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      Light fieldRandom MatricesLINEAR PROGRAM
Compressive Sensing is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small number of linear projections of a compressible signal contain enough information for reconstruction and processing. It has many promising implications and... more
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Compressive sensing is a signal acquisition framework based on the revelation that a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for stable recovery. In this paper we introduce a new theory for... more
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We propose a signal recovery method using Belief Propagation (BP) for nonlinear Compressed Sensing (CS) and demonstrate its utility in DNA array decoding. In a CS DNA microarray, the array spots identify DNA sequences that are shared... more
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      GeneticsSensor ArraysSparse Signal RecoveryDNA Array
Compressive sensing (CS) is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for stable, sub-Nyquist signal acquisition. When a statistical... more
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      Sparse MatricesBelief PropagationGraphical ModelGreedy Algorithm
Compressed Sensing (CS) is an emerging field that enables reconstruction of a sparse signal $x \in {\mathbb R} ^n$ that has only $k \ll n$ non-zero coefficients from a small number $m \ll n$ of linear projections. The projections are... more
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Compressed sensing is an emerging field that enables to reconstruct sparse or compressible signals from a small number of linear projections. We describe a specific measurement scheme using an LDPC-like measurement matrix, which is a... more
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    • Belief Propagation
Compressive Sensing is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small group of non-adaptive linear projections of a compressible signal contains enough information for reconstruction and processing. In this paper, we propose... more
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      Image ProcessingData CompressionVideo Coding
Compressive sensing (CS) is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for stable, sub-Nyquist signal acquisition. When a statistical... more
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      Sparse MatricesBelief PropagationGraphical ModelGreedy Algorithm
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Compressive Sensing is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small number of linear projections of a compressible signal contain enough information for reconstruction and processing. It has many promising implications and... more
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The compressed sensing (CS) framework has been proposed for efficient acquisition of sparse and compressible signals through incoherent measurements. In our recent work, we introduced a new concept of joint sparsity of a signal ensemble.... more
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    • Graphical Model
Network traffic exhibits drastically different statistics, ranging from nearly Gaussian marginals and Long range dependence at very large time scales to highly non-Gaussian marginals and multifractal scaling on small scales. This behavior... more
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    • Fractional Brownian Motion
In many packet-based communication systems such as TCP/IP-based systems, packets are communicated over a noisy physical layer (a channel), and if a packet cannot be decoded correctly, then the transport layer retransmits it. Of course,... more
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      StatisticsInformation TheoryChannel CodingTransport Layer
Classical coding schemes that rely on joint typicality (such as Slepian-Wolf coding and channel coding) assume known statistics and rely on asymptotically long sequences. However, in practice the statistics are unknown, and the input... more
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Most network traffic analysis and modeling studies lump all connections together into a single flow. Such aggregate traffic typically exhibits long-range-dependent (LRD) correlations and non-Gaussian marginal distributions. Importantly,... more
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    • Network Traffic Analysis
This paper provides some insight into the causes and implications of the complex small scale dynamics of network traffic loads which are still not fully understood.
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In compressive sensing, a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information to permit signal recovery. Distributed compressive sensing (DCS) extends this framework by defining ensemble sparsity models,... more
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Sudocodes are a new scheme for lossless compressive sampling and reconstruction of sparse signals. Consider a sparse signal x ∈ R N containing only K N non-zero values. Sudo-encoding computes the codeword y ∈ R M via the linear... more
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      Information TheoryComputational ComplexityMobile Peer-to-Peer NetworkDistributed Data Storage
Compressed sensing is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small group of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for reconstruction. In this paper we introduce a new theory for distributed compressed... more
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      Information TheoryDecision TheoryDistributed Estimation and detectionBayesian methods