Papers by Alexandr Lavrentiev

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2016
Статья содержит попытку нового истолкования девиза и уточнения даты свинцовой привесной печати ве... more Статья содержит попытку нового истолкования девиза и уточнения даты свинцовой привесной печати великого князя московского Дмитрия Ивановича Донского (1363-1389). Среди многочисленных привесных печатей великих и удельных князей Руси XIV-XV вв. эта известна как уникальная и не имеющая аналогов благодаря надписи и изображению на лицевой стороне. В отличие от прочих экземпляров княжеских печатей, несущих изображение святого покровителя князя владельца, эту украшает изображение головы царя в сопровождении круговой надписи: «Все ся минет». Время правления великого князя Дмитрия Донского эпоха общеевропейской пандемии чумы, пришедшей на Русь в 1353 г. Утешительная тональность девиза диктовалась тяжелой моральной атмосферой Руси эпохи чумы, «мора» русских источников, нанесшего тяжелый удар по московскому великокняжескому дому. Вероятным автором идеи оригинальной печати был митрополит московский Алексей (между 1292 и 1305-1378 гг.).

Studia Slavica Et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2014
В статье предложены аргументы в пользу новой атрибуции и датировки знаменитого «шлема Ивана Грозн... more В статье предложены аргументы в пользу новой атрибуции и датировки знаменитого «шлема Ивана Грозного» (Королевская Оружейная палата, Стокгольм). Владельцем шлема, скорее всего, был «великий князь московский» Василий Иванович, ставший в 1502–1505 гг., еще при жизни отца, Ивана III, его реальным соправителем. Уникальная политическая ситуация начала XVI в. не имела прецедентов, поэтому «шлем Ивана Грозного» невозможно рассматривать в связи с некими устойчивыми традициями существования инсигний наследников великих князей XIV–XV вв., факт наличия которых невозможно к тому же считать доказаным. ***** The article put arguments in favor to new attribution and dating of well-known «Ivan the Terrible’s helmet» (Royal Armory, Stokholm). Helmet have belonged to «the grand duke of Moscow» Vasilii Ivanovich. Elder son of grand duke Ivan III during lifetime of his father, between 1502–1505, had became a real co-ruler of the Muscovy State. So, the unique political situation of the beginning of 16th century had no precedents therefore. It is impossible to consider «Ivan the Terrible’s helmet» in connection with certain steady insigniyas of grand duke’s successors, the more so, that fact of it’s existence can’t be taken for granted.
Очерки феодальной России .20, 2017
В публикации рассматривается вопрос о формировании в 17 в. ритуала публичной распаравы над важней... more В публикации рассматривается вопрос о формировании в 17 в. ритуала публичной распаравы над важнейшими государственными преступниками как юридической нормы, публичной репрезентации государственной власти и элемента перформативной городской культуры в России раннего нового времени
Once again about "Everything Passes" on the seal of Grand Duke Dimitry Ivanovich, 2018
The article is devoted to the literary source of the motto on the seal of the Grand Duke of Mosco... more The article is devoted to the literary source of the motto on the seal of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich (1363-1389). It is borrowed from a collection of parables called The Bee, but not from the famous Byzantine The Bee (12th century), but from the original Russian text of the same name and genre. Thus, it is necessary to talk about the not preserved writing of Russian literature of the 14th century.
Эпоха Ивана Грозного и ее отражение в историографии,письменности, искусстве, архитектуре. Т.1., 2018
The article is devoted to a very unusual phenomenon in
the Russian history of 16th and 17th centu... more The article is devoted to a very unusual phenomenon in
the Russian history of 16th and 17th centuries, a triple change in the status
of the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. Originally а Grand Duke's village, it had
transferred to the city of Ivan the Terrible and, after the Time of Troubles

