About : A place to share about Morning Musume's Hitomi Yoshizawa.
What you can do : - Talk about Hitomi Yoshizawa/Morning Musume - News about H!P/Morning Musume/Hitomi Yoshizawa - Post pictures related to the topic you are talking about. - Downloads, mp3's and PV's etc, links where you can download related things ^^
What you can NOT do : - Do not direct link any of the files/pictures which are not uploaded to your own server! - No spamming, introductions can be put in commenting areas. - Use unappropiete words or anything of the sort. - Do not in anyway be racist or make fun of something which can hurt someone.
------------- Relax everyone! Join the commounity if you are a Hitomi Fan or a MM+H!P fan ^^
Any problems or questions which are not answered above, please e-mail me at > [email protected] < Enjoy!