Journal articles by Leonid Gokhberg

Technovation, 2021
The paper focuses on a key uniqueness of the simultaneous generation of social and business value... more The paper focuses on a key uniqueness of the simultaneous generation of social and business value - across science, technology and society - involving academics, businesses, policy makers, innovation intermediaries, NGOs and citizens that share and integrate assets in developing solutions to address economic and societal challenges.
By contrasting with a broad literature using the term ‘co-creation’ to denote close working relationship between actors, the paper outlines a conceptual framework explaining how the diversity of agents involved, their motivations and goals, and incentive structures in which they operate impact on science-based co-creation. This multidimensional perspective is discussed with regard to the scope of innovation, reach and types of values that are generated, and the distinctive features to be considered when both social and business value are at the core of collaboration.
Policy implications to support science-based co-creation are discussed with regard to the rationale for public interventions and the critical dimensions of policy implementation and assessment. It highlights that policy design aiming at supporting societal challenges through co-creation should address mechanisms to integrate tangible and intangible inputs, define suitable operational models and enhance specific capabilities and practices.

Futures, 2020
The world economy relies on access to industrial metals, oil and gas for maintaining its critical... more The world economy relies on access to industrial metals, oil and gas for maintaining its critical industrial infrastructure. Although demand is likely to remain high, the most accessible deposits have been depleted. Future capacity growth will be facilitated through further technological developments. Russia as a leading producer is paying great attention to strengthening its competitive edge in global markets. This paper reports on a large-scale technology foresight study of the Russian extractive sector (including oil and gas), which combined expert-based foresight activities with statistical analyses and text-mining techniques based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. The presented methodology helped to link the technologies to dominant discussions (e.g. climate change vs rural development) and to flag key trends. Furthermore, quantitative estimates can be identified quickly. The study’s methodology should function as an example for similar studies to support policy planning and investment decisions based on text-mining techniques.
Journal of East-West Business, 2011
The article is devoted to the analysis of major trends in innovation activities in Russia before ... more The article is devoted to the analysis of major trends in innovation activities in Russia before and after the 2008 global financial crisis. Its particular focus is a discussion of a new post-crisis model of innovation policies in the context of institutional peculiarities of the national innovation system. The article is based on the findings of the studies undertaken by the authors and describes major challenges and opportunities for more efficient policy regulation, including both supply and demand sides. It also initiates a discussion on a social dimension of innovation and allied priorities and instruments for the public innovation policy in Russia.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2014
The term “pattern” refers to a combination of values of some features such that objects with thes... more The term “pattern” refers to a combination of values of some features such that objects with these feature values significantly differ from other objects. This concept is a useful tool for the analysis of behavior of objects in both statics and dynamics. If the panel data describing the functioning of objects in time is available, we can analyze pattern changing behavior of the objects and identify either well adapted to the environment objects or objects with unusual and alarming behavior.In this paper we apply static and dynamic pattern analysis to the analysis of innovative development of the Russian regions in the long run and obtain a classification of regions by the similarity of the internal structure of these indicators and groups of regions carrying out similar strategies.
Экономика образования, 2008
The paper provides an overview of trends in the development of institutional infrastructures of R... more The paper provides an overview of trends in the development of institutional infrastructures of R&D and higher education sectors in Russia with particular emphasis on the integration between respective activities. Major legal conditions are described against the background of socio-economic transformations. Key effects of recently adopted legislation are critically reviewed vis-à-vis prospective objectives of S&T and education policies.
В статье рассматриваются тенденции институциональной инфраструктуры науки и высшего образования, акцентируется внимание на интеграции этих сфер и ее правовом обеспечении. Выявляются и оцениваются последствия недавно принятого федерального закона об интеграции и его адекватность целям государственной политики в области науки и образования.

