Videos by Prof (Dr) WA Liebenberg
Explaining where the Ten Tribes of Israel as well as the Gentiles fit into the Marriage of the Lamb
The Gentile defined from a Hebraic perspective
Short video explaining what Shalom means in the Hebrew contexts
Christians defined from a Hebraic perspective
The Sheep are directly connected to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
Proven from Biblical prophecies that Christians in the Nations are part of the Ten Tribes of Israel
Jews defined from a Israel Twelve Tribe perspective
The Wedding Covenant with Israel and the coming Bride of the Messiah, a MUST!
Teaching Documents by Prof (Dr) WA Liebenberg

All Things Made New:
Divine information in the Bible is shrouded in mystery. Described by numb... more All Things Made New:
Divine information in the Bible is shrouded in mystery. Described by numbers, information is presented to its reader as an equation, begging to be solved.
A day is a thousand years is the epicenter of major Judaic concepts related to the destiny of humanity. Broad in scope, it addresses a universal audience but focuses primarily on the Twelve Tribes of Israel, in both the TaNaCh (OT) and the New Testament.
The 7,000-year plan of the God of Israel is a major concept and foundational truth in understanding Bible prophecy and eschatology. The Rabbis of traditional Judaism understand that the God of Israel gave the seven days of creation in Genesis as instruction to teach His people that there are 7,000 years of time from the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the end of the Messianic Age. Each day in creation represents 1,000 years in time. This is based upon connecting Psalm 90:4 to the seven days of creation. In Rabbinic literature, it is also taught that each day in creation represents 1,000 years of time.
The traditional Jewish view of each day of creation representing 1,000 years of time is expressed in the New Testament in 2 Peter 3:8-10 as it is written and directly ties it to the Torah and the end of the Messianic Age. It fact it warns not to be Lawless (Torahless) in the chapter.
We have Judaism explaining everything in great detail to the end of the Messianic Era and all is then shrouded in mystery. What happens after this period?
The New Testament is the only source that adds to it and gives staggering revelations on what happens after the 7,000 year period, come and embark on a futuristic journey to learn about the biggest mystery in human history; your destiny into eternity…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
• All Things Made New Overview.
• The Purification Process.
• The New Jerusalem City.
• The Occupants Of The New Jerusalem.
• Living Conditions.
• Seven Names For The City Of HaShem.
• Twelve Blessings For Man On The New Earth.
• The Holy City, The New Jerusalem.
• Only Torah-Observant Believers Allowed In The New Jerusalem City.
• Life In the Eternal City.
• The Bible Explains The Enigma Of The Sphinx And Pyramid Of Giza.
• Who Built The Pyramids Of Giza?
• Background And Statistics Of The Giza Pyramids.
• Names Of The Three Stars In Orion’s Belt.
• The Background And Statistics Of The Giza Sphinx.
• The Age Of The Sphinx.
• Meaning Of The Word Pyramid.
• The Astonishing Accuracy Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Construction Material Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Site Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Chambers Inside The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• Engineering Of The Known Interior Chambers.
• Did They Find Any Egyptian Hieroglyphics As In The Other Pyramid?
• The Capstone Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• The Eight Sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
• Is The Giza Pyramids A Holy Place? Isaiah’s Altar In The Middle Of Egypt.
• The Torah Calls For Two Witnesses.
• The Coffer Inside the Great Pyramid.
• Isaiah’s Altar In Egypt Decoded In The Hebrew Text.
• The Pyramid Altar Concept: Isaiah’s Sign And Witness.
• Is the New Jerusalem a Cube or a Pyramid?
• Conclusion on the Pyramid of Giza.
• Into Eternity.
• Conclusion.

The Messianic Era: Conditions:
The Messianic Era will be one of tremendous prosperity. It will... more The Messianic Era: Conditions:
The Messianic Era will be one of tremendous prosperity. It will leave humankind with ample free time as the pursuit of riches and wealth will be no more, meaning war during it will cease to exist.
Because of these prosperous conditions all the nations of the world will be preoccupied with one pursuit: the study of HaShem and the Torah. Moshiach will reveal profound previously unknown dimensions of the Torah. The Torah which we study in this world is naught in comparison to the Torah of Moshiach that will be revealed.
Furthermore, while our present-day knowledge of HaShem is limited to intellectual perception, but during the Messianic Era we will actually "see" what we are studying.
The Commandments we do today pale in comparison to those we will perform when we will be returned to the Holy Land. And aside from the greater quality of the Commandments we will perform then, quantitatively too, we then will finally be capable of performing so many Commandments which we are unable to do today. Also, with the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, we will resume the Temple service and all the Commandments that it entails.
Moshiach will usher in an era of peace and prosperity which will benefit all of mankind. The prophets depict the Messianic Era as a miraculous one, and the Scriptures are replete with statements regarding fantastic miracles that will be commonplace during the Messianic Era.
One of the most significant facts relating to the Messianic Era doctrine is the teaching that the Millennial Kingdom is a rule of HaShem on earth, thereby distinguishing it from a purely spiritual reign in the hearts of men through centuries of human history. The King of Kings ruling on earth distinguishes it from the will of HaShem as expressed in eternity future. The evidence for this is so abundant that it is strange that learned men have been able to deny this plain teaching of the Scriptures. Psalm 2:8 records the invitation of the Father to His blessed Son: "Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."
Isaiah 11 paints the graphic picture of the reign of King Moshiach on earth, a scene which cannot be confused with the present age or the eternal state if interpreted in any normal literal sense. As presented, it describes the Messianic Era and the righteous government of King Moshiach.
The cumulative evidence for the Messianic Era of King Moshiach presented in preceding research serves as a logical introduction to the prophecies of the Scriptures fulfilled in the earthly and eternal reign of Moshiach. The doctrine of the Messianic Era is one of the major revelations of Scripture pertaining to HaShem’s program. As a theme for theological investigation, it has attracted a host of scholars who have developed the kingdom theme in desperation to understand what the future holds, yet we fail miserably trying to pen the vast deepness and significance of it...
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Torah: The Eternal Constitution of the World.
2) Torah: Changed to a Deeper Dimension.
3) Holistic Overview of the Messianic Age Structure.
4) Moshiach’s Kingdom Will Be Earthly.
5) The Structure of the Kingdom.
6) The Kingdom’s Administration.
7) The Nations and Worship.
8) Characteristics and Dynamic of the Kingdom.
9) What Will the Earth Be Like?
10) The General Living Conditions.
11) Quick References for Conditions Within the Messianic Era.
12) Jerusalem and It’s People Described.
13) Israel and Its People Described.
14) Cleansing of the Land During the First Years in the Olam Haba.
15) Messianic Age Temple Overview.
16) Description of the Messianic Age Temple.
17) Living Water Will Flow From the Temple.
18) Temple Priests and Ordinances.
19) Object of the Messianic Age Reign.
20) End of the Seventh Thousand Year: The Messianic Era Closure.
21) Conclusion.

The Messianic Era: Conditions:
In theology the Messianic Age is a future time of universal pea... more The Messianic Era: Conditions:
In theology the Messianic Age is a future time of universal peace and brotherhood on the earth, without crime, war and poverty. Many Abrahamic religions firmly believe that there will be such an age; some refer to it as the consummate "Kingdom of God" or the "World to Come", in Hebrew – the Olam Haba.
In the context of "Messianic Age", the earliest meaning of the word "messianic" is derived from notion of Yemot HaMashiach meaning "The Days of the Messiah", that is, the Jewish Messiah from the Tribe of Judah.
Messiah derives from Hebrew, meaning "the anointed one". Originally the "anointed one" referred to Aaron and his descendants, the Cohanim (Priests). Following the establishment of the kingdom of Saul, it could also refer to a king who was anointed with holy anointing oil as part of what might be understood to be his coronation ceremony.
Eschatology is an area of religious scholarship that deals with prophecies about "the end of the current age" of human civilization, and the Messianic Age is central to it.
In this research paper we examine the prophecies concerning the restoration of the Twelve Tribes, how life and the general conditions will be during this period and the structure of the rulers during this time.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Overview of the Messianic Era.
3) The Timing of the Messianic Era.
4) Hebrew Eschatology Overview.
5) Reasons for a Messianic Era.
6) What Will Activate the Messianic Era?
7) The Earth Will Be Changed at the Beginning of the Messianic Age?
8) HaShem Lift His Hand and His People.
9) HaShem Forms a Spring.
10) HaShem Digs a River Bed.
11) HaShem Divides the Great City.
12) HaShem Splits the Water.
13) HaShem Heals the Eastern Sea.
14) HaShem Weaves a Basket.
15) HaShem Waters His Bread Basket.
16) HaShem Fills His Breadbasket.
17) The Earth Prepared for the Israelites to Return.
18) Israelites Return to Jerusalem From the Four Corners of the Earth.
19) An Ensign is Raised to the Nations to Gather the Tribes.
20) Journey to the Promised Land.
21) Gentiles To Aid the Israelites.
22) All Tribes of Israel Restored Into the Holy Land.
23) HaShem, Moshiach and King David Predicament.
24) The Manifestation of Moshiach in the Millennium.
25) Description and Character Trends of the Moshiach.
26) HaShem Takes Israel As Wife Again.
27) Zion, the City of David and Jerusalem.
28) Zion and the Earthly Jerusalem the Gathering Place.
29) Greater Zion Flourishes in the Wilderness.
30) Zion Described.
31) HaShem Will Dwell In Zion and Jerusalem.
32) Zion Will Be Glorious.
33) The Heavenly Jerusalem.
34) New Boundaries of Israel and Jerusalem.
35) Israel as The King’s Subjects in the Millennium.
36) Conclusion.

Biblical Prophecies: Section C - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
In this research secti... more Biblical Prophecies: Section C - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
In this research section we will venture into the actuality how HaShem married the 12 Tribes, divorced 10 Tribes due to her unfaithfulness, chased them out of His house the Promised Land, and how He will remarry the 10 Tribes again according to prophecy.
Judah was never divorced by HaShem and is still legally married to Him, thus making them His wife. The 10 Tribes must be remarried and is therefore the bride who must accept the Original Ketubah – the Torah.
Judah was ordained by HaShem to be the Mechoqeck, and the New Testament support this view that the 10 Tribes must learn Torah from Judah. Yeshua in the New Testament reinforces this.
Torah forbids a whoring wife to get married again and this research gives a possible solution to the dilemma.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Are the 'Jews' and 'Israel' by Definition Synonymous?
2) The Ancient Gentile People’s Way of Redemption.
3) The Intricate Plan for Our Redemption Ordained Before the Creation.
4) Abraham the Point of Departure for the 'Marriage' Plan.
5) HaShem Brought His Bride From Out of Egypt and Proposed to Her.
6) Israel then Chose Harlotry and Turned their Backs on HaShem.
7) HaShem Eventually Ran Out of Patience and Divorced Israel.
8) Israel and Judah in an Allegorical Account in Hosea’s Life.
9) Chronological Order Summary of HaShem’s Mysterious Plan.
10) HaShem Promised that He will Remarry the House of Israel – Ten Israel.
11) Can HaShem Violate His Own Rules and Instructions in the Torah?
12) What Is the Mechoqeck Rabbis’ Verdict to Deal With an Adulterous Woman?
13) What Do the Mechoqeck Rabbis Say Concerning Remarriage of an Adulterous Woman?
14) Does the Bible Encourage a Person to Be Single – a Divorcee?
15) How Will HaShem Remarry Divorced Ten Israel?
16) Is there an Answer to this Mysterious Mystery Locked Away for Ages?
17) Is This Mystery Hidden for Ages?
18) The Spanner in the Works.
19) HaShem Encoded the Two-House Message Throughout Scripture.
20) The Two Pictures of the Messiah in the TaNaCh?
21) Conclusion

Biblical Prophecies: Section B - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
Nebuchadnezzar and his... more Biblical Prophecies: Section B - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army invaded Israel. They had reduced King Solomon’s Temple to ashes, and had taken many of the Jewish people back to Babylon as captives. By this time some 200 years earlier the bulk of the the Northern Ten Tribes were also taken into captivity, and this is the condition that Ezekiel is in. The nation of Israel is dead, but… HaShem has a vision for Ezekiel.
Ezekiel is carried to a valley full of very dry bones. These bones are scattered everywhere… very white… and very very dry. Bones all over the place… scattered by the wild animals so that there is nothing but miscellaneous bones as far as the eye can see. Bones are not grouped together, they are mixed, cracked and broken; it is a surface-graveyard in a total chaotic state as far as the eye can see. A hopeless situation…
For Ezekiel, this is a vision of the nation of Israel, not only for the House of Judah, but also for the House of Israel (Ephraim/Joseph).
Remarkably, HaShem instructs Ezekiel to prophesy that these scattered, dead, dry bones will live, a vivid picture of the Twelve Tribes scattered into the nations for 2700 years that will come alive in the last days!
