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Presentation at a special event hosted by Harvard University's Standing Committee on Archaeology related to past and present iconoclastic events. In times of crisis, we often turn to the past to explain the present. In addition to... more
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      IconoclasmGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman Art
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      Greek Federal StatesPeloponneseRoman GreecePolis
The koinon, often translated as ‘federal state’, had a long history of structuring political relationships in the region that became the Roman province of Achaea and that is now part of the modern nation Greece. Recent scholarship has... more
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      Roman imperial historyRoman GreeceAncient Federal StatesKoinon
This talk in the new joint series between ASCSA and EFA presents evidence for the dynamic survival of koina in mainland Greece under the Roman empire. It explores the activities in which koina engaged, especially beyond emperor worship,... more
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      Roman provincial administrationRoman imperial historyHellenistic and Roman Greece
This chapter explores how the anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor integrated evidence from the ancient world into his most well-known work Primitive Culture (1871) and how his ideas about culture influenced early theories of Romanization.... more
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      Robin George CollingwoodRomanizationEdward Burnett Tylor19th Century Archaeology & Anthropology
This volume explores the conception and utilization of the Greek past in the Roman province of Achaea in the 2nd century CE, and the reception of the artistic, cultural, and intellectual outputs of this century in later periods. Achaea,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Special issue about teaching with coins
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      NumismaticsAncient Greek Numismatics
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    • History
El trabajo aún en curso que aquí osamos presentar se inició por nuestra convicción de la necesidad -percibida desde la vertiente de la investigación literariade contar con un índice iconográfico de los libros de emblemas españoles. Hasta... more
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      Digital HumanitiesEmblem studiesLiteratura española del Siglo de Oro
, •den nachdem Aristotles so oft nachc,esproohen hat; es sei der Zweck des Trauerspiels die Leidenschaften zu reinigen oder die Sitte zu bilden, Er iat;i wo nlcht falsch, dooh wenigstens nicht allgemein 1 und Schuld daran, daB Viele... more
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      German LiteratureArtLiteratureSophocles
58th International Congress on Medieval Studies May 11–13, 2023 | Medieval Institute College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine Iconography
The1 high style of Byzantine literature modelled itself on classical works in grammatical constructions and vocabulary.2 Because these words and forms had long fallen out of daily use (indeed if they had ever been in common use),... more
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      Translation StudiesByzantine LiteratureByzantine Studies
This is a review of Tomadaki's new edition of the iambic poems of John Geometres
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesByzantine LiteraturePoetry
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      TacitusLatin Rhetoric
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      Latin EpicVirgil
of the Iliad is the same as the variant dialectal form in Theogony 126 and the reading of the papyrus of the Catalogue of Women. We might therefore suspect, and with good reason, that the neo-and hyper-Ionicisms that existed in the texts... more
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      Latin EpicVirgil
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      TacitusLatin historiography
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      Ancient HistoriographyTacitus