Papers by Magdalena Merlos
en su configuración actual, es una manzana de enormes dimensiones en el corazón de la ciudad (fig... more en su configuración actual, es una manzana de enormes dimensiones en el corazón de la ciudad (fig. l). Arquitectónicamente es el resultado, a lo largo de los siglos, de la sucesiva adición de solares y espacios adyacentes de diversa procedencia, a partir de un núcleo originario ( ).
The perception of Aranjuez in the 18th century is analysed through a drawing album made by the Br... more The perception of Aranjuez in the 18th century is analysed through a drawing album made by the British ambassador in Spain, Lord Grantham, dated in 1779 and guarded in the British Museum (London). The album is related to the author’s biography and relationships, with travellers’ testimonies and contemporary images, with special reference to Henry Swinburne. The analysis is set in the historical and geographic framework of the Real Sitio (Aranjuez).
The perception of Aranjuez in the 18th century is analysed through a drawing album made by the Br... more The perception of Aranjuez in the 18th century is analysed through a drawing album made by the British ambassador in Spain, Lord Grantham, dated in 1779 and guarded in the British Museum (London). The album is related to the author’s biography and relationships, with travellers’ testimonies and contemporary images, with special reference to Henry Swinburne. The analysis is set in the historical and geographic framework of the Real Sitio (Aranjuez).

Se estudia la imagen de Aranjuez y el proceso de conformación del mito romántico sobre el sustrat... more Se estudia la imagen de Aranjuez y el proceso de conformación del mito romántico sobre el sustrato clásico del lugar. Se parte del conocimiento previo de la identidad de Aranjuez (hechos creativo y recreativo), como base sobre la que investigar los hechos perceptivos, interpretativos, divulgativos e inspiradores. El periodo cronológico que abarca el estudio se corresponde con el proceso de formación de la identidad de Aranjuez desde su concepto inicial en el siglo XVI, hasta los años finales del siglo XIX. Se emplean la pintura, las artes gráficas y la literatura como fuentes documentales. Sobre estas manifestaciones culturales, no sólo se trazará el proceso de formación del mito, también se definirán las constantes de Aranjuez, los valores sobre los que se construye y difunde. Se constata la capacidad de Aranjuez, como obra de arte y escenario para el arte, de convertirse en tema artístico. Se confirma la complementariedad e indisolubilidad que existe entre lo visto y lo escrito. Asimismo se establece la correspondencia entre la imagen de Aranjuez y el concepto de paisaje a lo largo de la historia, que culmina en su definición actual como paisaje cultural.
Aranjuez Cultural Landscape was declared a World Heritage Site in 2001. We analize the process of... more Aranjuez Cultural Landscape was declared a World Heritage Site in 2001. We analize the process of nomination and declaration the definition of cultural landscape and the lines established for the management, conservation and protection of the property.
The methodology used for the study of the image of Aranjuez Cultural Landscape World Heritage sin... more The methodology used for the study of the image of Aranjuez Cultural Landscape World Heritage since 2001 is presented, beyond the stereotype of the garden and the courtesan town. There are mentions of the latest contributions about an unusual topic in the historiography of History of Art such as the perception and interpretation of a heritage site over the centuries, on one hand, and its conceptualization as artistic topic - work of art that inspires art and literature- on the other. Finally, some actions of educational nature based on a comprehensive vision and interpretation of Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, as part of the strategies of information and knowledge management are shown.
The Aranjuez Cultural Landscape management requires the development of a comprehensive plan, task... more The Aranjuez Cultural Landscape management requires the development of a comprehensive plan, task undertaken by the city of Aranjuez. Its structure and content are explained through the study of the concept of cultural landscape, combined works of nature and humankind that express a long and intimate relationship between peoples and their natural environment. The Plan is a proposed cultural landscape management, and an approach to knowledge and managing environmental landscapes. Objectives, methodology, communication, analysis and management strategy are the most singular and innovative sections.
Papers by Magdalena Merlos