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Journal created:
on 21 May 2008 (#15658548)
on 7 June 2011
Crossing Worlds! Harry Potter/Naruto crossovers
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
A community for fanfiction and fanart related to Harry Potter/Naruto crossovers.
Welcome to the boundary between worlds! That'd be a dramatic way to announce that you've arrived at a location where we gleefully cross Potterverse and Narutoverse through fanart and fanfiction.

This livejournal community was created as a resource for fans seeking fiction and artwork that involve crossing the two fandoms in question. Although it's meant primarily as a plug-board for stories, we hold hope that as an LJ community, those who post will be receptive to discussion of their work. ^^ Because making friends is nice!

Fanwork Posting Format

All members are welcome and encouraged to contribute to our community. Please take some time to peruse our tags page and/or archives to get a feel for the pairing before posting.

In the subject of your post:

* indicate [FIC] or [ART] (or some other helpful label)
* Since this is open to a general audience, please lock your entry and advertise any content above PG-13. (Especially for artwork).

Include the following information in your post:

* Title: [Uhm... insert title?]
* Genre: Adventure, romance, angst, humor, etc.
* Rating: The community requires that any rated above PG-13 (or T) are friends-locked. If the rating is raised due to violence, please state so in your warnings.
* Warnings: Rated for...?
* Pairings: If any
* Spoilers: For the Narutoverse, state which chapter or episode. For the Potterverse, state which book--pre-Hogwarts, PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP, DH, post-Hogwarts/Voldemort.

Also, feel free to include a 1-2 sentence description, if you want. Suggestions might be when the story is set in both 'verses. The actual entry must be behind an hiding the rest of your submission.

Please try to avoid posting back-to-back entries. It is generally considered bad etiquette. There are two exceptions, of course:

1. If they were different types of entries (i.e., a fic/art post followed by a post issuing a challenge or a chat time, etc.) that would require separate discussions.
2. If they were posted on different days. Sometimes the comm goes without posts for a few days. Back-to-back posts are allowed if posted on separate days.

Otherwise, please use LJ cuts and post your multiple entries as one long entry. This pertains to art, fiction, or both.

Direct Links Off-site

Links that lead off-site are allowed and encouraged—Always looking for more crossover goodness!—but please link to other people's artwork with text links only (don’t post the actual fanart or writing belonging to someone, else unless you have the creator’s explicit permission to do so).

Of course, your own artwork is fine to post directly without a text link, as are official Naruto or Harry Potter franchise images and screenshots.


Please remember to tag your entries under "fanart" or "fanfiction". If your entry pertains to neither, please place it under "general". If it is a fanfiction taking place in the Potterverse, please place it under the Potterverse tag. If it is one taking place in the Shinobiverse, please mark it as such.


Feel free to just hang out, throw out fic and art ideas and challenges! After all, we're a friendly community and encourage such interaction among like-minded people. However, on the matter of pairings, please do not begin 'ship-wars. Likewise, do not make any statements that are deliberately offensive or provocative. It's nice to make friends. ^^
