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Downloaded the game a while ago. Wanted to try it first before donate, so that is done now.  I like the combination of puzzle and platform action genre. It is a bit hard, so I think I would get too frustrated if playing this on real hardware. I played it on the A600GS which lets me save the game state as snapshots at any point, without that I think I'd be to frustrated to continue. Might be my joystick is to sensitive or I'm getting to old for gaming:)

Since I have the snapshots I dont really need those level codes. But I find it a bit odd that the level code is for the same level as you usually have nearly finsihed, instead of getting a level code for the next level at the end of each level.

Other than that the game is very playable and had nice graphics.

(1 edit)

The level codes are sometimes hidden at the beginning in the middle or at the end or are easily accessible. If you get a level code for the next level, there is no point in continuing to play the level. The level of difficulty is hard but doable. The number of levels is only 20, so the game is not too long. ;)

Thank you for the donations. This motivates you to plan further projects. :)

Hello. Congratulations on this great game. I love it. I see there’s a label available for printing for the floppy disk, but not the box. The image you have on the website is really cool. Is there any chance you could also make it available for download? Thank you very much and Happy New Year!

I'm still thinking about whether I should make a boxed version. That's why I can't give you a template for the time being.

Oh! That would be great. I would buy a copy without hesitation. Thanks!

Deleted 61 days ago

Fantastic!!!! I finally have the cover for my floppy

Send a pic I hope it's fit

(1 edit)

What are the controls for the windows emulated version?
I dunno what to do to even be able to play the game...

Use the arrow keys to move and ctrl to shoot and jump.

I can't even start the game, let alone control it. I'm just on the main screen and dunno what to do.

strg=fire and start

and arrows for movement

I got it going now. I actually had to manually change the control setup to use the keyboard. It was trying to use my gamepad/controller that I had plugged im. I found controller does work after changing some settings... but seems some actions still need to be done on the keyboard.

Hello! Would it be possible to have a screen of the cover like the one shown in the photo? Obviously for personal copy, only front side.

You mean the picture of the box? You can edit and use it with Photoshop.

Just published a full video review on our YouTube channel.

Thank you for the very good video about Dr. Dangerous. The game should remind you that there weren't always checkpoints. Many games are hard but I never liked that you could die your way through the levels. I kept the levels smaller because otherwise it's very frustrating when you have to start all over again. I don't find the challenge so difficult that you have to throw the joystick directly against the wall like in Rick dangerous. That's why I included the level codes, otherwise the game would be too difficult ;) My latest game will also be without checkpoints, but not quite as difficult. So let me surprise you. 

I also have a lot of ideas for other games and not just platformers (my favorite). 

(1 edit)

Schönes Game :)

Werdet ihr es vielleicht noch so fixen können, daß das Game auch mit einer ACA500plus läuft, ohne das man die Karte in den Tarnkappen Modus schicken muss?

Mache ich das nämlich nicht, komme ich nur bis zum ersten Intro-Screen und dann friert der Rechner ein.

Aber auch ein großes Lob, tolle Grafik, gute Steuerung mit 2 Buttons usw. macht wirklich Spaß 

Grüße ARCman

Hi und danke für das Lob. Leider habe ich keine Ahnung warum es ausgerechnet bei dir nicht so recht will mit der Karte. Ich habe es bei Freunden getestet und da lief es ohne Probleme. Leider hatte ich keinen ACA500plus zur Verfügung. 

Nicht schlimm, so sind unsere alten Amigas eben, echte Divas, die auch schon mal zicken machen :)

Bekomme bald einen zweiten Rechner, dann teste ich das da mal aus.

We took another look at the game in its final version which can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:54:14. It is and remains a very good game, even if it is a shame that you can only take one hit and there are no checkpoints within a level. 🙂


Freut mich echt, dass dir das Spiel Spaß macht – auch wenn man immer wieder von vorne starten muss. ;) Das ist so gewollt! Ich wollte ein Spiel machen, wo es nicht an jeder Ecke nen Checkpoint gibt, aber trotzdem nicht zu frustrierend wird.

(2 edits)

Alles gut! 🙂 Bin halt halt schon zuviele Gameplays aktueller Spiele gewohnt. Zum Glück gibt es ja noch die Passwörter und letztendlich ist es alles Übungssache. Für künftige Spiele dieser Art würde ich mir allerdings einen einstellbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad wünschen, der ja nach Option die Anzahl der einsteckbaren Treffer erhöht. 😉

(1 edit) (+1)

Genau, sonst wird das Spiel ja schnell langweilig. Ich hab mich da eher an den alten Games orientiert – da gab's auch keine Savepoints, man hatte nur drei Leben, und den Schwierigkeitsgrad konnte man nicht einstellen. ;) Aber wie du ja schon gemerkt hast, hab ich zumindest Level-Codes eingebaut! Es wird ja nicht das einzige Spiel werden. Das nächste Spiel wird ein jump an run mit einigen Herausforderungen sein und eventuell ein Adventure ist in Planung. 

Thanks for great game!