In this research section we will venture into the prophecies in the making and compare them with the actual events taking place in the world.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Was Israel Born in a Day?
2) Israelites Coming Out of the Land of the North and All Countries Where They Had Been Banished
3) What Part Does the Land Play in the 'Redemption Plan'?
4) The Shepheard is Calling His People
5) What Must Ephraim Do?
6) How Must We Become One Entity?
7) Ezekiel’s Two Sticks are Becoming One – The Return of the Shechinah
8) The Returning of the Scattered Ten Tribes of Israel
9) Is The House of Israel in the Process of Returning?
10) Will King Solomon’s Empire Be Restored?
11) Will Many Nations be Joined With HaShem?
12) Is There Concrete Proof of the Tribes Starting Coming Home?
13) Ephraim’s Area of Settling in the Land
14) Conclusion

Biblical Prophecies: Section A - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
Christendom’s mind-set... more Biblical Prophecies: Section A - Reconciliation, Return and Redemption:
Christendom’s mind-set of eternity is vastly different from that of Judaism; this fundamental difference is used as the point of departure for this research section.
Built on this enigma is, who is the House of Israel and who is the House of Judah and what is each one’s definite role in HaShem’s Plan of Redemption? In other words who must lead and who must study Scripture from whom?
There are two wives, one household, and one Husband involved in HaShem’s redemption process, of which both were married at Mount Sinai, but sadly one was divorced. This divorced wife must be restored according to prophecy in the end-times.
This 'divorced wife' is metaphorically role-played by Joseph in Egypt whom not even his own brothers identified. The same is true today, Judah does not recognize his own brothers scattered in the nations. This Joseph is indeed alive today and is non-other than Ezekiel chapter 37’s 'dry bones' coming alive in our very day, prophecy in fulfillment!
The House of Judah is currently preparing and building the land in preparation for Joseph, the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to return. This House is also known as Ephraim.
This research section discusses the fundamental principles for the total Plan of Redemption of HaShem.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) What is Christendom’s Mind-set of Eternity?
3) Who Will Dwell in Who’s Tent?
4) Who Will Learn The Scripture From Who?
5) Are People Been Brainwashed Not To Accept Judah’s Authority?
6) Are There Two Wives, One Household, and One Husband Involved in HaShem’s Process?
7) Was Only Judah Married At Mount Sinai, Or All Twelve Tribes, and What is the New Covenant?
8) Clarity on Which Tribes Are Divorced and Who Are Not
9) But Who Is Joseph and More Importantly Is Joseph Alive Today?
10) So Who Am I and Where Do I As a Non-Jew Fit In?
11) How Can I Test Myself If I am Pro-Jewish or Not?
12) What Must the Ephraimites Do to be Accepted by Judah?
13) Can We Bridge Our Differences And Pursue A Defined Goal?
14) What Is the Redemption Outcome?
15) What Is The Secret of Redemption and What is the House of Judah’s Responsibility?
16) Who Must Regather the Ten Tribes, Joseph or Judah?
17) Can Judah Wake To The Most Fundamental Prophecy?
18) Is Judah Preparing and Building The Land?
19) Is the Land of Israel Calling Us?
20) Can There Be Redemption Without a Land?
21) Is Judah Starting to Realise That He Needs Ephraim?
22) Is There a Continuous Cry For the Re-awakening of Lost 10-Israel?
23) Does Israel Hope the 'Lost Tribes' Can Boost the Jewish Numbers?
24) Conclusion

Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems:
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Signs ... more Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems:
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems to derive at a plausible outcome.
In light of these few brief facts which were outlined, it is now obvious that the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did indeed 'spread systematically abroad to the West'. HaShem promised this unconditionally in Gen 28:14 "Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you WILL SPREAD OUT to the west [Americas] and to the east [Japan], to the north [Russia/Norway] and to the south [South Africa/Australia/New Zealand]. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring."
They had, in fact, discovered, traded with, and even for a time, made settlements in North America, long before Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492.
Let us as the Israelites do our best to bring before our people the increasing evidence of the pre-Columbian history of America, and other countries, which clearly shows HaShems’s Covenant people staking claim by leaving megalithic monuments and epigraphical evidence, from the very earliest times.
In this research section we discussed 'to hide in plain sight' which means to hide truth from the blinded uninformed while also simultaneously remain completely visible by anyone who is wise, a Biblical principle.
Then there are some things that modern-day academics willfully and blatantly do not accept due to various reasons: fear of losing their jobs, financial implications, a prescribed doctrine that blinds and distorts their vision, which is totally against HaShem’s will.
The category that accepts the truth as the forthcoming research proves, will be discredited and ridiculed. With this research, the researcher has put himself in the latter category for the sake of HaShem’s truth.
As mentioned, Sherlock Holmes’ favourite quote was 'We look but we do not see', and the researcher is of the opinion that the time has come to remove the blinkers from from a blinded world, to identify these deep-seated 'silent witnesses'…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight is HaShem’s Method
3) What is Judaism’s View on Their Country’s Flag?
4) Is the Union Jack Flag of the United Kingdom Tied to the Ten Tribes?
5) Irish Queen Teia Tephi’s (Britannia) Shield Connected to the Ten Tribes?
6) Is the 'Red Flag' the Flag of the Jews?
7) Are the Celtic / Saxon Flags connected to the Israelites?
8) Is the British Coat-of-Arms Connected to the Ten Tribes?
9) Why is the River Between Norway and Russia called 'Jacob River'?
10) Why Is the Dan Tribe Mysteriously Linked to Ireland?
11) Did the Phoenicians Work for King Solomon’s Fleet?
12) Who Are the Phoenicians Really?
13) Did the Hebrews Arrive 1500+ Years Before Columbus in America?
14) The 'Israelite-Phoenician' Came to America First!
15) The Ancient Celts Came to America Thereafter
16) Then the Irish and Welsh Came to America Next
17) The Scandinavians Arrived 500 Years Before Columbus
18) Undeniable Hebrew Artefacts Found In America:
a. The Bat Creek Inscription Evidence
b. The Paraiba Inscription Evidence
c. The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
d. The America's Stonehenge Evidence
e. The Ohio Decalogue Stone Evidence
f. The Keystone Evidence
19) Conclusion

Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways:
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Roads... more Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways:
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways to derive at a plausible outcome.
Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration, so as to find their way back. This indeed happened with unprecedented accuracy. These megaliths are also associated with the stars, which believers of today are only now really starting to study and understand, this as commanded in the Torah.
The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many places, and covenants were strongly associated with them, therefore the megaliths had a long history with the Hebrew peoples. The use of menhirs as funerary monuments also exists from ancient time till late in historical times.
Megaliths have been erected in various phases: the first monuments to be erected were by the Sethites (Neolithic Period), then to these were added later by the descendants of Eber (King Solomon and the Phoenicians), and then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes) all the way into the Christian Era. Many Rabbis and leading Jewish scholars believe that most of the megaliths outside Israel were erected by the Ten Tribers on their migration routes. Thus, the megalithic monuments indicate the migratory paths.
There are four main migratory paths northwards. The path through Georgia was selected to prove the fact that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and beyond. Megaliths, arranged in special formations were found on this migration path giving valuable information. Each country that is studied offers more cryptic information and clues. Megaliths on the migratory paths deserve further studies evolving into a doctorate dissertation.
There are direct parallels between megalithic structures such as the Caucasus, Stonehenge, Newgrange, and Kilmartin, not to mention the smaller groups on the migration path. Scotland is one of the 'final' destinations the Ten Tribers migrated to in Western Europe and a last piece of vital cryptic eschatological evidence is encoded in its menhirs, cairns, dolmens, cromlechs, and tumuli.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Etymologies and Definitions:
a. Megaliths, Dolmens and Menhirs.
b. Types of Stone Structures.
c. Types of Dolmens.
3) Why Do Modern People Erect Grave Stones?
4) Stones In the Bible.
5) Rabbis’ Interpretation on the Megaliths.
6) From King Solomon to Christianity.
7) Megalithic Monuments Indicate the Migratory Paths (One route was selected to prove the point as indicated in the countries listed): Israel: Point of Departure, Assyria (Syria), Persia (Iraq / Iran), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia (Arsareth), Russia, Ukraine (Crimea), Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
8) Resemblance: Jewish Tombs of Today and The Ancient Dolmens.
9) Conclusion.

Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence:
In this section we addressed the Physical Similar... more Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence:
In this section we addressed the Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
Lineage testing can trace ancestry back to real people who carried a particular DNA type throughout prehistory until today. DNA tests to ascertain ancestry are now exploding in popularity.
DNA testing is also the most effective means to solve crimes. By using DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, technology, any person’s identity can be established without doubt.
DNA tests have now become a very popular tool for genealogists looking for additional evidence to help verify family trees. DNA tests can also help establish paternal and maternal ancestries, and there are also tests that can help determine whether a person is of African, Asian, European or Native American descent. Some of the newer genetic tests can even provide insight into possible inherited traits and disease risk.
Many of us are interested in having our DNA tested to learn more about our origins and ancestors. A DNA test is an analysis of DNA strands to identify matching markers among ancestral strands. In other words, a DNA test informs where you come from. Strand markers are used to compare your DNA to other strands and identify whether or not you’re related to another person or ethnic group. This can help you find family, and trace your lineage through time.
DNA testing is allowing people to uncover information about their genetic ancestry and find out where their ancestors came from.
In this part of our research we will focus on the physical similarity and scientific evidence to prove the presence of the Ten Tribes in the Georgian Caucasus area, specifically to prove Arsareth’s location, and to confirm what was presented in the previous scientific research sections.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Physical Similarity of the Israelites to the Georgians
3) What is Genetic Genealogy?
4) Why Would Someone Want to Use DNA for Genealogy?
5) What is DNA?
6) What Is a Haplogroup and How Does It Work?
7) How Are Haplogroups Identified?
8) Are There Male and Female Haplogroups?
9) What Haplotypes Are Identified in the Male and Female Haplogroups?
10) What Is the Jews’ Haplogroup?
11) What Are the 'J' and 'E' Haplotypes?
12) The Secret Things…
13) Why is Genetic Studies On the Israelites Important?
14) Evolving Process of Generic Research
15) The Twelve Tribes’ DNA Dilemma
16) Twelve Tribes and Their DNA
17) Arsareth and the Haplogroups of the Diversed Georgian People
18) Background of the Georgian People
19) The Genetics of the Georgian People
20) Arsareth Confirmed!
21) Conclusion

Mythological Evidence:
In this section we addressed the Mythological Evidence to derive at a p... more Mythological Evidence:
In this section we addressed the Mythological Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
The legends, myths and folktales of the various religious groups in Georgia, prove that the Torah principles were strongly applied at some stage. Taking into consideration that the Scythian / Parthian / Cimmerian 'history' research proves undoubtedly an 'Israelite' presence in Georgia – Colchis / Iberia / Albania. Looking at the 'culture and social' life research, which add weight, also confirms that the Georgians at one stage spoke Hebrew, including their kings and their families.
The Mythological Evidence of Georgia, proves that the Israelites dominated the entire area at some stage, and buried their legends, believes and ethics deep into the nation’s ethos.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Background.
2) What are Legends?
3) What are Myths?
4) What are Folktales?
5) What Are the Difference Between Legends, Myths and Folktales?
6) Legends about Georgia as God’s Land.
7) Reasons for the Vast Amount of Myths.
8) The Legend of Drinking Out of a Horn.
9) The Legend of Bullfighting and Shuamtoba.
10) The Myth of Ancient Georgian Cosmology.
11) The Legend of the Ten Tribers in Georgia.
12) The Myth of the Golden Fleece and Georgia’s Establishment.
13) The Folktale of the Wishing Tree.
14) The Legend of Saints Day.
15) The Legend of Good Ethics.
16) Final Thoughts: Origin of Myths.

Social, Cultural, Linguistical, and National Characteristical Evidence:
The people of the Grea... more Social, Cultural, Linguistical, and National Characteristical Evidence:
The people of the Greater Caucasus Mountain area are subdivided into smaller diverse ethno-cultural entities. All have specific traditions and customs, folklore, cuisine, and dress, and many may speak the same language. All these groups preserve and share a common identity within their own groups, namely, their basic system of values, most based on firm Biblical principles. The 'Jews' who speak Georgian as a native language and have surnames with Georgian endings, historically have had a distinct cultural identity, but the so-called 'non-Jews' have many cultural aspects of these Jews even today. Where did this come from?
Thus, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a particular group of people at a particular time. This very essence over time expresses the continuities or discontinuities of social meaning of a life of a group of people.
Multi-culturalism, as with the Greater Caucasus Mountain people, is a concept that values the peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between different cultures inhabiting the same territory. Here, 'culture' is used to describe specific practices within a subgroup of a society. In this part of the research we will look at a sub-culture of the 'Hebrew/Israelite/ Jewish people' within the Greater Caucasus people culture, as well as the prominent Jewish customs and tradition used by 'non-Judaist people'. The questions that demand clarity are: 1) where did these customs and traditions originate from and 2) why are these people using them?
