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introduce what we call variable evidentiality. In (1), Korean -te-introduces the implication that the speaker perceived the event denoted by the prejacent (direct evidentiality) or the implication that the speaker infers the prejacent... more
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This paper concerns a puzzle about the interpretation of Korean di- rect evidential -te- in interrogatives which I call evidential perspective shift in questions ('origo shift of evidentials' in quesitons in Garrett 2001). This... more
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Korean direct perceptive evidential -te- is said 10 introduce two puzzles. First, when it is used without any tense marker, the sentence hosting it is interpreted as past. Second, when it is used with so-called tense markers, such as past... more
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    • Computer Science
Korean verbal ending -teintroduces different presuppositions depending on whether it appears with a tense marker (such as the past tense marker -ass/essor the future tense marker -keyss-) or not. When it appears without any tense marker,... more
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Korean adjectives in general cannot combine with measure phrases (MP), but MPs are compatible with adjectives when they appear with the inchoative morpheme -(e)ci. In this case, MPs can only denote the difference between two states along... more
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      HistoryCross Language Information Retrieval
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for their comments and questions. I am also indebted to the discussion with Semoon Hoe and Barry Schein. Special thanks go to Elena Guerzoni for her comments and suggestions to the earlier version of this paper. All remaining errors are... more
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In this paper we identify two types of the evidential perspective shifts (the evidence holder indicated by an evidential marker is different from the utterance of the sentence containing that evidential marker) in Korean, the shift in... more
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    • Mathematics
This paper concerns a puzzle about the interpretation of Korean direct evidential -tein interrogatives which I call evidential perspective shift in questions ('origo shift of evidentials' in quesitons in Garrett 2001). This puzzle... more
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    • Psychology
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    • Computer Science
Using the three components of attitude in Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) Reasoned Action Theorycognition (personal and evaluative beliefs), affect (feelings, emotions), and conation (behavioral intentions)-the present study investigated... more
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      PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionReading Habits/AttitudesCurriculum and Pedagogy
In the original publication, some of the Table entries at the last column of Table 1 were mistakenly shifted to the 1st column during typesetting. The correct Table 1 is presented in this Erratum.
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      Computer ScienceEducation
Although competent argumentative writing is important for academic success and daily life, it is difficult to teach, especially in middle schools where English is taught as a foreign language (EFL). Previous research has indicated that... more
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    • English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Target language proficiency and pedagogical capabilities are considered to be the two main teacher attributes necessary for second/foreign language teaching. Drawing on this notion, two hypotheses were tested: (a) minimum threshold levels... more
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    • English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
In this study, we explored the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and teaching practices using a mixed-methods approach. A total of 190 secondary school EFL teachers completed questionnaires on their self-efficacy beliefs and... more
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      Teacher EducationEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
While perceptual mismatches of language practices between teachers and learners can foster learners' low levels of engagement, motivation, and performance and have a negative impact on the teacher-learner relationship, few have examined... more
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      PerceptionClassroom Practices
A yearlong classroom-based intervention was designed to explore the reading–writing connection in second-language literacy by examining whether the development of reading improves writing and vice versa. Middle school learners of English... more
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      Extensive ReadingReading and Writing Connection
Although a number of studies have investigated study abroad or telecollaboration separately, none to date has included both methods with the aim of differentiating their impacts on the development of intercultural communicative competence... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionIntercultural CompetenceStudy Abroad