Science and Public Policy, 2009
The paper refers to a contemporary discussion of S&T and innovation activities of Russian univers... more The paper refers to a contemporary discussion of S&T and innovation activities of Russian universities and respective national policies against the background of institutional transformation of the national innovation system. It emphasizes the Russian NIS structure and subsequent positioning of universities and the research institutions of the Academy of Sciences. The analysis makes it evident that the innovation activity of Russian universities is strongly challenged by various interdependent hampering factors. These factors arise directly from traditional barriers between science and education, which in turn relate to the imperfection of Russia's NIS originating from deep structural breaches far beyond S&T and education activities. National policies nowadays are aimed at increasing the innovation activity of universities, and the article concludes with an overview of the current debate on the most urgent issues.

MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies, 1997
In the decades since World War II the USSR became one of two great powers for research and develo... more In the decades since World War II the USSR became one of two great powers for research and development (R&D), the United States being the other one. By 1990 the USSR had over one million researchers, more than any other nation except the United States. The peaks of its achievements (especially in military aircraft, nuclear science and space research) contributed to the perception that the USSR was one of the two superpowers of R&D. Many observers considered that the R&D sector would be one of the most valuable assets bequeathed to the new Russia. Science and technology, freed of the rigidities of central planning, was held to provide the basis for high technology exports and economic growth. Like many of the rosy hopes for Central and Eastern Europe, the prediction was incorrect. The R&D sector went into a precipitous decline that continued to at least 1995. Neither the promised exports nor the economic growth materialized. This essay attempts an answer as to why Russian R&D failed to live up to its promise. We think an important factor is that the Soviet legacy included an institutional structure that was inefficient and ill-suited to a market economy. The first section describes the major features of the Soviet system and why it deserved the labels we have given it. The second section describes the crisis in the R&D sector during the initial years of the transition (1991-1994). The characteristics of the Soviet R&D sector continued into the transition years and added to the problems in the R&D sector. The Soviet R&D system was very large, centrally directed and government financed, all features ill-suited to a market economy. It is not surprising then that transition generated a crisis in the R&D sector. Still the policies of 1991 to 1994 appear to have made the transition even more painful. The final section examines the events of 1995 and 1996 to see whether the recent events provide a basis for a limited optimism that the R&D sector has begun to be transformed into one that is more efficient and more consistent with a market economy
Problems of Economic Transition, 2004
The paper focuses on modernization of the Russian national innovation system under conditions of ... more The paper focuses on modernization of the Russian national innovation system under conditions of the emerging "new economy", determined by transformation of innovations, information technology and education into key factors of economic growth. Analysis of specifics of the S&T and innovation sector is provided from the viewpoint of its consistence with the requirements of the economy and society. Potential measures of its reforming are formulated, e.g. required institutional changes, reorganization of the public budget system, stimulation of technology commercialization and innovation activity.
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2003
В статье рассматриваются проблемы модернизации национальной инновационной системы России в услови... more В статье рассматриваются проблемы модернизации национальной инновационной системы России в условиях становления "новой экономики", связанной с превращением инноваций, информационных технологий и образования в ключевые факторы экономического роста. Представлен анализ особенностей развития сферы науки и инноваций с позиций ее соответствия потребностям экономики и общества. Сформулированы возможные направления ее реформирования, включая необходимые институциональные преобразования, реорганизацию системы бюджетного финансирования, стимулирование коммерциализации технологий и инновационной деятельности.
Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации, 2011

Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge related to the development of the methods ... more Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge related to the development of the methods of study and control of the matter at the molecular level to produce materials, devices, and systems with new technical, functional, and consumer properties that were impossible to achieve previously. Existing formal definitions highlight three fundamental characteristics of nanotechnology: "Firstly, ... the scale of measurement at which research and engineering moves into the nanotechnology domain… a threshold of 100 nanometres is mostoften suggested. Secondly, nanotechnology is the purposeful "control", "manipulation" or "handling" of matter at a very small scale. Third, ... development and engineering at the nanoscale should also enable "novel" or "new" industrial applications or "technological innovations" based on characteristics arising from size-dependent phenomena" (Le Strange, 2011). Along with ICT and biotechnology, nanotechnology gives a promise of an increasing contribution of S&T and innovation to economic growth due to both already available and emerging multi-purpose applications in industry and households.