Together with the cultural research, we will also look at the social, linguistical, and national characteristics, wherever applicable, of these so-called 'non-Jewish' people.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Demographics of Georgia and the Caucasus Area.
2) Holistic Overview of Peoples With Israelite Origin.
3) Most of the Peoples from the Caucasus are Israelites.
4) The Bukharan Jews’ Influence.
5) Khazaria, Atil and Sarkel.
6) Dagestan.
7) Azerbaijan.
8) Caucasian Albania.
9) Abkhazia.
10) Armenia.
11) Ossetia.
12) Mountain Jews.
13) Georgia.
14) Conclusion.

Historical, Archaeological, Tribal, and Ethnic Affiliation Evidence:
In this section we addres... more Historical, Archaeological, Tribal, and Ethnic Affiliation Evidence:
In this section we addressed the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
1) It was proved that not all current history taught today is accurate.
2) The Ten Tribers were known as Saka and Gimira or by their eponyms, in Assyrian, Medo-Persian, Babylonian Grecian and Roman Empire historiography.
3) The Saka and Gimira are undoubtedly the Scythians and Cimmerians.
4) Some of the Scythians and Cimmerians migrated north and west, away from the areas they were deported to, while others stayed behind in these areas as suggested in point 2.
5) As they migrated, new sub-tribes and clans were formed, but all were from the same foundational group of people.
6) There were many sub-tribes and clans under the umbrella of the Scythians and Cimmerians, one of the more important ones is known as the "Parthians" which became vary prominent at a later stage.
7) These Scythians, Cimmerians and their various affiliated sub-tribes and clans eventually penetrated the Caucasus region as well as the mysterious "Arsareth" area south of the Greater Caucasus Mountains.
8) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians established themselves in the Caucasus region and conquered and eventually dominated the areas and kingdoms around them.
9) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later grew so big that they dominated the trade industry with all the trade routes via land and sea in the Near East.
10) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later dominated the entire Near East’s geographical area as far as India, China and Egypt for many centuries; this includes the modern-day Georgia’s geographical area as well as from where they controlled the trade routes – Mstkheta.
11) The vast Scythian and Cimmerian Empire was not recognized by other historians because they were Greek, Persian or Roman historians and they promoted their own ideologies and empires. They, however, gave selected factual information regarding certain matters, and by amalgamating these evidences, the facts arrived at an accurate outcome.
12) The deported Scythians and Cimmerians that stayed behind in the Assyrian and Persian Empires eventually followed the modus operandi of their Caucasus Scythian and Cimmerian brothers who migrated before, and their actions birthed the Parthian Empire from within the Persian Empire’s geographical area.
13) The Parthian Empire grew very powerful and dominated the Near East for 400 years and eventually destroyed the mighty Roman Empire.
14) The Georgian histories, with their kings, are directly connected to the Parthian Lineage, which then directly links them to the Bible as a "very important and special Biblical people".
15) One Georgian chronicle claims "Azo", a mystical figure with no historical evidence, to be their "first king" while the other chronicle states "Pharnavaz" was the "first king". One chronicle is clearly inaccurate.
16) King Pharnavaz is an Arsaca kingship name and is undoubtedly linked to the Parthians, which connects the people to a Biblical "Hebrew", and not Roman mindset and history.
17) Azo is a "Greek" mystical figure and St Nina is from a "Roman" background, "a daughter of a Roman". The Greek and Roman perceptions of Georgia’s history were written only from the 9th to the 14th century, a colossal thousand years plus after the actual events Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the other historians wrote about.
18) Rome started a Papal system and Georgia founded their own Papal systems with the arrival of St Nina, both created these in the 4th century 300 years after the events of the crucifixion of Yeshua (Jesus) in Jerusalem.
19) Herodotus, Strabo, Justin, Josephus and many other credible historians gave factual information about the Scythians, Cimmerians and Parthians that they indeed controlled the Near East, Iberia/Colchis and Mstkheta.
20) The researcher specially focused on "non-Hebrew" related historians’ recorded facts, so as to ensure the outcome is not biased. Their historians promote a Scynthian Empire that controlled the entire Near east.
21) Iranian, Assyrian, Grecian, Roman and Georgian historical records were all consulted.
22) The conclusion is that the Georgian records contradict themselves in some areas, and also do not mention anything as to what Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the many other historians recorded about the Scythians and Parthians in their own country.
23) The researcher’s opinion is that there are a vast amount of people in Georgia, mostly beloved Christians, unaware of the fact that their history and ancestry are actually firmly rooted in Hebrew origin, and not Greek or Roman. This fact should strengthen this Christian nation and make their Biblical beliefs even stronger.
24) Destiny of Ten Tribers:
Group 1: The Ten Tribers moved to the Caucasus and were known as the "Caucasus Scythians" who were absorbed by their brothers of the "Parthian Empire" whose name later changed to the "Gothians" and they eventually migrated into the various Europe nations and from there to the rest of the world.
Group 2: The part of the Ten Tribers that moved to the Caucasus, known as the "Scythians/ Cimmerians", were taken over by the "Parthians" who are know as the "Arsace Dynasty"; they controlled Iberia/Colchis (Georgia) and Armenea and many were eventually converted to Christianity who became like Yosef. End result: Many of the Armanean and Iberian Arsacid Empires were absorbed into Christianity.
25) Most of the Ten Tribers today sit in Christian Churches, looking like Yosef of Egypt, and do not appear like Jews in dress, conduct and manners. The ones desiring to return to their Hebrew roots are from Ephraim, a synonym for the Ten Tribes.
We have mainly focused on the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence. When Strabo, Herodotus, Justin, Josephus, etc. are all thoroughly studied together in contexts, they prove undoubtedly that some later and present historians are inaccurate in their perception of history. Combine the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence with the Biblical Evidence of Part 4; adds so much weight that some history as presented today, must be re-examined.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Historical, Archaeological and Tribal Evidence
2) Holistic Overview of the Formation of the Nations.
3) Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah Revealed.
4) Truth and History.
5) Historical Timeline of the Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews In the Greater Caucasus Area as Well as Their Eventual Whereabouts.
6) Timeline starting from 4000 BCE till present, presenting Assyrian, Iranian, Roman, Greek and Jewish historiography to prove that the Israelites dominated the known world at one stage, but modern historians fail to present the truth.
7) Historical facts and evidence are presented to prove that the Israelite deportees and the Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians are indeed related.
8) That these Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians moved into Europe and from there into the rest of the world.
Videos by Prof (Dr) WA Liebenberg
Teaching Documents by Prof (Dr) WA Liebenberg
Divine information in the Bible is shrouded in mystery. Described by numbers, information is presented to its reader as an equation, begging to be solved.
A day is a thousand years is the epicenter of major Judaic concepts related to the destiny of humanity. Broad in scope, it addresses a universal audience but focuses primarily on the Twelve Tribes of Israel, in both the TaNaCh (OT) and the New Testament.
The 7,000-year plan of the God of Israel is a major concept and foundational truth in understanding Bible prophecy and eschatology. The Rabbis of traditional Judaism understand that the God of Israel gave the seven days of creation in Genesis as instruction to teach His people that there are 7,000 years of time from the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the end of the Messianic Age. Each day in creation represents 1,000 years in time. This is based upon connecting Psalm 90:4 to the seven days of creation. In Rabbinic literature, it is also taught that each day in creation represents 1,000 years of time.
The traditional Jewish view of each day of creation representing 1,000 years of time is expressed in the New Testament in 2 Peter 3:8-10 as it is written and directly ties it to the Torah and the end of the Messianic Age. It fact it warns not to be Lawless (Torahless) in the chapter.
We have Judaism explaining everything in great detail to the end of the Messianic Era and all is then shrouded in mystery. What happens after this period?
The New Testament is the only source that adds to it and gives staggering revelations on what happens after the 7,000 year period, come and embark on a futuristic journey to learn about the biggest mystery in human history; your destiny into eternity…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
• All Things Made New Overview.
• The Purification Process.
• The New Jerusalem City.
• The Occupants Of The New Jerusalem.
• Living Conditions.
• Seven Names For The City Of HaShem.
• Twelve Blessings For Man On The New Earth.
• The Holy City, The New Jerusalem.
• Only Torah-Observant Believers Allowed In The New Jerusalem City.
• Life In the Eternal City.
• The Bible Explains The Enigma Of The Sphinx And Pyramid Of Giza.
• Who Built The Pyramids Of Giza?
• Background And Statistics Of The Giza Pyramids.
• Names Of The Three Stars In Orion’s Belt.
• The Background And Statistics Of The Giza Sphinx.
• The Age Of The Sphinx.
• Meaning Of The Word Pyramid.
• The Astonishing Accuracy Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Construction Material Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Site Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Chambers Inside The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• Engineering Of The Known Interior Chambers.
• Did They Find Any Egyptian Hieroglyphics As In The Other Pyramid?
• The Capstone Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• The Eight Sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
• Is The Giza Pyramids A Holy Place? Isaiah’s Altar In The Middle Of Egypt.
• The Torah Calls For Two Witnesses.
• The Coffer Inside the Great Pyramid.
• Isaiah’s Altar In Egypt Decoded In The Hebrew Text.
• The Pyramid Altar Concept: Isaiah’s Sign And Witness.
• Is the New Jerusalem a Cube or a Pyramid?
• Conclusion on the Pyramid of Giza.
• Into Eternity.
• Conclusion.
The Messianic Era will be one of tremendous prosperity. It will leave humankind with ample free time as the pursuit of riches and wealth will be no more, meaning war during it will cease to exist.
Because of these prosperous conditions all the nations of the world will be preoccupied with one pursuit: the study of HaShem and the Torah. Moshiach will reveal profound previously unknown dimensions of the Torah. The Torah which we study in this world is naught in comparison to the Torah of Moshiach that will be revealed.
Furthermore, while our present-day knowledge of HaShem is limited to intellectual perception, but during the Messianic Era we will actually "see" what we are studying.
The Commandments we do today pale in comparison to those we will perform when we will be returned to the Holy Land. And aside from the greater quality of the Commandments we will perform then, quantitatively too, we then will finally be capable of performing so many Commandments which we are unable to do today. Also, with the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, we will resume the Temple service and all the Commandments that it entails.
Moshiach will usher in an era of peace and prosperity which will benefit all of mankind. The prophets depict the Messianic Era as a miraculous one, and the Scriptures are replete with statements regarding fantastic miracles that will be commonplace during the Messianic Era.
One of the most significant facts relating to the Messianic Era doctrine is the teaching that the Millennial Kingdom is a rule of HaShem on earth, thereby distinguishing it from a purely spiritual reign in the hearts of men through centuries of human history. The King of Kings ruling on earth distinguishes it from the will of HaShem as expressed in eternity future. The evidence for this is so abundant that it is strange that learned men have been able to deny this plain teaching of the Scriptures. Psalm 2:8 records the invitation of the Father to His blessed Son: "Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."
Isaiah 11 paints the graphic picture of the reign of King Moshiach on earth, a scene which cannot be confused with the present age or the eternal state if interpreted in any normal literal sense. As presented, it describes the Messianic Era and the righteous government of King Moshiach.
The cumulative evidence for the Messianic Era of King Moshiach presented in preceding research serves as a logical introduction to the prophecies of the Scriptures fulfilled in the earthly and eternal reign of Moshiach. The doctrine of the Messianic Era is one of the major revelations of Scripture pertaining to HaShem’s program. As a theme for theological investigation, it has attracted a host of scholars who have developed the kingdom theme in desperation to understand what the future holds, yet we fail miserably trying to pen the vast deepness and significance of it...
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Torah: The Eternal Constitution of the World.
2) Torah: Changed to a Deeper Dimension.
3) Holistic Overview of the Messianic Age Structure.
4) Moshiach’s Kingdom Will Be Earthly.
5) The Structure of the Kingdom.
6) The Kingdom’s Administration.
7) The Nations and Worship.
8) Characteristics and Dynamic of the Kingdom.
9) What Will the Earth Be Like?
10) The General Living Conditions.
11) Quick References for Conditions Within the Messianic Era.
12) Jerusalem and It’s People Described.
13) Israel and Its People Described.
14) Cleansing of the Land During the First Years in the Olam Haba.
15) Messianic Age Temple Overview.
16) Description of the Messianic Age Temple.
17) Living Water Will Flow From the Temple.
18) Temple Priests and Ordinances.
19) Object of the Messianic Age Reign.
20) End of the Seventh Thousand Year: The Messianic Era Closure.
21) Conclusion.
