? ?
23 March 2011 @ 10:42 am
I started this community many many many years *cough*7 years*cough*ago because I wanted to know what house other people thought I'd be in. It was fun for awhile, and the only thing of it's kind. In the passing years, many people have done this, what I've done, better then I did. I'm never probably going to have the energy to make this community what it could be, and so I'm officially closing hogwartssorting. I will leave the community, for posterity, of course, it's not as if it's taking up any real space.

For now, I do my HP related fan squeeing and sorting over at hogwartsishome, it's everything I wanted this to be, and more, and is incredibly organized. I highly recommend it to any of you watching this community, who are still interested in sorting and participating in the HP fandom.

I'd also like to pimp out a community that means a lot to me, whedonland, it's more community focused then this ever was, but if you're a fan of Joss Whedon and his shows (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible) I highly recommend it.
Whedon fans anyone?


Ask for Team Buffy! (or Angel)

It's been a pleasure.
10 November 2010 @ 08:34 pm
Sort me, please.Collapse )
26 August 2010 @ 05:48 pm
Name: zclover

Age: 19

Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: er... Quidditch!! Oh, don't give me that look, that had it for First Years!!

How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: reading, daydreaming, pranking, hanging out with friends, etc

If you could store one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be? of me, my family, and my friends?

If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: a CLOWN. (i dunno)

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?:  ...all of my friends and family, being happy together?

What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? don't let others put you down, and stay focused on what you want!!!

Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire?: probably. i can be indecisive, but my love of fire would have urged me on - if only to see the flames consume the peice of paper on which my name was written!

Harry Potter: Hero, Attention-Seeker, or Normal Kid in a Bad Situation? And Why? he's a regular guy who, due to Moldywart's choice, has been repeatedly shoved into terrible situations that he has managed to survive. (because of this, he is a hero, though i understand why he doesn't want the attention)

Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? EVIL. because he is!! He killed so many people, so many innocents...

Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?: if i felt it was necessary. (or i was really, really, REALLY pissed off. Unless there was a teacher nearby, of course...)

What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are?: probably fun-loving

What makes a person respectable?: doing what's right, even if it's a hard decision

If you had to choose between your family, your friends, and your own beliefs, what would you do? cry? (eventually, i would probably choose my friends - i consider my family to be among them!)

What do you look for in a friend? : a sense of humor, honesty, friendliness, intelligence, etc

Put the following words in order of importance to you: Duty, Family, Friendship, Honor, Justice, Power, Tradition
Family/Friendship, Justice, Duty, Honor, Power, Tradition

If you could have either a well paid easy job that did not task you mentally, or a lower paying job which gave you the freedom to pursue your interests, which would you choose? ooh, decisions, decisions... see, in my mind, the well paid easy job would provide me with time and money to pursue my own interests, so i think i'd go with that...

What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses?:
Gryffindor: i and curious, excitable (though that could be attributed to the ADHD), and love having fun
Ravenclaw: i am (supposedly) quite intelligent.
Hufflepuff: i am loyal to a fault
Slytherin: i have a sharp wit (does that count?)

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: i would like to be a bit more confident (or taller)

If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.):  probably a wolf (that seems to be the animal i am most like, according to my friends)

In which house do you think you belong, and why?: i have no clue, but online things generally put me into Gryffindor

How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it.:  interest search (Sirius Black)

17 February 2010 @ 07:34 pm
All about me!Collapse )
11 February 2010 @ 11:12 pm
Sort MeCollapse )
11 February 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Sort MeCollapse )
28 January 2010 @ 04:29 pm
mischeif managedCollapse )
Current Location: Hogwartz
Current Mood: blank
18 January 2010 @ 01:59 am
Slytherins think they were born better...
Gryffindors think they can do it better...
Ravenclaws think they know better...
...and Hufflepuffs think someone'd better get some actual work done.

[a little something to apologize for my lack of activity in the last few months. You know how annoying Real Life can get :D ]
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Rocky Road To Dublin
03 January 2010 @ 12:29 pm
Lucius Malfoy is my HomeboyCollapse )
Current Location: Texas
Current Mood: awake