A. Ünal, Eski Anadolu'da Ulasim, Tarim, Savas Alanlari ve Spor Araci; Güc ve Zenginligin Simgesi Atin Tarihi, in: Ishak Kücükyildiz, Beyazit Söylemez, Ugur Krcioglu (eds), Eski Cag'dan Modern Cag'a At (Akcag Yayinlari, Ankara 2023) 29-77, 2023
Atın tarihi, uygarlık tarihininkine paralel gider 2. Zira tarihte iyisiyle kötüsüy le o asil hayv... more Atın tarihi, uygarlık tarihininkine paralel gider 2. Zira tarihte iyisiyle kötüsüy le o asil hayvanın ortak, etken ve tanık olmadığı çok az olay vardır. Unutmaya lım ki, tekerlekli araçların ulaşımı sağlamakta alabildiğince zorlandığı dağ, ır mak, dere, göl, bataklık, tepe, uçurum, kanyon, çamuru, tozu ve diğer engebeleri bol haşin Anadolu coğrafyası kadar bu hayvana muhtaç başka bir ülke ve toplum yok gibidir (Ünal, 2018b, ss. 1-80). Nasıl ki deve çölün, fil tropikal diyarların, yelkenliler engin denizlerin doğal ve zoraki olarak yarattığı btr ulaşım ve taşıma araçları idiyse, öküz, eşek ve katır yanında at da Anadolu insanının tüm taşıma, ulaşıra ve üretim gereksinmelerini karşılayacak hayvanlardan en önemlilerinden biriydi3. Fizik yapısı itibarıyla bu coğrafyaya en uygun olanıydı. Zira o sadece tozlu ve çamurlu yolları aşma becerisine sahip olmakla kalmaz, onun dağları, ovaları, dereleri, ırmakları da aşıp gitme yeteneği yanında amfibikliğe varan me ziyet ve özellikleri de vardır. Yani gerekirse kısa menzilli de olsa yüzebilir, sırtın da fedakârca taşıdığı efendisini sağ salim karşı yakaya ulaştırırdı. O, daha yakın zamana kadar savaş alanlarının tankıydı. Troya savaşlarında, Kades'te, İssos'ta, Haçlı Seferlerinde, Malazgirt'te, Mohaç'ta, Sakarya ve Dumlupınar'da hep onu görürüz ve sadece o, kazanılan zaferlere imza atma şerefine sahiptir. Onun nalla rıyla çiğnemediği, toz duman kaldırmadığı savaş meydanı yoktur! Boşuna "Atın değiştirdiği şeylerden biri de insanların savaş teknikleriydi. İşin doğrusu, bildi ğimiz savaşın mucidi, zaten atın ta kendisiydi" denmemişti! (Chamberlin, 2007, s. 90). Koskoca cihan imparatorluklarını yıldırım hızıyla kuran da aynı hızla, hatta belki de daha da çabuk yıkan da odur.
Papers by Ahmet ÜNAL
Hittite studies have a special significance in Turkey, because the Hittites set up their state and lived some 3500 years ago on the Anatolian soil. This exhaustive dictionary comes up to an urgent need for the Turkish readers from all kinds of levels. The enhanced and enlarged introduction gives an overview on the structure of the Hittite language, its linguistic development, its discovery and decipherment, and scope of themes it covers. The introduction supplies also with the basic information on the stand of lexicographic studies of Hittite in the word and in Turkey and justifies on the face of lack the complete dictionaries and other reference books, the publication of this work. There are many unique aspects in this dictionary. First of all, its complete coverage of entire Hittite vocabulary, consisting of ca. 12.000 entities. Then, addition of Turkish-Hittite section, which facilitates direct access to the lexical fields of the language. Addition of word lists of other Anatolian languages is certainly another important innovation.
Hittite studies have a special significance in Turkey, because the Hittites set up their state and lived some 3500 years ago on the Anatolian soil. This exhaustive dictionary comes up to an urgent need for the Turkish readers from all kinds of levels. The enhanced and enlarged introduction gives an overview on the structure of the Hittite language, its linguistic development, its discovery and decipherment, and scope of themes it covers. The introduction supplies also with the basic information on the stand of lexicographic studies of Hittite in the word and in Turkey and justifies on the face of lack the complete dictionaries and other reference books, the publication of this work. There are many unique aspects in this dictionary. First of all, its complete coverage of entire Hittite vocabulary, consisting of ca. 12.000 entities. Then, addition of Turkish-Hittite section, which facilitates direct access to the lexical fields of the language. Addition of word lists of other Anatolian languages is certainly another important innovation.
Hittite studies have a special significance in Turkey, because the Hittites set up their state and lived some 3500 years ago on the Anatolian soil. This exhaustive dictionary comes up to an urgent need for the Turkish readers from all kinds of levels. The enhanced and enlarged introduction gives an overview on the structure of the Hittite language, its linguistic development, its discovery and decipherment, and scope of themes it covers. The introduction supplies also with the basic information on the stand of lexicographic studies of Hittite in the word and in Turkey and justifies on the face of lack the complete dictionaries and other reference books, the publication of this work. There are many unique aspects in this dictionary. First of all, its complete coverage of entire Hittite vocabulary, consisting of ca. 12.000 entities. Then, addition of Turkish-Hittite section, which facilitates direct access to the lexical fields of the language. Addition of word lists of other Anatolian languages is certainly another important innovation.
Hittite studies have a special significance in Turkey, because the Hittites set up their state and lived some 3500 years ago on the Anatolian soil. This exhaustive dictionary comes up to an urgent need for the Turkish readers from all kinds of levels. The enhanced and enlarged introduction gives an overview on the structure of the Hittite language, its linguistic development, its discovery and decipherment, and scope of themes it covers. The introduction supplies also with the basic information on the stand of lexicographic studies of Hittite in the word and in Turkey and justifies on the face of lack the complete dictionaries and other reference books, the publication of this work. There are many unique aspects in this dictionary. First of all, its complete coverage of entire Hittite vocabulary, consisting of ca. 12.000 entities. Then, addition of Turkish-Hittite section, which facilitates direct access to the lexical fields of the language. Addition of word lists of other Anatolian languages is certainly another important innovation.
Hittite studies have a special significance in Turkey, because the Hittites set up their state and lived some 3500 years ago on the Anatolian soil. This exhaustive dictionary comes up to an urgent need for the Turkish readers from all kinds of levels. The enhanced and enlarged introduction gives an overview on the structure of the Hittite language, its linguistic development, its discovery and decipherment, and scope of themes it covers. The introduction supplies also with the basic information on the stand of lexicographic studies of Hittite in the word and in Turkey and justifies on the face of lack the complete dictionaries and other reference books, the publication of this work. There are many unique aspects in this dictionary. First of all, its complete coverage of entire Hittite vocabulary, consisting of ca. 12.000 entities. Then, addition of Turkish-Hittite section, which facilitates direct access to the lexical fields of the language. Addition of word lists of other Anatolian languages is certainly another important innovation.