether the geographical spillovers have labour-saving effects or labour-friendly ones in Russia.
Indicators of publication activity of all BRICS countries have significantly increased since 2000. Analysis shows that Russia must pay particular attention to the development of cooperation with China, which is already one of the leaders on the global S&T stage. Cooperation with India, Brazil and, in some research areas, with South Africa could also have a positive impact on the performance of research and development in Russia.
A list of 14 thematic priorities for S&T cooperation for BRICS countries is presented in the paper based on the analysis of a set of national, bilateral and multilateral strategic and forward-looking documents. Priorities of S&T development create a basis for more efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation between BRICS countries and allows individual scientists to broaden the range of research, use new tools for S&T cooperation and share best practices.
В статье представлены методические подходы к выбору приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС на основе анализа международных и национальных стратегических документов стран БРИКС и тематики наиболее значимых публикаций ученых из этих стран, отраженных в базе данных SCOPUS. Систематизированы национальные научно-технологические приоритеты стран БРИКС и произведена сравнительная оценка их ресурсов научно-технологического развития.
Проанализированы показатели публикационной активности стран БРИКС, существенно активизировавшейся с 2000 г. и расширяющейся в межнациональных масштабах при доминировании Китая. Показана особая значимость развития сотрудничества с Китаем, уверенно выдвигающимся на позиции одного из мировых научно-технических лидеров, выделены перспективные области исследований для кооперации с Индией, Бразилией и ЮАР.
Сформирован перечень из 14 тематических приоритетов научно-технологического сотрудничества стран БРИКС (на основе анализа их национальных, двусторонних и многосторонних стратегических и прогнозных документов). Выделенные приоритеты научно-технологического развития создают основу для взаимовыгодного и эффективного сотрудничества стран БРИКС, в рамках которого ученые разных стран могут расширять диапазон исследований, развивать существующие и внедрять новые инструменты научно-технологического сотрудничества и обмениваться лучшим опытом.
This paper is devoted to the challenges of measuring, analyzing and visualizing research capacity of university. We identify the related methodological issues, propose solutions and apply these solutions to a complex analysis of the research potential of three departments of a Russian university.
First, we briefly review the current literature on different aspects of an analysis of research capacity of university. The next step is a discussion on the key challenges faced when analyzing the publication activity of a university. Further, we discuss the opportunities offered by and limitations of using the Web of Science and Scopus databases to determine the research capabilities of universities. In the empirical section of the paper, we analyse the research capacity of university departments and individual employees using simple yet illustrative tools of bibliometric analysis. We also make recommendations for university administrative personnel, which can be derived from our analysis.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of external research collaborations on the scientific performance of academic institutions. Data are derived from the international SCOPUS database. We consider the number of citations of publications to evaluate university performance in Russia. To this end, we develop a non-overlapping generations model to evidence the theoretical idea of research externalities between academic institutions. Moreover, we implement different empirical models to test for the effect of external scientific collaborations on the institutional research quality. The results confirm an important positive impact of co-authoring process.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of Jacobian externalities stemmed from different technological sectors for international firms engaged both in environmental and in dirty activities. Firms’ innovation, measured, as the development of new patents, is a key factor behind the achievement of desired economic performances. Empirical literature usually deals with the integration between ecological efficiency and product value enhancement. The results of these studies lead to the lack of integrated innovation adoption behind environmental productivity performance.
In this work, we analyse the integration between more environmental goals in an original way, by applying different methodologies to compute technological proximity, based on the Mahalanobis approach. To this end, we use information from 240 large international firms, located in three economic areas: USA, Japan and Europe and we select their environmental and dirty patents from European Patent Office data.
The problem of rationalizing S&T cooperation, including identifying the most promising areas and forms for S&T cooperation (geographical and thematic) and state support instruments, is critically important to many countries. In view of the growing complexity of global trends and domestic restrictions on development and the emergence of new factors affecting contacts with foreign countries, there are increasing demands in the international arena to collect and analyse relevant information required to make substantiated administrative decisions on various levels, including with regard to international S&T collaboration. In these conditions, researchers and experts tend to resort to a broad range of empirical methods, while politicians make more active use of their results in administrative practice and international contacts. This working paper describes and systematizes analysis results in the field of international S&T collaboration based on a bibliometric study. The authors combine quantitative methods of bibliometrics and sociology to identify prospective partners and promising areas for collaboration. In addition, the possibility of using the proposed approach to provide information support for current state policy-making is assessed, and key results of the study are examined.
