I finally got the official offer letter for my new job at the end of August, so I could put in my resignation and arrange a start date. I leave Audit on 31 October and start in Finance on 1 November. If I actually manage to finish any of the 3 audits I'm doing at the moment, I think I will deserve a medal.
I graded for my purple sash on Sunday. Apart from our second degree grading last December, this is the first grading we've done in person since September 2019. We've moved to the Daventry community centre, so it's nice and close for me, rather than having to trail over to Towcester, Tiffield or Flore, which I've done for the last 5 years. Although we all graded in one group, they haven't given us the official results yet. I didn't have to redo any of my bits, so I'm more than pretty confident that I've passed (and so did everyone else). Last night we were doing paired and partner work with actual partners and I have the bruises to prove it.
Dad has moved into a rehab centre. It's not far from where Bro lives, which is handy. But they quantantine hospital transfers for 2 weeks, so Bro couldn't visit to help him settle in. He fell a couple of times in the first few days, mostly due to the fact that he still isn't mobile, but if they leave him on his own, he will get up. They've put an alarm under the cushion in his chair, so at least now they can get in to catch him.
As soon as the 2 weeks were up, I rang to ask if I could arrange a visit. Due to an outbreak of Covid in the centre, they had locked down again for at least 2 weeks, which should have ended today. They don't like visits evenings and weekend, as there are no admin staff there to supervise. So I can't visit until I can get time off. And it means Bro can't go after work. He'll have to try and arrange to go on a Monday, which is his NWD.
I'm going to Greece next week. Or should I say
I'M BLOODY GOING TO BLOODY GREECE NEXT WEEK!!! I missed out on my Greek beach in September 2019 due to Thomas Cook going bust and 3 times in between due to Covid, so nothing's stopping me now. I booked my tests at the weekend. They arrived today. I was utterly confused this morning when I got a text from DPD saying I would be getting a parcel today and it wasn't until I got home I realised what it was. At least I managed to get a pre-return and a Day 2 test for less than £70 in total, due to some handy discount codes from Easyjet.
I fly out at OMG Early on Tuesday, so I'm driving down to Gatwick the night before. So far, I'm in work on Monday. I need to get this audit report done, or at least nearly done, so I can see if I can scrounge some flexitime on Monday afternoon and get away earlier than 5pm. I've made a vague stab at deciding what I need to take with me. I have a packing list and I've located some of it and done some laundry. All I have to do now is assemble it all in one place and cram it in a suitcase. I'm thinking I should follow the example of a guy I met a few years ago and just take 2 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, a pair of trousers, some sandals, a swimming cossie, wetsuit and snorkel gear. But I won't need a wetsuit and snorkel, so I can leave those out.
Ma has got me hooked on Richard Osman's House of Games, so while I have a TV licence, I'm binge watching that and Only Connect. I feel like sitting in front of the telly and getting pissed tonight, but I need to do admin-y stuff and finish off a cardigan I'm knitting for a small friend. And maybe even sort out some stuff to pack.
In other news, I'm getting a new car. Another Kia Rio, but a higher spec than the current one. I took mine in for it's service last month and had a chat with the sales guy. At 6 years old, it still has a year left on it's warranty and they'll give me £4,500 trade in for it. Yes, I was quoted more than that on an online site, but it's just easier this way. They also give £1,500 deposit contribution, which makes the repayments for 3 years less than £250/month and then I have the option to give it back or pay the final settlement. I'm banking on the fact that in 3 years, electric cars will be sufficiently more numerous, relatively cheaper and have a better range and the charging infrastructure may be better. In which case, I can trade up to something electric. I'm going for a mild hybrid, which is just a fancy name for smaller ICE and small self charging electric motor. It's a 3 cylinder 1 litre engine and has allegedly better fuel consumption than the current car. I don't do huge mileage, so with the rising cost of petrol, I won't save anything, but I'll have a newer, fancier, bluer car. I have to wait until November, as blue is a premium colour and they don't make that many of them, but that's OK. My new pay kicks in then and I can afford the payments!
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