In theology the Messianic Age is a future time of universal peace and brotherhood on the earth, without crime, war and poverty. Many Abrahamic religions firmly believe that there will be such an age; some refer to it as the consummate "Kingdom of God" or the "World to Come", in Hebrew – the Olam Haba.
In the context of "Messianic Age", the earliest meaning of the word "messianic" is derived from notion of Yemot HaMashiach meaning "The Days of the Messiah", that is, the Jewish Messiah from the Tribe of Judah.
Messiah derives from Hebrew, meaning "the anointed one". Originally the "anointed one" referred to Aaron and his descendants, the Cohanim (Priests). Following the establishment of the kingdom of Saul, it could also refer to a king who was anointed with holy anointing oil as part of what might be understood to be his coronation ceremony.
Eschatology is an area of religious scholarship that deals with prophecies about "the end of the current age" of human civilization, and the Messianic Age is central to it.
In this research paper we examine the prophecies concerning the restoration of the Twelve Tribes, how life and the general conditions will be during this period and the structure of the rulers during this time.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Overview of the Messianic Era.
3) The Timing of the Messianic Era.
4) Hebrew Eschatology Overview.
5) Reasons for a Messianic Era.
6) What Will Activate the Messianic Era?
7) The Earth Will Be Changed at the Beginning of the Messianic Age?
8) HaShem Lift His Hand and His People.
9) HaShem Forms a Spring.
10) HaShem Digs a River Bed.
11) HaShem Divides the Great City.
12) HaShem Splits the Water.
13) HaShem Heals the Eastern Sea.
14) HaShem Weaves a Basket.
15) HaShem Waters His Bread Basket.
16) HaShem Fills His Breadbasket.
17) The Earth Prepared for the Israelites to Return.
18) Israelites Return to Jerusalem From the Four Corners of the Earth.
19) An Ensign is Raised to the Nations to Gather the Tribes.
20) Journey to the Promised Land.
21) Gentiles To Aid the Israelites.
22) All Tribes of Israel Restored Into the Holy Land.
23) HaShem, Moshiach and King David Predicament.
24) The Manifestation of Moshiach in the Millennium.
25) Description and Character Trends of the Moshiach.
26) HaShem Takes Israel As Wife Again.
27) Zion, the City of David and Jerusalem.
28) Zion and the Earthly Jerusalem the Gathering Place.
29) Greater Zion Flourishes in the Wilderness.
30) Zion Described.
31) HaShem Will Dwell In Zion and Jerusalem.
32) Zion Will Be Glorious.
33) The Heavenly Jerusalem.
34) New Boundaries of Israel and Jerusalem.
35) Israel as The King’s Subjects in the Millennium.
36) Conclusion.
In this research section we will venture into the actuality how HaShem married the 12 Tribes, divorced 10 Tribes due to her unfaithfulness, chased them out of His house the Promised Land, and how He will remarry the 10 Tribes again according to prophecy.
Judah was never divorced by HaShem and is still legally married to Him, thus making them His wife. The 10 Tribes must be remarried and is therefore the bride who must accept the Original Ketubah – the Torah.
Judah was ordained by HaShem to be the Mechoqeck, and the New Testament support this view that the 10 Tribes must learn Torah from Judah. Yeshua in the New Testament reinforces this.
Torah forbids a whoring wife to get married again and this research gives a possible solution to the dilemma.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Are the 'Jews' and 'Israel' by Definition Synonymous?
2) The Ancient Gentile People’s Way of Redemption.
3) The Intricate Plan for Our Redemption Ordained Before the Creation.
4) Abraham the Point of Departure for the 'Marriage' Plan.
5) HaShem Brought His Bride From Out of Egypt and Proposed to Her.
6) Israel then Chose Harlotry and Turned their Backs on HaShem.
7) HaShem Eventually Ran Out of Patience and Divorced Israel.
8) Israel and Judah in an Allegorical Account in Hosea’s Life.
9) Chronological Order Summary of HaShem’s Mysterious Plan.
10) HaShem Promised that He will Remarry the House of Israel – Ten Israel.
11) Can HaShem Violate His Own Rules and Instructions in the Torah?
12) What Is the Mechoqeck Rabbis’ Verdict to Deal With an Adulterous Woman?
13) What Do the Mechoqeck Rabbis Say Concerning Remarriage of an Adulterous Woman?
14) Does the Bible Encourage a Person to Be Single – a Divorcee?
15) How Will HaShem Remarry Divorced Ten Israel?
16) Is there an Answer to this Mysterious Mystery Locked Away for Ages?
17) Is This Mystery Hidden for Ages?
18) The Spanner in the Works.
19) HaShem Encoded the Two-House Message Throughout Scripture.
20) The Two Pictures of the Messiah in the TaNaCh?
21) Conclusion
Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army invaded Israel. They had reduced King Solomon’s Temple to ashes, and had taken many of the Jewish people back to Babylon as captives. By this time some 200 years earlier the bulk of the the Northern Ten Tribes were also taken into captivity, and this is the condition that Ezekiel is in. The nation of Israel is dead, but… HaShem has a vision for Ezekiel.
Ezekiel is carried to a valley full of very dry bones. These bones are scattered everywhere… very white… and very very dry. Bones all over the place… scattered by the wild animals so that there is nothing but miscellaneous bones as far as the eye can see. Bones are not grouped together, they are mixed, cracked and broken; it is a surface-graveyard in a total chaotic state as far as the eye can see. A hopeless situation…
For Ezekiel, this is a vision of the nation of Israel, not only for the House of Judah, but also for the House of Israel (Ephraim/Joseph).
Remarkably, HaShem instructs Ezekiel to prophesy that these scattered, dead, dry bones will live, a vivid picture of the Twelve Tribes scattered into the nations for 2700 years that will come alive in the last days!
In this research section we will venture into the prophecies in the making and compare them with the actual events taking place in the world.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Was Israel Born in a Day?
2) Israelites Coming Out of the Land of the North and All Countries Where They Had Been Banished
3) What Part Does the Land Play in the 'Redemption Plan'?
4) The Shepheard is Calling His People
5) What Must Ephraim Do?
6) How Must We Become One Entity?
7) Ezekiel’s Two Sticks are Becoming One – The Return of the Shechinah
8) The Returning of the Scattered Ten Tribes of Israel
9) Is The House of Israel in the Process of Returning?
10) Will King Solomon’s Empire Be Restored?
11) Will Many Nations be Joined With HaShem?
12) Is There Concrete Proof of the Tribes Starting Coming Home?
13) Ephraim’s Area of Settling in the Land
14) Conclusion
Christendom’s mind-set of eternity is vastly different from that of Judaism; this fundamental difference is used as the point of departure for this research section.
Built on this enigma is, who is the House of Israel and who is the House of Judah and what is each one’s definite role in HaShem’s Plan of Redemption? In other words who must lead and who must study Scripture from whom?
There are two wives, one household, and one Husband involved in HaShem’s redemption process, of which both were married at Mount Sinai, but sadly one was divorced. This divorced wife must be restored according to prophecy in the end-times.
This 'divorced wife' is metaphorically role-played by Joseph in Egypt whom not even his own brothers identified. The same is true today, Judah does not recognize his own brothers scattered in the nations. This Joseph is indeed alive today and is non-other than Ezekiel chapter 37’s 'dry bones' coming alive in our very day, prophecy in fulfillment!
The House of Judah is currently preparing and building the land in preparation for Joseph, the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to return. This House is also known as Ephraim.
This research section discusses the fundamental principles for the total Plan of Redemption of HaShem.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) What is Christendom’s Mind-set of Eternity?
3) Who Will Dwell in Who’s Tent?
4) Who Will Learn The Scripture From Who?
5) Are People Been Brainwashed Not To Accept Judah’s Authority?
6) Are There Two Wives, One Household, and One Husband Involved in HaShem’s Process?
7) Was Only Judah Married At Mount Sinai, Or All Twelve Tribes, and What is the New Covenant?
8) Clarity on Which Tribes Are Divorced and Who Are Not
9) But Who Is Joseph and More Importantly Is Joseph Alive Today?
10) So Who Am I and Where Do I As a Non-Jew Fit In?
11) How Can I Test Myself If I am Pro-Jewish or Not?
12) What Must the Ephraimites Do to be Accepted by Judah?
13) Can We Bridge Our Differences And Pursue A Defined Goal?
14) What Is the Redemption Outcome?
15) What Is The Secret of Redemption and What is the House of Judah’s Responsibility?
16) Who Must Regather the Ten Tribes, Joseph or Judah?
17) Can Judah Wake To The Most Fundamental Prophecy?
18) Is Judah Preparing and Building The Land?
19) Is the Land of Israel Calling Us?
20) Can There Be Redemption Without a Land?
21) Is Judah Starting to Realise That He Needs Ephraim?
22) Is There a Continuous Cry For the Re-awakening of Lost 10-Israel?
23) Does Israel Hope the 'Lost Tribes' Can Boost the Jewish Numbers?
24) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems to derive at a plausible outcome.
In light of these few brief facts which were outlined, it is now obvious that the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did indeed 'spread systematically abroad to the West'. HaShem promised this unconditionally in Gen 28:14 "Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you WILL SPREAD OUT to the west [Americas] and to the east [Japan], to the north [Russia/Norway] and to the south [South Africa/Australia/New Zealand]. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring."
They had, in fact, discovered, traded with, and even for a time, made settlements in North America, long before Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492.
Let us as the Israelites do our best to bring before our people the increasing evidence of the pre-Columbian history of America, and other countries, which clearly shows HaShems’s Covenant people staking claim by leaving megalithic monuments and epigraphical evidence, from the very earliest times.
In this research section we discussed 'to hide in plain sight' which means to hide truth from the blinded uninformed while also simultaneously remain completely visible by anyone who is wise, a Biblical principle.
Then there are some things that modern-day academics willfully and blatantly do not accept due to various reasons: fear of losing their jobs, financial implications, a prescribed doctrine that blinds and distorts their vision, which is totally against HaShem’s will.
The category that accepts the truth as the forthcoming research proves, will be discredited and ridiculed. With this research, the researcher has put himself in the latter category for the sake of HaShem’s truth.
As mentioned, Sherlock Holmes’ favourite quote was 'We look but we do not see', and the researcher is of the opinion that the time has come to remove the blinkers from from a blinded world, to identify these deep-seated 'silent witnesses'…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight is HaShem’s Method
3) What is Judaism’s View on Their Country’s Flag?
4) Is the Union Jack Flag of the United Kingdom Tied to the Ten Tribes?
5) Irish Queen Teia Tephi’s (Britannia) Shield Connected to the Ten Tribes?
6) Is the 'Red Flag' the Flag of the Jews?
7) Are the Celtic / Saxon Flags connected to the Israelites?
8) Is the British Coat-of-Arms Connected to the Ten Tribes?
9) Why is the River Between Norway and Russia called 'Jacob River'?
10) Why Is the Dan Tribe Mysteriously Linked to Ireland?
11) Did the Phoenicians Work for King Solomon’s Fleet?
12) Who Are the Phoenicians Really?
13) Did the Hebrews Arrive 1500+ Years Before Columbus in America?
14) The 'Israelite-Phoenician' Came to America First!
15) The Ancient Celts Came to America Thereafter
16) Then the Irish and Welsh Came to America Next
17) The Scandinavians Arrived 500 Years Before Columbus
18) Undeniable Hebrew Artefacts Found In America:
a. The Bat Creek Inscription Evidence
b. The Paraiba Inscription Evidence
c. The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
d. The America's Stonehenge Evidence
e. The Ohio Decalogue Stone Evidence
f. The Keystone Evidence
19) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways to derive at a plausible outcome.
Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration, so as to find their way back. This indeed happened with unprecedented accuracy. These megaliths are also associated with the stars, which believers of today are only now really starting to study and understand, this as commanded in the Torah.
The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many places, and covenants were strongly associated with them, therefore the megaliths had a long history with the Hebrew peoples. The use of menhirs as funerary monuments also exists from ancient time till late in historical times.
Megaliths have been erected in various phases: the first monuments to be erected were by the Sethites (Neolithic Period), then to these were added later by the descendants of Eber (King Solomon and the Phoenicians), and then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes) all the way into the Christian Era. Many Rabbis and leading Jewish scholars believe that most of the megaliths outside Israel were erected by the Ten Tribers on their migration routes. Thus, the megalithic monuments indicate the migratory paths.
There are four main migratory paths northwards. The path through Georgia was selected to prove the fact that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and beyond. Megaliths, arranged in special formations were found on this migration path giving valuable information. Each country that is studied offers more cryptic information and clues. Megaliths on the migratory paths deserve further studies evolving into a doctorate dissertation.
There are direct parallels between megalithic structures such as the Caucasus, Stonehenge, Newgrange, and Kilmartin, not to mention the smaller groups on the migration path. Scotland is one of the 'final' destinations the Ten Tribers migrated to in Western Europe and a last piece of vital cryptic eschatological evidence is encoded in its menhirs, cairns, dolmens, cromlechs, and tumuli.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Etymologies and Definitions:
a. Megaliths, Dolmens and Menhirs.
b. Types of Stone Structures.
c. Types of Dolmens.