The document provides both an overview and detailed analyses of nanotechnology research and innovation in Russia. The examination of publications highlights sectoral trends, leading authors and organizations, and acknowledgements to funding sources. The analysis of patents adds further evidence about patterns of invention and ownership of intellectual property emanating from research and development in Russian nanotechnology.
The analyses in this paper have been undertaken to provide an information base for further research on the current state and trajectory of nanotechnology in Russia and on the broader development of Russia’s innovation system. Comparisons with Chinese publication and patent outputs can be seen in a parallel report on Nanotechnology Research and Innovation in China (2014).
This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council [grant number ES/J012785/1] as part of the project Emerging Technologies, Trajectories and Implications of Next Generation Innovation Systems Development in China and Russia.
Recommended Citation
Maria Karaulova, Oliver Shackleton, Abdullah Gök, Maxim Kotsemir and Philip Shapira, anotechnology Research and Innovation in Russia: A Bibliometric Analysis. Working Paper, Project on Emerging Technologies, Trajectories and Implications of Next Generation Innovation Systems evelopment in China and Russia, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, 2014 (October).
The main focus of analysis in this approach is on advantages and disadvantages of different innovation models in their ability to describe the reality of innovation processes.
The paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages as well as potentials and limitations of the approaches and also proposes potential future developments of innovation models as well as the analysis of driving forces that underlie the evolution of innovation models recently.
The full version can be downloaded for free here
The paper reviews the application of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method for measuring the efficiency of national innovation systems (NIS). The paper firstly visualizes the logic of DEA method and briefly summarizes the key advantages and main limitations of the DEA method. Further, this paper provides a comprehensive review of 11 empirical studies on cross-country analysis of NIS efficiency with DEA technique. In its main part the paper analyses the specifications of DEA models used in the reviewed studies, the content of the country samples, sets of input and output variables used and the resulting lists of efficient countries.
The review detects general trends and differences in the sets of variables and the content of country samples. Moreover, this paper highlights the problem of “small countries bias” in the reviewed studies: situation when “small” (in terms of national innovation system scope and the level of development) countries (like Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan etc.) are included in the country sample, these “small” countries become the efficient ones.
In general, empirical studies on cross-country analysis of national innovation systems efficiency using DEA method pay little attention to profound analysis of previous relevant studies. Therefore, this paper is among the first papers with deep review of such empirical studies.
The full version can be downloaded for free here
В сборнике использованы материалы Минкомсвязи России, Росстата, Минобрнауки России, Банка России, ОЭСР, Евростата, МСЭ, ООН, ВЭФ, консорциума Корнельского университета (Cornell University), Школы бизнеса INSEAD и Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности (WIPO), а также разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Министерства культуры Российской Федерации (Минкультуры России), Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Центрального банка Российской Федерации (Банка России), Статистической службы Европейского союза (Евростата), Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ), Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
Информационную основу исследования составляют данные Росстата, Минкомсвязи России, Минобрнауки России, Минкультуры России, Минздрава России, ОЭСР, Евростата, Международного союза электросвязи и других организаций за 2010–2016 гг., а также собственные разработки ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
Доклад рассчитан на представителей экспертного сообщества, бизнеса, органов власти, а также широкий круг читателей, интересующихся развитием интернета.
В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
The data book includes the information of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Servicefor Intellectual Property, the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Commission, Eurostat, UNESCO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, as well as results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In some cases the data amends the information published before.
The data book contains information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia), Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operationand Development (OECD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Economic Forum, as well as based on the results of analytical and methodological studies and special surveys by HSE ISSEK.
Приведены индикаторы использования ИКТ в организациях
предпринимательского сектора и социальной сферы, органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления, домашних хозяйствах и населением. Отдельное внимание уделено статистической оценке развития электронной торговли и онлайн-взаимодействию бизнеса и населения с органами власти. Специальные разделы посвящены региональным и международным сопоставлениям.
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Министерства культуры Российской Федерации (Минкультуры России), Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Центрального банка Российской Федерации (Банка России), Статистической службы Европейского союза (Евростата), Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ), Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также
результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
В отдельных разделах содержатся сведения об интеллектуальной собственности, коммерциализации и использовании технологий, данные международных сопоставлений. В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
This data book continues the series of publications on various aspects of science and technology development in the Russian Federation. It opens with aset of tables which, along with the main indicators of science and technology, contain the main indicators of innovation. Statistical data on the compositionof organisations engaged in research and development, R&D personnel and funding, their material and technical base are provided. Special sections aredevoted to intellectual property, commercialisation and use of technology, international comparisons.
