I was directed here tonight and I hope that this post is a good fit for the comm! I'm so pleased that something like this exists to celebrate men looking adorable while holding babies!
(click image to go to picspam) NOT DIAL-UP FRIENDLY
Title: Fatherhood Author: just_ann_now Fandom: Lord of the Rings Characters: Imrahil, Lothíriel Warnings: None Disclaimer: Not mine, merely borrowed. For the “Honesty” challenge at tolkien_weekly.
music: Bryan Adams- - Everything I Do, I Do It For You
I found the CUTEST picture yesterday on COE and had to share it. :D I've never seen it and Andy Serkis has my kudos for acting the part of Gollum/Smeagol. This is him in costume as he transforms into Gollum but he's sitting with his ADORABLE son in his lap. I really don't see how that kid could be smiling right then. :P Haha