3) Why Do Modern People Erect Grave Stones?
4) Stones In the Bible.
5) Rabbis’ Interpretation on the Megaliths.
6) From King Solomon to Christianity.
7) Megalithic Monuments Indicate the Migratory Paths (One route was selected to prove the point as indicated in the countries listed): Israel: Point of Departure, Assyria (Syria), Persia (Iraq / Iran), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia (Arsareth), Russia, Ukraine (Crimea), Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
8) Resemblance: Jewish Tombs of Today and The Ancient Dolmens.
9) Conclusion.
In this section we addressed the Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
Lineage testing can trace ancestry back to real people who carried a particular DNA type throughout prehistory until today. DNA tests to ascertain ancestry are now exploding in popularity.
DNA testing is also the most effective means to solve crimes. By using DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, technology, any person’s identity can be established without doubt.
DNA tests have now become a very popular tool for genealogists looking for additional evidence to help verify family trees. DNA tests can also help establish paternal and maternal ancestries, and there are also tests that can help determine whether a person is of African, Asian, European or Native American descent. Some of the newer genetic tests can even provide insight into possible inherited traits and disease risk.
Many of us are interested in having our DNA tested to learn more about our origins and ancestors. A DNA test is an analysis of DNA strands to identify matching markers among ancestral strands. In other words, a DNA test informs where you come from. Strand markers are used to compare your DNA to other strands and identify whether or not you’re related to another person or ethnic group. This can help you find family, and trace your lineage through time.
DNA testing is allowing people to uncover information about their genetic ancestry and find out where their ancestors came from.
In this part of our research we will focus on the physical similarity and scientific evidence to prove the presence of the Ten Tribes in the Georgian Caucasus area, specifically to prove Arsareth’s location, and to confirm what was presented in the previous scientific research sections.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Physical Similarity of the Israelites to the Georgians
3) What is Genetic Genealogy?
4) Why Would Someone Want to Use DNA for Genealogy?
5) What is DNA?
6) What Is a Haplogroup and How Does It Work?
7) How Are Haplogroups Identified?
8) Are There Male and Female Haplogroups?
9) What Haplotypes Are Identified in the Male and Female Haplogroups?
10) What Is the Jews’ Haplogroup?
11) What Are the 'J' and 'E' Haplotypes?
12) The Secret Things…
13) Why is Genetic Studies On the Israelites Important?
14) Evolving Process of Generic Research
15) The Twelve Tribes’ DNA Dilemma
16) Twelve Tribes and Their DNA
17) Arsareth and the Haplogroups of the Diversed Georgian People
18) Background of the Georgian People
19) The Genetics of the Georgian People
20) Arsareth Confirmed!
21) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Mythological Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
The legends, myths and folktales of the various religious groups in Georgia, prove that the Torah principles were strongly applied at some stage. Taking into consideration that the Scythian / Parthian / Cimmerian 'history' research proves undoubtedly an 'Israelite' presence in Georgia – Colchis / Iberia / Albania. Looking at the 'culture and social' life research, which add weight, also confirms that the Georgians at one stage spoke Hebrew, including their kings and their families.
The Mythological Evidence of Georgia, proves that the Israelites dominated the entire area at some stage, and buried their legends, believes and ethics deep into the nation’s ethos.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Background.
2) What are Legends?
3) What are Myths?
4) What are Folktales?
5) What Are the Difference Between Legends, Myths and Folktales?
6) Legends about Georgia as God’s Land.
7) Reasons for the Vast Amount of Myths.
8) The Legend of Drinking Out of a Horn.
9) The Legend of Bullfighting and Shuamtoba.
10) The Myth of Ancient Georgian Cosmology.
11) The Legend of the Ten Tribers in Georgia.
12) The Myth of the Golden Fleece and Georgia’s Establishment.
13) The Folktale of the Wishing Tree.
14) The Legend of Saints Day.
15) The Legend of Good Ethics.
16) Final Thoughts: Origin of Myths.
The people of the Greater Caucasus Mountain area are subdivided into smaller diverse ethno-cultural entities. All have specific traditions and customs, folklore, cuisine, and dress, and many may speak the same language. All these groups preserve and share a common identity within their own groups, namely, their basic system of values, most based on firm Biblical principles. The 'Jews' who speak Georgian as a native language and have surnames with Georgian endings, historically have had a distinct cultural identity, but the so-called 'non-Jews' have many cultural aspects of these Jews even today. Where did this come from?
Thus, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a particular group of people at a particular time. This very essence over time expresses the continuities or discontinuities of social meaning of a life of a group of people.
Multi-culturalism, as with the Greater Caucasus Mountain people, is a concept that values the peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between different cultures inhabiting the same territory. Here, 'culture' is used to describe specific practices within a subgroup of a society. In this part of the research we will look at a sub-culture of the 'Hebrew/Israelite/ Jewish people' within the Greater Caucasus people culture, as well as the prominent Jewish customs and tradition used by 'non-Judaist people'. The questions that demand clarity are: 1) where did these customs and traditions originate from and 2) why are these people using them?
Together with the cultural research, we will also look at the social, linguistical, and national characteristics, wherever applicable, of these so-called 'non-Jewish' people.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Demographics of Georgia and the Caucasus Area.
2) Holistic Overview of Peoples With Israelite Origin.
3) Most of the Peoples from the Caucasus are Israelites.
4) The Bukharan Jews’ Influence.
5) Khazaria, Atil and Sarkel.
6) Dagestan.
7) Azerbaijan.
8) Caucasian Albania.
9) Abkhazia.
10) Armenia.
11) Ossetia.
12) Mountain Jews.
13) Georgia.
14) Conclusion.
In this section we addressed the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
1) It was proved that not all current history taught today is accurate.
2) The Ten Tribers were known as Saka and Gimira or by their eponyms, in Assyrian, Medo-Persian, Babylonian Grecian and Roman Empire historiography.
3) The Saka and Gimira are undoubtedly the Scythians and Cimmerians.
4) Some of the Scythians and Cimmerians migrated north and west, away from the areas they were deported to, while others stayed behind in these areas as suggested in point 2.
5) As they migrated, new sub-tribes and clans were formed, but all were from the same foundational group of people.
6) There were many sub-tribes and clans under the umbrella of the Scythians and Cimmerians, one of the more important ones is known as the "Parthians" which became vary prominent at a later stage.
7) These Scythians, Cimmerians and their various affiliated sub-tribes and clans eventually penetrated the Caucasus region as well as the mysterious "Arsareth" area south of the Greater Caucasus Mountains.
8) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians established themselves in the Caucasus region and conquered and eventually dominated the areas and kingdoms around them.
9) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later grew so big that they dominated the trade industry with all the trade routes via land and sea in the Near East.
10) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later dominated the entire Near East’s geographical area as far as India, China and Egypt for many centuries; this includes the modern-day Georgia’s geographical area as well as from where they controlled the trade routes – Mstkheta.
11) The vast Scythian and Cimmerian Empire was not recognized by other historians because they were Greek, Persian or Roman historians and they promoted their own ideologies and empires. They, however, gave selected factual information regarding certain matters, and by amalgamating these evidences, the facts arrived at an accurate outcome.
12) The deported Scythians and Cimmerians that stayed behind in the Assyrian and Persian Empires eventually followed the modus operandi of their Caucasus Scythian and Cimmerian brothers who migrated before, and their actions birthed the Parthian Empire from within the Persian Empire’s geographical area.
13) The Parthian Empire grew very powerful and dominated the Near East for 400 years and eventually destroyed the mighty Roman Empire.
14) The Georgian histories, with their kings, are directly connected to the Parthian Lineage, which then directly links them to the Bible as a "very important and special Biblical people".
15) One Georgian chronicle claims "Azo", a mystical figure with no historical evidence, to be their "first king" while the other chronicle states "Pharnavaz" was the "first king". One chronicle is clearly inaccurate.
16) King Pharnavaz is an Arsaca kingship name and is undoubtedly linked to the Parthians, which connects the people to a Biblical "Hebrew", and not Roman mindset and history.
17) Azo is a "Greek" mystical figure and St Nina is from a "Roman" background, "a daughter of a Roman". The Greek and Roman perceptions of Georgia’s history were written only from the 9th to the 14th century, a colossal thousand years plus after the actual events Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the other historians wrote about.
18) Rome started a Papal system and Georgia founded their own Papal systems with the arrival of St Nina, both created these in the 4th century 300 years after the events of the crucifixion of Yeshua (Jesus) in Jerusalem.
19) Herodotus, Strabo, Justin, Josephus and many other credible historians gave factual information about the Scythians, Cimmerians and Parthians that they indeed controlled the Near East, Iberia/Colchis and Mstkheta.
20) The researcher specially focused on "non-Hebrew" related historians’ recorded facts, so as to ensure the outcome is not biased. Their historians promote a Scynthian Empire that controlled the entire Near east.
21) Iranian, Assyrian, Grecian, Roman and Georgian historical records were all consulted.
22) The conclusion is that the Georgian records contradict themselves in some areas, and also do not mention anything as to what Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the many other historians recorded about the Scythians and Parthians in their own country.
23) The researcher’s opinion is that there are a vast amount of people in Georgia, mostly beloved Christians, unaware of the fact that their history and ancestry are actually firmly rooted in Hebrew origin, and not Greek or Roman. This fact should strengthen this Christian nation and make their Biblical beliefs even stronger.
24) Destiny of Ten Tribers:
Group 1: The Ten Tribers moved to the Caucasus and were known as the "Caucasus Scythians" who were absorbed by their brothers of the "Parthian Empire" whose name later changed to the "Gothians" and they eventually migrated into the various Europe nations and from there to the rest of the world.
Group 2: The part of the Ten Tribers that moved to the Caucasus, known as the "Scythians/ Cimmerians", were taken over by the "Parthians" who are know as the "Arsace Dynasty"; they controlled Iberia/Colchis (Georgia) and Armenea and many were eventually converted to Christianity who became like Yosef. End result: Many of the Armanean and Iberian Arsacid Empires were absorbed into Christianity.
25) Most of the Ten Tribers today sit in Christian Churches, looking like Yosef of Egypt, and do not appear like Jews in dress, conduct and manners. The ones desiring to return to their Hebrew roots are from Ephraim, a synonym for the Ten Tribes.
We have mainly focused on the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence. When Strabo, Herodotus, Justin, Josephus, etc. are all thoroughly studied together in contexts, they prove undoubtedly that some later and present historians are inaccurate in their perception of history. Combine the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence with the Biblical Evidence of Part 4; adds so much weight that some history as presented today, must be re-examined.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Historical, Archaeological and Tribal Evidence
2) Holistic Overview of the Formation of the Nations.
3) Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah Revealed.
4) Truth and History.
5) Historical Timeline of the Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews In the Greater Caucasus Area as Well as Their Eventual Whereabouts.
6) Timeline starting from 4000 BCE till present, presenting Assyrian, Iranian, Roman, Greek and Jewish historiography to prove that the Israelites dominated the known world at one stage, but modern historians fail to present the truth.
7) Historical facts and evidence are presented to prove that the Israelite deportees and the Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians are indeed related.
8) That these Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians moved into Europe and from there into the rest of the world.
Divine information in the Bible is shrouded in mystery. Described by numbers, information is presented to its reader as an equation, begging to be solved.
A day is a thousand years is the epicenter of major Judaic concepts related to the destiny of humanity. Broad in scope, it addresses a universal audience but focuses primarily on the Twelve Tribes of Israel, in both the TaNaCh (OT) and the New Testament.
The 7,000-year plan of the God of Israel is a major concept and foundational truth in understanding Bible prophecy and eschatology. The Rabbis of traditional Judaism understand that the God of Israel gave the seven days of creation in Genesis as instruction to teach His people that there are 7,000 years of time from the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the end of the Messianic Age. Each day in creation represents 1,000 years in time. This is based upon connecting Psalm 90:4 to the seven days of creation. In Rabbinic literature, it is also taught that each day in creation represents 1,000 years of time.
The traditional Jewish view of each day of creation representing 1,000 years of time is expressed in the New Testament in 2 Peter 3:8-10 as it is written and directly ties it to the Torah and the end of the Messianic Age. It fact it warns not to be Lawless (Torahless) in the chapter.
We have Judaism explaining everything in great detail to the end of the Messianic Era and all is then shrouded in mystery. What happens after this period?
The New Testament is the only source that adds to it and gives staggering revelations on what happens after the 7,000 year period, come and embark on a futuristic journey to learn about the biggest mystery in human history; your destiny into eternity…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
• All Things Made New Overview.
• The Purification Process.
• The New Jerusalem City.
• The Occupants Of The New Jerusalem.
• Living Conditions.
• Seven Names For The City Of HaShem.
• Twelve Blessings For Man On The New Earth.
• The Holy City, The New Jerusalem.
• Only Torah-Observant Believers Allowed In The New Jerusalem City.
• Life In the Eternal City.
• The Bible Explains The Enigma Of The Sphinx And Pyramid Of Giza.
• Who Built The Pyramids Of Giza?
• Background And Statistics Of The Giza Pyramids.
• Names Of The Three Stars In Orion’s Belt.
• The Background And Statistics Of The Giza Sphinx.
• The Age Of The Sphinx.
• Meaning Of The Word Pyramid.
• The Astonishing Accuracy Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Construction Material Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Site Of The Giza Pyramids.
• The Chambers Inside The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• Engineering Of The Known Interior Chambers.
• Did They Find Any Egyptian Hieroglyphics As In The Other Pyramid?
• The Capstone Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza.
• The Eight Sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
• Is The Giza Pyramids A Holy Place? Isaiah’s Altar In The Middle Of Egypt.
• The Torah Calls For Two Witnesses.
• The Coffer Inside the Great Pyramid.
• Isaiah’s Altar In Egypt Decoded In The Hebrew Text.
• The Pyramid Altar Concept: Isaiah’s Sign And Witness.
• Is the New Jerusalem a Cube or a Pyramid?
• Conclusion on the Pyramid of Giza.
• Into Eternity.
• Conclusion.
The Messianic Era will be one of tremendous prosperity. It will leave humankind with ample free time as the pursuit of riches and wealth will be no more, meaning war during it will cease to exist.
Because of these prosperous conditions all the nations of the world will be preoccupied with one pursuit: the study of HaShem and the Torah. Moshiach will reveal profound previously unknown dimensions of the Torah. The Torah which we study in this world is naught in comparison to the Torah of Moshiach that will be revealed.
Furthermore, while our present-day knowledge of HaShem is limited to intellectual perception, but during the Messianic Era we will actually "see" what we are studying.
The Commandments we do today pale in comparison to those we will perform when we will be returned to the Holy Land. And aside from the greater quality of the Commandments we will perform then, quantitatively too, we then will finally be capable of performing so many Commandments which we are unable to do today. Also, with the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, we will resume the Temple service and all the Commandments that it entails.
Moshiach will usher in an era of peace and prosperity which will benefit all of mankind. The prophets depict the Messianic Era as a miraculous one, and the Scriptures are replete with statements regarding fantastic miracles that will be commonplace during the Messianic Era.
One of the most significant facts relating to the Messianic Era doctrine is the teaching that the Millennial Kingdom is a rule of HaShem on earth, thereby distinguishing it from a purely spiritual reign in the hearts of men through centuries of human history. The King of Kings ruling on earth distinguishes it from the will of HaShem as expressed in eternity future. The evidence for this is so abundant that it is strange that learned men have been able to deny this plain teaching of the Scriptures. Psalm 2:8 records the invitation of the Father to His blessed Son: "Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."
Isaiah 11 paints the graphic picture of the reign of King Moshiach on earth, a scene which cannot be confused with the present age or the eternal state if interpreted in any normal literal sense. As presented, it describes the Messianic Era and the righteous government of King Moshiach.
The cumulative evidence for the Messianic Era of King Moshiach presented in preceding research serves as a logical introduction to the prophecies of the Scriptures fulfilled in the earthly and eternal reign of Moshiach. The doctrine of the Messianic Era is one of the major revelations of Scripture pertaining to HaShem’s program. As a theme for theological investigation, it has attracted a host of scholars who have developed the kingdom theme in desperation to understand what the future holds, yet we fail miserably trying to pen the vast deepness and significance of it...
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Torah: The Eternal Constitution of the World.
2) Torah: Changed to a Deeper Dimension.
3) Holistic Overview of the Messianic Age Structure.
4) Moshiach’s Kingdom Will Be Earthly.
5) The Structure of the Kingdom.
6) The Kingdom’s Administration.
7) The Nations and Worship.
8) Characteristics and Dynamic of the Kingdom.
9) What Will the Earth Be Like?
10) The General Living Conditions.
11) Quick References for Conditions Within the Messianic Era.
12) Jerusalem and It’s People Described.
13) Israel and Its People Described.
14) Cleansing of the Land During the First Years in the Olam Haba.
15) Messianic Age Temple Overview.
16) Description of the Messianic Age Temple.
17) Living Water Will Flow From the Temple.
18) Temple Priests and Ordinances.
19) Object of the Messianic Age Reign.
20) End of the Seventh Thousand Year: The Messianic Era Closure.
21) Conclusion.
In theology the Messianic Age is a future time of universal peace and brotherhood on the earth, without crime, war and poverty. Many Abrahamic religions firmly believe that there will be such an age; some refer to it as the consummate "Kingdom of God" or the "World to Come", in Hebrew – the Olam Haba.
In the context of "Messianic Age", the earliest meaning of the word "messianic" is derived from notion of Yemot HaMashiach meaning "The Days of the Messiah", that is, the Jewish Messiah from the Tribe of Judah.
Messiah derives from Hebrew, meaning "the anointed one". Originally the "anointed one" referred to Aaron and his descendants, the Cohanim (Priests). Following the establishment of the kingdom of Saul, it could also refer to a king who was anointed with holy anointing oil as part of what might be understood to be his coronation ceremony.
Eschatology is an area of religious scholarship that deals with prophecies about "the end of the current age" of human civilization, and the Messianic Age is central to it.
In this research paper we examine the prophecies concerning the restoration of the Twelve Tribes, how life and the general conditions will be during this period and the structure of the rulers during this time.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Overview of the Messianic Era.
3) The Timing of the Messianic Era.
4) Hebrew Eschatology Overview.
5) Reasons for a Messianic Era.
6) What Will Activate the Messianic Era?
7) The Earth Will Be Changed at the Beginning of the Messianic Age?
8) HaShem Lift His Hand and His People.
9) HaShem Forms a Spring.
10) HaShem Digs a River Bed.
11) HaShem Divides the Great City.
12) HaShem Splits the Water.
13) HaShem Heals the Eastern Sea.
14) HaShem Weaves a Basket.
15) HaShem Waters His Bread Basket.
16) HaShem Fills His Breadbasket.
17) The Earth Prepared for the Israelites to Return.
18) Israelites Return to Jerusalem From the Four Corners of the Earth.
19) An Ensign is Raised to the Nations to Gather the Tribes.
20) Journey to the Promised Land.
21) Gentiles To Aid the Israelites.
22) All Tribes of Israel Restored Into the Holy Land.
23) HaShem, Moshiach and King David Predicament.
24) The Manifestation of Moshiach in the Millennium.
25) Description and Character Trends of the Moshiach.
26) HaShem Takes Israel As Wife Again.
27) Zion, the City of David and Jerusalem.
28) Zion and the Earthly Jerusalem the Gathering Place.
29) Greater Zion Flourishes in the Wilderness.
30) Zion Described.
31) HaShem Will Dwell In Zion and Jerusalem.
32) Zion Will Be Glorious.
33) The Heavenly Jerusalem.
34) New Boundaries of Israel and Jerusalem.
35) Israel as The King’s Subjects in the Millennium.
36) Conclusion.
In this research section we will venture into the actuality how HaShem married the 12 Tribes, divorced 10 Tribes due to her unfaithfulness, chased them out of His house the Promised Land, and how He will remarry the 10 Tribes again according to prophecy.
Judah was never divorced by HaShem and is still legally married to Him, thus making them His wife. The 10 Tribes must be remarried and is therefore the bride who must accept the Original Ketubah – the Torah.
Judah was ordained by HaShem to be the Mechoqeck, and the New Testament support this view that the 10 Tribes must learn Torah from Judah. Yeshua in the New Testament reinforces this.
Torah forbids a whoring wife to get married again and this research gives a possible solution to the dilemma.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Are the 'Jews' and 'Israel' by Definition Synonymous?
2) The Ancient Gentile People’s Way of Redemption.
3) The Intricate Plan for Our Redemption Ordained Before the Creation.
4) Abraham the Point of Departure for the 'Marriage' Plan.
5) HaShem Brought His Bride From Out of Egypt and Proposed to Her.
6) Israel then Chose Harlotry and Turned their Backs on HaShem.
7) HaShem Eventually Ran Out of Patience and Divorced Israel.
8) Israel and Judah in an Allegorical Account in Hosea’s Life.
9) Chronological Order Summary of HaShem’s Mysterious Plan.
10) HaShem Promised that He will Remarry the House of Israel – Ten Israel.
11) Can HaShem Violate His Own Rules and Instructions in the Torah?
12) What Is the Mechoqeck Rabbis’ Verdict to Deal With an Adulterous Woman?
13) What Do the Mechoqeck Rabbis Say Concerning Remarriage of an Adulterous Woman?
14) Does the Bible Encourage a Person to Be Single – a Divorcee?
15) How Will HaShem Remarry Divorced Ten Israel?
16) Is there an Answer to this Mysterious Mystery Locked Away for Ages?
17) Is This Mystery Hidden for Ages?
18) The Spanner in the Works.
19) HaShem Encoded the Two-House Message Throughout Scripture.
20) The Two Pictures of the Messiah in the TaNaCh?
21) Conclusion
Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army invaded Israel. They had reduced King Solomon’s Temple to ashes, and had taken many of the Jewish people back to Babylon as captives. By this time some 200 years earlier the bulk of the the Northern Ten Tribes were also taken into captivity, and this is the condition that Ezekiel is in. The nation of Israel is dead, but… HaShem has a vision for Ezekiel.
Ezekiel is carried to a valley full of very dry bones. These bones are scattered everywhere… very white… and very very dry. Bones all over the place… scattered by the wild animals so that there is nothing but miscellaneous bones as far as the eye can see. Bones are not grouped together, they are mixed, cracked and broken; it is a surface-graveyard in a total chaotic state as far as the eye can see. A hopeless situation…
For Ezekiel, this is a vision of the nation of Israel, not only for the House of Judah, but also for the House of Israel (Ephraim/Joseph).
Remarkably, HaShem instructs Ezekiel to prophesy that these scattered, dead, dry bones will live, a vivid picture of the Twelve Tribes scattered into the nations for 2700 years that will come alive in the last days!
In this research section we will venture into the prophecies in the making and compare them with the actual events taking place in the world.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Was Israel Born in a Day?
2) Israelites Coming Out of the Land of the North and All Countries Where They Had Been Banished
3) What Part Does the Land Play in the 'Redemption Plan'?
4) The Shepheard is Calling His People
5) What Must Ephraim Do?
6) How Must We Become One Entity?
7) Ezekiel’s Two Sticks are Becoming One – The Return of the Shechinah
8) The Returning of the Scattered Ten Tribes of Israel
9) Is The House of Israel in the Process of Returning?
10) Will King Solomon’s Empire Be Restored?
11) Will Many Nations be Joined With HaShem?
12) Is There Concrete Proof of the Tribes Starting Coming Home?
13) Ephraim’s Area of Settling in the Land
14) Conclusion
Christendom’s mind-set of eternity is vastly different from that of Judaism; this fundamental difference is used as the point of departure for this research section.
Built on this enigma is, who is the House of Israel and who is the House of Judah and what is each one’s definite role in HaShem’s Plan of Redemption? In other words who must lead and who must study Scripture from whom?
There are two wives, one household, and one Husband involved in HaShem’s redemption process, of which both were married at Mount Sinai, but sadly one was divorced. This divorced wife must be restored according to prophecy in the end-times.
This 'divorced wife' is metaphorically role-played by Joseph in Egypt whom not even his own brothers identified. The same is true today, Judah does not recognize his own brothers scattered in the nations. This Joseph is indeed alive today and is non-other than Ezekiel chapter 37’s 'dry bones' coming alive in our very day, prophecy in fulfillment!
The House of Judah is currently preparing and building the land in preparation for Joseph, the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to return. This House is also known as Ephraim.
This research section discusses the fundamental principles for the total Plan of Redemption of HaShem.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) What is Christendom’s Mind-set of Eternity?
3) Who Will Dwell in Who’s Tent?
4) Who Will Learn The Scripture From Who?
5) Are People Been Brainwashed Not To Accept Judah’s Authority?
6) Are There Two Wives, One Household, and One Husband Involved in HaShem’s Process?
7) Was Only Judah Married At Mount Sinai, Or All Twelve Tribes, and What is the New Covenant?
8) Clarity on Which Tribes Are Divorced and Who Are Not
9) But Who Is Joseph and More Importantly Is Joseph Alive Today?
10) So Who Am I and Where Do I As a Non-Jew Fit In?
11) How Can I Test Myself If I am Pro-Jewish or Not?
12) What Must the Ephraimites Do to be Accepted by Judah?
13) Can We Bridge Our Differences And Pursue A Defined Goal?
