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Quarterback & Team Manager
Hiruma Youichi x Anezaki Mamori OTP Fanpag
Bullet-in Board

Welcome to the Hiruma x Mamori lj community! We're here to support the relationship between the quarterback and team manager of Deimon Devilbats, whether it be platonic or romantic.

Announcements: Our current community fan banner has been created by mayura_4_loki!

14th-Sep-2019 06:56 pm - Fanfic #2: Coward

Hi all, my second HiruMamo entry is here. I suddenly realized I can just provide the link to the one I have uploaded in FFN. Hope this works right. It's my first time trying.

10th-Sep-2019 02:35 pm - At the Rooftop

Author: DeviDale / HiruMamo2019

Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 is NOT and will never be mine. If it was, HiruMamo would have been shown to have gotten married and had lots of children. lol

Pairing: HiruMamo of course!

Rating: K+

Warning: Hiruma’s foul language and weird habits

Summary: After the Christmas Bowl and the Japan High School All-stars draw with the American team; Hiruma Youichi, Anezaki Mamori, and the other former 2nd year Devil Bat members retired and are now in their 3rd year in Deimon Private High School. This story gives a peek at the daily life of the former manager and former team captain.

Note: This fanfic is set during the third year of Hiruma and Mamori in Deimon Private High School.

This is my entry gift to all ES21 fans especially to HiruMamo lovers. And FYI, I don't even know how to use LJ properly so I'm just gonna post here anyway. This was written on June 24 but I didn’t have the time to upload so I’m doing it now. My apologies. More HiruMamo soon.

Mamori was with Hiruma in their usual spot at the rooftop. That spot was Hiruma’s personal favourite in Deimon High because he can see everything that’s happening around the school. It had been his habit to stay up there for years and for some reason, someone had followed suit. He recalled the first time she went there months ago.

Hiruma’s first question when he saw Mamori open the door leading to the rooftop was, “what the heck are you doing here fucking manager?” and he just continued to fiddle with his laptop.

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10th-Sep-2019 02:24 pm - New Member

Hi everyone! I am Devi Dale and I call myself a HiruMamo Fanatic. Lol. As such, this account is mostly devoted to HiruMamo fluff.

Honestly, I am new to both the Eyeshield 21 anime and the manga and I regret that very much. I wish I stumbled upon this wonderful masterpiece while it was still in-the-making so I could have participated in the fics writing contests and the like. After watching the anime (in the span of 3 days lol) and reading the manga (in a week, haha) last May, I became so attached with it. I can't get over the fact that even though there was so little Hirumamo fluff showed; and was mostly implied, I ship them so hard that I have been imagining too many Hirumamo scenes in my mind that I cannot sleep at night. So I have decided to write some HiruMamo fanfics to satisfy my fantasies and my fellow HiruMamo fans.

I'm on the process of writing fanfics and I have already done about several pages (since I'm the obsessive type lol). Hope there are still people like me who loves Eyeshield 21 esp. Hirumamo and are still willing to read.

3rd-Mar-2019 05:11 pm - Where are the Hirumamo Shippers?

Well... I'm posting this with the hope of seeing the fandom reviving. Eyeshield 21 is one of the coolest mangas ever but, as time goes by more and more people seem to forget about it.  I understand that life gets hard and most of the time it's difficult to keep on writing or drawing about something that we've read probably 10 years ago(I'm guilty of that too) , but it still makes me sad to see no only the ES21 fandom but the couple dying aswell. I'll have my fingers crossed, maybe this 2019 we can conquer the wolrd? LOL  wel... now I'm rambling 

18th-Dec-2015 12:33 pm - Why girls like Eyeshield 21!!
sea witch
I found this on the Fetish Fuel Wiki, it is an excellent essay on 'Why girls like Eyeshield 21', and what it says about Hiruma and Mamori is spot on!!

