Academic Policies

The College of Health and Human Sciences enforces the Iowa State University academic probation policy, which includes the policies regarding extenuating circumstances, withdrawing from the university, adding and dropping classes, and academic probation and dismissal. Students must meet University, College and Departmental requirements for graduation.  Below are important College of Health and Human Sciences rules and procedures.

Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal

The University maintains academic standards rules and policies that are designed to help support a student’s progress toward degree completion. College academic standards committees also maintain standards for students’ academic performance.

Learn more about University academic standards by visiting the University resource page.


Students requesting reinstatement into the College of Health and Human Sciences should contact an academic advisor in the major that they wish to obtain their degree in and submit documentation materials by the deadline to the College of Health and Human Sciences Academic Standards Committee.

For complete details on the reinstatement process, visit the College of Health and Human Sciences academic standards webpage.

Request for Exception to Policy

Students requesting an exception to university academic rules (e.g., period 3 drop or withdrawal, requesting an additional drop) should contact their academic advisor who will assist them in submitting a petition to the College of Health and Human Sciences Student Services Office. The petition and documentation materials will be reviewed by the Director of Human Sciences Student Services and two other representatives from the Student Services Office. Submitted materials are typically reviewed within one week of submission. Retroactive drops or other administrative changes have a one-year time frame limit. For example, if a student is requesting a drop of one course from spring 2019, they must submit a request by the end of spring 2020.

Students wishing to request an exception to policy should contact their College of Health and Human Sciences academic advisor to begin the process. Not sure who your advisor is? See the advisor directory, or visit your AccessPlus account.

Please note that the request for an “out of term” withdraw is overseen at the University level. For more information, see the out of term withdraw website.

University Withdraw

Students requesting to withdraw from Iowa State University should reference the University Registrar website. Resources include an action check list for students to follow if pursuing a withdrawal, links to appropriate forms, withdrawal options to consider, and what happens after withdrawing from the University.

Please see the following important University resource page.


The University catalog provides students with an appeal process for academic grievances, including grade changes. This appeal process can be found by visiting the academic grievance website.

Don’t see information on a policy you need? Try visiting the University catalog.

Need More Information?

College of Health and Human Sciences Student Services

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078


[email protected]