Books by Ali Serdar Erdurmaz
Libya'da Kaddafi'ye karşı isyanların başlamasının nedenleri, ABD, Fransa ve ingiltere ile başlaya... more Libya'da Kaddafi'ye karşı isyanların başlamasının nedenleri, ABD, Fransa ve ingiltere ile başlayan müdahale süreci içinde, BM ve NATO'nun müdahale gerekçeleri, Londra Konferansı ve Libya Temas Grubu faaliyetleri ile Türkiye'nin tutumunun nasıl olduğu akademik bir panoramayla gözler önüne serilmektedir.
This study, considering the points stated above, is an attempt to examine
the impacts of Ankara’s... more This study, considering the points stated above, is an attempt to examine
the impacts of Ankara’s Middle East policy from the Turkish perspective;
to evaluate the internal and external dynamics of the relations with Israel,
Egypt, Iraq, Syria and, in this context, with the US, Russia and Iran,
respectively, and to draw a conclusion on how Ankara should take action.
ARAP BAHARI ve TÜRKİYE Orta Doğu'da Kırılan Fay Hatları, 2011
Soğuk Savas Sonrası Donemden Gunumuze Kadar Gelismekte oan Ulkelerde, Turkiye ve Yunanistan da Ko... more Soğuk Savas Sonrası Donemden Gunumuze Kadar Gelismekte oan Ulkelerde, Turkiye ve Yunanistan da Konvansiyonel Silahlanma ve Turk Savunma Sanayisinin Gelişimi 1991-2009
Papers by Ali Serdar Erdurmaz

Journal of game theory, Jan 7, 2013
After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle Eas... more After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle East that could provide cooperation in grooving security challenges from its Middle Eastern neighbours. Because of its geo-strategic importance in the regionshe has done the threat assessments again and has taken the necessary decisions to modernize her armed forces since the second half of 1990's. However, refrained contributions with the pretext of human rights violations of U.S.A. and western countries has led Turkey to put Israeli military and defence industry cooperation in the agenda. Turkish-Israeli relations that continued in a particu lar order since 1994 abruptly reached a braking point with a series of events after Israeli attack in Gazza at the end of 2008. What has changed in the situation to deteriorate the bilateral relations? This article analyses the changing trends in military and security relations between Turkey and Israel in regard to Justice and Develop ment Party government new foreign policy "zero problem with neighbours". It identifies factors that influence the deterioration of relations between two countries and puts forward the overall p icture of the current situation.

Global journal of human social science, Oct 31, 2019
Introduction-The humiliation targeted to the fou nder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,... more Introduction-The humiliation targeted to the fou nder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan portrayed as enemies of the alliance in the NATO exercise "Trident Javelin" held in Norway in November 2017, has created sound indignation either within the public and mass media or government in Turkey. In the same token, it was opened a chat account under the name of Recep Tayyip Erdogan shown him as a collaborator with a "leader of an enemy state" according to the scenario (AFP, 2017). Ultimately, Turkish participants pulled out of the drill, and NATO Secretary-General immediately extended apologize to Ankara. However, it created a great deal of disappointment all over Turkey against NATO solidarity. This event, probably, would be registered in NATO history as a first scandal disquieting one of its member states.

Türkiye and its current position in NATO Ali Serdar Erdurmaz How relations with the MENA Countries and the Russo-Ukrainian war are crucia, 2022
Türkiye’s foreign policy regarding the Middle East and North African countries can be divided int... more Türkiye’s foreign policy regarding the Middle East and North African countries can be divided into three different eras:
the pre-Arab Spring period, the post-Arab Spring era, and the last: the Russo-Ukrainian war period. In the first decade of the 2000s, the emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea attracted both European countries and Türkiye. First, the
Mediterranean Sea is crucial to Eurasian countries’ global economic transportation routes. Particularly the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has grave security importance for Türkiye. Second, recent natural gas exploration in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has reinforced the importance of this region. Türkiye’s geographical position, and therefore its
interwoven interests in the Middle East and North-Africa as well as in the Russo-Ukrainian war, is central in understanding its current position in NATO.

