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Journal created:
on 28 October 2002 (#755647)
on 11 May 2012
Homeschoolers in Georgia
Georgia, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
homeschool_ga is a new community devoted to homeschoolers in Georga and in the South. Exchange ideas, post news, and chat about the unique issues inherent to homeschooling. :)

gwinna maintains this community.

Please keep posts down to one medium size paragraph or use a < lj - cut > should the post exceed 200 words. All content must be on topic (which is pretty broad, anything about kids, education, parenting etc), pictures should be less than 300x300 pixels, and rated PG (for the young and young at heart), or come with a warning and be behind an lj-cut.

Helpful Links (suggestions are welcome):
GHEA Resources and Georgia Law Very helpful, detailed Georgia law information concerning homeschooling.
How to Get Started Downloadable legal forms for Ga.
Home School Legal Defense Fund An extensive site with information on homeschooling around the world, and a wonderful resource should you ever find yourself in legal trouble over homeschooling your children.
National Center for Home Education Devoted to issues surrounding home education in American law.
You Can Home School Basic site, created by the Home School Legal Defense Association.
The Actual Ga Code dealing with schools and education

Home School News