No problem. You are welcome to support me with other projects or for this one. :)

(1 edit)

I would like to see a port of "Nightmare In the Dark" ;-)

If I were to make a port it would be a giana Sisters port with the graphics from the 3 ds. But until then I have many other projects ...☺️😜

Didn't want to push you ! ;-)

Really good new Amiga game, great that you got the release version ready. I added it to my latest video "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from September 2024", which also includes all the other recently released Amiga games.

Thank you for showing it on your channel. I am always happy when someone appreciates my games and shows them to others. :)

(1 edit)

I'm on Level 18 and the game, almost at the end of the level, exit with the following error:

I play the game on fpga machine and both give that error, Minimig AGA on SiDi128 OS and Apollo V4 Standalone OS 3.9  Core 10334_x14. I don't have yet tested it on real A1200/030. 

OK, the point is this, but on real hardware 1200/030 no problem:

So the issue on fpga systems is probably due to some speed setting, I think. I will make other tests.
Thanks for your attention.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the message. I will increase the active actors and then the problem should be solved. The update will be uploaded as soon as possible with the name Hotfix 2

Many thanks, today I played the game on WinUAE and real A1200/030 and the issue is present as on fpga systems.
Thanks again for your quick reply.

update is online :)

Many thanks, time to play :)

I hope it works now. :)

Definitely it's one of the best Amiga games I played in 2024, I haven't finished it yet but I hope to soon.
Many thanks for this addictive game :)

Thank you for the nice review of the game.  :)

hail (Z)xol'tan


Hi , After the update the game dosent work any more on theA500mini?

Do you have the latest firmware on the Amiga mini? 

You must also unzip the rar file. There are instructions plus an lha file for the Amiga Mini.

hi :) yes I unzipped and pasted the  text in whd boot script. It worked with the previous version.

I have found the problem. I should not have renamed the LHA files. It was my mistake. Rename it like this "scorpion_dev.lha"

I will also change the file when downloading

That's it mate you solved it,  Great Game : ) 

Nice that it works again. Enjoy the game. :) Feel free to recommend it. 


really nice game, love it!
Just a question.. I dont know in which level I am exactly but at this point (screenshot) I can't move/jump over to the place I've marked. Any special trick here?

Here is a short video. Yes, the place is difficult but you can get over it :)

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That is strange... If I jump from there I always land on that wooden stair above. :-) I will try again.

And did you manage to get over the spikes? 

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No, I didn't. I used WinUAE Savestates and retried a dozen times without success.
The spikes are not the problem, I do not reach them because my jump ends on that wooden stair.  Don't know if its a keyboard problem I am playing with. :-)

Thank you for this great game, here is my tribute !

(1 edit)

Thanks for the nice video. Enjoy the game. :)

You have a subscription from me. I love channels like this. 

Thanks for the support and for rating the game. 

A new project is also being planned. 

I'm also looking forward to the continued support for the game and the following games ... :)

This is one awesome game! I'm in love with such "puzzle games" (not way near to meant to be negative!). Thanks!!

Fu**ing great release, we gotta cover that in BrewOtaku #004, even if we need to add more pages :)

Great game. But the final release won't load correctly on my A500. It always hangs after the Scorpion Engine Screen. V6 Hotfix1 worked correctly. On WinUAE it works.

(1 edit)

Thank for the information. I tried on my Amiga and it works.

Amiga 500 with 512kb extension Kickstart 1.3

I'll have another look at how I can make the game more stable.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your reply.

Small update: Without my accelerator card, it works.

But v6 Hotfix1 worked with my ACA500+. So it runs on an 68000, but not on 68HC000.

This may take up a little memory. The memory is full. I'll see if there's anything else I can do. :)

My A500 is rev.8 and is modded with 2MB of chip RAM.

Thanks for the info. I'll have a look at it and hopefully a solution can be found. 

I'm finding the same thing with my Amiga, it won't get past the Scorpion screen

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It works wonderfully on my Amiga. Nothing would be changed on the Amiga. The only thing is my screen is broken, it has a green screen. :/

Great game. A friend of mine played it: ☢️🕹️💾👍

Thanks for playing. :)

You're welcome. Thanks for such a great game ... 😉

Cool game i hope   there will be an whdload installation.

this game is awesome! Thanks!
It would deserve a physical release... any chance to have it? :)

Must see how and if I will do it. :)

Please, do it if you can! :) I'm sure you will easily sell a bunch of 50 or even 100 boxes...
I'll keep my fingers crossed. :D

(1 edit)

Talk to Andreas Magerl of ACPTCP / Amiga Future. I am sure he will happily help out!

A great but difficult game. A great final version!

Dr. Dangerous: Secrets of the Temple of Xol'Tan 

Finales release is out now

Have fun 

If you like, you can support this and other projects of mine. The game is free but I have nothing against a donation :)

Very nice game for the whole family, thank you so much ! :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is ready. Three levels have been added (more did not fit on the disc). One of them is a boss fight. I still have to fix a few small bugs (thanks to Rafalnir and tempus01 for testing) and then the game will be uploaded completely.

