Add WhatsApp chat in WooCommerce Shop page

To add a WhatsApp icon/button for every product present on the shop page and also to the related products on the product page.

Navigate to ”Click to Chat” -> ”WooCommerce” – “Add WhatsApp – SHOP PAGE

and select ”Add WhatsApp” (At products – Archive, Shop page)

After enabling it, the WhatsApp button appears on every shop page and related products that are listed on single product pages.

Pre-filled Message

Text that appears automatically in the WhatsApp chat window when the page visitor clicks on the WhatsApp button.

Variables can be added to generate content dynamically:

  • {product}: Name of the product.
  • {price}: Current price of the product.
  • {regular_price}: Price without any discount.
  • {sku}: Stock left.
  • {site}: Name of the website.
  • {url}: The current page link. 
  • {title}: The current page title.

Call to Action

A Call to Action value is the text that appears along with the WhatsApp button. Here, WhatsApp with the Call to Action ‘WhatsApp Order’ is seen on the Shop page

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1024x195.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1-1024x419.png

WhatsApp at Related products on a single product page

If this feature is enabled, WhatsApp also appears in the related products of single product pages.

Spacing (Margin)

This feature adjusts the position of WhatsApp. E.g., we can add more space above the WhatsApp button. 

Change values of the top, bottom, left, and right. 

We can add the values for right, bottom, left, and right also according to how much margin we need for that WhatsApp button.

WhatsApp in Single Product Pages

In addition to customizing the WhatsApp widget for the shop page, we can also overwrite the content for WooCommerce single product pages. This allows us to personalize messages, call-to-action texts, and other details specific to each product. By doing so, customers can see relevant product information directly on the single product page before reaching out via WhatsApp.

Overwriting WooCommerce Settings

Adding WhatsApp in Single Product Pages