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Journal created:
on 5 April 2005 (#6695119)
on 10 January 2009
Harry Potter Pic Fics
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This community is for Harry Potter Fan Fic with a slight twist. You must find a movie still or other pics regarding Harry Potter. Then you write a short fan fic about that picture.

We are under slightly new management (in other words, my best friend just gave me the comm until she gets more free time). As a part of this new new management, I have enlisted the aid of the ever lovely sm_malfoys to help with pics and to help come up with challenges. I would like to see this active become more active and to start moving again. We were doing really great for awhile. Anyway, onto the rules...


1. You must first find a picture relating to Harry Potter. This can be anything from movie stills to orginial art work. If you use another pic that is not HP related, you must submit it by email with a short summary of what the fic is about for approval by the maintainer. For example, you find a pic that is a painting and it reminds you of HP character(s) much older and it was written as such, then the approval rate would be high.

2. Then write a fan fic based on the picture used.

3. You must use this header with your fan fic. Make sure it is outside the LJ-Cut.

Pairing: (if any)
Pic Source:
Standard Disclaimer:
Warnings (if any):

4. Using the LJ-Cut, then post the picture used along with your fan fic.

Community Rules

1. You MUST follow the submission rules. No variation. Anyone who hasn't followed submission rules has 24 hours max. to fix the problem or submission shall be deleted.

2. Respect is a major rule in this community. Respect the authors and their fics as well as those that comment to the fics. Criticism is welcome but only if it is constructive criticism. If you criticise, try to remember that criticism in the community is supposed to help one grow as an author, and not to hurt some one. If anyone is found to be disrespectful, I will banish you from this community.

3. All ships are allowed. Slash, Het, Mulitple Pairings, etc. So please read the header completely before reading the full fic. If you don't like a ship/pairing, rating, summary, etc. then don't read the fic. You have no room to complain about content unless you are comfortable with the heading.

4. Any fan fic that is Rated NC-17 or Rated R or even maybe Rated X...must be a friends only post.


Sometimes I will post a pic as a writer's challenge. For those that wish to participate, here are some rules:

1. I will post the pic to write on. If you have a pic in mind for a challenge, email it too me and I will see what I can do.

2. Once the pic is posted, comment that you want to participate.

3. I am not going to put a time limit on submissions. They will be numbered and the Challenges will be open for new comers to go back and participate.

4. Be sure to still use the heading and LJ-CUT.

5. Instead of posting the challenge pic, you have the option of linking to the Challenge Announcement.

6. When you post, be sure to put Challenge 1, 2, 3, etc in the Subject.

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