Books and book chapters by Leonid Gokhberg

UNESCO Science Report: the Race Against Time for Smarter Development, 2021
The centrepiece of the government's new economic model are 13
ambitious projects that align with ... more The centrepiece of the government's new economic model are 13
ambitious projects that align with The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Over a six-year period to 2024, the government is investing
more than than US$ 1 trillion in science, the digital economy, ecology, health, education, housing and other areas.
Readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a cross-cutting priority of the 13 projects and the national strategy for artificial intelligence.
The government is espousing a goal-oriented management system to strengthen national competitiveness, independence and security. There are plans to develop world-class infrastructure in selected regions for ‘a new geography of science’.
One challenge will be to raise expenditure on research and education, especially since improving the quality of public universities is a priority.
Since 2015, solar, gas and wind consumption have progressed each year but the use of renewable energy is being hampered by the centralized management of the Russian energy sector, higher consumer prices for renewable energy and the rigours of the country’s cold climate.

International Mobility of the Highly Skilled, 2002
At the start of the 1990s, the scale of emigration drastically increased in Russia to reach a tot... more At the start of the 1990s, the scale of emigration drastically increased in Russia to reach a total annual outflow that exceeded 100 000 persons. Measuring this emigration and analysing the driving forces became the task of the day. Since organisation of data collection at border control posts required much funding and time, the available sources of information were simply adapted to new requirements. This resulted in an imperfect system of statistical observation of emigration from
With respect to scientists and engineers, the problem was even greater. Neither national statistical authorities nor migration-related agencies were interested in describing this category of migrants. Specific efforts were therefore required from the Centre for Science Research and Statistics (CSRS) to provide a quantitative assessment of the scale of migrating scientists and engineers.

Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics , 2020
Until recently, the career prospects of engineers and researchers have changed considerably. The ... more Until recently, the career prospects of engineers and researchers have changed considerably. The chances of getting a permanent job, of getting a good position at a university or research center depend not only on one’s academic degree but also on individuals’ experience, competencies, and portfolio. Skills received during the period of study at the university or dissertation research can no longer be considered as sufficient for career. Lifelong learning is becoming the dominant model and should become an integral part of all career plans by means of constantly updating and developing the individuals’ “portfolio of competencies.” At the same time, successful companies should focus not on the staff but on the organizational stock skills, i.e., the aggregate “portfolio of competencies” of employees with different professions, which allows the company to formulate for specific tasks and projects different sets of competencies required in each specific case.
The chapter analyzes the most in-demand and dynamically changing sets of competencies in two high-tech areas – robotics and biotechnology.

Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology, 2021
Information and communication technology has become a major driver of changes in economic, social... more Information and communication technology has become a major driver of changes in economic, social, public, and private life. Higher speed internet, lower unit prices and smart devices have favoured new and more data-intensive applications. Technology development enables radical changes in business models and creates a background for a new economic paradigm – the digital economy. Identification of key trends in and analysis of digital transformation processes requires reliable statistical data and indicators. Development of relevant international statistics plays a vital role here hence, via establishing and updating harmonised standards. The measurement concepts are to be based on statistical standards covering definitions, classifications, and data collection methodologies ensuring cross-country data comparability. It requires novel methodologies and data collection tools involving alternative data sources. The objective of this paper is to present a systemic overview of established methodological standards as well as new trends towards measuring the digital economy.

Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, 2011
The chapter focuses on the measurement of emerging technologies that have the potential to transf... more The chapter focuses on the measurement of emerging technologies that have the potential to transform wide swathes of social and economic activity. The relevance of the topic is explained by the fact that the existing mechanisms of statistical accounting for a number of reasons fail to measure technologies that are at an early stage of development and still do not have specific applications. This results in a reduced ability to manage technology progress. Analyzing the lessons learned from statistical work around ICT and biotechnology, the authors propose a "three-dimensional" approach to the classification of technologies that covers all stages of the R&D cycle — from an idea to market launch of an end-user product or service. The basic components in measuring this area are the scientific base or origin of a given technology, its applications and the socio-economic impact. The authors demonstrate the scope for using technology Foresight to orient statistical work, and suggest that a combination of improved statistical monitoring of ongoing developments, and Foresight analysis of anticipated technology and technology applications, represents a powerful approach to achieving early footholds by way of indicators of emerging technologies in concrete circumstances. The chapter outlines the main requirements for such an approach to be effectively implemented and its results utilized; it concludes with proposals for future methodological and conceptual development.
Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach, 1999
Technological innovation has a key role to play in the revival of Russian industry in transition.... more Technological innovation has a key role to play in the revival of Russian industry in transition. However, contemporary innovation trends in Russia are notable for peculiar features determined by a combination of negative phenomena of the transition period and the stagnation inherited from the formerly centrally-planned economy. To facilitate the study of innovation activity as a complex of scientific, technological,

Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach, 1999
Contemporary R&D trends in the economies in transition (EIT) are determined by a complex of econo... more Contemporary R&D trends in the economies in transition (EIT) are determined by a complex of economic, social, institutional, and political factors that often pull in opposite directions. Drastic transformations of national R&D systems in this geographic area have been accompanied by inevitable losses, not just of their obsolete components, as widely described in the international literature. However, one can also observe structural shifts which reflect the evolution of national R&D systems from politically and institutionally predetermined complexes to economically justified organisms, but have been much less systematically analysed in terms of standard statistical definitions and indicators. With this in mind, the author has attempted to collect and analyse available data for eight major countries in the area, namely Bulgaria (BG), the Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU), Poland (PO), Romania (RO), the Russian Federation (RU), Slovakia (SK), and Ukraine (UA). Efforts to revise national statistical systems according to the OECD Frascati standards have been initiated in all these countries since political and economic transformation started in the late 1980s-early 1990s. But the degree of success in standardising R&D statistics has varied from one country to another. Furthermore, in most cases revisions of statistical concepts and classifications were not accompanied by re-estimation of past data series. As a result, national data series continue to differ in terms of time series continuity, use of proper sectoral classifications, coverage of expenditures, and availability of specific breakdowns. So the author has had to recalculate the data series, to put them into a common framework of standardised OECD definitions and classifications.2 This permits analysis of R&D trends in the EITs in a comparative perspective, taking into account both their similar origin and current diversity.
Les pays africains ont commenc�� �� se rendre �� l'��vidence que sans des investissements consid�... more Les pays africains ont commenc�� �� se rendre �� l'��vidence que sans des investissements consid��rables dans les domaines des S&T, le continent restera en marge de l'��conomie mondiale du savoir. Certains pays prennent d'ores et d��j�� des mesures pour instaurer un syst��me national d'innovation qui s' inspire, de mani��re g��n��rale, du mod��le de l'Organisation de coop��ration et de d��veloppement ��conomique (OCDE).
Journal articles by Leonid Gokhberg
By contrasting with a broad literature using the term ‘co-creation’ to denote close working relationship between actors, the paper outlines a conceptual framework explaining how the diversity of agents involved, their motivations and goals, and incentive structures in which they operate impact on science-based co-creation. This multidimensional perspective is discussed with regard to the scope of innovation, reach and types of values that are generated, and the distinctive features to be considered when both social and business value are at the core of collaboration.
Policy implications to support science-based co-creation are discussed with regard to the rationale for public interventions and the critical dimensions of policy implementation and assessment. It highlights that policy design aiming at supporting societal challenges through co-creation should address mechanisms to integrate tangible and intangible inputs, define suitable operational models and enhance specific capabilities and practices.
В статье рассматриваются тенденции институциональной инфраструктуры науки и высшего образования, акцентируется внимание на интеграции этих сфер и ее правовом обеспечении. Выявляются и оцениваются последствия недавно принятого федерального закона об интеграции и его адекватность целям государственной политики в области науки и образования.
Books and book chapters by Leonid Gokhberg
ambitious projects that align with The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Over a six-year period to 2024, the government is investing
more than than US$ 1 trillion in science, the digital economy, ecology, health, education, housing and other areas.
Readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a cross-cutting priority of the 13 projects and the national strategy for artificial intelligence.
The government is espousing a goal-oriented management system to strengthen national competitiveness, independence and security. There are plans to develop world-class infrastructure in selected regions for ‘a new geography of science’.
One challenge will be to raise expenditure on research and education, especially since improving the quality of public universities is a priority.