14) What Is the Redemption Outcome?
15) What Is The Secret of Redemption and What is the House of Judah’s Responsibility?
16) Who Must Regather the Ten Tribes, Joseph or Judah?
17) Can Judah Wake To The Most Fundamental Prophecy?
18) Is Judah Preparing and Building The Land?
19) Is the Land of Israel Calling Us?
20) Can There Be Redemption Without a Land?
21) Is Judah Starting to Realise That He Needs Ephraim?
22) Is There a Continuous Cry For the Re-awakening of Lost 10-Israel?
23) Does Israel Hope the 'Lost Tribes' Can Boost the Jewish Numbers?
24) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems to derive at a plausible outcome.
In light of these few brief facts which were outlined, it is now obvious that the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did indeed 'spread systematically abroad to the West'. HaShem promised this unconditionally in Gen 28:14 "Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you WILL SPREAD OUT to the west [Americas] and to the east [Japan], to the north [Russia/Norway] and to the south [South Africa/Australia/New Zealand]. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring."
They had, in fact, discovered, traded with, and even for a time, made settlements in North America, long before Columbus reached the West Indies in 1492.
Let us as the Israelites do our best to bring before our people the increasing evidence of the pre-Columbian history of America, and other countries, which clearly shows HaShems’s Covenant people staking claim by leaving megalithic monuments and epigraphical evidence, from the very earliest times.
In this research section we discussed 'to hide in plain sight' which means to hide truth from the blinded uninformed while also simultaneously remain completely visible by anyone who is wise, a Biblical principle.
Then there are some things that modern-day academics willfully and blatantly do not accept due to various reasons: fear of losing their jobs, financial implications, a prescribed doctrine that blinds and distorts their vision, which is totally against HaShem’s will.
The category that accepts the truth as the forthcoming research proves, will be discredited and ridiculed. With this research, the researcher has put himself in the latter category for the sake of HaShem’s truth.
As mentioned, Sherlock Holmes’ favourite quote was 'We look but we do not see', and the researcher is of the opinion that the time has come to remove the blinkers from from a blinded world, to identify these deep-seated 'silent witnesses'…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight is HaShem’s Method
3) What is Judaism’s View on Their Country’s Flag?
4) Is the Union Jack Flag of the United Kingdom Tied to the Ten Tribes?
5) Irish Queen Teia Tephi’s (Britannia) Shield Connected to the Ten Tribes?
6) Is the 'Red Flag' the Flag of the Jews?
7) Are the Celtic / Saxon Flags connected to the Israelites?
8) Is the British Coat-of-Arms Connected to the Ten Tribes?
9) Why is the River Between Norway and Russia called 'Jacob River'?
10) Why Is the Dan Tribe Mysteriously Linked to Ireland?
11) Did the Phoenicians Work for King Solomon’s Fleet?
12) Who Are the Phoenicians Really?
13) Did the Hebrews Arrive 1500+ Years Before Columbus in America?
14) The 'Israelite-Phoenician' Came to America First!
15) The Ancient Celts Came to America Thereafter
16) Then the Irish and Welsh Came to America Next
17) The Scandinavians Arrived 500 Years Before Columbus
18) Undeniable Hebrew Artefacts Found In America:
a. The Bat Creek Inscription Evidence
b. The Paraiba Inscription Evidence
c. The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
d. The America's Stonehenge Evidence
e. The Ohio Decalogue Stone Evidence
f. The Keystone Evidence
19) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways to derive at a plausible outcome.
Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration, so as to find their way back. This indeed happened with unprecedented accuracy. These megaliths are also associated with the stars, which believers of today are only now really starting to study and understand, this as commanded in the Torah.
The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many places, and covenants were strongly associated with them, therefore the megaliths had a long history with the Hebrew peoples. The use of menhirs as funerary monuments also exists from ancient time till late in historical times.
Megaliths have been erected in various phases: the first monuments to be erected were by the Sethites (Neolithic Period), then to these were added later by the descendants of Eber (King Solomon and the Phoenicians), and then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes) all the way into the Christian Era. Many Rabbis and leading Jewish scholars believe that most of the megaliths outside Israel were erected by the Ten Tribers on their migration routes. Thus, the megalithic monuments indicate the migratory paths.
There are four main migratory paths northwards. The path through Georgia was selected to prove the fact that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and beyond. Megaliths, arranged in special formations were found on this migration path giving valuable information. Each country that is studied offers more cryptic information and clues. Megaliths on the migratory paths deserve further studies evolving into a doctorate dissertation.
There are direct parallels between megalithic structures such as the Caucasus, Stonehenge, Newgrange, and Kilmartin, not to mention the smaller groups on the migration path. Scotland is one of the 'final' destinations the Ten Tribers migrated to in Western Europe and a last piece of vital cryptic eschatological evidence is encoded in its menhirs, cairns, dolmens, cromlechs, and tumuli.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction.
2) Etymologies and Definitions:
a. Megaliths, Dolmens and Menhirs.
b. Types of Stone Structures.
c. Types of Dolmens.
3) Why Do Modern People Erect Grave Stones?
4) Stones In the Bible.
5) Rabbis’ Interpretation on the Megaliths.
6) From King Solomon to Christianity.
7) Megalithic Monuments Indicate the Migratory Paths (One route was selected to prove the point as indicated in the countries listed): Israel: Point of Departure, Assyria (Syria), Persia (Iraq / Iran), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia (Arsareth), Russia, Ukraine (Crimea), Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
8) Resemblance: Jewish Tombs of Today and The Ancient Dolmens.
9) Conclusion.
In this section we addressed the Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
Lineage testing can trace ancestry back to real people who carried a particular DNA type throughout prehistory until today. DNA tests to ascertain ancestry are now exploding in popularity.
DNA testing is also the most effective means to solve crimes. By using DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, technology, any person’s identity can be established without doubt.
DNA tests have now become a very popular tool for genealogists looking for additional evidence to help verify family trees. DNA tests can also help establish paternal and maternal ancestries, and there are also tests that can help determine whether a person is of African, Asian, European or Native American descent. Some of the newer genetic tests can even provide insight into possible inherited traits and disease risk.
Many of us are interested in having our DNA tested to learn more about our origins and ancestors. A DNA test is an analysis of DNA strands to identify matching markers among ancestral strands. In other words, a DNA test informs where you come from. Strand markers are used to compare your DNA to other strands and identify whether or not you’re related to another person or ethnic group. This can help you find family, and trace your lineage through time.
DNA testing is allowing people to uncover information about their genetic ancestry and find out where their ancestors came from.
In this part of our research we will focus on the physical similarity and scientific evidence to prove the presence of the Ten Tribes in the Georgian Caucasus area, specifically to prove Arsareth’s location, and to confirm what was presented in the previous scientific research sections.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Introduction
2) Physical Similarity of the Israelites to the Georgians
3) What is Genetic Genealogy?
4) Why Would Someone Want to Use DNA for Genealogy?
5) What is DNA?
6) What Is a Haplogroup and How Does It Work?
7) How Are Haplogroups Identified?
8) Are There Male and Female Haplogroups?
9) What Haplotypes Are Identified in the Male and Female Haplogroups?
10) What Is the Jews’ Haplogroup?
11) What Are the 'J' and 'E' Haplotypes?
12) The Secret Things…
13) Why is Genetic Studies On the Israelites Important?
14) Evolving Process of Generic Research
15) The Twelve Tribes’ DNA Dilemma
16) Twelve Tribes and Their DNA
17) Arsareth and the Haplogroups of the Diversed Georgian People
18) Background of the Georgian People
19) The Genetics of the Georgian People
20) Arsareth Confirmed!
21) Conclusion
In this section we addressed the Mythological Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
The legends, myths and folktales of the various religious groups in Georgia, prove that the Torah principles were strongly applied at some stage. Taking into consideration that the Scythian / Parthian / Cimmerian 'history' research proves undoubtedly an 'Israelite' presence in Georgia – Colchis / Iberia / Albania. Looking at the 'culture and social' life research, which add weight, also confirms that the Georgians at one stage spoke Hebrew, including their kings and their families.
The Mythological Evidence of Georgia, proves that the Israelites dominated the entire area at some stage, and buried their legends, believes and ethics deep into the nation’s ethos.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Background.
2) What are Legends?
3) What are Myths?
4) What are Folktales?
5) What Are the Difference Between Legends, Myths and Folktales?
6) Legends about Georgia as God’s Land.
7) Reasons for the Vast Amount of Myths.
8) The Legend of Drinking Out of a Horn.
9) The Legend of Bullfighting and Shuamtoba.
10) The Myth of Ancient Georgian Cosmology.
11) The Legend of the Ten Tribers in Georgia.
12) The Myth of the Golden Fleece and Georgia’s Establishment.
13) The Folktale of the Wishing Tree.
14) The Legend of Saints Day.
15) The Legend of Good Ethics.
16) Final Thoughts: Origin of Myths.
The people of the Greater Caucasus Mountain area are subdivided into smaller diverse ethno-cultural entities. All have specific traditions and customs, folklore, cuisine, and dress, and many may speak the same language. All these groups preserve and share a common identity within their own groups, namely, their basic system of values, most based on firm Biblical principles. The 'Jews' who speak Georgian as a native language and have surnames with Georgian endings, historically have had a distinct cultural identity, but the so-called 'non-Jews' have many cultural aspects of these Jews even today. Where did this come from?
Thus, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a particular group of people at a particular time. This very essence over time expresses the continuities or discontinuities of social meaning of a life of a group of people.
Multi-culturalism, as with the Greater Caucasus Mountain people, is a concept that values the peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between different cultures inhabiting the same territory. Here, 'culture' is used to describe specific practices within a subgroup of a society. In this part of the research we will look at a sub-culture of the 'Hebrew/Israelite/ Jewish people' within the Greater Caucasus people culture, as well as the prominent Jewish customs and tradition used by 'non-Judaist people'. The questions that demand clarity are: 1) where did these customs and traditions originate from and 2) why are these people using them?
Together with the cultural research, we will also look at the social, linguistical, and national characteristics, wherever applicable, of these so-called 'non-Jewish' people.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Demographics of Georgia and the Caucasus Area.
2) Holistic Overview of Peoples With Israelite Origin.
3) Most of the Peoples from the Caucasus are Israelites.
4) The Bukharan Jews’ Influence.
5) Khazaria, Atil and Sarkel.
6) Dagestan.
7) Azerbaijan.
8) Caucasian Albania.
9) Abkhazia.
10) Armenia.
11) Ossetia.
12) Mountain Jews.
13) Georgia.
14) Conclusion.
In this section we addressed the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence to derive at a plausible outcome. The scientific evidence presented in this research is concluded as follow:
1) It was proved that not all current history taught today is accurate.
2) The Ten Tribers were known as Saka and Gimira or by their eponyms, in Assyrian, Medo-Persian, Babylonian Grecian and Roman Empire historiography.
3) The Saka and Gimira are undoubtedly the Scythians and Cimmerians.
4) Some of the Scythians and Cimmerians migrated north and west, away from the areas they were deported to, while others stayed behind in these areas as suggested in point 2.
5) As they migrated, new sub-tribes and clans were formed, but all were from the same foundational group of people.
6) There were many sub-tribes and clans under the umbrella of the Scythians and Cimmerians, one of the more important ones is known as the "Parthians" which became vary prominent at a later stage.
7) These Scythians, Cimmerians and their various affiliated sub-tribes and clans eventually penetrated the Caucasus region as well as the mysterious "Arsareth" area south of the Greater Caucasus Mountains.
8) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians established themselves in the Caucasus region and conquered and eventually dominated the areas and kingdoms around them.
9) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later grew so big that they dominated the trade industry with all the trade routes via land and sea in the Near East.
10) The Caucasus Scythians and Cimmerians later dominated the entire Near East’s geographical area as far as India, China and Egypt for many centuries; this includes the modern-day Georgia’s geographical area as well as from where they controlled the trade routes – Mstkheta.
11) The vast Scythian and Cimmerian Empire was not recognized by other historians because they were Greek, Persian or Roman historians and they promoted their own ideologies and empires. They, however, gave selected factual information regarding certain matters, and by amalgamating these evidences, the facts arrived at an accurate outcome.
12) The deported Scythians and Cimmerians that stayed behind in the Assyrian and Persian Empires eventually followed the modus operandi of their Caucasus Scythian and Cimmerian brothers who migrated before, and their actions birthed the Parthian Empire from within the Persian Empire’s geographical area.
13) The Parthian Empire grew very powerful and dominated the Near East for 400 years and eventually destroyed the mighty Roman Empire.
14) The Georgian histories, with their kings, are directly connected to the Parthian Lineage, which then directly links them to the Bible as a "very important and special Biblical people".
15) One Georgian chronicle claims "Azo", a mystical figure with no historical evidence, to be their "first king" while the other chronicle states "Pharnavaz" was the "first king". One chronicle is clearly inaccurate.
