Medical Partners
Collaborating so patient-families may know
of the option of lodging at a Host-home.
Proactive Patient-Patient-Family Support Program
To save patient-families great expense and needless anxiety about where they will be staying,
we work with medical department staff to make the Host-home lodging option
effectively known to patient-families
as close in time as possible to when a medical trip has been arranged.
When you or your colleagues know of a patient-family that may benefit from being able to stay at a host-home, we recommend that you tell the family these three things:
1) That you know of a program that may have a wonderful lodging option for them.
2) That if they wish, you will have someone from our program contact them.
3) They will be under no obligation to accept lodging if offered.
With the family’s permission you may then call/email us with the contact information for the family.
From experiences over many years, we know that merely giving out our phone number is not effective, as families often are too overwhelmed by the medical situation to give timely attention to their lodging.
Referral Spotlight:
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Fetal Diagnosis & Treatment Team
Over the last three years, social workers Liz Morris, Jessica Hertzog and their associates have referred 114 of their patient-families to HOSTS for HOSPITALS!

• We accept families of patients of all ages
• We allow families to make advance reservations
• We do not have a distance requirement,
(e.g., that the patient lives at least 75 miles away)
• We accept families associated with all types of illness,
(e.g., cancer or transplant)
• There are no restrictions on patient-family size or length of stay
• Families will not lose their “spot” at a Host-home if they need to leave
for a few days
• Printed brochures are available upon your request.
• In-service presentations may be arranged at your convenience
• We are happy to have our information table at any patient-attended functions or conferences
• Our guest-application is available in English, Spanish and Mandarin versions here.
We strive to make interacting with our program as easy as possible,
as we are deeply appreciate of your time and dedication
In making the difference which you do.