Eyeshield21 provides a fair amount of fetish fuel.
Simply the standard football uniforms would be enough to be fetish for many people, between the tight pants and the loaded concept of football and football players in America.
Ditto the above for the series' cheerleaders.
And speaking of cheerleaders — if the busty sort isn't your bag of tea, the show also gives us Suzuna.
If you're a chubby chaser, then Kurita — large, powerful, yet sweet-natured — will be very relevant to your interests.
And for the discerning reader interested in very buff men, this show is a goldmine and Gaoh is a dream come true.
The fact that the series shows off every type of male body possible and the very distinctive faces dives the series quite a lot variety in the fetish fuel department. Whether it's cute shotaro boys, waif-ish bishonen, or outright buff GAR types, the series knows how to appeal to a female audience. The series also has no problem showing male characters in various states of undress, whether it's necessary or not.
And the ridiculous amount of detail the artist spends on every little muscle in the male body. As well as ass shots. And crotch shots. Oh lord, the crotch shots. Really, this series is like a Panty Fighterfor women at times.
Hiruma very much enjoys using a combination of blackmail, favors, threats, and manipulation to make people his slaves — and yes, he does refer to them like that. If you don't think that that's fuel for the BDSM crowd, not even a remedial course in the Rules of the Internet could save you.
He waves that gun around a lot too. Hell, even his... unique... character design, the ears, the fangs, the really long, tapered fingers (not claws like in the anime) and the many panels where he's just about to put that stick of gum in his mouth...
just... every single male character and many females. One can't help but wonder if each character was meant to appeal to a different fetish. First lets start with the Devilbats...
Sena: Adorkable, cute shotaro boy, cowardly lion and has AMAZING legs.
Monta: Dedicated, loyal, hot blooded monkey-boy who's VERY good with his feet.
Hiruma: Lanky, punkish, pierced, bishonen, VERY long, creamy skin, sharp features, sharp teeth, fangs, elf-like ears, agile fingers, mischievous, ultra-intellegent, sadistic, makes people his "slaves", and has no problem stripping people and taking pictures.
Kurita: Innocent, cute, appeals to fat and inflation fetishists, a very lovable gentle giant, a total badass on the field, and a lover of hugs.
Ha-Ha Brothers: Three fun-loving bad boys who do EVERYTHING together. Individually, Juumonji is intelligent, ruggedly handsome, and a has a cool scar, Kuroki is hotblooded, has full lips, silky hair, and long eyelashes, and Toganou is a ladiback artist with angular features, cool shades, and nice cheek bones.
Taki: Flexible, bold, classically handsome, tall, silky hair, and a tendency to rip open his shirt.
As for the female characters, there's Mamori: tall, slim, busty, long-legged, blue-eyed half-American with a sweet and motherly yet fiercely protective, tough and dedicated personality. Plus her love-hate relationship with Hiruma is a huge bonus. Energetic, petite and small-chested Suzuna and her relationship with Sena is also very loveable.

Please go read the whole article (the link is above), it is the perfect reading for anyone who ships virtually every fandom and kink going!! Plus I almost peed myself laughing at a couple of comments... XD
17th-Dec-2015 10:57 am - New devotee
Bite My Sexy Arse
I can't believe that I have only just found this fandom, but it's the gods honest truth!!

At the moment I've only watched the anime up until episode 88, which is where they are in the plane about to go to the Cream Puff cup, but I will be reading the manga over Christmas probably.

Anyway I usually go for slash pairings, however there are exceptions, and Mamori and Hiruma are a big HELL YEAH!! or maybe I should say YA HA!! XD

It's a shame that this fandom has gone fairly quiet, but there is still that 1% of winning, or in other words it's not totally dead, and I intend posting stuff, if fact I'm half way through writing a Hiruma POV explicit story, called Fucking Manager, the first story in a series called The Bet, and will include a Mamori POV called Demon Quarterback, and a conclusion called Gotta Lose to Win, with maybe some stories in between which I will post on AO3.

Anyway see you all soon.
20th-Apr-2015 10:33 pm - New member
I read Eyeshield 21 all over again and I remember that I love HirumaxMamori, but sadly we can say that the fandom is almost dead... I'm truly sad, because I want to obtain Midnight rose, but is only with password and the person haven't post anything like in 7 months, so I am sad and desperate, plus the only fanfiction I have read of Hirumamo that is well done without that cheap smut that looks that was writting by some virgen horny teenager was not completed, so I kinda in a fuck you world situation.
Hey all

I don't know if anyones still active but I found something extremely interesting. Here's an excerpt from Inagaki's interview at Otakon Vegas 2014:

Q: Are Hiruma and Mamori involved romantically, either by the series' end or eventually? (guess who asked this one).
A: [He was kind of vague with this one...I think either he didn't quite understand my question entirely or he was reluctant to give an exact answer, because of potential backlash from publisher/fans/etc.] Hiruma and Mamori? Well, they do make a great combination [as in they work well together and complement each other], but if you're talking about love, it's not that type of relationship... But they probably do "get together."

Wait what DOES THAT MEAN? He's understandably hesitant to give an official word on its canonity but WHAT???

28th-Nov-2013 03:36 am - [Oneshot] Poker Face
Title: Poker Face
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimers: I do not own any characters or Eyeshield 21. They belong to their respective owners.
Summary: Poker — hell, life, had taught him that when confronted with conflicting emotions or an unwanted situation, the best thing to do was bluff your way out of it.

Excerpt: They were three blocks away from their hotel when Hiruma noticed he was still holding her hand. It felt soft and warm against his. It was a nice feeling, and maybe he would have continued to hold her hand if he hadn't become frighteningly conscious of it. He let go of her hand abruptly and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

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