Raichel Beierle

Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Company/Organization: Boys and Girls Club
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email: [email protected]


My responsibilities include planning and implementing programs that promote social, emotional, and physical development. Along with this, I am also ensuring the safety of all the members. Throughout the day, we encourage participation in programs and members' happiness.


My greatest accomplishment during my internship was facilitating my own programs. We received time before the summer club began to plan our programs, and this summer, I was in charge of the hiking club, gardening, and brain gain for fifth and sixth graders. It was amazing seeing different members engage with the other programs and see them enjoying things I had planned for them.

Learning experience

One of the greatest lessons I learned from my experience was the importance of understanding each individual in their own way. When someone is upset, something that works for one person may not work for another; the same goes for things children enjoy. During the summer, we have had various programs for the youth to choose from, and it's exciting seeing different individuals engage in the other programs.

What advice would you give?

One piece of advice for future students is to step out of your comfort zone! I was nervous going into my internship, and it was an amazing experience that I learned so much from! It's also important to try new things and avoid doing what's comfortable because you might find something you enjoy more!

Career Connections