Holy Apostles College
Baumer offers what he sees to be a fatal flaw in Scotus' formulation. We examine Baumer's analysis and question whether he has understood the argument Scotus actually offers. Finally, we provide a possible answer to the objection given by... more
This paper traces the development of Canon 11 from the 1917 Code to the 1983 Code.
A brief exposition of the Subtle Scot's argument. This paper is a near transcript of the presentation I gave at a conference in Indiana. June 2015.
It was common for Medieval thinkers to bring forth divers arguments, or "ways", for the existence of God-from motion, from efficient, formal and final causality, as well as eminence, truth and-and conclude each distinct "way" with a... more
In contemporary theological discourse it is typical to hear distinction between the "Eastern or Western" models of the trinity. One of the leading contemporary Trinitarian theologian who contributes to this debate is John Zizioulas... more
Without the Θεοτόκος, there is no Salvation: The Soteriological and Christological significance of Mary at the Council of Ephesus ! ! During the council of Ephesus, called by Emperor Theodosius II, a new christological controversy over... more
Comprehensive resource on mathematical indispensability.
Marcus endorses an epistemic coherentism about existent mathematical objects.
I wonder if we cannot use Keynesian intuition instead.
Marcus endorses an epistemic coherentism about existent mathematical objects.
I wonder if we cannot use Keynesian intuition instead.
I recommend this balanced, tripartite examination of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience.
I criticize Robison's recommendation not to teach normative ethical paradigms to engineering students.
Not all fundamentals are introductions.