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17 July 2006 @ 02:17 pm
My plants are dying  
And I could cry. It has been SO HOT here and everything is suffering. Everyone's grass, plants, and trees. [not to mention the people!] We're into a drought I'm sure. I have been watering my outdoor plants every other day either early in the morning or later in the evening. I don't have a sprinkler so I just stand with the hose spray for a few minutes on each one. The past 2 days I have been using the water from the pool [not chemically treated, kids were gone, it was dirty and needed to drain and be refilled anyway]. I dumped a good 4-5 gallons on each plant and just let it soak in. They aren't recovering. Only one is in direct sunlight and it shows the most. They all just look wilty and crispy around the edges and generally unhappy. We don't have any rain in sight. I don't want to abandon them all together but I don't know what else I can do for them. I don't want to OVER water them though that seems impossible right now. They would be so pretty if they were healthy again. One small one is almost all the way dead. I keep watering it but I hope I'm not losing it. I need to prune some dead leaves off again today. [hosta]  Even my trees are suffering. Their leaves are splotchy, wrinkled and wilty. I'd love to hose them down all day [not to mention my grass which is so brittle to walk on] but my water bill would be outrageous. I fear nothing will make it through the summer unless we get plenty of rain, and soon. sigh.
jchammondsjchammonds on July 17th, 2006 07:26 pm (UTC)
I would say to cut that water in half and water every day instead of every other. Also, the best time to water is in the evening when the sun has gone down - best for you AND the plants! I know I've caused a lot of damage to my plants by overwatering, but in heat like that it's hard to overwater. One of my LJ friends in Minnesota has been giving her plants small amounts of water three times a day. There's no way I have that much dedication!
Heidimarshmelococoa on July 17th, 2006 07:34 pm (UTC)
me either, too much work! Sometimes I do water smaller amounts every day - if I remember when it's cooler out.