Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.



This plugin can report PHP errors to Sentry. You need only set Sentry DSN and select Error Levels in plugin settings.

Snimke zaslona

  • CC-Sentry Settings – Visit the ‘Settings > Sentry’ page, select your preferred options and save them.


From your WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘CC-Sentry’
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section on your WordPress Dashboard.


  1. Download ‘CC-Sentry’.
  2. Upload the ‘CC-Sentry’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section in your WordPress Dashboard.

Once Activated

  1. Visit the ‘Settings > Sentry’ page, select your preferred options and save them.


The plugin can be activated and used for just about any use case.

  • Activate at the site level to load the plugin on that site only.
  • Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network (this is the most common type of multisite installation).


Installation Instructions

From your WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘CC-Sentry’
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section on your WordPress Dashboard.


  1. Download ‘CC-Sentry’.
  2. Upload the ‘CC-Sentry’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section in your WordPress Dashboard.

Once Activated

  1. Visit the ‘Settings > Sentry’ page, select your preferred options and save them.


The plugin can be activated and used for just about any use case.

  • Activate at the site level to load the plugin on that site only.
  • Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network (this is the most common type of multisite installation).


23. listopada 2017.
Completely functional, I hope it continues so, the only problem is that they did not warn of the need to install php7.0-curl, after identifying the problem, the plugin worked very well.
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Release date: 22.09.2017

  • First stable version of the plugin.