Thanks also for all those who have left a small donation. 

New project is already in the works ;)

A really good Amiga game is coming, supported. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from August 2024" video along with all the other recently released Amiga games.

Thanks for showing and playing on your YouTube channel. The final version will be coming soon. :)

The next update is more likely to be the release of the game. If anyone wants to test the game, please contact me. 

It will take some time until the release, but I'm getting to the end of the game and there will be a lot more to come. So far I am finished with level 19 and 20 .... more will come. 

I have also made a optional payment. If you want you can support me with this or other projects for the Amiga 500

i want test Your game:-))

Write me on my Instagram account. 


Deleted 189 days ago

I wrote a message on Instagram:-))

In level 10, there is still a closed door with a shot and energy to recover (see image), but the door at the end of the level is already open.

Thank you very much. There was one battery too many in the level. I have deleted it. 

I have re-uploaded version 6

Thanks for bringing this nice game to us. I like graphics stile very much and that it uses full PAL screen. Works fine on real A1200 030 50Mhz. HD version needs a quit to Workbench so that resetting the machine is not necessary. Why a Lvl code for Lvl1? Looking forward to see next versions!

Many thanks for the information. I will take your wishes into account for the next version.

Found it appropriate to put a level code in level 1 so that you can recognize what it should be. You can get to the code relatively easily and even get a life and the appropriate explanation. 

Thanks for the hotfix update, the bug with the ladder and the fire button is gone, now I'm stuck in a level, I redid it several times, but the doors don't open (see images)
<img src="">
<img src="">

What level is this? Would fix it quickly. 

Found it Level 10, two doors should open at the button. Update coming in 5 min. Thanks for playing and reporting the bugs. :)

I urgently need a game tester ;)

Dr_Dangerous V5_hotfix_2 online

  • Level 10 Bug Fix (Now all doors open)
  • small edits

Thank you for your responsiveness, one door opens well, but the bottom one does not open completely, even by jumping it is not possible to pass through the door (see image)

Oh. Ok, I must have mixed up the coordinates. I'll change it tonight. 🥴


I tried Your v5 HotFix version on my real A500 (512k+512k) with a Gotek drive.

For me all seems to works correctly

Thanks for testing. I hope my Gotek drive arrives next week. :)

This is a really fun game and looks cool too! Reminds me a bit of all 4 games: Rick Dangerous, Megaman, Power Glove and Captain Dynamo.

BTW, I created a configuration on AmigaLive so for anyone not familiar with configuring emulation options to be able to play or even stream their gameplay..
Just need to come here on this website and grab the ADF disk image and drop it in the emulator path under AmigaLive\FS-UAE\Floppies

Enjoy playing!

PS. Updated configuration to look for Dr. Dangerous V5_hotfix.adf now and will be updating it with every new release

Thanks for the info. I didn't realize that you can also use it online. 

I tested the game on my psVita today and it works great on the Winue (psVita) emulator. 

I can say for sure that v4 works on a real Amiga 1200 with PiStorm32-lite. I'll try the v5 hotfix on Tuesday (27 August) and reply here.

Thanks for the info. I can only test it again on my old amiga when I have my Gotek drive. I'll be glad when I get some feedback. :)

Very nice game... but again towards the end of the video - see - I don't know why the game is over? Why did I die?

(1 edit)

I have already uploaded an update. 

Update 24.08.2024 v5_hotfix

  • Ladder bug fixed (you can no longer go through the walls)
  • If you stand on the ladder you no longer die when you press the fire button
  • Level 8 a few changes
  • If you enter the level code and then complete a level and die, you stay in the level and don't have to repeat the previous level (it worked during testing)
  • Layers deleted in some levels

I'm playing on A500 and Winuae Emulator, here's a little feedback:

On a real Amiga 500, it's frustrating to start the same level over and over again, I'll try to explain it to you.

 You complete a level with the code, then you move on to the next level, but when you lose all your lives, you have to start the level you already completed, so most of the time you have to redo the previous level.

Otherwise, I found a bug, (see the image below), when you are on the ladder you go to the left and you press the shoot button the character dies for no reason.

I also found a place quite difficult because the crates were too far away (I often had to start again).

Thank you for the regular updates, they are very pleasant to test

Many thanks for the information. I have found everything so far and fixed it again. If anything else is found, please feel free to post it here. Update comes as v5_hotfix.I put a box there and now it should be easier  ;)

Hello! Really cool game! However, just tested the last update v5 from 1 hour ago and found 2 problems.

Ladder glitch, wall pass-through while exiting ladder with directional movements.

Ladder death while standing on ladder and just hitting fire button:

Both errors found and fixed. Many thanks for reporting. 

Currently working on level 17 and 18.  :)

I do not fully understand how to start a level by a code. It took a while to figure out how to enter numbers in the first place, not very intuitive. Nevertheless after entering a code it always starts with first level here. Can you explain? Moreover I would like to be able to enter the code by the number keys and pressing return to start, at least optionally.

You have to go to Level Code and then the level starts with code. I'm looking at how to change the input so that it's easier to see where to press 

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