Journal of Game Theory, 2012
After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle Eas... more After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle East that could provide cooperation in grooving security challenges from its Middle Eastern neighbours. Because of its geo-strategic importance in the regionshe has done the threat assessments again and has taken the necessary decisions to modernize her armed forces since the second half of 1990's. However, refrained contributions with the pretext of human rights violations of U.S.A. and western countries has led Turkey to put Israeli military and defence industry cooperation in the agenda. Turkish-Israeli relations that continued in a particu lar order since 1994 abruptly reached a braking point with a series of events after Israeli attack in Gazza at the end of 2008. What has changed in the situation to deteriorate the bilateral relations? This article analyses the changing trends in military and security relations between Turkey and Israel in regard to Justice and Develop ment Party government new foreign policy "zero problem with neighbours". It identifies factors that influence the deterioration of relations between two countries and puts forward the overall p icture of the current situation.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations, 2017
This article analyzes Turkey's need to make increased efforts to ameliorate relations with Libya ... more This article analyzes Turkey's need to make increased efforts to ameliorate relations with Libya in order to successfully advance the "African Evolution" initiatives. The study covers the AKP period since 2009, including the rebellion conducted by the Benghazi rebels up to the death of Gaddafi and the post-Gaddafi period up to now.
Global Journal of Human-Social Science
The humiliation targeted to the founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the Presi... more The humiliation targeted to the founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan portrayed as enemies of the alliance in the NATO exercise “Trident Javelin” held in Norway in November 2017, has created sound indignation either within the public and mass media or government in Turkey. In the same token, it was opened a chat account under the name of Recep Tayyip Erdogan shown him as a collaborator with a “leader of an enemy state” according to the scenario (AFP, 2017). Ultimately, Turkish participants pulled out of the drill, and NATO Secretary-General immediately extended apologize to Ankara. However, it created a great deal of disappointment all over Turkey against NATO solidarity. This event, probably, would be registered in NATO history as a first scandal disquieting one of its member states.
Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2012

In the summit declaration issued on April 4, 2009, all NATO Heads of State and Government reaffir... more In the summit declaration issued on April 4, 2009, all NATO Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the conclusions of the Bucharest Summit, that “ballistic missile proliferation poses an increasing threat to Allies forces, territory, and populations. Missile defence forms part of a broader response to counter this threat.”
The intelligence community assesses that the threat from Iran’s short- and medium-range ballistic missiles is developing more rapidly than previously projected, while the threat of potential Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capabilities has been slower to develop than previously estimated. In the near term, the greatest missile threats from Iran will be to countries in the Middle East and in Europe.
On 17 September 2009, President Obama has approved a phased, adaptive approach for missile defence in Europe. The “Phased, Adaptive Approach” for Missile Defence in Europe has four phases, three layers and emphasizes three important pillars; US National Missile Defence Systems, The Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence of NATO and the national missile defence systems of member nations. If any threat attempts to launch a missile at a NATO ally, it will face the consequences of its actions not from one country but from all NATO members. According to this program Turkey is going to undertake an important role however she has not have her own missile defence system capabilities.
Expectations from Turkey for the U.S. and NATO’s integrated missile defence system may be in the form of contributions in the first two layers. The program is primarily designed to increase protection against medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles but, to intercept those missiles as soon as possible after they’ve been launched in boost and ascent phase. For that reason, Turkey has a vital importance due to its geographical position within the context of the potential threat.
Dergimizin temel amacı; bilimsel normlara ve bilim etiğine uygun, sosyal bilimler alanında tercih... more Dergimizin temel amacı; bilimsel normlara ve bilim etiğine uygun, sosyal bilimler alanında tercih edilen nitelikli ve özgün çalışmaları yayımlayarak akademik alana katkıda bulunmaktır. Dergiye gönderilen yazılar, derginin yazım kurallarına uygun olarak hazırlanarak değerlendirme sürecine girmek üzere [email protected] elektronik posta adresine gönderilmelidir.

After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle Eas... more After the cold war era in 1990's, Turkey was in a position of seeking a partner in the Middle East that could provide cooperation in grooving security challenges from its Middle Eastern neighbours. Because of its geo-strategic importance in the regionshe has done the threat assessments again and has taken the necessary decisions to modernize her armed forces since the second half of 1990's. However, refrained contributions with the pretext of human rights violations of U.S.A. and western countries has led Turkey to put Israeli military and defence industry cooperation in the agenda. Turkish-Israeli relations that continued in a particu lar order since 1994 abruptly reached a braking point with a series of events after Israeli attack in Gazza at the end of 2008. What has changed in the situation to deteriorate the bilateral relations? This article analyses the changing trends in military and security relations between Turkey and Israel in regard to Justice and Develop ment Party government new foreign policy "zero problem with neighbours". It identifies factors that influence the deterioration of relations between two countries and puts forward the overall p icture of the current situation.

