CHS Reinstatement Procedure

The College of Health and Human Sciences academic standards committee is responsible for monitoring the academic progress of all undergraduate students in the college, based on policies and minimum requirements set by the University. The College of Health and Human Sciences enforces the Iowa State University academic probation policy, which includes the policies regarding extenuating circumstances, withdrawing from the university, adding and dropping classes, and academic probation and dismissal. Any student who has been academically dismissed from the university should contact an advisor in the college in which they would like to return and follow the reinstatement procedures required in that college and major. Students who want to return to a major within the College of Health and Human Sciences need to complete the Reinstatement application process below.

  • Complete the Academic Reinstatement Packet (PDF). This must be completed by deadline indicated below.
  • Complete the Educational Career Goals form included in the Reinstatement Packet.
  • Meet with an academic advisor in your intended major. Discuss and develop the long range plan sheet located in the petition packet. The plan must be signed by your advisor. As you plan for your return, note that the first term you return, you will be limited to taking 12 credits during the spring/fall or 6 credits during the summer.
  • Enroll in at least 9 credits of college work within the same semester with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA while away from Iowa State. Completing this requirement does not ensure automatic reinstatement.
  • Submit a copy of your Iowa State transcript and your current grade report. Your reinstatement application will not be considered if you do not submit unofficial transcripts for all current and previously enrolled courses since your dismissal from Iowa State. Currently enrolled courses: An unofficial grade report in the form of a screenshot or letter from the professor confirming your current grade is acceptable for in-progress courses. Completed courses: Unofficial transcript from your college’s student portal is acceptable for completed courses. If granted reinstatement, official transcripts for all courses must be provided to the office of admissions once your grades post. If these are not received, your reinstatement will be cancelled. Mail official transcripts to:
    Iowa State Admissions Office
    100 Enrollment Services Center
    2433 Union Dr.
    Ames, IA 50011
  • If you did not enroll in classes at another college/university but have been granted an exemption from the CHS Academic Standards Committee*, please include at least one letter of recommendation (on business letterhead) from your current employer. The letter should address your responsibilities/job duties and discuss your work ethic and character. *In order to be granted an exemption, you must complete the Exemption From Coursework form within 10 business days of being academically dismissed.
  • If your dismissal and academic progress were related to medical and/or health issues, please provide a statement from a medical professional that the medical and/or health related issues referenced in your petition letter are now stabilized and you are ready to return to the rigors of a college curriculum.
  • If you were not enrolled at Iowa State for two or more semesters (not including summer), submit a re-entry application.
  • Attach any additional materials or letters of reference from faculty or employers that would support your petition, if desired. Letters must be signed and written on business letterhead.
  • Completed application packets should be emailed to: [email protected]
    Links to documents saved in cloud-based systems (e.g., Google Docs/OneDrive) will not be accepted. An actual file must be submitted for review.

Students will be notified of committee’s decision no more than 2 weeks after the submission deadline. If you do not follow all of these steps, the Academic Standards Committee will not consider your petition for reinstatement. No partial, incomplete, or late applications will be considered. It is your responsibility to ensure all materials are submitted.

Re-entrySemester deadline
Fall 2025June 20th, 2025
Spring 2026November 1st, 2025
Summer 2025March 14th, 2025

Need More Information?

College of Health and Human Sciences Student Services

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078


[email protected]