Since 2015, solar, gas and wind consumption have progressed each year but the use of renewable energy is being hampered by the centralized management of the Russian energy sector, higher consumer prices for renewable energy and the rigours of the country’s cold climate.
With respect to scientists and engineers, the problem was even greater. Neither national statistical authorities nor migration-related agencies were interested in describing this category of migrants. Specific efforts were therefore required from the Centre for Science Research and Statistics (CSRS) to provide a quantitative assessment of the scale of migrating scientists and engineers.
The chapter analyzes the most in-demand and dynamically changing sets of competencies in two high-tech areas – robotics and biotechnology.
By contrasting with a broad literature using the term ‘co-creation’ to denote close working relationship between actors, the paper outlines a conceptual framework explaining how the diversity of agents involved, their motivations and goals, and incentive structures in which they operate impact on science-based co-creation. This multidimensional perspective is discussed with regard to the scope of innovation, reach and types of values that are generated, and the distinctive features to be considered when both social and business value are at the core of collaboration.
Policy implications to support science-based co-creation are discussed with regard to the rationale for public interventions and the critical dimensions of policy implementation and assessment. It highlights that policy design aiming at supporting societal challenges through co-creation should address mechanisms to integrate tangible and intangible inputs, define suitable operational models and enhance specific capabilities and practices.
В статье рассматриваются тенденции институциональной инфраструктуры науки и высшего образования, акцентируется внимание на интеграции этих сфер и ее правовом обеспечении. Выявляются и оцениваются последствия недавно принятого федерального закона об интеграции и его адекватность целям государственной политики в области науки и образования.
ambitious projects that align with The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Over a six-year period to 2024, the government is investing
more than than US$ 1 trillion in science, the digital economy, ecology, health, education, housing and other areas.
Readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a cross-cutting priority of the 13 projects and the national strategy for artificial intelligence.
The government is espousing a goal-oriented management system to strengthen national competitiveness, independence and security. There are plans to develop world-class infrastructure in selected regions for ‘a new geography of science’.
One challenge will be to raise expenditure on research and education, especially since improving the quality of public universities is a priority.
Since 2015, solar, gas and wind consumption have progressed each year but the use of renewable energy is being hampered by the centralized management of the Russian energy sector, higher consumer prices for renewable energy and the rigours of the country’s cold climate.
With respect to scientists and engineers, the problem was even greater. Neither national statistical authorities nor migration-related agencies were interested in describing this category of migrants. Specific efforts were therefore required from the Centre for Science Research and Statistics (CSRS) to provide a quantitative assessment of the scale of migrating scientists and engineers.
The chapter analyzes the most in-demand and dynamically changing sets of competencies in two high-tech areas – robotics and biotechnology.
Какие города выбирают исследователи, главы корпораций и стартаперы, дизайнеры, архитекторы, художники и артисты?
У каких мегаполисов выше шансы успешно конкурировать за лучшие умы?
Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, команда Российской кластерной обсерватории из Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний НИУ ВШЭ разработала Рейтинг инновационной привлекательности мировых городов (HSE Global Cities Innovation Index / HSE GCII).
HSE GCII выявляет движущие силы, которые привлекают в города участников экономики знаний, оценивает в комплексе факторы технологического развития, институциональной среды и креативных индустрий. Рейтинг охватывает 36 мировых центров, впервые рассчитан на уровне городов и содержит специально разработанную систему из 120 показателей. Исследование Высшей школы экономики не имеет аналогов по глубине и охвату.
Цель рейтинга — предложить верифицируемую сравнительную оценку ключевых факторов, которые способствуют привлечению в города участников экономики знаний.
В фокусе внимания находятся ведущие компании (мегакорпорации, прорывные стартапы, ведущие университеты) и личности (нобелевские лауреаты, высокоцитируемые ученые, популярные представители креативных индустрий). Именно они формируют лицо города и являются главными силами притяжения для других представителей своих отраслей.
В выборку исследования включены 36 наиболее привлекательных для инноваторов городов, которые лидируют по числу патентов и публикаций и занимают высокие позиции в международных рейтингах по релевантным тематикам. Города разные по численности населения – от агломераций до мегаполисов, 14 из них имеют столичный статус.
