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This study was undertaken in order to investigate the effect of zinc (Zn) administration on induction of Znbinding metallothionein in rat liver with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis, and the localization of metallothionein in the liver.... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryLiver CirrhosisLiverCopper
In this study, to examine the mechanism of diethyl phthalate toxicity to cells, the effects of diethyl phthalate on apoptosis in a PC12 cell system were investigated by assaying apoptotic factors such as caspase-3, Bax, cytochrome c and... more
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      Oxidative StressDNA damageApoptosisWestern blotting
We examined the link of hippocampal Zn to the functional impairments with aging using senescence-accelerated mouse prone 10 (SAMP10) with deficits in learning and memory. Zn in hippocampal mossy fiber pathway was less distributed in aged... more
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      AgingMembrane ProteinsNeuronal cell deathHippocampus
It has not been fully elucidated how endocrine-disrupting chemicals disrupt hormone functions or how strong their effects are compared with natural hormones. There is little information concerning the effects of tributyltin (TBT), one of... more
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      Cell CultureCell DifferentiationCell ViabilitySperm Dna Fragmentation
An endocrine disrupter, bisphenol-A is widely used in t he product ion of plast ics and coating s. Recent ly, it was reported that bisphenol-A affected neurotransmitters in the mammalian brain. On t he basis of these reports, it was... more
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      Western blottingCell DifferentiationEndocrine disruptorsPhosphorylation
In Java and Kalimantan in Indonesia, river water plays important roles in human life; for example, for transportation, and economic activities of the inhabitants. However, industrial, agricultural and domestic water is discarded into... more
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      Water qualityIndonesiaEnvironmental MonitoringRivers
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      ApoptosisWestern blottingCaspasesInsecticides
Alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acids (parabens), an endocrine disrupter, are used as preservatives in cosmetics and foods. In this study, to understand the relationship between parabens and differentiation in infants, the effects of... more
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      ApoptosisCaspaseRatsPublic health systems and services research
Effects of styrene exposure on middle latency auditory-evoked potentials (MAEPs), which reflect the central auditory function, were investigated. As significant delay in latencies of No, Po, Na, and Pa components and increases in the peak... more
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    • Health Science
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      HistochemistryImmunohistochemistryConfocal MicroscopyDNA damage
This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of taurine on the infiltration of macrophages and the progression of renal interstitial fibrosis in the kidneys of rats treated with cisplatin (CDDP). Male rats in different groups were... more
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      Cell CycleImmunohistochemistryMacrophagesKidney
ABSTRACT In order to investigate the neuropathological effects on the central nervous system of the rat by styrene exposure, identification of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was observed using immunohistochemical staining and... more
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      NeuropathologyClinical SciencesNeurosciences
We examined synaptic plasticity in the optic tectum of rainbow trout by extracellular recordings. We found that the field-excitatory postsynaptic potential in the retinotectal synapses was potentiated by repetitive stimuli of 1.0 Hz for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLong Term PotentiationCalcium
Spatio-temporal patterns of neuronal activity before and after the induction of long-term potentiation in mouse hippocampal slices were studied using a real-time high-resolution optical recording system. After staining the slices with... more
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      ElectrophysiologyLong Term PotentiationBiological SciencesHippocampus
In the laboratory, using a PC12 cell system, studies have been conducted on the effects of various chemicals on apoptosis, as it is considered to be an essential part of normal development, maintenance, and defense in organisms.... more
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      ApoptosisRatsSperm Dna FragmentationGene Expression Regulation
An improved terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasemediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling method for the quantification of DNA damage in tissues and cultured cells was developed. Many reports have revealed that histochemistry of DNA damage... more
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    • Biological Chemistry
Using confocal microscopy in conjunction with microdrop application of Dil, we have imaged and measured individual dendritic spines of living hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in acute brain slices, before and approximately 3 hr after... more
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      AlgorithmsLong Term PotentiationStatistical AnalysisMonte Carlo
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a molecule known to regulate macrophage accumulation at sites of inflammation. To elucidate the role of MIF in progression of liver fibrosis, the immunohistochemical localization of MIF and... more
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      Membrane ProteinsMacrophagesLiverRats
The development of a surface water evaluation index is a critical factor in the assessment, restoration and protection of stream water quality. Quantifying water pollution in specific grade using dominant parameters is important, as this... more
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    • Water Quality Index
The high-speed camera has become to be able to take sequential two-dimensional images with 0.6 msec per one frame. The images of voltage change in the mouse hippocampal slice were recorded with high-speed camera system (Deltaron;... more
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