İran nükleer müzakerelerinin yeniden başlaması umut vaad etmesine rağmen sonuçta batının istediği... more İran nükleer müzakerelerinin yeniden başlaması umut vaad etmesine rağmen sonuçta batının istediği gibi, kazan-kaybet şeklinde bir getirisinin olması beklenmemektedir. İran kaybeden taraf olmak istemeyecektir. Kazan-kazan formülü için İran’ın nelere sahip olması gerektiği konusunda taraflar asgari müşterekler üzerinde mutabakatla hazır olmadığı için bir uzlaşma sağlanması oldukça zor gözükmektedir. Gelinen noktanın daha da ilerisinde kaybeden tarafın batı olacağı ve batının iradesini sert güçle kabul ettirme yoluna gideceği değerlendirilmektedir. Bununla beraber, batının karşısında yeni bir blok oluşturulması durumu mevcuttur. Özellikle Putin’in iktidara gelmesiyle birlikte, İran, Rusya ve Çin bloğu batının sert güç kullanmasının önünde bir engel teşkil edecektir. Üç ülke ile kontrol edilen Asya kıtası İran için yeterli kaynağı teşkil edecek ve ABD için ciddi baş ağrısı olacak demektir. Neticede nükleer bir İran görmeye hazır olmalıyız.
Books by Ali Serdar Erdurmaz
the impacts of Ankara’s Middle East policy from the Turkish perspective;
to evaluate the internal and external dynamics of the relations with Israel,
Egypt, Iraq, Syria and, in this context, with the US, Russia and Iran,
respectively, and to draw a conclusion on how Ankara should take action.
Papers by Ali Serdar Erdurmaz
the pre-Arab Spring period, the post-Arab Spring era, and the last: the Russo-Ukrainian war period. In the first decade of the 2000s, the emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea attracted both European countries and Türkiye. First, the
Mediterranean Sea is crucial to Eurasian countries’ global economic transportation routes. Particularly the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has grave security importance for Türkiye. Second, recent natural gas exploration in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has reinforced the importance of this region. Türkiye’s geographical position, and therefore its
interwoven interests in the Middle East and North-Africa as well as in the Russo-Ukrainian war, is central in understanding its current position in NATO.
The intelligence community assesses that the threat from Iran’s short- and medium-range ballistic missiles is developing more rapidly than previously projected, while the threat of potential Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capabilities has been slower to develop than previously estimated. In the near term, the greatest missile threats from Iran will be to countries in the Middle East and in Europe.
On 17 September 2009, President Obama has approved a phased, adaptive approach for missile defence in Europe. The “Phased, Adaptive Approach” for Missile Defence in Europe has four phases, three layers and emphasizes three important pillars; US National Missile Defence Systems, The Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence of NATO and the national missile defence systems of member nations. If any threat attempts to launch a missile at a NATO ally, it will face the consequences of its actions not from one country but from all NATO members. According to this program Turkey is going to undertake an important role however she has not have her own missile defence system capabilities.
Expectations from Turkey for the U.S. and NATO’s integrated missile defence system may be in the form of contributions in the first two layers. The program is primarily designed to increase protection against medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles but, to intercept those missiles as soon as possible after they’ve been launched in boost and ascent phase. For that reason, Turkey has a vital importance due to its geographical position within the context of the potential threat.
the impacts of Ankara’s Middle East policy from the Turkish perspective;
to evaluate the internal and external dynamics of the relations with Israel,
Egypt, Iraq, Syria and, in this context, with the US, Russia and Iran,
respectively, and to draw a conclusion on how Ankara should take action.
the pre-Arab Spring period, the post-Arab Spring era, and the last: the Russo-Ukrainian war period. In the first decade of the 2000s, the emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea attracted both European countries and Türkiye. First, the
Mediterranean Sea is crucial to Eurasian countries’ global economic transportation routes. Particularly the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has grave security importance for Türkiye. Second, recent natural gas exploration in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea has reinforced the importance of this region. Türkiye’s geographical position, and therefore its
interwoven interests in the Middle East and North-Africa as well as in the Russo-Ukrainian war, is central in understanding its current position in NATO.
The intelligence community assesses that the threat from Iran’s short- and medium-range ballistic missiles is developing more rapidly than previously projected, while the threat of potential Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capabilities has been slower to develop than previously estimated. In the near term, the greatest missile threats from Iran will be to countries in the Middle East and in Europe.
On 17 September 2009, President Obama has approved a phased, adaptive approach for missile defence in Europe. The “Phased, Adaptive Approach” for Missile Defence in Europe has four phases, three layers and emphasizes three important pillars; US National Missile Defence Systems, The Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence of NATO and the national missile defence systems of member nations. If any threat attempts to launch a missile at a NATO ally, it will face the consequences of its actions not from one country but from all NATO members. According to this program Turkey is going to undertake an important role however she has not have her own missile defence system capabilities.
Expectations from Turkey for the U.S. and NATO’s integrated missile defence system may be in the form of contributions in the first two layers. The program is primarily designed to increase protection against medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles but, to intercept those missiles as soon as possible after they’ve been launched in boost and ascent phase. For that reason, Turkey has a vital importance due to its geographical position within the context of the potential threat.