Решение. Проанализировав выборку из 36 глобальных центров на основе 120 показателей, описывающих уровень их технологического развития, креативных индустрий и инфраструктуры и институциональной среды, исследователи НИУ ВШЭ рассчитали интегральный индекс HSE GCII. Индикаторы также сгруппированы в 20 разделов, которые распределены по трем блокам — «Технологическое развитие», «Креативные индустрии» и «Городская среда». По каждому блоку рассчитан свой субиндекс.
В аналитическом докладе, представляющем полные результаты исследования, включены индивидуальные профили городов с информацией об их рейтинговых позициях по всем собранным показателям.
Совокупность исследовательских подходов рейтинга HSE Global Cities Innovation Index формирует новый взгляд на измерение инновационной привлекательности мировых городов.
What prompts researchers, heads of corporations, start-up founders, designers, architects, and artists to choose a particular city?
Which megacities have an edge in the competition for the best minds?
To answer these questions, a team of experts from the Russian Cluster Observatory of HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has developed HSE Global Innovation Index (HSE GCII).
HSE GCII highlights the underlying forces which pull actors of knowledge economy into the cities and estimates a combined influence of technological development, urban environment, and creative industries. The index encompasses 36 global centers. For the first time ever, the ranking was calculated at the city level, following a unique system of 120 indicators. This study undertaken by the HSE University is unparalleled in terms of depth and coverage.
The rationale behind creating the ranking is to offer a verifiable benchmarking solution for assessing the key factors of attracting talent into cities.
Our ranking is focused on leading companies (mega-corporations, breakthrough startups, leading universities) and outstanding individuals (Nobel Prize laureates, highly cited researchers, renowned representatives of creative industries). They are the face and gravitational force of the city, sending messages to all other members within and outside the community.
The sample of the study comprises 36 cities of various sizes, 14 of which are national capitals that innovators find particularly attractive. Each city is a frontrunner in patent and publication activities and scores high in relevant international rankings.
Solution. Our researchers examined 36 cities that stand at the forefront in terms of attracting innovative class and designed the Overall Global Cities Innovation Index (HSE GCII). The 120 indicators of the HSE GCII were grouped into three blocks, — namely Technological Development, Creative Industries, and Urban Environment, and 20 sections. In doing so, we were able to calculate the corresponding subindex scores and rank each city accordingly.
You may find individual city profiles in the analytical report with detailed results of the study and all of the cities’ ranks for every indicator.
An integrated HSE GCII methodology provides a new approach to measuring the innovative appeal of global cities.
Информационную основу исследования составляют данные Росстата, Минкомсвязи России, Минобрнауки России, Минкультуры России, Минздрава России, ОЭСР, Евростата, Международного союза электросвязи и других организаций за 2010–2016 гг., а также собственные разработки ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
Доклад рассчитан на представителей экспертного сообщества, бизнеса, органов власти, а также широкий круг читателей, интересующихся развитием интернета.
Users of intelligent statistics are becoming not only active participants in primary data collection, accumulation and application processes, but are turning into “smart” consumers who develop statistical thinking and are able to derive the greatest possible benefits from the use of statistical data. Such skills should become an inherent (and possibly mandatory) component of any.
economic recovery, it becomes vitally important to inject new impetus into the field of applied R&D. In the context of the continued weakness of Russian industry, the government must be prepared to play an active part here, building on Russia’s recognised strengths in terms of energy endowment, selected areas of high technology, and cheap, well-educated labour. The paper reviews the main sectors of Russian industry, noting a number of paradoxical tendencies. While the absolute level of R&D activity in the machine-building sector - the heart of the Russian Economy - has fallen sharply, the preponderance of the sector within Russian industry has actually increased, as R&D activity has collapsed in other sectors. Exactly the
same can be said of the defence industry within machine building. The most disturbing trend among the engineering industries is the virtual cessation of R&D activity in the machine-tool sector - which equips all the other sectors. Innovation in electronics has also collapsed. There are some positive signs, eg, the rise in the number of prototypes being produced by industrial R&D organisations, and the increase in the general weight of development work within R&D.
