? ?
15 May 2011 @ 05:59 pm
Know of any quick, like half hour, creative activities?
26 November 2010 @ 07:50 pm
My boyfriend's current hobby is making circuits. (electrical ones). And he's just moved to making effects things for his guitar.
Anyone else into that?
07 December 2009 @ 01:36 am
If you want an active dance that looks good, feels great, is social, helps with self esteem and has an awesome dress sense, join some swing dancing lessons! There are many different varieties of swing and they're all good. Still relevant to modern times because there's a huge number of swing dancers out there. There's nothing much nicer than being able to put on a pretty dress or a nice outfit and go dancing with your friends on a Friday or Saturday night, in an old fashioned sort of way.
06 June 2008 @ 11:51 am
Is blogging, or reading blogs, a hobby for anyone here?
List your blog! And tell us about the ones you read! (And if you want to talk about blogging itself, why not make a new entry? Go on! If you like blogging you can't be afraid of a little entry in a comm can you?)
31 May 2008 @ 11:32 pm
My new hobby: Leaving notes around the place, hopefully to inspire or make someone's day better.

And then one of my friends picked up on that and created so, you can join in too and share it with other people!
28 May 2008 @ 01:17 am
The rain pelted the man mercilessly, though only a lazy downpour its weight was unrelenting. HIs curly brown hair matted and wet now hung down his face as he looked at the traffic below. Standing on the rail of his balcony his mind touched a feeling between hope and despair. Headlights painted patterns on the oil-slickend runoff in the gutters of the road it was an inviting sight to him.

On the parapet of life and death decision he absently swayed in the thick stormy winds his white satin shirt clinging to his fit chiseled body, down there lay a hope of finality yet he struggled to bring himself the left step into oblivion. Behind him on the bed in his apartment room pale skin rose and fell, the last evenings distraction he couldn't remember her name, not that he would need it to call his driver to a one way trip away.

He forbid himself connections, holding everyone at arms length with physical connection came ammusement and respite but even on the balcony now, dozens of people unknowingly trespassing below a beautiful woman in his bed, he was alone in the world.

Why had he become like this, no strong father figure?, Absentee parents?. The answer eluded him as the wind swayed him toward the egde, the ground below filling his vision before an updraft righted him again. This was something fun he supposed, Standing on lifes edge at the whim of the storm winds a little adrenanline to fule his mind.

He looked over his shoulder at the naked pale skinned woman in his bed, It wasnt her fault she hadn't held his interest a hundred women before her had been the same, pretty and talkative, easily seduced with a display of wealth and charm. In the end they where all not much more then toys for a child. They where all so concerned with the trivialitys of life money, work, whos fucking who? Not that any of it realy mattered in the longrun.

He supposed he should have kids. He was old enough and successful he should leave a few little ones in his wake. Mirthlessly he smiled to himself, he propably already had kids, some poor young woman cursing his name if she even remembered it.

No what he sought was other then connections though he had none. He sought a definitive end, or a new begining. In this world new beginings are hard to make, tied to the old by one thing of another.
ONe of my hobbies is writing, Critisim is welcome

A car splashed past a pedestrian who ranted irrately at the uncaring tail lights of the trespasser. Why was that mans coat so important to him he wondered and why did he need to yell at a car long past.

He turned and looked again into his room, his back to the void. Tommorrow he thought he would find a new distraction, and probobly end up out here again. He didn't know why he faced the same thing day in day out that bored him so much, the melencholy of life. He sighed to himself and
decided to get some sleep.

A strong gust found his footing lacking and he was in the void then in freefall. His mind was not paniced an uneasy feeling filled his seemingly weightless form. He understood now why he did this every day. The lonelyness and bordom was proof he existed, and he wanted to continue existing.

A jarring pain filled him as he hit the pavment he had so longingly staired at so many times, It was an unwelcome greeting and as red came into the sides of his vision, followed by black he absently noticed his last observation and had his last thought.

"The rain has stopped"
27 May 2008 @ 05:49 pm
One of my hobbies seems to be creating communities online. I have quite a few LJ comms, a forum, and I moderate a few other forums as well. Is this a hobby of anyone else reading this? I love doing it for some reason!
26 May 2008 @ 02:27 pm
I've changed the theme away from the default. I hope you like it!
One of my hobbies is running comms. :P
01 May 2008 @ 02:00 pm
If any of you are looking for an excuse to do some art or writing (of any sort) the forum is doing a low key competition. The winner is chosen via voting, and the prize is small, but it's a good chance to practice. The theme is 'Transitions' and that can be interpreted however you want. It can be any sort of art or writing.
15 April 2008 @ 10:21 am
For you fans of  games like Simcity, there is a cute little online version of such. I've fallen in love with this game, and find it to be pretty high quality and each city created unique with tons of little details...

 Check out my city at  - you can make your own city, no fees, no fancy signups, not even your email required.