Alex Pringnitz

Overall Experience
I really enjoyed my time in Rome. We had plenty of free time outside of class to explore the city, which was incredibly eye opening. There is so much history in the city. We also had a lot of opportunities to travel to other cities, and a group of us even visited Paris. The class was very helpful, also. I learned a very important skill that will help me be a more productive teacher.
What advice would you give?
Go for it. Don't be afraid to just take a chance and go on a study abroad trip. My experience was one I will hold on to and I am so thankful that I talked myself into joining this trip. Once you are there, experience everything you can. Don't miss out on an opportunity to visit a certain part of the city. You might as well see everything because you only get that opportunity once!
How has this experience impacted your life?
Before this trip, I had never traveled to Europe. My mind was opened up to new cultures and experiences. It was challenging being in a completely new environment, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I now feel confident and excited to venture across the world in the future. I believe that the experience has also made me more marketable for future positions and I am able to hold professional conversations around disciplinary literacy.
How did you learn about this experience?
I received an email from my advisor that included information about this program.
International Connections