K R O N I K A Z A M K OWA – R O C Z N I K I • 2 (6 8) / 2 0 1 5 W 1632 r. anonimowy malarz nadwor... more K R O N I K A Z A M K OWA – R O C Z N I K I • 2 (6 8) / 2 0 1 5 W 1632 r. anonimowy malarz nadworny uwiecznił spoczywające na łożu paradnym w po-śmiertnym majestacie ciało zmarłego 30 kwietnia króla Zygmunta III Wazy; elementem cha-rakterystycznym tego konterfektu jest obecność dwóch koron, z których jedna znajduje się na głowie monarchy, druga na poduszce obok jego prawego ramienia (il. 1) 1. Współczesny świadek ceremonii pogrzebowych – kanclerz litewski Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł – odnoto-wał, iż pierwsza z nich to " korona przywieziona z Moskwy, wielkiej wartości i wagi " (il. 2), druga zaś to korona szwedzka, którą " wraz z insygniami położono przy boku królewskim " 2. Na mocy królewskiego testamentu pierwsze z insygniów, jako część osobistego majątku Zygmunta III nienależące do Skarbca Koronnego, przeszło niebawem w ręce jego najmłodszego dziedzica – królewicza Aleksandra 3 , a po rychłej jego śmierci (1634) stało się własnością najstarszego z Zygmuntowiczów – króla Władysława IV. Dodajmy, iż obecność w spuściźnie Zygmunta III in-sygnium, związanego z przewagami nad Moskwą (w testamencie królewskim z 1623 r. corona seu diadema Moschoviticum), jest udokumentowane także przez nieco późniejsze świadectwo Władysławowego biografa – Stanisława Kobierzyckiego, skądinąd informującego błędnie, że zgodnie z ostatnią wolą monarchy zostało ono złożone w Skarbcu Koronnym 4 .
The paper contains an attempt to reinterpret the motto and clarify the date of the lead pendant
s... more The paper contains an attempt to reinterpret the motto and clarify the date of the lead pendant
seal of Grand Duke of Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy (1363–1389). Among numerous princely pendant seals
of 14th–15th cent., thе seal under discussion is known as a unique one due to inscription and image of the
obverse. Unlike other seals, with images of patron saints of the princes — owners, the seal of Dmitry
Donskoy is decorated with the head of a king encircled with the motto «Everything Passes». The reign
of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy fell on time of pan-European pandemic of plague, that came to Rus’ in
1353. Comforting tone of motto was dictated by a heavy moral atmosphere caused by plague, that seriously
impacted the Moscow Grand Dukeʼs House. The idea of the original decoration of the seal probably
belonged to Metropolitan of Moscow Alexei (between 1292 and 1305–1378).
Presents ideas in the favor of belonging the parchment Gospel 14 st. (State Historical museum. Mo... more Presents ideas in the favor of belonging the parchment Gospel 14 st. (State Historical museum. Moscow) to one of the well-known historical persons, voevoda Dimitry Bobrok, hero of Kulikovo battle (1380).
The paper have dedicate on the outstanding chef d`oeuvre of the Early Moscow art. The pall had em... more The paper have dedicate on the outstanding chef d`oeuvre of the Early Moscow art. The pall had embroidered as an order of Maria Alexandrovna, widowed Grand Duchess of Moscow and refl ected the complicated situation in Moscow dynasty of Rurikovich late 80th —early 90th of 14 century.
The article put arguments in favor to new attribution and dating of well-known "Ivan the Terrible... more The article put arguments in favor to new attribution and dating of well-known "Ivan the Terrible's helmet" (Royal Armory. Stokholm). Helmet have belonged to "the grand duke of Moscow" Vassily Ivanovich. Elder son of grand duke Ivan III during lifetime of his father, between 1502-1505, had became a real co-ruler of the Muscovy State. So, the unique political situation of the beginning of 16th century had no precedents therefore. It is impossible to consider "Ivan the Terrible's helmet" in connection with certain steady insigniyas of grand dukeʹs successors, the more so, that fact of itʹs existence can't be taken for granted.
Выборы царя: опыт Смутного времени (к постановке вопроса)
Papers by Alexandr Lavrentiev
the Russian history of 16th and 17th centuries, a triple change in the status
of the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. Originally а Grand Duke's village, it had
transferred to the city of Ivan the Terrible and, after the Time of Troubles
seal of Grand Duke of Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy (1363–1389). Among numerous princely pendant seals
of 14th–15th cent., thе seal under discussion is known as a unique one due to inscription and image of the
obverse. Unlike other seals, with images of patron saints of the princes — owners, the seal of Dmitry
Donskoy is decorated with the head of a king encircled with the motto «Everything Passes». The reign
of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy fell on time of pan-European pandemic of plague, that came to Rus’ in
1353. Comforting tone of motto was dictated by a heavy moral atmosphere caused by plague, that seriously
impacted the Moscow Grand Dukeʼs House. The idea of the original decoration of the seal probably
belonged to Metropolitan of Moscow Alexei (between 1292 and 1305–1378).
the Russian history of 16th and 17th centuries, a triple change in the status
of the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. Originally а Grand Duke's village, it had
transferred to the city of Ivan the Terrible and, after the Time of Troubles
seal of Grand Duke of Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy (1363–1389). Among numerous princely pendant seals
of 14th–15th cent., thе seal under discussion is known as a unique one due to inscription and image of the
obverse. Unlike other seals, with images of patron saints of the princes — owners, the seal of Dmitry
Donskoy is decorated with the head of a king encircled with the motto «Everything Passes». The reign
of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy fell on time of pan-European pandemic of plague, that came to Rus’ in
1353. Comforting tone of motto was dictated by a heavy moral atmosphere caused by plague, that seriously
impacted the Moscow Grand Dukeʼs House. The idea of the original decoration of the seal probably
belonged to Metropolitan of Moscow Alexei (between 1292 and 1305–1378).