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The Homestar Elitists

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Giddiness in a bottle [15 Nov 2007|02:49pm]

One of the hallmarks of geekdom is that geeks have interest in some hobby, culture or academia, to a level that is well beyond that of society. It is that geeky fetishism that typically makes geeks of like interests bond together so strongly, often at the expense of alienation from those not in that sub-culture.
Kinda long, but maybe about youCollapse )
how many yah need? | 2 drinks for 2 cool guys

I swear I made this... [19 Oct 2006|09:40pm]

I made this a while ago, but I failed at codec usage, resulting in a 16MB 30s thing that no one watched. Thank you YouTube!
how many yah need? | 4 drinks for 4 cool guys

H*R sighting ahead! [05 Aug 2006|12:50pm]

Homestar is running! Along! Wight Heoh.
(x-posted in other H*R communities)
how many yah need?

Best... episode... recently [16 May 2006|02:53am]

I wish to alert the Internet: This was one of the best Strong Bad E-mails in recent memory. It was funny all around, and also inspiring. Check this out.

how many yah need? | 5 drinks for 5 cool guys

Shameless and Very Gratuitous Promoting [26 Mar 2006|03:13pm]

Haldo, fellow elitists.

I espied you members with curious wonder, and— okay screw that. I just wanted to tell you guys about this community I made, called hsr_ratings. It's a ratings community where you fill out an application and get stamped by members as a character from H*R. If you guys are interested, I suggest you join and, y'know, stuff.

Oh, and by the way, you've been SBLOUNSKCHED. Or something. *devilish grin*

(By the way, can I affiliate with youse cool guys?)
how many yah need?

Seperated at birth? [16 Jan 2006|12:16am]

Strong Mad's twin brother: Spotted in a UK television guide.

See for yourself...Collapse )
how many yah need? | 1 drink for 1 cool guy

New Trogador Avatar [13 Jan 2006|10:59am]


You know you want to use it!
how many yah need? | 3 drinks for 3 cool guys

Trogdor's 3rd Birfday [13 Jan 2006|04:23am]

ATTN SQUALL: You remember how much you like the Trogdor theme? Try this!
how many yah need? | 1 drink for 1 cool guy

UPDATED! [09 Jan 2006|11:14am]

Homestar's Updated!

Looks like it's just a new Strong Bad e-mail. The New button says so.

It looks like the site is ingodly slow, so... TEMPORARY MIRROR'D!!!
how many yah need? | 1 drink for 1 cool guy

Guy has a HR fetish (safe) [05 Jan 2006|06:40pm]

This guy likes to do crap with Homestar content on YTMND. Some of it is not too bad.
how many yah need?

UhhuhhUHHuhhuhhUHHuhhuhhUHHHHHHH [05 Jan 2006|06:49am]

A current hobby of mine is creating new sites on Check it out when you have some time.

Thought you might get a kick out of this one I made the other day:
Neverending Soda!
how many yah need? | 3 drinks for 3 cool guys

Posts and Blogs of Outrageous Fortune [05 Dec 2005|03:08pm]

how many yah need? | 3 drinks for 3 cool guys

Narnia: The Cheat [01 Dec 2005|06:05am]

[ mood | excited ]

OK, so this is my first real private attempt at non-linear digital video editing, like, with cuts and splices and crap. I am happy with it, and I have no intention of Lucas-ing with it in the future. I leave it to history.

Here is a little heads up with the file: It is a Quicktime MOV, encoded with H.264 encoding, so if you have Quicktime, you /should/ be able to play it. If not, try upgrading your QT.

The file is 15MB large, so please be patient if you are unfortunate enough to be on a narrow-band connection. And if you are, WTF is wrong with you??? Your three options: Cable, DSL, or move.

Please give me any feedback you have, pro + con. Thanks!

how many yah need? | 3 drinks for 3 cool guys

Can't you see Grandma is watching her stories?? [31 Oct 2005|04:46am]


Wait for it... wait for it...
how many yah need? | 1 drink for 1 cool guy

Running right along [30 Oct 2005|03:39am]


Use at will, just credit please?
how many yah need? | 2 drinks for 2 cool guys

OhmygodImadethisavatarandIcameoverandIwasallWHEEEE!!! [18 Oct 2005|02:35am]


how many yah need?

My own social commentary [16 Jun 2005|12:09am]


how many yah need? | 1 drink for 1 cool guy

Some icon love [21 Apr 2005|01:37am]

OK, so once again I am bored and I have a need for attention, so here are a few more submissions for avatars.
Read more...Collapse )
how many yah need?

Newbie [13 Feb 2005|01:54pm]

Hey, just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Amy, and I've been a Homestar fan for a while now. I first came across the site when someone posted a link to a Teen Girl Squad cartoon on a forum, and I've been hooked ever since.

For anyone who hasn't yet seen it, here's the link to the Peasant's Quest promo.
how many yah need?

[10 Feb 2005|12:45pm]

hey guys, what's the H*R cartoonthat mentions "and we all know the scariest thing is a bear holding a shark!" ?? i've been searching and it has been to no avail. i think it was a SB email, but im nnot sure. any ideas?
how many yah need? | 2 drinks for 2 cool guys

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