The publication uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,Federal Service for Intellectual Property, CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), EuropeanCommission, Eurostat, UNESCO, World Intellectual Property Organisation as well as the results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSEInstitute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In several cases, data on certain indicators improve on previous data.
В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития,Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
English Abstract: The data book is the continuation of the series of publications on various aspects of S&T and innovation development in the Russian Federation. It presents statistical data reflecting the current state and trends in R&D and innovation. A specific chapter is devoted to international comparisons.
Special sections contain international comparison. For the first time,data on the activity of IT industry enterprises are included in the data book.
The data book contains information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communicationsof the Russian Federation, Eurostat, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Telecommunication Union(ITU), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Economic Forum, as well as the results of analytical and methodologicalstudies and special surveys by HSE ISSEK.
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Евростата, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ),
Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
Полный текст доступен по ссылке:
This data book continues the series of annual publications by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on information society infrastructure, the activities of ICT sector, and content and media sector enterprises. Summary indicators of economic activity of enterprises rendering IT services as well as indicators of ICT usage by enterprises, households and individuals are provided. Special sections are devoted to cross-country comparisons. For the first time, information on the activities of IT enterprises is included.
The data book uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as the results of own methodological and analytical studies and special surveys conducted by HSE ISSEK.
The full text is available for free here:
This data book continues the series of publications on various aspects of science and technology development in the Russian Federation. It opens with aset of tables which, along with the main indicators of science and technology, contain the main indicators of innovation. Statistical data on the compositionof organisations engaged in research and development, R&D personnel and funding, their material and technical base are provided. Special sections aredevoted to intellectual property, commercialisation and use of technology, international comparisons.
The publication uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,Federal Service for Intellectual Property, CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), EuropeanCommission, Eurostat, UNESCO, World Intellectual Property Organisation as well as the results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSEInstitute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In several cases, data on certain indicators improve on previous data.
В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки
Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
Он рассчитывается Департаментом экономического и социального развития ООН (UN DESA, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) с периодичностью раз в два года.
EGDI-2016 подготовлен на основе девяти статистических показателей за 2014 г. и данных веб-мониторинга порталов органов власти. Рейтинг по значению Индекса развития электронного правительства охватывает 193 страны.
in journals of higher level and are cited more often. We also found some differences in the choice of topics and collaboration behavior between mobile and non-mobile scientists.
This paper proposes a list of bibliometric indicators for the analysis of publication activities of individual researchers, university departments and universities as a whole. Furthermore, it describes the methodological approaches for interpreting these indicators.
Finally, the paper reviews the possibilities of VOSviewer software for analysis of different aspect of publication activities at individual and department level such as international collaboration networks, detection of the hot topics of research activity and co-citation networks.
The full version is available for free at
других проблем выходит за рамки отдельных государств и становится возможным лишь на региональном или международном уровне [Silberglitt et al., 2006, p. 19].
Процесс глобализации науки нашел отражение в бурном росте научно-технического потенциала Китая, а также быстром развитии некоторых сфер науки и технологий Индии и Бразилии. Новые игроки появляются на Ближнем Востоке и в Юго-Восточной Азии, малые европейские страны укрепляют свои позиции. Тем не менее наиболее крупными инвесторами остаются США, государства Западной Европы и Япония, в то время как менее развитые страны борются за улучшение своих позиций. Формируется многополярный научный мир, базирующийся на продолжающемся укреплении лидерства традиционных научных центров и возникновении новых игроков, таких как страны БРИК [ICSU, 2011, p. 8].
Международное сотрудничество должно способствовать модернизации экономики России, выходу на мировой уровень научных результатов по направлениям, связанным с национальными научно-технологическими приоритетами и критическими технологиями.
The paper examines the main macroeconomic aspects of “resource curse” hypothesis. The paper also proposes the recommendations on economic strategy of the government for minimizing the negative effects of “resource curse”. One of these strategies is the creation of a special fund for the accumulation of "extra" money coming into budget from export of natural resources. Such funds in various resources-exporting countries are called differently . In Russia it's Stabilization Fund .
The special section of the paper is devoted to the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation, focuses on the causes of its formation, the basic strategy of accumulation , the basic functions and the expected development strategy and transformation for the future. The final section of the paper uses the model presented in the work of Da Costa and Olivo (2008) to analyze the presence of oil and fiscal dominance in the Russian economy as well as the relationship between monetary aggregates and inflation in 1999 – 2007.
Россия в рейтинге развития ИКТ: 2016. Available from: [accessed May 5, 2017].