Papers by Linda Berg-Cross
Psychotherapy in private practice, Oct 26, 2008

Journal of Personality Assessment, Jun 1, 1977
Examined the relationship between certain handwriting characteristics and Eysenck's Extra... more Examined the relationship between certain handwriting characteristics and Eysenck's Extraversion-Introversion and Kagan's Impulsivity-Reflectivity personality dimensions. Using 46 female subjects, scores on the EPQ inventory and Matching Familiar Figures test were compared by factor analysis to the handwriting characteristics of: middle zone height; middle zone breadth; upper zone height; lower zone height; space between words; right margin breadth; left margin breadth; a general size measure; handwriting time; paragraph indention; slant. The factor analysis revealed three distinct writing styles: one related to Extraversion; another related to Introversion; and a final one related to Reflectivity. These findings were discussed in relation to statements made by graphologists. Also, the significance of trait-sign and factor analysis in comparison with other methods of graphoanalysis was discussed.

Journal of Black Psychology
This article focuses on the psychology of principled nonviolent activism, specifically ideas asso... more This article focuses on the psychology of principled nonviolent activism, specifically ideas associated with Martin Luther King, Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence and how they are compatible with attachment theory and related areas of modern neuroscience (e.g., attachment/social neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology). The proposed Kingian Neuro-Relational Theory (KNRT) recognizes King as having a relational development approach to social justice. KNRT offers a way of understanding King’s ideas to aid research and develop strategies for reducing many forms of societal violence, with eventual outcomes of improving mental and physical health via stress reduction, and subsequent creation of a more socially just world. KNRT is an integrative, multidisciplinary approach, incorporating the philosophy of nonviolence, attachment theory, social neuroscience, ecological systems theory, and personalistic philosophy. The theory highlights developmental and clinical implications of moving bey...
Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 2021

European Journal of Public Health, 2019
Education is a key to creating solidary among the professionals who advance public health’s inter... more Education is a key to creating solidary among the professionals who advance public health’s interdisciplinary mission. Our assumption is that if all those who work in public health shared core knowledge and the skills for interdisciplinary interaction, collaboration across disciplines, venues, and countries would be facilitated. Evaluation of education is an essential element of pedagogy to ensure quality and consistency across boundaries, as articulated by the UNESCO education standards. Our study examined the evaluation studies done by programs that educate public health professionals. We searched the peer reviewed literature published in English between 2000-2017 pertaining to the education of the public health workforce at a degree-granting level. The 2442 articles found covered ten health professions disciplines and had lead authors representing all continents. Only 86 articles focused on evaluation. The majority of the papers examined either a single course, a discipline-speci...
Forschung heute – Zukunft morgen, 2018

Journal of Studies in International Education, 2004
The current project linked students in three universities in a guided discussion of the movie, Th... more The current project linked students in three universities in a guided discussion of the movie, Three Kings. The goals were to assess the viability of having students from three different courses, in three different universities, in three different countries find common ground to have intellectual discussions via the Internet and to assess how responsive students would be to answering structured questions as a stimulus for intellectual discussions. We also wanted to understand how the Three Kings was perceived by students in the United States, England, and the Netherlands. Overall, there were 19 students who contributed a total of 217 conversational threads (distinct entries). Conversations were lively and interactive. Content analysis revealed that race relations within the United States, U.S. policy in Iraq, and the depiction of American values were the “big” global messages of the film.
Journal of Family Psychology, 1990

The Journal of Early Adolescence, 1988
A group orientation program was designed and carried out to aid the adjustment of mobile seventh ... more A group orientation program was designed and carried out to aid the adjustment of mobile seventh and eighth grade transfer students to their new schools. Students in the treatment program were compared to others in both placebo and no-treatment control conditions on various measures of school and emotional adjustment. The measures included state measures of anxiety, depression, and hostility; a problem checklist; and orientation and attitude questionnaires. Adjustment data were collected at the beginning and end of the treatment program. It was found that transfer students in the orientation-treatment program were less anxious, depressed and hostile, reported fewer school and personal problems, had more positive attitudes towards school, and were better oriented at the end of the treatment program than transfer students in the control conditions.
Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 2009
College art students are an overlooked minority population whose culture, career motivations, and... more College art students are an overlooked minority population whose culture, career motivations, and mental health risks have not been studied, and there has been little to no specialized outreach to this population. This article describes the stereotypes associated with fine art students and the data available that confirms or refutes those stereotypes. It then reports an initial investigation of fine
Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 2009
This article had three goals: (a) to provide a brief economic review of the relationship between ... more This article had three goals: (a) to provide a brief economic review of the relationship between recessionary times, institutional reactions, and the life trajectory of recession-era college students; (b) to discuss the recession-related psychosocial stressors facing today's college students; and (c) to discuss how counseling centers can help students and make resources available to staff and students.
Family Relations, 1988
This study investigates the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship among black women. Sub... more This study investigates the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship among black women. Subjects were 75 black middle-income women. Results indicate that phone contact with the mother-in-law, the interpersonal behavior "wanted inclu-sion," and a compliant ...
Child Development, 1975
153 first graders were given Piagetian moral judgment problems with a new simplified methodology ... more 153 first graders were given Piagetian moral judgment problems with a new simplified methodology as well as the usual story-pair paradigm. The new methodology involved making quantitative judgments about single stories and examined the influence of level of intentionality and degree of damage upon absolute punishment ratings. Contrary to results obtained with a story-pair methodology, it was found that with single stories even 6-year-old children responded to the level of intention in the stories as well as the quantity and quality of damage involved. This suggested that Piaget's methodology may be forcing children to employ a simplifying strategy while under other conditions they are able to perform the mental operations necessary to make complex moral judgments.
Papers by Linda Berg-Cross