Papers by Hongjian Wang

Academia Letters, 2021
The present study discusses the problem of the relationship between Heidegger and practical philo... more The present study discusses the problem of the relationship between Heidegger and practical philosophy, a topic that is an important and difficult subject in current Heidegger studies. According to F. Volpi, on the one hand Heidegger himself opposed the theoretical construction of practical philosophy, but on the other hand he influenced the development of contemporary German practical philosophy and started the trend of revival of practical philosophy. The starting point of this study is to provide a credible explanation for this quandary raised by Volpi. To this end, this study proposes the concept of "ontology of practice" to present Heidegger's thought on the practical philosophy. It is worth pointing out that the formulation and the idea of ontology of practice are still new in Heidegger studies. Undoubtedly, the clarification of the relationship between Heidegger and practical philosophy will not only help us deepen our understanding of the overall pattern of Heidegger's philosophy and its practical significance, but also allow us to deepen our thinking about the origin of the revival of practical philosophy in contemporary Germany. While previous studies of Heidegger's practical philosophical thought have tended to begin with texts such as Being and Time or the later Heidegger's Letter on Humanism, this study focuses on Heidegger's early philosophy, including his early Freiburg Lectures and his interpretation of Aristotle. Heidegger's early Freiburg Lectures have been one of the focuses of scholarly attention since the 1990s, with scholars such as Th. Kisiel, F.-W. von Herrmann, H.-H. Gander, G. Imdahl etc. While most of the previous studies have been conducted from the perspective of phenomenology or philosophy of life, this study examines the early Freiburg lectures from the perspective of practical philosophy, which is also a new attempt in the academic field. Another focus of this study is Heidegger's interpretation of Aristotle, represented by F. Volpi, G. Figal, J. Taminiaux, J. Backman etc. On the basis of the previous studies, this
Zu Anfang des neunzehnten Paragraphen von Sein und Zeit gibt Heidegger einen Hinweis zur Zweideut... more Zu Anfang des neunzehnten Paragraphen von Sein und Zeit gibt Heidegger einen Hinweis zur Zweideutigkeit des Terminus substantia: "Der Ausdruck meint bald das Sein eines als Substanz Seienden, Substanzialität, bald das Seiende selbst, eine Substanz. Diese Doppeldeutigkeit von substantia, die schon der antike Begriff der οὐσία bei sich führt, ist nicht zufällig." 1 Es ist bekannt, dass der Terminus substantia die lateinische Übersetzung von οὐσία ist. Um die Zweideutigkeit von substantia angemessen zu verstehen, sollte auf den Begriff οὐσία eingegangen werden. Der Begriff οὐσία kann als Seiendheit übersetzt werden; 2 dennoch insistiert Heidegger darauf, οὐσία
From the hermeneutics of facticity to phenomenological destruction, Heidegger's constant effort h... more From the hermeneutics of facticity to phenomenological destruction, Heidegger's constant effort has been to achieve a non-metaphysical, pre-theoretical methodology of philosophy. His ideas finally lead to the development of the method of formal indication. In this essay, I will consider first the methodological function of historical things, in order to illustrate the method of destruction. Then, I will explain the definition of philosophy from the point of view of formal indication, thereby showing how different this method is from traditional philosophical methods. Finally, I will analyse the importance of this transformation of methodology, in order to reveal in which sense a concrete universality is possible and how it contributes to the foundation of the ontology of life.