But the situation remains critical, and forceful policy action is of the utmost importance.
В сборнике использованы материалы Минкомсвязи России, Росстата, Минобрнауки России, Банка России, ОЭСР, Евростата, МСЭ, ООН, ВЭФ, консорциума Корнельского университета (Cornell University), Школы бизнеса INSEAD и Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности (WIPO), а также разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Евростата, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ),
Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
Полный текст доступен по ссылке:
This data book continues the series of annual publications by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on information society infrastructure, the activities of ICT sector, and content and media sector enterprises. Summary indicators of economic activity of enterprises rendering IT services as well as indicators of ICT usage by enterprises, households and individuals are provided. Special sections are devoted to cross-country comparisons. For the first time, information on the activities of IT enterprises is included.
The data book uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as the results of own methodological and analytical studies and special surveys conducted by HSE ISSEK.
The full text is available for free here:
This data book continues the series of publications on various aspects of science and technology development in the Russian Federation. It opens with aset of tables which, along with the main indicators of science and technology, contain the main indicators of innovation. Statistical data on the compositionof organisations engaged in research and development, R&D personnel and funding, their material and technical base are provided. Special sections aredevoted to intellectual property, commercialisation and use of technology, international comparisons.
The publication uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,Federal Service for Intellectual Property, CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), EuropeanCommission, Eurostat, UNESCO, World Intellectual Property Organisation as well as the results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSEInstitute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In several cases, data on certain indicators improve on previous data.
Special sections contain international comparison. For the first time,data on the activity of IT industry enterprises are included in the data book.
The data book contains information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communicationsof the Russian Federation, Eurostat, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Telecommunication Union(ITU), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Economic Forum, as well as the results of analytical and methodologicalstudies and special surveys by HSE ISSEK.
В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития,Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
English Abstract: The data book is the continuation of the series of publications on various aspects of S&T and innovation development in the Russian Federation. It presents statistical data reflecting the current state and trends in R&D and innovation. A specific chapter is devoted to international comparisons.
В отдельных разделах содержатся сведения об интеллектуальной собственности, коммерциализации и использовании технологий, данные международных сопоставлений. В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
This data book continues the series of publications on various aspects of science and technology development in the Russian Federation. It opens with aset of tables which, along with the main indicators of science and technology, contain the main indicators of innovation. Statistical data on the compositionof organisations engaged in research and development, R&D personnel and funding, their material and technical base are provided. Special sections aredevoted to intellectual property, commercialisation and use of technology, international comparisons.
The publication uses information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,Federal Service for Intellectual Property, CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), EuropeanCommission, Eurostat, UNESCO, World Intellectual Property Organisation as well as the results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSEInstitute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In several cases, data on certain indicators improve on previous data.
Приведены индикаторы использования ИКТ в организациях
предпринимательского сектора и социальной сферы, органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления, домашних хозяйствах и населением. Отдельное внимание уделено статистической оценке развития электронной торговли и онлайн-взаимодействию бизнеса и населения с органами власти. Специальные разделы посвящены региональным и международным сопоставлениям.
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Министерства культуры Российской Федерации (Минкультуры России), Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Центрального банка Российской Федерации (Банка России), Статистической службы Европейского союза (Евростата), Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ), Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также
результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.
The data book contains information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia), Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operationand Development (OECD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Economic Forum, as well as based on the results of analytical and methodological studies and special surveys by HSE ISSEK.
The data book includes the information of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Servicefor Intellectual Property, the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Commission, Eurostat, UNESCO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, as well as results of methodological and analytical studies conducted by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
In some cases the data amends the information published before.
В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики».
В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.
В издании использованы материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (Минкомсвязи России), Министерства культуры Российской Федерации (Минкультуры России), Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (Минобрнауки России), Центрального банка Российской Федерации (Банка России), Статистической службы Европейского союза (Евростата), Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), Международного союза электросвязи (МСЭ), Департамента экономического и социального развития ООН, Всемирного экономического форума, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, собственные методические и аналитические разработки, а также результаты специальных обследований, проведенных ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ.