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Origami Paper

Origami Paper

Ova tema nije ažurirana preko 2 godine. Postoji mogućnost da se više ne održava ili ima podršku, i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Ovo je podtema teme Origami.

  • Inačica 1.0.1
  • Last updated 25.kolovoz.2017.
  • Active installations 100+

Origami Paper is an Origami child theme. It takes Origami, which is a clean simple theme, and transforms it into a richly detailed theme with a warm wooden background and a host of small details to give your site a high quality feel. Just like Origami, this theme integrates nicely with our Page Builder. This means you can use Origami Paper for antyhing from a simple landing page to a fully functional business theme.

Downloads per day

Aktivne instalacije: 100+