在海德格尔那里,实践哲学不是作为某种哲学学科而出场,而是描述出哲学之本性。进一步而言,海德格尔将哲学规定为一种实践本体论,这体现在他对实践概念的存在论转化之上。“存在论化”不是对实践哲学问题的解... more 在海德格尔那里,实践哲学不是作为某种哲学学科而出场,而是描述出哲学之本性。进一步而言,海德格尔将哲学规定为一种实践本体论,这体现在他对实践概念的存在论转化之上。“存在论化”不是对实践哲学问题的解决,而是凸显出其内部矛盾。其动因源于海德格尔对形而上学传统的虚无主义本性的发现,后者决定了,对形而上学的克服不能简单地提倡感性之物、体验抑或实践。海德格尔认为,存在论化之所以不是另一种形式的理论化,在于他提出了极具洞见的形式显示方法,并以此为基础发动了从“普遍化”到“具体化”的方法论革命。在海德格尔的整套方案中,“实践”是出发点,而“方法”是落脚点,两者共同呈现出海德格尔对哲学的重新规定。然而,这套方案是否成功,却值得进一步探讨。
海德格尔存在问题的源头可以追溯至其思想的开端处,亦即他的早期弗莱堡讲课中。通过对世界观哲学和科学哲学的双重批判,他提出了从“理论之物”回归“前理论之物”的哲学道路。然而,前理论之物究竟意指“实际... more 海德格尔存在问题的源头可以追溯至其思想的开端处,亦即他的早期弗莱堡讲课中。通过对世界观哲学和科学哲学的双重批判,他提出了从“理论之物”回归“前理论之物”的哲学道路。然而,前理论之物究竟意指“实际生活”还是“存在意义”却并不明朗。通过解构和形式显示方法,海德格尔将两者统一于“先行把握”,这就是早期海德格尔“实际性存在论”这一哲学规划的主要特征。同时,这也导致了早期海德格尔的“存在论转向”。然而,与其说“存在论转向”是海德格尔对实际生活与存在意义的两难处境的最终解决,不如说,它恰恰突出地显示出了这一两难处境,而后者恰恰构成了哲学思考的动力所在。
The hermeneutics of facticity, which constituted a part of the prehistory of Heidegger's thinking... more The hermeneutics of facticity, which constituted a part of the prehistory of Heidegger's thinking before Being and Time, has itself also a prehistory, which is manifest in the investigation of the early Freiburg lectures. The central question here is how the non-theoretical access to the factual life and its movement is possible. Accordingly, Heidegger develops three conceptions one after another in his lectures: The original science of factual life in and of itself, the categorial explication of factual life and finally the hermeneutics of facticity. These conceptions are examined from a thematic and a methodological perspective in order to bring to light the development of Heidegger's thought in his early Freiburg lectures, which finally ends in the hermeneutics of facticity.
海德格尔在“那托普报告”中对亚里士多德的解释,其核心线索是“灵魂揭示真理的方式”,而其主导问题是明智与智慧的优先性。亚里士多德认为,智慧是最高的实行方式,并且是自足的、是一种神性的静观。我们称之... more 海德格尔在“那托普报告”中对亚里士多德的解释,其核心线索是“灵魂揭示真理的方式”,而其主导问题是明智与智慧的优先性。亚里士多德认为,智慧是最高的实行方式,并且是自足的、是一种神性的静观。我们称之为“智慧模式”,它的预设是希腊世界的自然目的论。相反,海德格尔则借助于对亚里士多德明智概念的存在论化,提出了一种“明智模式”。明智作为一种与实践相关的、朝向瞬间的当下实行方式,它代表了生活自身的运动特性。并且,借助于形式显示及其所相关的“具体化”方法,明智取得了一种沟通具体与普遍的方法论地位。伴随着对明智的改造,海德格尔对亚里士多德的实践概念也展开了形式化,这在某种程度上意指着理论与实践的原初统一性。
Teaching Documents by Hongjian Wang
This article is talking about philosophy education of German universities from the author's own e... more This article is talking about philosophy education of German universities from the author's own experience of studying philosophy at the University of Freiburg. The issue is focused on the basic philosophy education of undergraduates and the research-based philosophy education of doctoral students. It is claimed that there are at least seven aspects of German philosophy education from which Chinese philosophy departments should learn: liberal style of German education, atmosphere and tradition of discussion and dialogue, importance of basic academic training, individualized teaching; construction of academic team and echelon, awareness of intellectual propriety rights and cooperation, and combination of general direction and specific operational procedures.
Book Reviews by Hongjian Wang
Conference Presentations by Hongjian Wang
Books by Hongjian Wang
Bautz Verlag, 2021
This book is an interpretation of Heidegger's philosophical thought and related texts from differ... more This book is an interpretation of Heidegger's philosophical thought and related texts from different perspectives, including his exploration of central themes such as practical philosophy, philosophy of life, and nihilism. Its goal is to make Heidegger alive and to reveal what he means for the history of thought and even for our modern life. At the same time the author always believes that to understand Heidegger, it is necessary to reveal the universal and radical questions to which his philosophy responds.
LIT Verlag, 2020
Das vorliegende Buch versucht, Heideggers frühes Denken im Lichte einer Ontologie der Praxis zu i... more Das vorliegende Buch versucht, Heideggers frühes Denken im Lichte einer Ontologie der Praxis zu interpretieren. Gezeigt wird die grundlegende Bedeutung Heideggers für die Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie, die von den Schülern Heideggers initiiert wurde. Es handelt sich um die Entwicklung der formal anzeigenden Methode, durch die die neue Bestimmung der Philosophie zustande gebracht und die Zusammengehörigkeit zwischen Sein und Praxis erschlossen wird. Ferner wird deutlich, inwiefern Heidegger in diesem nihilistischen technischen Zeitalter noch eine wichtige Rolle spielen kann.
Papers by Hongjian Wang
Teaching Documents by Hongjian Wang
Book Reviews by Hongjian Wang
Conference Presentations by Hongjian Wang
Books by Hongjian Wang