16) King Pharnavaz is an Arsaca kingship name and is undoubtedly linked to the Parthians, which connects the people to a Biblical "Hebrew", and not Roman mindset and history.
17) Azo is a "Greek" mystical figure and St Nina is from a "Roman" background, "a daughter of a Roman". The Greek and Roman perceptions of Georgia’s history were written only from the 9th to the 14th century, a colossal thousand years plus after the actual events Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the other historians wrote about.
18) Rome started a Papal system and Georgia founded their own Papal systems with the arrival of St Nina, both created these in the 4th century 300 years after the events of the crucifixion of Yeshua (Jesus) in Jerusalem.
19) Herodotus, Strabo, Justin, Josephus and many other credible historians gave factual information about the Scythians, Cimmerians and Parthians that they indeed controlled the Near East, Iberia/Colchis and Mstkheta.
20) The researcher specially focused on "non-Hebrew" related historians’ recorded facts, so as to ensure the outcome is not biased. Their historians promote a Scynthian Empire that controlled the entire Near east.
21) Iranian, Assyrian, Grecian, Roman and Georgian historical records were all consulted.
22) The conclusion is that the Georgian records contradict themselves in some areas, and also do not mention anything as to what Herodotus, Strabo, Justin and the many other historians recorded about the Scythians and Parthians in their own country.
23) The researcher’s opinion is that there are a vast amount of people in Georgia, mostly beloved Christians, unaware of the fact that their history and ancestry are actually firmly rooted in Hebrew origin, and not Greek or Roman. This fact should strengthen this Christian nation and make their Biblical beliefs even stronger.
24) Destiny of Ten Tribers:
Group 1: The Ten Tribers moved to the Caucasus and were known as the "Caucasus Scythians" who were absorbed by their brothers of the "Parthian Empire" whose name later changed to the "Gothians" and they eventually migrated into the various Europe nations and from there to the rest of the world.
Group 2: The part of the Ten Tribers that moved to the Caucasus, known as the "Scythians/ Cimmerians", were taken over by the "Parthians" who are know as the "Arsace Dynasty"; they controlled Iberia/Colchis (Georgia) and Armenea and many were eventually converted to Christianity who became like Yosef. End result: Many of the Armanean and Iberian Arsacid Empires were absorbed into Christianity.
25) Most of the Ten Tribers today sit in Christian Churches, looking like Yosef of Egypt, and do not appear like Jews in dress, conduct and manners. The ones desiring to return to their Hebrew roots are from Ephraim, a synonym for the Ten Tribes.
We have mainly focused on the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence. When Strabo, Herodotus, Justin, Josephus, etc. are all thoroughly studied together in contexts, they prove undoubtedly that some later and present historians are inaccurate in their perception of history. Combine the Historical, Archaeological and Historical Tribal Entities Evidence with the Biblical Evidence of Part 4; adds so much weight that some history as presented today, must be re-examined.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Historical, Archaeological and Tribal Evidence
2) Holistic Overview of the Formation of the Nations.
3) Meshech, Tubal, and Togarmah Revealed.
4) Truth and History.
5) Historical Timeline of the Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews In the Greater Caucasus Area as Well as Their Eventual Whereabouts.
6) Timeline starting from 4000 BCE till present, presenting Assyrian, Iranian, Roman, Greek and Jewish historiography to prove that the Israelites dominated the known world at one stage, but modern historians fail to present the truth.
7) Historical facts and evidence are presented to prove that the Israelite deportees and the Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians are indeed related.
8) That these Scythians/Parthians/Cimmerians moved into Europe and from there into the rest of the world.
Overwhelming Scriptural evidence has been presented to the reader in this first division, including evidence from the Talmud and the Apocrypha’s, all supporting the fundamental Biblical evidence. In this division we categorizing the evidence to derive at a plausible outcome and considered the following areas of the:
a) Ebenites: Iberians, Hebrews,
b) Israelites: House of Israel, Ten Tribe Kingdom, Ephraim, Yosef, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, Northern Kingdom, Northern Nation,
c) Jews: House of Judah, Two Tribe Kingdom, Southern Kingdom, Southern Nation, as to how they were dispersed into the whole world.
All verses for the scattering to the north (Georgia’s geographical area) as well as the whole of the world were considered.
The Ten Tribes of Israel assimilated to the ways of the heathen and lost their identity, thus becoming Yosef (Joseph) of Egypt. In their dispersion process, they eventually reached Western Europe, and from there their descendants populated North America, South Africa, Australia, and other regions.
The list of Biblical proofs was given under various categories to give the reader a holistic overview. The Biblical evidence was categories as:
A. Geography Category
B. Recognizable Symbols Category
C. Historical Behaviour Category
D. Situation Category
E. Blessings Category
F. Ancestral Names in General Category
G. National Characteristics Category
Overwhelming prophetic evidence with unprecedented accuracy is presented.
Puzzling and interesting facts are in this section addressed, such as:
The Origin of the Name "Boere".
The "Zebulon Tribal Characteristics" of the South African People!
Why is South Africa blessed with a vast amount of minerals and diamonds?
Megalithic stones left as route markers for the Ten Tribers in the various countries.
Is Scotland and Britain’s Unicorn symbols really in the Bible and what does "Scotti" mean?
Was Ireland’s name really known before as "Iberi" which means "Hebrew"?
What is the origin of "Britain’s" name and the Union Jack flag.
Why on earth do they call Americans "Yankees"?
The mystery of the existence and continuation of the Georgian Jewry for more than 2600 years in exile is part of the greatest ambiguities in the history of mankind. The studying of the Torah and the Talmud by the House of Judah, were the values and traditions which expressed the essence of the lives of Georgian Jews throughout the centuries of exile, even to the present day.
Some of the Ten Tribers stayed in the Covenant together with Judah under the umbrella of "Jewry", while others moved away from the principles of Judaism and were absorbed into other religions.
The first Christian believers were Jews; history is firmly documented concerning this fact. These Jewish Christians then converted the local pagans into Christianity. The nation of Georgia today is rooted deep in Christianity.
These Hebrew descendants came to the location of "Arsareth", in a geographical area where nobody dwelled before. To this day little has been done to promote the study of the heritage of the Hebrews (Iberians) and their culture in Iberia (Georgia) and it is incumbent on the scientific and research institutions of the State of Israel to initiate special programs on these subjects. This research initiative will hopefully help intensify public awareness and enhance knowledge of this unique and ancient community in the beautiful country of Georgia.
This part of the research gives us a holistic overview of the three groups that settled in Iberia: Hebrews, Israelites and the Jews, as well as the other two main areas the Ten Tribers were dispersed to: a) Daphne of Antioch and b) the Sambatyon River.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) The First Believers in Georgia.
2) Georgian Christians’ Sheer Respect for Jews.
3) The Being of the Early Georgian Jews.
4) Fundamental Reason Georgian Christians Respect Jews.
5) The Prophetic Utterance: Settled as a Peaceable Multitude.
6) The Ten Tribe Exiles Were Divided Into Three Areas at Their Dispersion.
7) Area 1: The Sambatyon River – Bosporus Straight.
8) Area 2: Daphne of Antioch – South-east Turkey.
9) Area 3: The Cloud Which Covered Them – Caucasus Mountain Area.
10) Conclusion
The history of the disappearance of the Ten Tribes of Israel is one of the most mysterious topics for both the Jew and the Gentile.
Research will show that the "Jews" of Georgia are divided into three groups: 1) "Iberians" who are actually "Hebrew Wonderers that crossed over" to a new place. Iberians are not Israelites or Jews as when the "Wonderers that crossed over" left Chaldea, the various Israelite Tribes were not formed yet. 2) "Ten Tribers" are actually "Israelites" from the ten northern tribes. They are also Hebrews but are not Jews by definition. By definition, 3) "Jews" are only those descending from the "Tribe of Judah". Jews are also Israelites and Hebrews. These are the distinct three groups that settled in Georgia of today
The apocryphal book Esdras says the "righteous" Ten Tribers moved out of Assyria and the Cities of Mede to Arsareth to get away from sin. In Arsareth they not only avoid sin but also confirmed HaShem’s glory by trying to live set apart from the various pagan tribes. Their forceful expulsion from their beloved land triggered them for a desperate longing to the possibility of happiness and peace on earth amongst the harsh pagan nations, and the predestined history of the long journey home.
You are about to embark on a journey to the "mysterious and hidden land of Arsareth".
This part of the research gives us a holistic overview at the arriving of the various groups, mentioned above, in the Kingdom of Iberia, what we call Georgia of today.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) The Name "Arsareth".
2) The Location of "Arsareth".
3) Arriving in the Geographical Land Area Where Nobody Dwelled.
4) Understanding the Kingdom of Colchis and the Etymology of the Name.
5) Understanding the Kingdom of Iberia and the Etymology of the Name.
6) Understanding the Province of Kartli and the Etymology of the Name.
7) Understanding the City of Mtskheta and the Etymology of the Name.
8) Understanding Herki and the Etymology of the Name (an un-dwelled land that was "bought" by Jews).
9) Conclusion
The history of the disappearance of the Ten Tribes of Israel is one of the most mysterious topics for both the Jew and the Gentile. It is the story of a spiritual resistance embedded deep in the Jewish people, their continuous courageous idealism driven by uncompromising faith for the victory of good over evil.
Their forceful expulsion from their beloved land triggered them for a desperate longing to the possibility of happiness and peace on earth amongst the harsh Gentile nations, and the predestined history of the long journey home.
In this part we have a holistic overview at the movement of the Tribes, out of the Land of Israel after the Twelve-Tribe Kingdom was split into two nations, unto a "new country".
You are about to embark on a journey to learn about the biggest love story in human history.…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Overview of the Divine Purpose of the Judah and Ephraim Nations.
2) Overview of Ephraim Violating Torah.
3) Overview of Judah Violating Torah.
4) Understanding HaShem's Covenant of Mercy with David.
5) The Role of The Kinsman Redeemer to Save HaShem's People For Violating Torah.
6) The Movement of the Ten Tribes Out of the Land Israel Into a Further Northern Country.
7) Issues in the Land of Israel Before Leaving.
8) The First Tribes to Leave the Land.
9) The Immediate Areas of Deportation.
10) Crossing Over the Waters.
11) Life in Assyria.
12) Forced Northwards (to an un-dwelled land).
13) Route Northwards Towards Colchis/Iberia (Modern Georgia).
14) Journey to Georgia.
15) Conclusion.
The history of the disappearance of the Ten Tribes of Israel is one of the most mysterious topics for both the Jew and the Gentile. It is the story of a spiritual resistance embedded deep in the Jewish people, their continuous courageous idealism driven by uncompromising faith for the victory of good over evil.
Their forceful expulsion from their beloved land triggered them for a desperate longing to the possibility of happiness and peace on earth amongst the harsh Gentile nations, and the predestined history of the long journey home.
You are about to embark on a journey to learn about the biggest love story in human history…
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
1) Historical Setting of the Two Kingdoms: Kings Solomon’s in Israel and the Kingdom of Colchis/Iberia.
2) Judah and Yosef Must Return from the Land of the North.
3) The Mystery in the Life of the Hebrew Yosef Living in a Pagan Egypt.
4) The Historical Pattern Must be Reversed.
5) Overview of the Rise and Fall of King Solomon’s Kingdom.
6) The Covenant.
7) Overview of the Two Houses.
8) The Great Divorce of the United Kingdom of Israel.
9) The Kings that Ruled Over the Two Houses of Israel.
10) Hadad the Edomite.
11) Jeroboam the Ephraimite: Future King of the Northern Ten Tribes.
12) The Origin of the Ten Tribes.
13) Rehoboam Solomon’s Son: King of the Southern Two Tribes.
14) The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel Walk Out on Rehoboam and on The United Kingdom.
15) Jeroboam Resurfaces to Fulfill Prophecy.
16) Rehoboam and Jeroboam After the Division of the United Kingdom of Israel.
17) Conclusion on the Division of the Kingdom.
18) The Years Following the Great Divorce of the United Kingdom of Israel.
19) Overview of the Northern Kingdom Taken Captive to Assyria.
20) The Southern Kingdom Also Taken Captive to Babylon.
21) Overview of the Kingdoms of Modern-day Georgia: The Ten Tribes’ Destiny.
22) The Origin of the Kingdom of Colchis.
23) The Geographical Area of the Kingdom of Colchis.
24) Colchis’ First Mentioning.
25) Main Towns in Colchis.
26) Earliest History of Colchis.
27) The Local Tribes in Colchis Before the Ten Tribers Arrived.
28) The Medo-Persian Influence.
29) The Greek Occupation Under Alexander the Great.
30) The Obscure Religions in the Colchis Area.
31) Colchis Taken Over by the Greek Pontus Region.
32) The Roman Empire.
33) Conclusion