Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

WP Revisions Limit


Keep your WordPress fast and your database clean!

WordPress 3.6 allows users to control how many revisions are stored for each supported post type.
This plugin provides an interface for this new functionality.

Why you should use this plugin?

Each time you click Save Draft or Update, a revision is saved on the database.
WordPress will store all revisions for each page on your blog. Revisions allow you to look back at the recent changes you’ve made and revert to an earlier version if necessary.

But, what about all those revisions that you won’t use anymore? Yes, they are still there, taking space from your hosting space and increasing the volume of your database and making it slower and heavier!

With this plugin you can easily limit the number of revisions that you want to save, with this you are saving space on your database and keeping the overall site performance in good shape.

How can I change/limit the number of revisions stored on my database?

Once WP Revisions Limit plugin is installed and activated, go to Settings > Revisions Limit in your WordPress site and specify the number of revisions you want to store for each post/page under Revisions Options section.


This plugin is fully compatible with any WordPress site with version 3.6 or higher.

Requires at least WordPress 3.6 and PHP 5.3

Please show your support for this plugin by giving it a rating

Development is on GitHub:

Pull requests are more than welcome!

Snimke zaslona

  • The plugin’s settings section, found under Settings > Revisions Limit.


From your WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Go to the Plugins > Add New
  2. Search For WP Revisions Limit
  3. Install it
  4. Activate WP Revisions Limit plugin through the Plugins page in your WordPress site
  5. Go to Settings > Revisions Limit and set the options under Revisions Options section in your WordPress site

Uploading it in WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Download WP Revisions Limit plugin
  2. Go to the Plugins > Add New
  3. Click Upload
  4. Select file from your computer
  5. Click Install Now
  6. Activate WP Revisions Limit plugin through the Plugins page in your WordPress site
  7. Go to Settings > Revisions Limit and set the options under Revisions Options section in your WordPress site

From using FTP:

  1. Download WP Revisions Limit plugin
  2. Unzip file
  3. Upload wp-revisions-limit directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  4. Activate WP Revisions Limit plugin through the Plugins page in your WordPress site
  5. Go to Settings > Revisions Limit and set the options under Revisions Options section in your WordPress site


Where do I change the plugin’s settings?

Navigate to Settings > Revisions Limit in your WordPress Dashboard, and look for the Revisions Options section.

Is this plugin compatible with my WordPress site?

This plugin is fully compatible with any WordPress site with version 3.6 or higher.

Requires at least WordPress 3.6 and PHP 5.3

How secure is this plugin?

This plugin has been developed with one thing in mind: to keep your WordPress site as secure as possible, ad free, spam free and with the maximum performance reachable.
The developers that contribute to build this plugin are 100% reliable and some of the most experienced WordPress developers.


Pročitajte sve 3 recenzije

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Dnevnik promjena


  • Fixed issue when WordPress is not installed in wordpress subfolder.
    Thanks to Dominik Kocuj


  • Delete redirection settings stored in database when plugin is activated


  • Added redirection to Plugin Settings page when plugin is activated
  • Plugin option settings will be removed when plugin is uninstalled


  • Fixed bug when no limit exists on Plugin initialization.
  • Updated Plugin internal version


  • Removed default limit of revisions assigned by this plugin.


  • Check if WP_POST_REVISIONS is already defined in wp-config.php file.


  • Initial public release